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without the prior written permission of Seiko Epson Corporation.
2. The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. Please contact us for the latest information.
3. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, Seiko Epson Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.
4. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
EPSON is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation.
Exceed Your Vision and ESC/Label are registered trademarks or trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation.
Zebra Technologies Corporation and ZPL II are the registered trademarks or trademarks of Zebra Technologies Corporation.
Other product and company names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.
This document provides the command information indicated in the ESC/Label Command Reference Guide (Rev. E) listed alphabetically according to the
command name and includes model information.
Epson ESC/Label Command List for TM-C7500Series
Alphabetical Order Rev. D
Revision Summary
A Enactment
B The "CP: continuous paper" parameter was deleted from "Definition range for TM-C7500
series" in the "^S(CLM,F:media form".
C The "^XB: Suppress backfeed" was deleted.
D The factory-set initial value information was added.
The list of printer errors and warnings was added.
Epson ESC/Label Command List for TM-C7500Series
Alphabetical Order Rev. D
Command List of the Alphabetical Order
"Priority" indicates the function is executed with priority.
f: Font identifier0 ≤ f ≤ 9, Capital letter of the alphabet (A to Z) 0 ≤ f ≤ 9, Capital letter of the alphabet (A to Z)
o: Field orientat ion
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
o = N/R/I/B
h: Character height [dot]0 ≤ h ≤ 99990 ≤ h ≤ 3000
w: Character width [dot]0 ≤ w ≤ 99990 ≤ w ≤ 3000
o: Field orientat ion
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
o = N/R/I/B
h: Character height [dot]0 ≤ h ≤ 99990 ≤ h ≤ 3000
w: Character width [dot]0 ≤ w ≤ 99990 ≤ w ≤ 3000
d: Font storage drive
d = R/E/B/A/Z
R: Volatile memory
E: Non-volatil e memory
B: Optional mem ory
A: Optional mem ory
Z: Non-rewritable m emory
d = R/E/B/A/Z
f: Font file nam eASCII code within 8 charactersASCII code with in 8 characters
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
initial value
Corresponding ZP L II
interpretation (ECI) enabled/disabled
append with Az tec Code
ESC/Label Command List
Y: Enabled
N: Disabled
Y: Yes
N: No
N: Disabled
01 ≤ t ≤ 99
101 ≤ t ≤ 104
204 ≤ t ≤ 232
N: No
Command List of the Alphabetical Order
"Priority" indicates the function is executed with priority.
TM-C7500 series
o: Interleaved 2 of 5 field orientation
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
o = N/R/I/B
h: Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode height
1 ≤ h ≤ 320001 ≤ h ≤ 14173
i: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
i = Y/N
N: Cancel
i = Y/N
N: Cancel
a: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
a = Y/N
a = Y/N
c: Set/cancel check di git printing for
c = Y/N
N: Cancel
c = Y/N
N: Cancel
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
c: Set/cancel check di git printing for
c = Y/N
c = Y/N
h: Code 39 barcode he ight [dot]1 ≤ h ≤ 320001 ≤ h ≤ 14173
i: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
i = Y/N
i = Y/N
a: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
a = Y/N
N: Cancel
a = Y/N
N: Cancel
o: PDF417 fie ld orientation
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
o = N/R/I/B
h: PDF417 row heig ht [dot]1 ≤ h ≤ Label length1 ≤ h ≤ 14173
e: PDF417 error correction l evel0 ≤ e ≤ 80 ≤ e ≤ 8
r: PDF417 row countr = 0 (Auto)
r = 0 (Auto)
t: Truncate righ t row indicators and
t = Y/N
t = Y/N
Interleaved 2 of 5
Sets Interleaved 2 of 5
PDF417 barcode
Sets the PDF417 symbol to
Command nameDescriptionClassificationCommand codeDescription of pa rametersDefinition range for ESC/Label
Code 39 barcodeSets Code 39 barcode to the
barcode to the fi eld.
for Interleaved 2 of 5
for top of Interl eaved 2 of 5 barcode
Interleaved 2 of 5
o: Code 39 field orientation
Code 39
for Code 39
for top of Code 39 ba rcode
Y: Set
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
Definition range
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
Y: Set
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
initial value
Corresponding ZP L II
the field.
