EXFO iOLM User Manual

intelligent Optical Link Mapper
User Guide
Copyright © 2011–2015 EXFO Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, be it electronically, mechanically, or by any other means such as photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of EXFO Inc. (EXFO).
Information provided by EXFO is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by EXFO for its use nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of EXFO.
EXFO’s Commerce And Government Entities (CAGE) code under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is 0L8C3.
The information contained in this publication is subject to change without notice.
EXFO’s trademarks have been identified as such. However, the presence or absence of such identification does not affect the legal status of any trademark.
Units of Measurement
Units of measurement in this publication conform to SI standards and practices.
Feature(s) of this product is/are protected by one or more of US patent 6,612,750; and US patent 8,576,389 and equivalent patents pending and/or granted in other countries.
Version number:
ii iOLM
Certification Information ....................................................................................................... vi
1 Introducing the intelligent Optical Link Mapper ....................................... 1
Principles of Operation ...........................................................................................................5
Exporting Data to Other Formats ............................................................................................5
Performing Multimode Measurements ...................................................................................6
Launch, Receive, and Loop Fiber .............................................................................................7
Software Options ..................................................................................................................10
Conventions ..........................................................................................................................11
2 Safety Information ..................................................................................... 13
Laser Safety Information (Units Without a VFL) ....................................................................14
Laser Safety Information (Units With a VFL) ..........................................................................16
3 Getting Started with Your iOLM ................................................................ 17
Main Window .......................................................................................................................17
Status Bar .............................................................................................................................18
4 Preparing your iOLM for a Test ................................................................. 19
Cleaning and Connecting Optical Fibers ...............................................................................19
Installing the EXFO Universal Interface (EUI) .........................................................................21
5 Setting User Preferences ............................................................................ 23
Defining General Settings .....................................................................................................23
Defining Measurement Identification ...................................................................................26
Customizing the File Name ...................................................................................................28
Naming iOLM Files Automatically .........................................................................................33
Customizing the iOLM Report ...............................................................................................37
Customizing the Optical Power Meter ..................................................................................40
Configuring your iOLM .........................................................................................................42
6 Managing Test Configurations .................................................................. 45
Selecting a Test Configuration ..............................................................................................45
Impacts of Test Configurations .............................................................................................48
Creating a Test Configuration ...............................................................................................49
Modifying a Test Configuration ............................................................................................51
Importing or Exporting a Test Configuration ........................................................................81
intelligent Optical Link Mapper iii
7 Starting an Acquisition ...............................................................................87
Starting an iOLM Acquisition ................................................................................................87
Starting a Single-Wavelength Acquisition .............................................................................88
Starting a Multiple-Wavelength Acquisition ..........................................................................90
Stopping an Acquisition .......................................................................................................92
8 Understanding Diagnostics ........................................................................93
9 Using the Inline Power Meter (Optional on Some Models) ......................95
Understanding the Inline Power Meter .................................................................................95
Performing a Power Meter Acquisition .................................................................................97
Saving the Power Level .........................................................................................................98
iOLM Acquisition with Power Meter ...................................................................................100
10 Using the OTDR as a Source (Optional on Some Models) .......................103
11 Starting the OTDR Application .................................................................107
12 Managing Results .....................................................................................109
Link View ............................................................................................................................109
Viewing Element and Section Details ..................................................................................121
Managing Elements and Analyzing Links (Optional, iOLM EXpert and Loopback Modes) ...125
Measurement Information ..................................................................................................134
13 Managing Files ..........................................................................................137
Opening iOLM Files .............................................................................................................137
Saving iOLM Files ................................................................................................................139
Exporting OTDR Bellcore Files .............................................................................................142
Generating a Report ...........................................................................................................145
14 Maintenance ..............................................................................................149
Cleaning EUI Connectors ....................................................................................................149
Recalibrating the Unit .........................................................................................................152
Recycling and Disposal (Applies to European Union Only) ..................................................153
15 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................155
Viewing Online Documentation ..........................................................................................155
Contacting the Technical Support Group ............................................................................156
Viewing Information About the Product .............................................................................157
Transportation ....................................................................................................................158
iv iOLM
16 Warranty ................................................................................................... 159
General Information ...........................................................................................................159
Liability ...............................................................................................................................160
Exclusions ...........................................................................................................................161
Certification ........................................................................................................................161
Service and Repairs .............................................................................................................162
EXFO Service Centers Worldwide ........................................................................................163
A Technical Specifications ........................................................................... 165
FTB-720 ..............................................................................................................................165
FTB-720G ............................................................................................................................166
FTB-730 ..............................................................................................................................167
FTB-730G ............................................................................................................................168
FTB-7300E ..........................................................................................................................169
FTB-7400E ..........................................................................................................................170
MAX-715B ..........................................................................................................................171
MAX-720B ..........................................................................................................................172
MAX-730B ..........................................................................................................................173
Index .............................................................................................................. 175
intelligent Optical Link Mapper v

