Epson Expression 800 User Manual

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Reference Guide

Color Image Scanner

FCC Compliance Statement for United States Users

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio or television reception. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio and television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected Consult an experienced radio/TV technician for help.


The connection of a non-shielded equipment interface cable to this equipment will invalidate the FCC Certification of this device and may cause interference levels that exceed the limits established by the FCC for this equipment. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain and use a shielded equipment interface cable with this device. If this equipment has more than one interface connector, do not leave cables connected to unused interfaces.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Page 2

For Canadian Users

This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de Classe B prescrites dans le règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édict‚ par le Ministère des Communications du Canada.

A Note Concerning Responsible Use of Copyrighted Materials

Like photocopiers, scanners can be misused by improper scanning of copyrighted material. Although Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 (Title 17, United States Code), the “fair use” doctrine, permits limited copying in certain circumstances, those circumstances may not be as broad as some people assume. Unless you have the advice of a knowledgeable attorney, be responsible and respectful by not scanning published material without the permission of the copyright holder.
Page 3

Copyright Notice

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. The information contained herein is designed only for use with this EPSO N scanner. EPSON is not responsible for any use of this information as applied to other scanners.
Neither SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION nor its aff iliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or third parties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by purchaser or third parties as a result of: accident, misuse, or abuse of this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to this product, or (excluding the U.S.) failure to strictly comply with SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION’s operating and maintenance instructions.
SEIKO EPSON CORPO RATIO N and its affiliates shall not be liable for any damages or problems arising from the use of any options or any consumable products other than those designated as Original EPSON Products or EPSON Approved Products by SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.
EPSON is a registered trademark of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION, and EPSON Expression is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. EPSON SoundAdvice is a service mark and EPSON FaxAdvice is a trademark of Epson America, Inc.
LaserSoft is a registered trademark and SilverFast is a trademark of LaserSoft Imaging GmbH, Germany. General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purpose s only and may be
trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 1998 by Epson America, Inc., Torrance, California, USA
Page 4


Optional Equipment 9 How to Use This Manual 10
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes 10 Important Safety Instructions 11 Where to Get Help 13
Under st an din g SC S I Connections
SCSI Chain 16 SCSI Cables 17 SCSI ID 17 SCSI Termination 18 Setting the SCSI ID Number 19
Changing the SCSI ID Number in Windows 98 21
Page 5
Upgrading from Windows 95 to
Window s 98 Using Optional Equipment
Using the Transparency Unit 25
Unpacking the Transparency Unit 26
Removing the Shipping Screw 27
Installing the Transparency Unit 28
Scanning Oversized Transparencies and Film 32
Using the Film Guides 33
Scanning Normal Documents with the Transparency
Unit Installed 39
Using the Auto Document Feeder 40
Unpacking the Auto Document Feeder 41
Installing the Auto Document Feeder 42
Loading Paper in the Auto Document Feeder 46
Fixing Paper Jams in the Auto Document Feeder 49
Maintaining and Transporting
Your Scanner
Cleaning the Scanner 51 Replacing the Fluorescent Lamp 52
Page 6
Transporting the Scanner 53 Transporting the Transparency Unit 55
Diagnosing Problems 57
Indicator Lights 58 Upgrading Your System 59 Problems and Solutions 60
Operation Problems 60
Scan Quality Problems 62
Image Matching Problems 66
Specifications Glossary Index
Page 7


The EPSON® Expression® 800 is a true 800-dpi full-color flatbed scanner with an 8.5 × 11.7 inch (216 × 297 mm) sc anning area f or A4 or US letter-size paper. It has the ability to scan in color or grayscale, making it ideal for vir tu ally all uses, f rom s im ple drawin gs t o c om plex full-c olor illustrations or photographs. I t achieves ex tr em ely high qu alit y in c olor by reading a nd saving up t o 36 bits per pix el.
Your EPSON scanner offers the following features:
Full color sc anning of up to 68 billion colo rs or grayscale scanning in
up to 4,096 sh ades of gray . Maximum hardware res olution of 800 dpi (main scan) × 3200 dpi
(subscan). You can adjust the output resolution to match the resolution of your output device.
Maximum s of t w are resolution of 12800 × 12800 d pi w it h interpola ti on.
Automatic Area Segmentation (AAS) lets you separate text from
photographs on a pa ge so grayscale image s are c learer and t ex t recognition is more accurate.
Text Enhancement T ec hnology (TET) enha nc es optical cha racter
recognit ion (OCR) ac c uracy when scanning text on dark or color backgrounds.
Two SCSI interface connectors.
Software c ontrol of all s ca nner functi ons.
Introduction Page 8

