Epson TM-C3400-LT Technical Reference Guide

Technical Reference Guide

Overview and Basic Operations

Describes the features and basic operations of the product.


Describes setup and installation of the product and peripherals.

Preinstalled OS Information

Describes preinstall information and recovery method.


Describes the product's utilities.

Setting the Printer Driver

Describes how to set the printer driver.

Application Development Information

Describes how to control the printer and necessary information when you develop applications.


Describes how to handle the product.





EPSON is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation.

Exceed Your Vision is registered trademarks or trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation.

Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows Server®, Visual Basic®, Visual C++®, and Visual C#® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and used for identification purpose only.


This product contains copyrighted font data. The font data may not be used to register company logos or trade names as registered trademarks.

To use copyrighted material such as photos, books, maps, figures, paintings, prints, music, movies, and programs for purposes other than copying for personal use (to a limited extent such as within a household or the like) you need to obtain approval from the copyright owner.

Ancillary Damage Caused by the Product

In the event that the desired results cannot be obtained from the product (including built-in software, etc.), any resulting ancillary damage (including fees required for using the product and loss of profits that would have been obtained from using the product) will not be compensated.

Restriction of Use

When this product is used for applications requiring high reliability/safety such as transportation devices related to aviation, rail, marine, automotive etc.; disaster prevention devices; various safety devices etc.; or functional/precision devices etc., you should use this product only after giving consideration to including fail-safes and redundancies into your design to maintain safety and total system reliability.

Because this product was not intended for use in applications requiring extremely high reliability/safety such as aerospace equipment, main communication equipment, nuclear power control equipment, or medical equipment related to direct medical care etc, please make your own judgment on this product’s suitability after a full evaluation.

© Seiko Epson Corporation 2012-2016. All rights reserved.


For Safety

Key to Symbols

The symbols in this manual are identified by their level of importance, as defined below. Read the following carefully before handling the product.

You must follow warnings carefully to avoid serious bodily injury.



Provides information that must be observed to prevent damage to the equipment or loss of data.


Possibility of sustaining physical injuries.



Possibility of causing physical damage.



Possibility of causing information loss.

Provides information that must be observed to avoid damage to your equipment or a malfunction.

Provides important information and useful tips.


Cautions for Regarding Installation


Do not block the air vents on this product.


Blocking the air vents may result in internal heat build-up and fire.


Do not install in the following types of places.



Tight spaces where ventilation is poor, such as in a closet or on a bookshelf



On a rug or bed




Do not install or store in an unstable place (such as on a wobbly or tilted surface), in



reach of children, or in a place subject to vibration from other machines.



There is a risk that it could drop or fall over, resulting in injury.


Do not install in places where there is excessive moisture or dust, risk of getting wet,



direct sunlight, severe changes in temperature and humidity, or close to heating and



cooling devices.



There is a risk of electric shock, fire, and malfunction or failure of this product.



When lifting the product, maintain a comfortable posture.



Lifting the product in the improper posture may result in injury.



When lifting the product, be sure to hold the parts specified in the manual.



If you hold other parts of the product and lift the product, the product may fall or your fingers



may get caught when lowering the product, resulting in injury.





Cautions for the Power Source


Use only the type of power source indicated on the product's label.


Use of the wrong type of power source may result in electric shock or fire.


Be careful when handling the power plug.


Mishandling may result in fire.

Do not leave plugged into a power source with foreign matter such as dust on it

Firmly insert the prongs of the power plug all the way

For safety reasons, be sure to ground the power cord.

The power cord supplied with the product has a 3-pin cable with a power system grounding (PE) terminal, so connect it to an outlet that is grounded securely.

Do not use a damaged power cord.

This may result in electric shock or fire.

If the power cord is damaged, consult your dealer for repairs. Observe the following when handling the power cord.

Do not modify the power cord

Do not place heavy objects on the power cord

Do not bend, twist or pull the power cord by force

Do not wire the cord near heating appliances

Do not connect or disconnect the power plug with wet hands.

