Upgrading Your Epson P-2000
To take advantage of the latest enhancements for your P-2000, you may be
able to upgrade your viewer’s firmware. To find out if you have the latest
firmware, turn on your P-2000, go to the Home screen, and click the
Settings icon.
The firmware version is located in the lower-right corner, as shown.
◗ If you see Ver. 02.02, you already have the latest firmware and do not
need to upgrade it.
◗ If you see Ver. 01.01 (or lower), you can upgrade it to Version 02.02.
To perform the upgrade, visit
http://support.epson.com and
click the
Digital Photography icon.
Then follow the links to the P-2000 Drivers & Downloads page (click
Multimedia/Photo Storage Viewers > P-2000 > Drivers & Downloads).
Download the firmware update for your operating system (Windows or
Macintosh ), and follow the instructions provided with the download to
perform the upgrade.
If you follow the link under News & Alerts (instead of clicking Drivers &
Downloads), you can read a description of the enhancements supported by this
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