Certification Information

Certification Information
North America Regulatory Statement
This unit was certified by an agency approved in both Canada and the United States of America. It has been evaluated according to applicable North American approved standards for product safety for use in Canada and the United States.
Electronic test and measurement equipment is exempt from FCC part 15, subpart B compliance in the United States of America and from ICES-003 compliance in Canada. However, EXFO Inc. makes reasonable efforts to ensure compliance to the applicable standards.
The limits set by these standards are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the user guide, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
European Community Declaration of Conformity
An electronic version of the declaration of conformity for your product is available on our website at www.exfo.com. Refer to the product’s page on the Web site for details.
vi iOLM
1 Introducing the intelligent
Optical Link Mapper
The intelligent Optical Link Mapper (iOLM) is an optimized application for access/FTTx network characterization. Depending on the iOLM module configuration, the application can be used before and after network activation.
The iOLM module can be equipped optionally with an inline power meter. The power meter is called inline because the acquisition is done using the SM live port used for iOLM measurements. Optionally, you can measure the power levels for two wavelengths in a single acquisition, if two wavelengths are used for testing.
Note: Your screen display may differ slightly from the figures in this user
documentation depending on the platform you are using.
Note: Depending on the model and options you have purchased, some features
may not be available.
Note: In this documentation, the words “tap” and “double-tap” (related to the
use of a touchscreen) replace the words “click” and “double-click”.
intelligent Optical Link Mapper 1
Introducing the intelligent Optical Link Mapper
OTDR port (singlemode)
OTDR port (singlemode live and On-line power meter)
Active LED
(ON when laser is emitting)
FTB-720 / FTB-720G / FTB-720G+ for FTB-1
FTB-730 / FTB-730G / FTB-730G+ for FTB-1
OTDR port (singlemode)
OTDR port (multimode)
Active LED
(ON when laser is emitting)
OTDR port (singlemode live)
2 iOLM
Introducing the intelligent Optical Link Mapper
Visual fault locator (VFL) port
OTDR port (singlemode)
Singlemode and singlemode live models
OTDR port (for live-fiber testing)
FTB-7000 Series for FTB-2, FTB-200V2 and FTB-500
intelligent Optical Link Mapper 3
Introducing the intelligent Optical Link Mapper
OTDR port (singlemode live)
OTDR port (singlemode)
Active LED
(on when laser is emitting)
MAX-700B Series
4 iOLM
Introducing the intelligent Optical Link Mapper

Principles of Operation

Principles of Operation
The iOLM application uses the hardware of an EXFO OTDR to perform acquisitions and characterize the various elements detected on the probed link. However, while a regular OTDR takes one averaged trace at a time, with one given set of test parameters, the iOLM takes a series of measurements and integrates them into a simple and intuitive Link View.
The test parameters for each sub-measurement are determined by smart algorithms during the measurement. Just as each link is different, each iOLM measurement is different, with its own set of test parameters according to the link length, loss, and ORL. Test time varies depending on the link tested, but is mostly influenced by total link loss. The application uses information from all sub-measurements to enhance the characterization of each element found on the link, yielding accurate and complete results. Depending on the module configuration, you can perform a single or multiple-wavelength acquisition. In the latter case, results will be provided for each wavelength, and a global pass/fail status for each element is displayed.
The application summarizes the results in a linear representation of the link, displaying each element with its associated position, loss and reflectance, as well as the element type.