This may result in electric shock.

Do not plug the power cord into an outlet with many other cords connected to it.

This may result in heat build-up and fire.

Do not affix the power cord to a connector or power outlet using an adhesive, etc.

There may be a risk of fire.

Regularly disconnect the power plug from the outlet and clean the base of the prongs and between the prongs.

If you leave the power plug connected to an outlet for a long time, the base of the power plug prongs may become dusty, which may result in short circuit and fire.

When you disconnect the power plug from the outlet, be sure to turn off the power and hold the plug as you pull.

If you stretch the power cord, it may become damaged, which could result in electric shock or fire.

Be sure to plug the power cord directly into a power outlet.



Be sure to place the product near a power outlet so that the power plug can be



disconnected immediately in the case of a malfunction.


For safety, be sure to disconnect the power plug from the outlet when you will not be



using the product for a long time.


Cautions for Using


Do not install in a place where volatile substances, such as alcohol or paint thinner,



are present or in a place where there is fire.



This may result in electric shock or fire.


Do not continue to use under abnormal conditions such as smoke, unusual odors or






This may result in electric shock or fire.



Immediately turn off the power, disconnect the power plug from the outlet, and contact your



dealer or the Epson Repair Center about repairs. Servicing the product yourself is



dangerous, so never attempt it.



If a foreign object, water or other liquid enters the product, do not continue to use it.



This may result in electric shock or fire.



Immediately turn off the power, disconnect the power plug from the outlet, and contact your



dealer or the Epson Repair Center about repairs.


Do not perform any disassembly other than those mentioned in this manual.



Do not attempt to service the product yourself



This may result in injury, electric shock, fire or malfunction.



Do not use flammable gas sprays inside or around this product.



There is a risk that gas will build up and a spark may cause a fire.



Do not insert or drop metal or flammable objects into the air vents or other openings.



This may result in electric shock or fire.


In the event of damage to the liquid crystal display, be careful in handling the liquid



crystal material inside the display.



In the event of any of the following conditions, perform first aid measures.



If the material adheres to your skin, wipe off the material, rinse your skin with water, and



thoroughly wash your skin with soap.



If the material gets into your eyes, wash out the material for at least 15 minutes with clean



water and then get a diagnosis from a physician.



If the material is swallowed, thoroughly wash your mouth with water, drink a large amount



of water and spit out the material, and then consult a physician.






Do not step or place heavy objects on top of the product.



Be especially careful in households with small children. There is a risk that it could fall over or



break, resulting in injury.


When attaching various cables and options, be sure to attach them in the correct



direction and using the correct procedure.



There may be a risk of fire or injury. Follow the instructions in the manual to correctly attach






For safety reasons, if you move this product, first check that the power is off, the



power plug is disconnected from the outlet, and all of the wires are disconnected.



When storing or transporting this product, do not tilt it, stand it on end, or turn it



upside down.



There may be a risk of ink leakage.




















When the battery inside the product needs to be replaced, contact your dealer or






Epson's repair services.






There may be a risk of explosion if it is replaced with an incorrect battery type.





Do not touch the fixed blade of the autocutter with bare hands.






Doing so may cause injury.





When replacing the ink cartridges, be careful that the ink does not contact your eyes






or skin.






If ink gets into your eyes, immediately flush them with water, and if it gets onto your skin,






immediately wash the area with soap and water. Otherwise you may have bloodshot eyes or






a mild inflammation. In the rare event that there is a problem, immediately consult a











Do not disassemble the ink cartridges to replenish or refill the ink.






Do not shake the ink cartridge too hard.






The ink cartridge may leak if you shake it too much.





Store ink cartridges out of the reach of children. Also, do not ingest the ink.






Do not brush your hands against the edges of printing paper.






Since the edges of paper are thin and sharp, there may be a risk of injury.










About this Manual

Aim of the Manual

This manual was created to provide information on development, design, and installation of POS systems and development and design of printer applications for developers.