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
c: PDF417 column countc = 0 (Auto)
stop pattern f or PDF417
ESC/Label Command List
1 ≤ c ≤ 30
3 ≤ r ≤ 90
Y: Set
N: Cancel
c = 0 (Auto)
1 ≤ c ≤ 30
3 ≤ r ≤ 90
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Command List of the Alphabetical Order
"Priority" indicates the function is executed with priority.
TM-C7500 series
o: EAN-8 fiel d orientation
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
o = N/R/I/B
h: EAN-8 barcode h eight [dot]1 ≤ h ≤ 320001 ≤ h ≤ 14173
i: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
i = Y/N
i = Y/N
a: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
a = Y/N
a = Y/N
o: UPC-E field orien tation
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
o = N/R/I/B
h: UPC-E barcode height [dot]1 ≤ h ≤ 320001 ≤ h ≤ 14173
a: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
a = Y/N
a = Y/N
c: Set/cancel check di git printing for
c = Y/N
c = Y/N
o: Code 93 field orientation
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
o = N/R/I/B
h: Code 93 barcode he ight [dot]1 ≤ h ≤ 320001 ≤ h ≤ 14173
i: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
i = Y/N
i = Y/N
a: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
a = Y/N
a = Y/N
c: Set/cancel check di git printing for
c = Y/N
c = Y/N
EAN-8 barcode
Sets EAN-8 barcode to the
Command nameDescriptionClassificationCommand codeDescription of pa rametersDefinition range for ESC/Label
UPC-E barcodeSets UPC-E barcode to the
Code 93 barcodeSets Code 93 barcode to the
for EAN-8
for top of EAN-8 barcode
i: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
for UPC-E
for top of UPC-E barcod e
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
i = Y/N
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Definition range
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
i = Y/N
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
initial value
Corresponding ZP L II
for Code 93
for top of Code 93 ba rcode
Code 93
ESC/Label Command List
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Command List of the Alphabetical Order
"Priority" indicates the function is executed with priority.
TM-C7500 series
o: Code 128 fie ld orientation
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
o = N/R/I/B
h: Code 128 barcode h eight [dot]1 ≤ h ≤ 320001 ≤ h ≤ 14173
i: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
i = Y/N
i = Y/N
a: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
a = Y/N
a = Y/N
c: Addition of a Mod10 check digit for
c = Y/N
c = Y/N
m: Code 128 mode
m = N/U/A/D
N: Normal
U: UCC Case
A: Automatic
m = N/U/A/D
m: MaxiCode mode
m = 2/3/4/5/6
2: Structured carri er message:
numeric postal code (U.S .A.)
3: Structured carri er message:
alphanumeri c postal code (International)
4: Standard sy mbol
5: Full EEC
6: Reader program
m = 2/3/4/5/6
n: Number in the MaxiCode structured
1 ≤ n ≤ 81 ≤ n ≤ 8
q: Total numbe r of symbols in the
1 ≤ q ≤ 81 ≤ q ≤ 8
o: EAN-13 fi eld orientation
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
o = N/R/I/B
h: EAN-13 barcode height [dot]1 ≤ h ≤ 320001 ≤ h ≤ 14173
i: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
i = Y/N
i = Y/N
a: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
a = Y/N
a = Y/N
Code 128 barcode
Sets Code 128 barcode to the
Sets the MaxiCode symbol to
EAN-13 barcode
Sets EAN-1 3 barcode to the
Command nameDescriptionClassificationCommand codeDescription of pa rametersDefinition range for ESC/Label
for Code 128
for top of Code 128 barcode
Code 128
the field.
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Yes
N: No
Definition range
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Yes
N: No
N: Normal
U: UCC Case
A: Automatic
2: Structured carri er message:
numeric postal code (U.S .A.)
3: Structured carri er message:
alphanumeri c postal code (International)
4: Standard sy mbol
5: Full EEC
6: Reader program
initial value
Corresponding ZP L II
^BDL ow
MaxiCode structured append
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
for EAN-13
for top of EAN-1 3 barcode
ESC/Label Command List
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Command List of the Alphabetical Order
"Priority" indicates the function is executed with priority.