Exporting Data to Other Formats

The iOLM application can generate report in various formats and allow batch post-processing of the measurement. The test configuration files can be created from FastReporter and imported on each test unit.
intelligent Optical Link Mapper 5
Introducing the intelligent Optical Link Mapper

Performing Multimode Measurements

Performing Multimode Measurements
If your module supports multimode measurements, it can test both
62.5 m and 50 m fibers. The internal multimode fiber for an EXFO OTDR is 62.5 μm.
When a 62.5 μm fiber is connected, the loss at the connector can be
correctly characterized just like in the case of a singlemode fiber. It is then simple to evaluate a pass/fail criterion in this case.
When a 50 μm fiber is connected, the loss at the connector depends
on many factors:
the connector loss itself
the 62.5 m to 50 μm core fiber difference
the RBS difference between 50 m and 62.5 μm fibers
The measured loss between the OTDR connector and the fiber is typically around 3.3 dB.
With 50 μm fibers, since the connector loss measurement at the OTDR is imprecise because of major other factors, the iOLM excludes the first connector from the link rather than providing inaccurate information.
With a launch fiber, the connector at link start (connector A) is “On-Link”.
When characterizing a multimode link or a singlemode fiber, launch fibers are recommended. In multimode, the launch and receive fibers must have the same core size as the link under test. Using an unfitting launch or receive fiber would lead to inaccurate results.
The use of an external EF-compliant device such as the SPSB-EF-C30 will ensure a fast and easy way to get accurate loss measurements. For more information about encircled flux compliance, refer to the encircled flux test solution specification sheet.
6 iOLM
Introducing the intelligent Optical Link Mapper

Launch, Receive, and Loop Fiber

Launch, Receive, and Loop Fiber
Unlike a traditional OTDR, the iOLM requires only a short launch fiber (>50 m) to benefit from all the advantages of this referencing method, regardless of the link length and loss. A launch fiber longer than 200 m is not recommended when testing PON links. Because the output port of an OTDR may degrade its loss and ORL performances after multiple connections, the use of a launch cable is always recommended.
The first element of the tested link is tagged with the letter (A) into the link view. A launch cable allows you to properly characterize the first connector of the fiber link under test (A) and exclude the OTDR connector's wear from the link evaluation. A reasonable amount of degradation of the OTDR connector is acceptable when using an APC interface; the ORL remains low due to the angle polish, preventing poor near-end resolution. By using a launch fiber, the OTDR connector loss is excluded from the measurement. The iOLM evaluates the OTDR connector loss each time a measurement is performed to inform you about the condition of the connector. It is important to understand that excessive loss at this connector will eventually degrade the measurement capabilities of the instrument. In addition, using a launch cable will help protect your OTDR connector by limiting the number of connections performed directly on that connector. It is easier to repair or replace a launch cable than to replace the OTDR connector.
The last element of the tested link is tagged with the letter (B) into the link view. A receive fiber cable can be used at the end of the link opposite the test module in order to characterize the last connector of the link (B) and increase the precision of the total insertion loss result by comparing differential level of two known fibers (to avoid errors due to different backscatter coefficients of the fiber used in the link). If no receive cable is used, the iOLM application will be able to measure the position and ORL of this connector in unmatched condition, but not its loss. No pass/fail status will be displayed for that connector. The required length of the receive fiber will depend on the loss of the link under test. A higher loss requires a longer pulse to reach the receive fiber level. Unlike the launch fiber, the
intelligent Optical Link Mapper 7
Introducing the intelligent Optical Link Mapper
Launch, Receive, and Loop Fiber
receive fiber has the same limitations than that of a traditional OTDR. Test of a 1 km fiber span with less than 2 dB of loss will require only 100 m of receive fiber. Testing a 23 dB PON link will require a receive fiber of 500 m to 2 km, depending on the fiber length after each splitter.
The iOLM application allows you to manually set the lengths of both your launch and receive cables. In addition, it is possible to automatically measure the launch or receive cables. When carrying out the calibration, the application will perform a fast measurement and evaluate length of the fiber. For this reason, only the cable under test must be connected to the module when performing a calibration.
If link elements are found on the fiber under calibration or if the OTDR connector is defective, the calibration will fail and a warning is displayed to explain the reason for the failure. A short patchcord (<5 m) is accepted between the instrument and the fiber under calibration and will be included in the calibrated length. If the calibration is successful, the launch or receive fiber length will be updated in the Test Parameters tab.
When performing a measurement, the iOLM will try to match the defined launch and receive fibers with elements found on the link to set the A and B connector positions. If no events are found at specified distances because of a “perfect” connection between link and launch or receive fibers, the iOLM will insert an element at a specified position (with zero loss and ORL).
8 iOLM
Introducing the intelligent Optical Link Mapper
Launch, Receive, and Loop Fiber
The loopback measurement is designed to test duplex cables.
In a loopback measurement, one end of the first fiber is connected to the iOLM through a launch fiber, while the other end is connected to the second fiber using a fiber called a loop. Usually, a receive fiber is used on the proximal end of the second fiber. The loop fiber can be viewed as a receive fiber for the first fiber (the one the iOLM is connected to) and a launch fiber for the second fiber.
The loopback process performs one single acquisition for both fibers, then automatically splits the result, providing independent measurements for both fibers in the duplex cable.
The automatic split of the initial measurement can only be performed if the length of the launch, loop and receive fibers are properly specified in the application.
See Configuring your iOLM on page 42 for more details.
intelligent Optical Link Mapper 9
Introducing the intelligent Optical Link Mapper