Optional Equipment

The following optional items are available to expand the versatility of your scanner. For detailed information on using these options, see Using
Optional Equipme nt .
Auto Document Feeder (B813162)
The auto document feeder allows you to scan up to 30 pages automatically.
Transparency Unit (B813152)
The transparency unit is includ ed w it h the Profes s ional mode l of th e EPSON Expression 800, and optional for the Executive and Artist models. It allows you to scan transparencies, such as 35 mm slides and negatives. It has a maximum reading area of 8.5 × 11.7 inches (216 × 297 mm), which allows yo u t o s c an a variety of t ransparen t media.
Introduction Page 9

How to Use This Manual

Understanding SCSI Connections explains how to set your scanner up as
a SCSI device in a SCSI chain.
Upgrading from Windows 95 to Windows 98 tells you how to uninstall and
reinstall your scanner software when you upgrade from Windows 95 to Windows 98.
Using Optional Equipment
optional transparency unit and auto document feeder.
Maintaining and Transporting Your Scanner gives tips on caring for your
scanner and preparing it for a move.
Troubleshooting Specifications
provides solutions to problems you may encounter.
provides technical details on your scanner and its optional
gives instructions for installing and using the

Warnings, Cautions, and Notes

Warnings must be followed carefully to avoid bodily injury.
Cautions must be observed to avoid loss of data or damage to your
Notes contain important information about your scanner.
Introduction Page 10

Important Safety Instructions

Read all of th es e instructions careful ly . Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the scanner.
The scanner must be placed on a st urdy, level surf ace.
Unplug the scanner before cleaning it. Clean it with a damp cloth only.
Do not spill liquid on the scanner. Do not place the scan ner near a radiator or hea t source.
Do not block or cover the openings in the scanner’s cabinet . Do not
insert objects through the slots. Place your scanner close enough to the computer or workstation for
the scanner cable to reach both ends. Make sure you can easily unplug the power cord.
Use only th e t y pe of power so urce indicat ed on the sca nner’s labe l.
Connec t al l equipmen t to properly gr ounded pow er outlets. Av oid
using outlets on the sa me circui t as photo copiers or a ir contr ol syste ms that regul arly s w it c h on and off.
Do not let th e power cord become damaged o r fra y ed.
If you use an extension cord with the scanner, make sure the total
ampere rat ing of the devices plugged int o th e ex t ension cord does not exceed the cord’s ampere rating. Also, make sure the total ampere rating of al l dev ic es plugge d into the wall out let does not ex c eed the wall outle t’s ampere ra ti ng.
Do not attempt to service the scanner yourself.
Introduction Page 11
Unplug th e s c anner, lock the c arriage in plac e w it h the transp ortation lock on the back of the scanner, an d bring it to qualified serv ic e personnel under the fo llowing conditions:
If the powe r s upply is dam aged or malfunctioning
If liquid has entered the scanner
If the scanner has bee n dropped or t he cabinet damaged
If the scanner does no t o perate normally or exhibits a distinc t
change in performance.
Introduction Page 12
Where to Get Hel
EPSON provides cu s to m er support t hrough the following services:
Electron ic su pport services
Servic e Access
World W ide Web From the In t ernet, you can reach EP SON’s Home Page at
EPSON Internet FTP Site
EPSON Download Servic e
EPSON For um on CompuServe
Introduction Page 13
If you have In te rnet FTP capability, use your Web browser (or other software for FTP dow nloading) to log onto name
You can call the EPSON Download Service at communications software to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. Modem speed can be up to 28.8 Kbps.
Members of CompuServe can type reach the Epson America Forum. For a free introductory CompuServe member sh ip, call (800) 848-8199 and ask for represent at iv e #529.
and your e-m ail addres s as th e password .
(800) 442-2007.
at the menu prompt to
with the user
Set your
Automa te d t elephone s erv ic es
Service Access
EPSON SoundAdv ic e
For pre-rec orded answers to comm only asked qu es t ions about EPSON products 24 hours a day, seven days a week, call
(800) 922-8911.
EPSON F ax Advice™ Access EPSON’s te ch nic al informat ion library b y ca lling
(800) 922-8911
. You must provide a return fax num ber to use this
EPSON R ef erral Service
For the location of yo ur nearest Aut horized EP SON Rese ller or Custom er C are Center, c all
(800) 92 2-8911.
Introduction Page 14
EPSON als o provide s tec hnical support and in fo rm ation on the installation, config uration, and operatio n of EPSON pro ducts. Dial (310) 974 -1970 (U.S. ) or (905) 709-3839 (Cana da), 6 A.M. to 6 P. M ., Pacific Time, Monday t hrough Frid ay .
If you need help using software with an EPSON product, see the documentation for that progr am f or technical support information.
Before yo u c all, please have the follo w ing informat ion ready:
Product name
Product serial number
Computer configuration
Descript ion of the problem
You can purchase opt ional equipment, manuals, and accessories from EPSON Ac c essories at (8 00) 873-7766 (U.S. sales only). In C anada, please ca ll (800) 873-7766 for de aler referral . For U.S. sales , yo u c an also visit our website at
Introduction Page 15
Understanding SCSI
Read the following sections to determine how to set up your SCSI devices.

