EXFO Inline Power Meter User Manual

Power Meter and VFL
User Guide
Copyright © 2010–2013 EXFO Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, be it electronically, mechanically, or by any other means such as photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of EXFO Inc. (EXFO).
Information provided by EXFO is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by EXFO for its use nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of EXFO.
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The information contained in this publication is subject to change without notice.
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Units of Measurement
Units of measurement in this publication conform to SI standards and practices.
Version number: 3.0.0
ii Power Meter and VFL
1 Introducing the Optional Power Meter and VFL ....................................... 1
Conventions ............................................................................................................................1
Safety Information ..................................................................................................................2
Certification Information ........................................................................................................2
2 Using the Optional Power Meters and VFL ................................................. 3
Nulling Offsets ........................................................................................................................4
Setting Thresholds and Correction Factors ..............................................................................5
Setting Reference Values on Your Power Meter ......................................................................9
Measuring Power or Insertion Loss .......................................................................................10
Saving Results Files ...............................................................................................................17
Opening Result Files .............................................................................................................18
Clearing Measurements from the Display .............................................................................19
Adding Information to Your Results ......................................................................................20
Generating Result Reports ...................................................................................................21
Identifying Fiber Faults Visually with the VFL ........................................................................23
3 Maintenance and Troubleshooting ........................................................... 25
Viewing Online Documentation ............................................................................................25
Installing a Unit You Have Purchased Separately ...................................................................25
Recalibrating the Unit ...........................................................................................................26
Contacting the Technical Support Group ..............................................................................28
Transportation ......................................................................................................................28
4 Warranty ..................................................................................................... 29
General Information .............................................................................................................29
Liability .................................................................................................................................30
Exclusions .............................................................................................................................31
Certification ..........................................................................................................................31
Service and Repairs ...............................................................................................................32
EXFO Service Centers Worldwide ..........................................................................................33
Index ................................................................................................................ 35
Power Meter and VFL iii
1 Introducing the Optional
Power Meter and VFL
Your unit can be equipped with an optical power meter to measure absolute power (dBm or W) or insertion loss (dB). The power meter can detect modulated signals (1 kHz, 2 kHz, 270 Hz and 330 Hz).
The built-in power meter can also include a visual fault locator (VFL) to inspect or identify fibers.


Before using the product described in this guide, you should understand the following conventions:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Do not proceed unless you understand and meet the required conditions.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. Do not proceed unless you understand and meet the required conditions.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in component damage. Do not proceed unless you understand and meet the required conditions.
Refers to information about this product you should not overlook.
Power Meter and VFL 1
Introducing the Optional Power Meter and VFL

Safety Information

Safety Information
The laser and electrical safety information pertaining to your unit is specific to the unit you are using. Please refer to the corresponding user documentation for more details.

Certification Information

The certification and declaration of conformity for your unit is specific to the unit you are using. Please refer to the corresponding user documentation for more details.
2 Power Meter and VFL
2 Using the Optional Power
Selected wavelength
To s w i t c h b e tw e e n
available power meter
To take a new reference
Measured power or insertion loss
To switch between dB, dBm
and W as measurement units
To store a reading to the Measurements window
To activate VFL and change VFL mode
To perform an offset
Meters and VFL
Note: If a feature is only available for one type of power meter, it is indicated
specifically in the corresponding title or instructions.
Note: Some buttons are not available when you first access the Power Meter
application, but will be available after you tap Add for the first time or after you open a file.
Below is a description of the Power Meter buttons and functions.
Power Meter and VFL 3
Using the Optional Power Meters and VFL

Nulling Offsets

Nulling Offsets
Temperature and humidity variations affect the performance of electronic circuits and optical detectors, which can offset measurement results. To compensate for this offset, the unit is equipped with an offset nulling function.
Your unit has been designed not to require offset nulling under normal operation, but you should perform it whenever environmental conditions change significantly or when measuring very low power values.
Light must not reach the detector when nulling offsets. Always use an EUI or protective screw cap. Do not use a soft rubber cover.
To perform an offset nulling:
1. Tighten the protective cap on the power meter port.
2. From the Instrument View tab, tap Offset Nulling.
The nulling process may take a moment, depending on the type of power meter you are using.
4 Power Meter and VFL
Using the Optional Power Meters and VFL

Setting Thresholds and Correction Factors

Setting Thresholds and Correction Factors
You can define thresholds to specify acceptable power or insertion loss values for each wavelength. Thresholds are usually supplied by system manufacturers and depend on the system deployed.
When the measurement status is “Pass”, the value is displayed in green in the Instrument View tab, on the Measurements list, and in reports.
When the measurement status is “Fail”, the value is displayed in white over a red background in the Instrument View tab, on the Measurements list and in reports.
Note: A power measurement (in dBm) will be considered as “Fail” when its value
is outside the defined absolute power threshold.
Note: An insertion loss measurement (in dB) will be considered as “Fail” when its
value is greater than the insertion loss threshold.
You must select the pass/fail status feature for the application to take into account the defined thresholds and display the appropriate status icons. By default, this feature is not selected.
Power Meter and VFL 5
Using the Optional Power Meters and VFL
Setting Thresholds and Correction Factors
You may apply a correction factor (CF) to measured power to compensate for inaccuracies or drifts. You should change the CF after performing an offset nulling.
Pow er
Pow er
= the corrected power value
= the measured power value
CF = the correction factor
For each favorite wavelength, the CF is set to 1.00 at the factory, but allowed values range between 0.85 and 1.15.
Note: Some other products express the CF in dB, so the CF would be added to
measured power.
If you revert to factory settings, you will erase all your thresholds and correction factors. The pass/fail status feature will be disabled automatically.
6 Power Meter and VFL
Using the Optional Power Meters and VFL
Setting Thresholds and Correction Factors
To set thresholds or correction factors:
1. From the Instrument View tab, tap Setup, then select the
Wavelengths and Thresholds tab.
2. Select Apply thresholds (Pass/Fail status) to apply the thresholds and display the relevant information in the Instrument View tab of the main window.
3. From the Wavelengths list, select the wavelength for which you want to set a threshold or a correction factor.
Power Meter and VFL 7
Using the Optional Power Meters and VFL
Correction factor for selected wavelength
To revert to default values
To m a k e t h e t h r e s ho l d active for selected wavelength
To select the units used for the absolute power value (has no effect on the measurement range)
Setting Thresholds and Correction Factors
4. Modify the thresholds or correction factor for the selected wavelength.
To apply these settings to all of the wavelengths in the list, tap Apply These Settings to All Wavelengths.
8 Power Meter and VFL
Using the Optional Power Meters and VFL

Setting Reference Values on Your Power Meter

Setting Reference Values on Your Power Meter
In Reference mode, your unit displays the loss created by the fiber under test only, since it subtracts a reference value from the measured power.
You can set a different reference value for each wavelength. A reference value remains in memory until a new one is stored at the same wavelength.
If the source and power meter you are using has auto-wavelength or auto-switching capacity, you can take the reference value automatically for each wavelength as well.
To set reference values to use in Reference mode:
1. Check your fibers and clean them properly.
2. Using the proper adapter and test jumpers, connect a light source to
your power meter.
3. From the Instrument View tab, select the wavelength in the list. Activate the source at the same wavelength.
If you want to use the auto-wavelength or auto-switching mode, enable it on the source, then select Auto in the wavelength list (for more information on the auto-wavelength or auto-switching mode, see Measuring Power or Insertion Loss on page 10).
4. Ta p Reference to save the current power value as the new reference. It will appear on the upper-right corner of the data display.
Power Meter and VFL 9
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