Software Options

Software Options
Software options are offered with your unit.
The iOLM software option gives you access to the iOLM application.
The iCERT software option gives you access to the certification
configuration files, which give you a pass/fail status based on industry standards. This pass/fail status is ensured by the fact that thresholds are not editable.
The iEX (iOLM EXpert) software option activates edition of links and
custom elements, 2:N splitters, and link reanalysis.
The Loopback (LB) software option allows you to perform iOLM
loopback measurements. This type of measurement loops two fibers together at one end to test both fibers at once.
The Source (SRC) software option allows you to use your iOLM as a
source. This option is already included on all platforms. However, on MAX-700B platforms, the option is available for purchase.
10 iOLM
Introducing the intelligent Optical Link Mapper


Before using the product described in this guide, you should understand the following conventions:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Do not proceed unless you understand and meet the required conditions.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. Do not proceed unless you understand and meet the required conditions.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in component damage. Do not proceed unless you understand and meet the required conditions.
Refers to information about this product you should not overlook.
intelligent Optical Link Mapper 11

2 Safety Information

Do not install or terminate fibers while a light source is active. Never look directly into a live fiber and ensure that your eyes are protected at all times.
The use of controls, adjustments and procedures, namely for operation and maintenance, other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure or impair the protection provided by this unit.
When you see the following symbol on your unit , make sure that you refer to the instructions provided in your user documentation. Ensure that you understand and meet the required conditions before using your product.
Other safety instructions relevant for your product are located throughout this documentation, depending on the action to perform. Make sure to read them carefully when they apply to your situation.
intelligent Optical Link Mapper 13
Safety Information
Affixed to module’s side or back panel

Laser Safety Information (Units Without a VFL)

Laser Safety Information (Units Without a VFL)
Your instrument is a Class 1M laser product in compliance with standards IEC 60825-1: 2007 and 21 CFR 1040.10, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated June 24, 2007. Invisible laser radiation may be encountered at the output port.
Viewing the laser output with certain optical instruments (for example, eye loupes, magnifiers, and microscopes) within a distance of 100 mm may pose an eye hazard.
The following label(s) indicate that the product contains a Class 1M source:
14 iOLM
Safety Information
Laser information of the VFL. Always refer to the user guide of the MaxTester Series for the exact information.
Laser information of the test instrument
MaxTester Series
The label is affixed to the back panel of the unit.
Laser Safety Information (Units Without a VFL)
intelligent Optical Link Mapper 15
Safety Information
Affixed to module’s or back side panel

Laser Safety Information (Units With a VFL)

Laser Safety Information (Units With a VFL)
Your instrument is a Class 3R laser product in compliance with standards IEC 60825-1: 2007 and 21 CFR 1040.10, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated June 24, 2007. Laser radiation is emitted at the output port. It is potentially harmful in direct intrabeam viewing.
The following label(s) indicate that the product contains a Class 3R source:
For more information on product safety and equipment ratings, refer to the user documentation of your platform.
All modules power consumption is below 10 W.
16 iOLM
3 Getting Started with Your
View Pane
Status Bar
Button Bar, including shortcuts to access the Open, Save and Configuration selection menus.
Ta bs
Note: Please refer to your platform's or unit’s user guide for detailed information
regarding inserting and removing test modules, and starting applications.
Note: In the case of the FTB-700G Series, you can run only one application at a
time, either NetBlazer or the iOLM application. To start the iOLM application, from Mini ToolBox, select the OTDR module, then tap the button corresponding to the desired application. To start the NetBlazer application, refer either to the Transport Application user guide or to the Ethernet/Packet Sync/FC/Wireless user guide for more information.
Note: Some features for this application are enabled when you purchase the
iOLM EXpert, RT and source options. For details on how to activate an option, refer to your platform’s or unit’s user guide.