SCSI Chain

The SCSI inte rf ac e allows you to con nect up to seven de v ic es (su c h as a scanner, hard disk, CD-ROM, and so on) to the computer. Only the first SCSI device in the chain is connected to the computer; each of the other devices is connected to another SCSI device.

Understanding SCSI Connectio ns Page 16

Some SC SI ID numbers may not be available for your system. See SCSI ID Number Settings f or details.

SCSI Cable s

The cable you use to attach the scanner to your computer must not exceed 9.8 feet (3 meters).
If you are connecting multiple SCSI devices to your computer, you may need to purchase several SCSI cables before setting up your SCSI chain. Be sure th e SCSI cabl e c onnectors are suitable fo r y our hardware, depend ing on the mak er of your SC SI device and SC SI interface board.
To connect the scanner to another SCSI device, the length of cable must not exceed 19.7 feet (6 meters); otherwise the system may not work properly.


Each device has a SCSI ID number: the SCSI adapter in the computer is usually num ber 7, and each of th e other devic es must have a different number between 0 and 6. The EPSON Expression 800 defaul t SCSI I D number is 2.
You’ll find the SCSI ID rotary switch at th e rear of the scanner .
2 7 6
4 5
Understanding SCSI Connectio ns Page 17

SCSI Termin ation

Remove the terminator plug or turn off the termination switch for any devices in the SCSI chain other than th e f irs t and last de v ic e.
The first device and the last device in the chain (not including the adapter) m ust be terminated, either by a ter m inator plug or a termination switch set to ON. No other dev ic e in t he chain can be termin at ed. The EPSON Expression 800 has a te rm ination swtich whic h is located at th e rear of the scan ner. The def ault position of the terminat ion switch is ON. Do no t us e an external terminator with the E PSON Expression 800.
termination switch
2 7 6
4 5
Understanding SCSI Connectio ns Page 18
Make sure the scann er is tu rned off before c hanging th e SCSI ID number.
Do not set the SCSI ID to an ID number that is already assigned to another device. Otherwise the computer, scanner, and other devices will not operate prope rly .
If you are us ing Window s 98, see Changing the SCSI ID Numb er in Window s 98 for more inform at ion.