Manual Content

The manual is made up of the following sections:

Chapter 1

Overview and Basic Operations

Chapter 2


Chapter 3

Preinstalled OS Information

Chapter 4


Chapter 5

Setting the Printer Driver

Chapter 6

Application Development Information

Chapter 7



Problems and Solutions


Product Specifications






■ For Safety ..............................................................................................................................


Key to Symbols ........................................................................................................................................


Cautions for Regarding Installation ......................................................................................................


Cautions for the Power Source..............................................................................................................


Cautions for Using...................................................................................................................................


■ About this Manual................................................................................................................


Aim of the Manual .................................................................................................................................


Manual Content .....................................................................................................................................


■ Contents................................................................................................................................


Overview and Basic Operations ................................................


■ Features...............................................................................................................................


Accessories ...........................................................................................................................................


■ Function...............................................................................................................................


■ Post-Printing Verification Settings......................................................................................


When an Unrecoverable Missing Dot Occurs ...................................................................................


■ Parts Name and Function..................................................................................................


Front .......................................................................................................................................................


Back .......................................................................................................................................................


■ Basic Operations................................................................................................................


Power On/Off ........................................................................................................................................


Turning On/Off the Power of the Printer .............................................................................................


Touch Panel Operations ......................................................................................................................


Printer status ..........................................................................................................................................


Verifying the Ink Level...........................................................................................................................


Ink Cartridge Replacement Procedure.............................................................................................


Replacing the Paper............................................................................................................................


Ejection Angle of Printed Paper .........................................................................................................


Printer Buttons .......................................................................................................................................




■ Flow of Setup.......................................................................................................................


■ Installing the Printer............................................................................................................


Installation .............................................................................................................................................


■ Connecting the Cable.......................................................................................................


Connecting LAN cable........................................................................................................................


Connecting power cord......................................................................................................................


Connecting a Barcode Reader .........................................................................................................


■ Loading the Paper..............................................................................................................


■ Initial Settings......................................................................................................................


■ Loading the Ink Cartridge .................................................................................................


■ Attaching/Adjusting the Paper Ejection Tray ..................................................................



Preinstalled OS Information ........................................................


■ Preinstallation Information.................................................................................................


HDD version ..........................................................................................................................................


■ Recovery.............................................................................................................................


Items to Verify Beforehand..................................................................................................................


Procedure .............................................................................................................................................




■ Printer power ON/OFF........................................................................................................


■ TM-C3400LT Utility ...............................................................................................................


■ Printer status........................................................................................................................


■ Printer power and backlight brightness control..............................................................


■ Touch Panel Utility ..............................................................................................................


Setting ...................................................................................................................................................


Calibration ............................................................................................................................................


Setting the Printer Driver..............................................................


■ How to Use the Printer Driver .............................................................................................


How to Display the Printer Driver ........................................................................................................


Registering User Defined Media.........................................................................................................


Favorite Setting.....................................................................................................................................


Information for User Definition.............................................................................................................


Barcode Printing ..................................................................................................................................


2D Symbol Font Settings ......................................................................................................................


Barcode and 2D Symbol Font Printing on .NET Environment ..........................................................


Functions of the Printer Driver.............................................................................................................


■ Setting the Printer Driver ....................................................................................................


Post-Printing Verification Settings........................................................................................................


Notification Settings ...........................................................................................................................


Media Loading Settings ....................................................................................................................


Media Position Detection..................................................................................................................


Panel Button Settings.........................................................................................................................


Sensor Adjustment .............................................................................................................................


Setting EPSON Status Monitor 3 ........................................................................................................


Setting the Post-Printing Movements ...............................................................................................



Application Development Information....................................


■ Overview...........................................................................................................................


■ Printer Driver......................................................................................................................


■ Utilities and Manuals ........................................................................................................




■ Printer Driver and Utility....................................................................................................


Function List.........................................................................................................................................


Setting the Printer ...............................................................................................................................


Acquiring Printer Status......................................................................................................................


■ TM-C3400-LT API ...............................................................................................................


■ TM-C3400-LT Reference Library ......................................................................................