Main Window

The main window allows you to start the acquisition and view measurement results and values.
intelligent Optical Link Mapper 17
Getting Started with Your iOLM
Name of the current loaded iOLM file. The loaded file name and the next file name turns into a progress bar during the acquisition.
Name of the current configuration file.

Status Bar

Status Bar
The status bar, located at the bottom of the main window, identifies the selected configuration file name in the application, acquisition wavelength (when an acquisition is in progress), and the acquisition progress bar of the iOLM. It also displays the next file name according to the autonaming scheme. For more information, see Naming iOLM Files Automatically on page 33.
Note: When an acquisition is not in progress, the file name of the file currently
present in memory is displayed.
18 iOLM

4 Preparing your iOLM for a Test

Cleaning and Connecting Optical Fibers

To ensure maximum power and to avoid erroneous readings:
Always inspect fiber ends and make sure that they are clean as
explained below before inserting them into the port. EXFO is not responsible for damage or errors caused by bad fiber cleaning or handling.
Ensure that your patchcord has appropriate connectors. Joining
mismatched connectors will damage the ferrules.
To connect the fiber-optic cable to the port:
1. Inspect the fiber using a fiber inspection microscope. If the fiber is
clean, proceed to connecting it to the port. If the fiber is dirty, clean it as explained below.
2. Clean the fiber ends as follows:
2a. Gently wipe the fiber end with a lint-free swab dipped in isopropyl
2b. Use compressed air to dry completely.
2c. Visually inspect the fiber end to ensure its cleanliness.
intelligent Optical Link Mapper 19
Preparing your iOLM for a Test
Cleaning and Connecting Optical Fibers
3. Carefully align the connector and port to prevent the fiber end from touching the outside of the port or rubbing against other surfaces.
If your connector features a key, ensure that it is fully fitted into the port’s corresponding notch.
4. Push the connector in so that the fiber-optic cable is firmly in place, thus ensuring adequate contact.
If your connector features a screwsleeve, tighten the connector enough to firmly maintain the fiber in place. Do not overtighten, as this will damage the fiber and the port.
Note: If your fiber-optic cable is not properly aligned and/or connected, you will
notice heavy loss and reflection.
EXFO uses good quality connectors in compliance with EIA-455-21A standards.
To keep connectors clean and in good condition, EXFO strongly recommends inspecting them with a fiber inspection probe before connecting them. Failure to do so will result in permanent damage to the connectors and degradation in measurements.
20 iOLM
Preparing your iOLM for a Test
Green border indicates APC
2 3 4

Installing the EXFO Universal Interface (EUI)

Installing the EXFO Universal Interface (EUI)
The EUI fixed baseplate is available for connectors with angled (APC) polishing. A green border around the baseplate indicates that it is for APC-type connectors.
EXFO strongly recommends to only use APC module connectors.
To install an EUI connector adapter onto the EUI baseplate:
1. Hold the EUI connector adapter so the dust cap opens downwards.
2. Close the dust cap in order to hold the connector adapter more firmly.
3. Insert the connector adapter into the baseplate.
4. While pushing firmly, turn the connector adapter clockwise on the
baseplate to lock it in place.
intelligent Optical Link Mapper 21

5 Setting User Preferences

The User Preferences window allows you to set general settings, identification settings, and select the power meter mode.
Note: The preference settings are user specific.

Defining General Settings

The General tab allows you to enable/disable items such as sound, fiber section information, file functionalities, whether you save a report upon saving files and export the file to OTDR Bellcore (.sor) format, and set the distance unit for the application.
To set general settings:
1. From the Main Menu, tap User Preferences.
intelligent Optical Link Mapper 23
Setting User Preferences
Defining General Settings
2. Select the General tab.
3. Under the General tab, configure the following settings:
File Functionalities: If enabled, any user interface control related
to file functionalities (for example, Default path, Export OTDR bellcore file, Generate report on save, Open, Save, Filename, etc.) will be visible on the screen.
Note: If the File Functionalities option is disabled, the application does not notify
you with the warning message when files are saved. When File
Functionalities is disabled, the Default folder, Export OTDR Bellcore (.sor) file on save, and Generate Report options are also disabled.
File Save Path: Enter the location for saving the files. This path is
used to save the iOLM files and OTDR Bellcore (.sor) files after an acquisition.
Note: The default path provided by the operating system is used to save the files
the first time you start an acquisition.
24 iOLM
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