Setting the SCSI ID Number

The scanner’s default SCSI ID n um ber is 2. If you add the scan ner to a system in w hic h one of your SCSI dev ic es already uses SCSI ID 2, you can chan ge t he ID numb er t o an unused num ber using th e rot ary switch at the rear o f the scanner. See the table on the next page for a guid e t o SCSI ID nu m bers. Then fo llow t hese steps t o c hange the ID number:
Turn the sc anner off.
Use the rotary switch at the back of the sca nner to change the SCSI ID
number. Turn the sc anner back on.
Restart your computer.
2 7 6
4 5
Understanding SCSI Connectio ns Page 19
SCSI ID Number Settings
ID Availability
0 Not available for Mac intosh
Not recom m ended fo r W indows
; used for hard disk
; usually us ed f or hard disk 1 Not recom m ended; u s ually used fo r hard disk 2 Factory setting of the scanner; can be changed 3 Available for Windows
Not available if your M acintosh has a built-in CD -R OM 4 Available 5 Available 6 Available 7 Not available for Mac intosh; always used fo r th e M ac intosh itself
May not be availabl e fo r W indows; u su ally used for th e SC SI
board * Not available; scan ner will not wo rk if se lec t ed (use only w hen
transporting the scanner)
Understanding SCSI Connectio ns Page 20
Changing the SCSI ID Number in Windows 98
If you are using your scanner with Windows 98 and you want to change the scanner’s SCSI ID number, fo llow t he steps be low .
Double-c lic k th e
Panel. Select your scanner in the installed devices list, then click
Click OK and clos e th e dialog box .
Shut dow n W indows 98 and turn off your PC and scanner.
Use the rotary switch at the back of the scanner to change the
scanner ’s SC SI ID number. Turn on yo ur s c anner, and th en t urn on your P C .
Scanners and Cameras
icon in the Control
Follow the instructions on the screen.
Understanding SCSI Connectio ns Page 21
Upgrading from
Windows 95 to Windows 98
If you installed th e scanne r softwa r e on a comput er wi th Windo ws 95 and then upgraded to Windows 98, yo u m ust uninstall and re-ins t all the scanner so ftw are. Follow th es e steps:
1 2
Upgrading from Windows 95 to Windows 98 Page 22
Start, Settings
Double-click and click
Add/Remove Programs
, and then select
, then follow the instructions on th e s c reen.
Control Panel
. Select
When you ’v e f inished uni ns t alling EPSON TWAIN Pro, repeat s te p 2
to uninstall LaserSo f t
TWAIN Driver
To re-install the EPS ON s c anner software, follow th e instructions in
Setting Up and Using Your Scanner
SilverFast™ Lite (sele c t
Expression 800
Upgrading from Windows 95 to Windows 98 Page 23

Using Optional Equipment

Follow the steps in these sections to install and use the scanner’s optional equipment:
Using the Transparency Unit
Using the Auto Document Feeder
Using Optional Equipment Page 24
The transparency unit comes with the Professional model of the EPS ON Expression 800 scanner . It’ s an option for the Executiv e and Artist models of the scanner.

Using the Transparency Unit

The optio nal transparency unit (part number B813152) lets you sc an f ull color transparencie s , str ips of negatives or po si tives, and slide s . Yo u c an also scan normal opa que documents with th e T PU installe d.
Follow the s t eps in these se c tio ns t o ins t all and use the TPU:
Unpacking the Transparency Unit
Removing the Ship ping Screw
Installing t he Transparency Un it
Scanning Oversize d T ranspare nc ies and Film
Using the F ilm Guides
Scanning Normal Documents with the Transparency Unit Installed
Using Optional Equipment Page 25
You can store the film guide s in th e storage area built into the TPU. However, it is recommended tha t you do not store the small 120/22 0-size film guide in t he storage area.

Unpacking the Transparency Unit

Make sure all these items are included in the box with the TPU. Contact your EPSON deale r if a ny t hing is missing or damag ed.
reflective document mat
transparency unit
4 x 5-i nch film
35 mm slide transparency guide
35 mm filmstrip guide
120/220-size (medium format) film
Using Optional Equipment Page 26
You may damage the TPU if you try to use it without removing the screw from t he hole labeled CLAMP.

Removing the Shipping Screw

To preven t dam age during shipping , a sh ipping screw is at t ac hed to the TPU to secure its lamp assembly. You must remove this screw before using the TP U .
Turn the TPU so the glass side faces up.
Use a Phill ips head (cross head) screw driver to rem ov e the shipping
screw from the hole la beled CLAMP, as shown below.
Install the screw in the storage hole labeled ST OCK.
Using Optional Equipment Page 27
If you can’t insert the shipping screw in the hole labeled CLAMP when you prepare the scanner for transportation, the TPU’s lamp assembly may not be in its home position. If this is the case, slowly rais e t he front of the TPU to allow the lamp assembly to slide to the home position .
Before transporting the scanner, tu rn it off, r emove the TPU, and reinstall the shipp ing screw in the outer shipping hole labeled CL AM P. The transpor ta t ion lock at the back of the scanner mu st also be in the LOCK position before you move the scanner (see
Setting Up and Using Your

Installing the Transparency Unit

Follow the s t eps below to ins t all t he TPU:
Make sure the scanner is turned off. Then unplug the power cable from
the scanner. Remove the document cover by grasping the back of the document
cover as sh ow n and easi ng t he cover up.
Using Optional Equipment Page 28
+ 64 hidden pages