TMC34LT_PrinterPowerOn ..................................................................................................................






TMC34LT_SetPrinterBin ........................................................................................................................




■ Sample Program...............................................................................................................


■ Application Specification to Develop............................................................................


Character Size to Print .......................................................................................................................


Print Barcode / 2D Symbol Data on the Graphic Data .................................................................


When Extremely High Reliability and Safety are Required ............................................................


Maintenance .............................................................................


■ Replacing the Paper ........................................................................................................


Replacing Roll Paper with Roll Paper...............................................................................................


Replacing Fanfold Paper with Fanfold Paper .................................................................................


Changing From Roll Paper to Fanfold Paper ..................................................................................


Changing From Fanfold Paper To Roll Paper ..................................................................................


■ Setting the Media Position Detection .............................................................................


Setting Method ...................................................................................................................................


■ Cleaning the Printer .........................................................................................................


Cleaning the Printer Case .................................................................................................................


Manual Head Cleaning.....................................................................................................................


Manual Head Cleaning during printing ..........................................................................................


Nozzle Check ......................................................................................................................................


■ Gap Adjustment...............................................................................................................


Gap Adjustment Operation Procedure...........................................................................................


■ Self-test..............................................................................................................................


■ Cleaning the Autocutter..................................................................................................


■ Exterior Surface Cleaning................................................................................................


■ Preparing for Transport.....................................................................................................



■ Managing the Printer Driver / Printer Settings................................................................


Printer Driver Functions ......................................................................................................................


Updating the Printer Driver ...............................................................................................................


Destination for the Printer Driver Setting..........................................................................................


Printer Setting......................................................................................................................................


■ To Customers who Plan to Keep the Product in Operation 24 Hours a Day ...............


Setting the Hard Disk Motor to Stop.................................................................................................


■ Restrictions........................................................................................................................




■ Problems and Solutions ...................................................................................................


Power On / Off Problems...................................................................................................................


Screen Control Problems...................................................................................................................


Printout is Not Satisfactory.................................................................................................................


Paper is Not Cut Cleanly...................................................................................................................


Cannot Read Barcode .....................................................................................................................


■ Product Specifications.....................................................................................................


Basic Specifications ...........................................................................................................................


Printing Specifications .......................................................................................................................


Reliability .............................................................................................................................................


Environmental Conditions .................................................................................................................


Paper Specifications..........................................................................................................................


Print Area and Cutting Position ........................................................................................................


Paper Ejection Tray ............................................................................................................................


Ink Cartridge.......................................................................................................................................


■ Supplies.............................................................................................................................


Media ..................................................................................................................................................


Ink Cartridge.......................................................................................................................................



Chapter 1 Overview and Basic Operations

Overview and Basic Operations


This product is a 3-color inkjet label printing terminal with Windows-based control functions and a built-in LCD touch panel.

Environmental Durability

Guaranteed to a wide range of temperature (0 to 40 C {32 to 104 F}) to support installation and use in


locations with no air conditioning

Touch panel operation that tolerates hands with dirt and moisture on them (equivalent to IPX2)

Creation of color labels using pigment ink with high light resistance and water resistance

Printer's power can be turned off when printer is not being used for printing to reduce standby power consumption (Can also be controlled from an application developed by the customer.)

High Productivity

High-speed printing up to 92 mm/s {3.82”/s} (Printing width 56 mm, 360 x 180 dpi)

Support for high-capacity fanfold paper to save time required for paper replacement

Roll paper and ink cartridge can be replaced simply by performing operations at front of printer

Easy drop-in paper loading

High reliability system to prevent missing dots with auto nozzle check system installed.

Reprint function allows printing to the page that was not printed after solving paper jam error or an error of paper out.

Labels can be cut one by one using autocutter

Easy Operability

Screen angle and brightness can be adjusted

Small footprint which is smallest in its class in the industry (300 mm (W) x 312 mm (D) x 345 mm (H)) (*excluding the projections, including the rear cover)

Multiple printed sheets can be stored in the paper ejection tray. The paper ejection tray cannot store multiple sheets of roll paper.


