INPUTS(I) These are elements used to collect and adapt the signal received
from the outside
OUTPUTS(O) These are elements used to send outside signals with which the
plc operates in its environment
MARKS(M) These are elements capable of memorizing information regarding the
internal status of the plc, acting like an internal relay
REGISTERS(R) These are elements which allow a numerical variable or discrete
variable status to be memorized
TIMERS(T) These are elements which alter their output for a specific time
(Time constant)
COUNTERS(C) These are elements capable of counting up or down a specific
number of events
They supply information to the PLC from signals received from the outside
world. The inputs are referenced by indicating the letter I and its number,
ex I01. The maximum inputs that the CNC can have is 256 inputs, depending
on the configuration.
PLC sends information outside through its outputs. They allow the PLC
to turn on/off different devices. The maximum outputs that the CNC can
have is 256 outputs depending on the configuration. With the Axes module
only, there are 24 outputs. The outputs are referenced by indicating the
letter O and its number, ex O16
A mark, or internal relay, is a memory in which the information defined
by the user is retained. Each mark stores a bit or logic state
Marks are referenced by indicating letter M and its number
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ User marks M1 - M2000
Arithmetic flag marks M2001 - M2008
Clock marks M2009 - M2024
Fixed status marks M2046 & M2047
Marks associated with messages M4000 - M4127
Marks associated with errors M4500 - M4563
Screen marks M4700 - M4955
CNC communication marks M5000 - M5957

They allow a numerical value to stored in 32 bits or aid in CNC-PLC
communications with logic CNC inputs - outputs Their value will be
stored in memory even when the system is turned off unless erased in
the initial cycle. This is encouraged unless there is a specific register
value you want to remember. They are represented by the letter R and
there are 256 user registers and other special registers. It is also possible
to reference a bit of a register. eg. B3 R200 (bit 3 of register 200)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User registers R1 - R256
Special registers R500 - R559
A Timer is resource capable of maintaining its output at a specific logic
level during a pre-selected time, after which the output changes its status
TEN:ENABLE INPUT In order for the timer to count time, the TEN INPUT must be at a logic level
of “1”.
TRS:RESET INPUT When there is a transition from logic level “0” to “1”, the T status sets to
“0” as well as th elapsed time t an the timing stops, if it was running.
The triggering is originated by a change of the logic state of any of these
inputs from “0” to “1” depending on the selected input
ex. TG1 20 100 Indicates the trigger input1 of timer 20 with a time constant of 1 second
TG4 32 R40 Indicates the trigger input4 of the timer 32 with a time constant equal to
the value stored in register 40, in hundredths of a second.
This OUTPUT indicates the logic state of the timer.
16 bit binary output indicates the elapsed time within the timer.
can only be used in arithmetic and comparison operations
ex. CPU T1 GT 1000 This expression will check(cpu) whether the time elapsed in t1 is greater
(GT) 1000 hundredths of a second (10 seconds)
MONOSTABLE The timer generates a pulse whose width is determined by the time constant
ACTIVATION DELAY This mode allows the creation of a delay from the time the trigger input TG2
is activated to the time the output T of the timer is activated.
eg. I2 = TG1 T1 5000
T1 = O2
when input 2 is turned on, O2 will be on for 5 seconds.
DEACTIVAT. DELAY This mode allows to create a delay from th time TG3 is deactivated to the time
output T of the timer is deactivated.