Print durable photos and album pages on various media up to A3+
Create amazing albums, full-size scrapbook pages and professional glossy photos up to A3+ at high speed, and on a wide range of media. Images are vibrant and long lasting with the new Epson UltraChrome™ Hi-Gloss2 ink.
Key benefits:
• Achieve a high-gloss finish with Epson UltraChrome Hi-Gloss2 ink
• Supports fine art media and roll paper
• Enhanced connectivity with Dual USB port and PictBridge
• Print efficiently with 8 individual ink cartridges
Print and share superb photos with the Epson Stylus Photo R1900 and achieve quality, colour and flexibility to create your hobbies and crafts. Make use of the creative potential of the wide range of media and formats up to A3+. Achieve more life-like colours and skin tones with the new 8-colour Epson UltraChrome Hi-Gloss2 ink.
Whether you print borderless photos or design entire album pages, your precious creations will last a lifetime. You can even print onto CDs and straight from your digital camera.
Superb quality photos – achieve a stunning finish with Epson UltraChrome Hi-Gloss2 ink
Ideal for albums and scrapbooks – add creativity to your hobbies and crafts with this versatile, high-speed photo printer
Enhanced skin tones – the 8-colour ink set includes orange ink for even more life-like colours on portraits
Versatile media and finishes – print on glossy, matte and fine art media up to A3+, and even roll paper
Professional print quality – includes Epson LUT technology for optimised gradation, graininess and constancy in colour
No PC required – print photos directly from your PictBridge-enabled digital camera or photo viewer
Personalised archives – share and store photos, albums and other digital files on directly printable CD/DVDs
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R1900 - EN-12/10
respective owners. Errors and omissions excepted, all specifications are subject to change without notice.