Software Development

Printer uses Windows POS Ready 2009 and has a 250GB HDD.

Comes with a printer driver. Also supports printing from commercially available label applications.

The printer driver includes barcode and 2D symbol generation functions.

Supports printing from a Microsoft® .NET environment.

(The Microsoft .Net Framework is the window developer platform that connects the information, people, system and devices.)

APIs for setting the printer and LCD brightness, etc. are available for controlling the product from an application. In addition, functions for obtaining/notifying the status of the printer are also available.

The printer has a re-printing function. It is not necessary to redo a printing sequence after recovering from an error.

Sample printing programs using the printer driver. Development languages are as follows.

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET

Microsoft Visual C#

Microsoft Visual C++

Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0


High-speed printing

92 mm/s {3.82”/s} (printing width 56 mm, 360 dpi × 180 dpi, bi-directional printing)

47 mm/s {1.85”/s} (printing width 56 mm, 360 dpi × 360 dpi, bi-directional printing)

The print speed is different depending on the resolution and the printing width.

Color printing

CMY 3-color printing

Print resolution: Plain Media, Plain Media Label 360 dpi × 180 dpi, 360 dpi × 360 dpi : Others 360 dpi × 360 dpi, 720 dpi × 360 dpi

(dpi: dots per 25.4 mm (dots per inch))

Each color has 4 gradations

Supports printing on various types of paper

Roll paper, Fan-fold paper

Receipt, Black Mark Receipt, Full-page Label, Die-cut Label, Black Mark Die-cut Label (Detects positions of black marks and gaps between labels)

Plain Media, Plain Media Label, Fine Media, Fine Media Label, PET Film, Synthetic Media Label

Wrist Band

System to prevent ink from smearing out of the printable area such as on the backing paper of Die-cut Label.

System to prevent missing read or missing color caused by missing dots.


Chapter 1 Overview and Basic Operations



This product (TM-C3400-LT)


Roll paper (for checking initial movement)


Ink cartridge (Model number: SJIC15P)


Paper ejection tray


Paper feed guide (for fanfold paper: attached on the rear of the fanfold paper cover)


Power cord


Recovery disk


Instruction sheet

User’s Manuals (for main unit)

The power cord may not be included with this product.



This product offers the following functions.








<![if ! IE]>















Control part

Power on

Press the Power button.







Power off

Press the Power button.








Shut down Windows.







Set password

Set in BIOS.








Set in Windows.






Change brightness


Set using specific utility.








Can be embedded into the customer's




application. (A specific API is available)






Touch panel calibration

Operate using specific utility.





Buzzer when touch panel is

Operate using specific utility.











Adjust speaker volume

Set in Windows.






Switch boot drive

Switch to DVD drive, etc. in BIOS.





Power on/off


Press the Power button.







Operate using specific utility.








Can be embedded into the customer's




application. (A specific API is available)






Printing applications

Commercially available printing applications can be










Printing applications developed by the customer



can be used.






Control printing


Set using printer driver.








Can be embedded into the customer's




application. (A specific API is available)







Chapter 1 Overview and Basic Operations




Print barcodes, 2D symbols


Display printer status

Change paper*

(Roll paper to/from fanfold paper)

Auto cut

Paper feed

Post-Printing Verification Settings

Reprint after an error

Head Cleaning

<![if ! IE]>




Set using printer driver.

Print an image file from an application.


Displayed in specific utility.



(Starts when the status of the device changes)








Displayed in EPSON Status Monitor3 while



printing. (A printer driver function)







Displayed in the fatal error notification settings






(Displayed if EPSON Status Monitor 3 is not being



used at the time of error)



(A printer driver function)


Operate using specific utility.

Can be embedded into the customer's application. (A specific API is available)

Set using printer driver. Press the CUT button.

Can be embedded into the customer's application. (A specific API is available)

Set using printer driver. Press the FEED button.

Can be embedded into the customer's application. (A specific API is available)

Set using printer driver.

