Last Update on Jan 31. 2017
ConeColorR Ink Fill and Use Instructions for the
Continuous Ink System (CIS) for the Epson
P600 Series Printer
Please read the instructions below carefully. This system is not fool-proof and careful steps must be taken to
ensure a correct and trouble-free conversion.
Check that you have ALL OF THESE: A clean workbench. Rubber gloves. Primer tips, Syringes.
Good light. Windex or SimpleGreen. Paper towels. A sink with water. Patience.
1. If you have a new printer, take it out of the box and install the Epson OEM ink cartridges into the printer and turn
the printer on. This will charge the printer with its first breath of ink. Do not put the CIS system into a brand-new
inkless printer, it won’t work first-time without OEM cartridges (carts). If you’ve been printing with your printer for a
while you’re all set to just put the new CIS in.
2. Unbox your P600 CIS system. Carefully unwrap the ink carts and ink tanks without twisting or stressing the
tubing connecting the two systems.
Last Update on Jan 31. 2017
3. Take out your ink and identify which ink bottle will be poured into which CIS tank. The tanks have small stickers
at their bottom that marks the ink-shade they are designated for. ConeColor Pro inks are easy, just match each
bottle with each ink-tank.
4. Fill each tank one-at-a-time by pulling the tab and air lock unit at the top of the tank and then pouring the correct
ink through a funnel. Leave about 1/4” of space at the top of each tank. Plug both holes at the top of the tank back
up again before you go to fill the next tank. Fill all the tanks!
Last Update on Jan 31. 2017
5. Gently separate the ink carts from each-other by pulling their ink lines out as shown in the diagram below.
6. Rotate each ink inlet about 90 degrees as shown below. This will allow the ink lines to exit the printer at the right
angle without restricting ink flow (very important).