Multimedia Storage Viewer
Photos | Storage | Backup
Key Features
• 40GB, high-capacity hard drive
• Large, 4-inch LCD for easy viewing
• Adobe
• Ultra fast processor for fast downloads*
• DivX
• Rechargeable battery with long battery life
• Built-in card slots
• Hi-Speed USB 2.0 for fast fi le transfers
• RAW fi le support — zoom capabilities
RGB color space support
video fi le support, plus audio/video out
for on-location shoots
to check the focus and fi ne detail
from select DSLR cameras
For advanced image quality and detail
An essential tool for digital photographers.

Multimedia Storage Viewer
Photos | Storage | Backup
Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)
Approx. 1.0 lb; 3.5" x 5.9" x 1.3"
Display 4" Photo Fine Ultra LCD by Epson
Low temperature poly-silicon TFT
640 x 480 pixels, displays up to 16,777,216 colors
Hard Drive 40GB hard drive
(36.5GB FAT32 available for storage)
External Hi-Speed USB 2.0 hard disk drive when
connected to computer
Photo File Format JPEG; RAW (from select DSLR cameras)
Audio File Format MP3, AAC and WMA
Video File Format DivX, MPEG 1/2, MPEG 4 (AP), WMV9, H.264
and Motion JPEG
Built-in Memory CompactFlash
Card Slots Secure Digital and MultiMedia Card
Memory Stick,
Power Rechargeable Li-Ion battery
AC adapter/battery charger,
Audio/Video Output Stereo mini jack
NTSC or PAL Connects to television, monitor or projector with
video input using optional, third-party, audio/video
cable (sold separately)
Minimum System Windows
Requirements XP Professional or XP x64 Edition
Warranty One-year limited warranty
memor y card s up to 250% fa ster than previo us
Epson multimedia storage viewers
* Rende rs imag es up to 500 % faster and down loads
Type I/II, IBM® Microdrive®
xD-Picture Card™ and
supported with optional, third-party
adapter (sold separately)
2000, Professional, XP Home Edition,
OS X 10.2 or later (PowerPC®/Intel®)
(3.3 volt)
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