Set using printer driver.

Set in printer driver's Post-Printing Verification prior to printing.

Operate using printer driver.



























<![if ! IE]>

























Media position detection


Set using printer driver.














Can be embedded into the customer's







application. (A specific API is available)












Other printer settings

Set using printer driver.









*The printer needs to be set the printer and the printer driver.


Chapter 1 Overview and Basic Operations

Post-Printing Verification Settings

This product monitors dot missing periodically with the auto nozzle check system, and performs the auto


head cleaning if any dots are missing. Select from 6 modes that are available for different levels of


requirements for print quality and movement.


When extremely high reliability and safety are required, be sure to detect dot missing using an application


in addition to the printer driver setting. For the details, see "When Extremely High Reliability and Safety are


Required" on page 130.


Sets this function from [Post-Printing Verification Settings] on [Maintenance And Utilities] of the printer driver.


The printer's Post-Printing Verification Settings can be checked using Self-test Mode. For the details, see "Self-


test" on page 156.


• High Reliability Mode (Void Image Print)

Missing dots check is performed after printing each page to check that dot missing has not occurred.

When dot missing is detected, the Void Image Print is performed at the bottom of the previous page. And after the dot missing is resolved by the auto head cleaning, reprinting starts from the corresponding page.

The Void Image is printed in solid black by default; however, other image files can also be

registered. Since dots are missing for the page on which the Void Image is printed, take proper action such as discarding it.

High Reliability Mode (Reprint)

Missing dots check is performed after printing each page to check that dot missing has not occurred. When dot missing is detected, the following screen of the EPSON Status Monitor 3 is displayed. Select the next operation from [Restart printing] (printing the next data) and [Reprint] (reprinting after dot missing is resolved by the auto head cleaning.)

Economy Mode for Low Print Volume (Void Image Print)

Missing dots check is performed after printing each page with removing the timer cleaning.

When dot missing (more than neighboring 2 dots missing) is detected, the Void Image Print is performed

at the bottom of the previous page. And after the dot missing is resolved by the auto head cleaning, reprinting starts from the corresponding page.

The Void Image is printed in solid black by default; however, other image files can also be registered.

Economy Mode for Low Print Volume (Reprint)

Missing dots check is performed after printing each page with removing the timer cleaning.

When dot missing (more than neighboring 2 dots missing) is detected, the EPSON Status Monitor 3 is

displayed. Select the next operation from [Restart printing] (printing the next data) and [Reprint] (reprinting after dot missing is resolved by the auto head cleaning).

When customer want to select this mode, do NOT uncheck [Use EPSON Status Monitor 3] of [Driver Preferences] in [Driver Utilities] tab.

Anti-missing Read Mode

Does not perform missing dots check after printing each page, but checks missing dots while not printing.


Anti-missing Color Mode

Does not perform missing dots check after printing each page, but checks missing dots while not printing. Prevents missing colors due to missing dots on the condition with adjoining 2 dots in above and below or 3 dots in all nozzles. Does not perform head cleaning to missing dots with less than 2 dots that are not adjoining.

These functions do not guarantee a 100 percent prevention of dot missing.Small amount of ink is used for detecting nozzle clogging.

The auto head cleaning is performed automatically after nozzle clogging is detected. Ink is expended during the head cleaning.

Nozzle clogging detect function cannot be disabled.

When you want to select [High Reliability Mode (Reprint)] or [Economy Mode for Low Print Volume (Reprint)], do not uncheck [Use EPSON Status Monitor 3] of [Driver Preferences] in [Driver Utilities] tab.

In the High Reliability Mode or Economy Mode for Low Print Volume, printing takes more time since the missing dots check is performed after printing each page.

When an unrecoverable missing dot occurs, the printer operates differently for each mode as shown below.