TM-C7500 series
o: Micro PDF417 f ield orientation
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
o = N/R/I/B
h: Micro PDF417 s ymbol height [dot]1 ≤ h ≤ 99991 ≤ h ≤ 9999
m: Micro PDF417 mode0 ≤ m ≤ 330 ≤ m ≤ 33
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
c: Printing of a Codabar check digitc = N (Fixed)
c = N (Fixed)
h: Codabar barcode heig ht [dot]1 ≤ h ≤ 320001 ≤ h ≤ 14173
i: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
i = Y/N
i = Y/N
a: Set/cancel of HRI character addition
a = Y/N
a = Y/N
b: Codabar start characterb = A /B/C/D/T/N/E/*b = A/B/C/D/T/N/E/*
e: Codabar stop charact ere = A/B/C/D/T/N/E/*e = A/B/C/D/T/N/E/*
o: Aztec Code fiel d orientation
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
o = N/R/I/B
m: Aztec Code modul e size1 ≤ m ≤ 991 ≤ m ≤ 20
e: Aztec Code extended channel
e = Y/N
e = N
t: Aztec Code mode type and data layer
t = 0
01 ≤ t ≤ 99
101 ≤ t ≤ 104
201 ≤ t ≤ 232
t = 300
t = 0
i: Aztec Code leader initialization
i = Y/N
i = N
n: Number of symbols for structured
1 ≤ n ≤ 261 ≤ n ≤ 26
id: Aztec Code message IDASCII code with in 24 charactersASCI I code within 24 characters
Micro PDF417
Sets the Micro PDF417 symbol
Aztec Code
Sets the Aztec Code symbol to
Command nameDescriptionClassificationCommand codeDescription of pa rametersDefinition range for ESC/Label
to the field.
Codabar barcodeSets Codabar barcode to the
the field.
o: Codabar field orie ntation
for Codabar
for top of Codabar barcode
N: No
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Definition range
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
N: No
Y: Set
N: Cancel
Y: Set
N: Cancel
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
initial value
Corresponding ZP L II
interpretation (ECI) enabled/disabled
append with Az tec Code
ESC/Label Command List
Y: Enabled
N: Disabled
Y: Yes
N: No
N: Disabled
01 ≤ t ≤ 99
101 ≤ t ≤ 104
204 ≤ t ≤ 232
N: No
^BOL ow
Command List of the Alphabetical Order
"Priority" indicates the function is executed with priority.
TM-C7500 series
o: QR Code field orie ntationo = N (Fixed)
o = N (Fixed)
m: QR Code modelm = 1/2
m = 1/2
s: QR Code module s ize1 ≤ s ≤ 991 ≤ s ≤ 20
o = N/R/I/B
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
d = 1/2/3/4/5/6
1: Numerals and blank characters
2: Capital letters of the alphabet (A to Z)
and blank characters
3: Numerals, capital letters of the alphabet
(A to Z), blank characte rs, periods <.>,
commas <,>, dashes <->, and slashes </>.
4: Numerals, capital letters of the alphabet
(A to Z), and blank characters
5: ASCII code (00H to 7EH)
6: ASCII code (00H to FFH)
d = 1/2/3/4/5/6
i: Data Matrix ECC200 escape sequence
Any ASCII single characterAny ASCII single character
f:Data Matrix ECC200 symbol shapef = 1/2
f = 1/2
x: Module width [dot]1 ≤ x ≤ 99991 ≤ x ≤ 85
n: Bar width rati o2.0 ≤ n ≤ 3.02.0 ≤ n ≤ 3.0
h: Barcode height [dot]1 ≤ h ≤ 320001 ≤ h ≤ 14173
Data Matrix
Sets the Data Matrix symbol
Command nameDescriptionClassificationCommand codeDescription of pa rametersDefinition range for ESC/Label
to the field.
If e = 200, then 10 ≤ c ≤ 144
If e = 200, then 10 ≤ r ≤ 144
Definition range
N: Normal
R: 90° rotati on (clockwise)
I: 180° rotation
B: 270° rotat ion (clockwise)
200: ECC200
c = 10/12/14/16/18/20
rectangular (f = 2 ):
r = 8: c = 18/32
r = 12: c = 26/36
r = 16: c = 36/48
r = 10/12/14/16/18/20
rectangular (f = 2 ):
r = 8/12/16
1: Numerals and blank characters
2: Capital letters of the alphabet (A to Z)
and blank characters
3: Numerals, capital letters of the alphabet
(A to Z), blank characte rs, periods <.>,
commas <,>, dashes <->, and slashes </>.
4: Numerals, capital letters of the alphabet
(A to Z), and blank characters
5: ASCII code (00H to 7EH)
6: ASCII code (00H to FFH)
initial value
Corresponding ZP L II
Set barcode
parameters default
Sets the default values for
parameters used in barcodes.
1: Square
2: Rectangle
ESC/Label Command List
1: Square
2: Rectangle
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