Printer Status

Fatal error

Maintenance error







High Reliability Mode

High Reliability Mode




Economy Mode for Low

Economy Mode for Low



Print Volume

Print Volume


Anti-missing Color Mode



Anti-missing Read Mode

Anti-missing Read
















Number of Missing

1 dot

2 or more dots


Adjoining 2 dots



3 or more dots













Printer Usability

(Missing Dot Acceptable


(The printer needs repair)


Print Mode*)










*For details on the Missing Dot Acceptable Print Mode, refer to "When an Unrecoverable Missing Dot Occurs" on page 21.


Chapter 1 Overview and Basic Operations

When an Unrecoverable Missing Dot Occurs

When 1 dot of unrecoverable missing dot is detected with the Post-Printing Verification Settings for the printer driver set to the High Reliability Mode /Economy Mode for Low Print Volume /Anti-missing Read Mode, the printer becomes in fatal error status. To continue printing, turn off and on the printer and change the mode to the Missing Dot Acceptable Print Mode.

Missing dots check detects an unrecoverable missing dot.

A fatal occurs (page 56)


The operator turns off and on the printer.

The printer starts up in the Missing Dot Acceptable Print Mode

In the Missing Dot Acceptable Print Mode, it takes long to complete printing because missing dots check is performed after printing each page. The EPSON Status Monitor 3 appears each time of printing until the missing dot error is resolved. (The window may not appear depending on the printer driver version.)

In the Missing Dot Acceptable Print Mode, EPSON Status Monitor 3 is displayed even if [Use EPSON Status Monitor 3] is not selected in [Driver Preferences] from the [Driver Utilities] tab.

When 2 or more dots of unrecoverable missing dot is detected in the Missing Dot Acceptable Print Mode, maintenance is requested and the printer needs repair.


Parts Name and Function

This section describes the name and function of each part in the product.










Touch panel



Displays the menu and messages. Touch the screen



to operate the product.






Based on the settings, plays a sound when the touch



panel buttons are pressed, when an error occurs,



and when printing is completed.



CUT button



Push this button to cut the paper.



FEED button



Push this button to feed the paper.


Release lever




Pull to open the roll paper cover.



Ink cartridge cover


Open to set/replace the ink cartridge.





Roll paper cover



Open to set/replace the paper.



Power lamp



A green light will light up when the power of the



product is on. The light will turn off when the power is




9USB connector (x2)

Connect a USB memory, keyboard, or mouse.

10USB cover

Use the cover when USB connectors are not used.

11Power button

Push this button to turn on/off the power of the product.


Epson TM-C3400-LT Technical Reference Guide

Chapter 1 Overview and Basic Operations









1Rear cover

Remove when connecting connectors.

2Fanfold paper cover

Open to insert fanfold paper.

3Paper feed guide

Install the guide when you use the fanfold paper.

4Connector part

Connect each cable. For details, see "<Rear Connector Part>" on page 24.

5Power cord hook

Prevents the power cord from piling on other cables. Be sure to pass it through the hook.

6Cable holders

Prevents the cables from piling on each other. When connecting the LAN cable, USB cable, or audio cables, be sure to pass them through the holder.


<Rear Connector Part>

*Not available.





*Never disconnect.

Never disconnect the 3 USB connectors on the right side that are initially connected on the product.

1Power connector

Connect the power cord.

2LAN connector

Connect a LAN cable when using a wired LAN connection.

3Speaker output connector

Connect the speakers.

4USB connector (x3)

Connect a barcode reader or similar device.

To connect the rear connectors, you need to remove the rear cover. For details on how to remove the cover, see "Connecting the Cable" on page 37.


Chapter 1 Overview and Basic Operations

Basic Operations

This section describes the basic operation methods of the product that can be used by an operator and the general operations of the product.

Power On/Off

Power On

When the power is turned on, the power lamp will light up, Windows will start and a screen will be displayed,


and the power of the printer will turn on.

Press the power button.

The printer can also be network booted from another PC that is connected via LAN.

Power Off

When the power is turned off, the printer's power off sequence will be executed, Windows will be shut down, and the power will turn off.

Press the power button.

Windows will be shut down.

To prevent operation errors, the button can be set so that it cannot be used to turn off the power.

This can be set in [Start]-[Control Panel]-[Power Options]-[Advanced]-[Power buttons].

Do not turn off the power using the commercial circuit breaker. The printer's power off sequence will not be executed and the ink may become clogged.

If the power is cut off due to an outage, etc., turn on/off the power of the product after the power is restored.


Turning On/Off the Power of the Printer

It is possible to specifically control the power of the printer portion of the product. While the product is operating, by turning on/off the printer only when you need to print, it is possible to reduce the standby power consumption.

The power status of the printer can be verified using the "Printer Power ON/OFF" utility.

An API is available for turning on/off the power of the printer using the customer's application. (See "TM-C3400-LT Reference Library" on page 125)

There is no power lamp for the printer.

Turning On the Printer

When the printer is turned on, the printer's power on sequence will be executed, the fan will operate for several seconds, and the printer will become ready to print.

When the power button is pressed, the power of the main unit and the printer will turn on together. (default setting)

If Windows is running, turn on the printer using the "Printer Power ON/OFF" utility. Double-click TMC34LT_POWER on the desktop.

Press the On button. When the power of the printer turns on, the power status of the printer will change to green.

Turning Off the Printer

When the printer is turned off, the printer's power off sequence will be executed, the fan will operate for several seconds, and the power will turn off.

Press the Off button in the "Printer Power ON/OFF" utility. The power status of the printer will change to gray.


Chapter 1 Overview and Basic Operations

Touch Panel Operations

Do not place heavy objects on the touch panel. The touch panel may be damaged because it uses glass.

Do not push or scrub the touch panel. Also, do not push it with a sharp pointed object.

Use of a touch panel protection sheet is recommended if this product is used in an environment where users' hands are easily soiled by sand, dirt, etc.

Adjusting Touch Panel Angle

You can slide the touch panel to adjust the angle so that it is easy to use.















































































































































































































































































































































































Adjusting Touch Panel Brightness

The brightness of the touch panel can be adjusted using the TM-C3400LT UTILITY.

For details, see "TM-C3400LT Utility" on page 54.



Double-click “TMC34LT_UTIL” on the desktop.

Adjust the brightness.


Adjusting the Beep Sound

The beep sound can be adjusted using the touch panel utility.

For details, see "Touch Panel Utility" on page 60.



Select [Start]-[All Programs]-[eGalax Touch]-[Configure Utility].

In the [Setting] tab, under [Beep], adjust the beep sound.


Chapter 1 Overview and Basic Operations

Printer status

The Printer Status utility monitors the printer's status, and when an error or warning condition occurs, it is displayed on the screen.

After confirming the error/warning, press the [Close] button to close the screen.

When the printer is in a normal state, the "Printer Status" will not be displayed.


It is also possible to display the printer status display utility from "TMC34LT_UTIL” on the desktop.


Verifying the Ink Level

The ink level can be verified using the Printer Status utility.

When the ink level becomes low, and it is almost time to replace the ink cartridge, a message will be displayed onscreen. Prepare a new ink cartridge.

When it becomes time to replace the ink cartridge, a message will be displayed onscreen and the product will stop printing. You will not be able to print until you install a new ink cartridge.

The ink cartridge that is shipped with the product is for initial ink charging. When an ink cartridge is installed for the first time (during setup), ink will be consumed for ink charging, and you will need to replace the ink cartridge earlier than usual.

The amount of ink consumed will vary depending on the use environment and use conditions of the product.

To preserve the quality of the print head, it will become time to replace the ink cartridge before the ink in the cartridge is completely used up.

The ink cartridge contains 3 colors of ink. Even when one particular color is specified, all 3 colors of ink are used for printing and for keeping the print head in good condition. When the ink level of even one color comes to the lowest limit, the product stops printing.

Ink Cartridge Replacement Procedure

See "Loading the Ink Cartridge" on page 46. The same procedure can be used for replacing the cartridge. Pull out and remove the used ink cartridge.

For the ink cartridge model, see "Ink Cartridge" on page 199.


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