Mains, Mains Fuse,
MIDI Section and Footswitch Ports
Noise Gate: Threshold Level
FX Loops I and FX Loop II: Send, Return, and Balance
Low / High Gain - Volume Ratio Control CH 1, CH 2, CH 3, CH 4
Pre Out, Line Out
Power Amp Output, 4, 8, 16 Ohms
Poweramp Output: speaker options
Practical Info and Tips
Handling and Care
Status-LED: Indications
Technical Data,
Tube Map, Tube Exchange Service
Wiring of Principal Connectors
Remote Control Options
Front Panel Diagrams for Noting Settings
Configuration table for Z-9 settings
Front Panel and Rear Panel Diagrams
You'll find an ancillary pamphlet accompanying this owner's manual entitled
Instructions for the Prevention of Fire, Electrical Shock and Injury. Be sure to read it
before you plug in and power up the amp!
Technical specifications are subject to change without notice.
Congratulationsonyourchoiceofamp,themightyENGLINVADERIItubepowered headhigh-performance guitar amp
severalinnovativenewideasremarkably efficient features
Thismarries the unrivalled tone ofto the
top-notch guitar ampall-tube technology
awesome sound-shaping might of control features powered by modern microchip
circuitry. This elegant combination puts at your fingertips a
fundamental tones
TheINVADER IIamp offers-tweaked to
tonal spectrums
fast & heavy riffspunchy lead tone
assertive midrange kick
well as dedicated Gain and Volume knobs and a3-band EQfor eachchannel thatgive
you an even greater range of sound-sculpting options. The tonal palette ranges from
vintage cleanclassic grindcreamy rock lead tonethick, lush tube
overdrivekind of aggressive hi-gain lead sound
Then there's the nifty, a sort ofthat
extendsunprecedented feature
amp's fundamental sound as you see fit andusing the
This amp boasts a lot more hip and practical features:
A/B Master switching
ENGL amps (it has featured in E920 power amps since the late '80s and in the
legendary SAVAGE 120 head since '93!). Youralso sports
Asan alternative to operatingtheamp remotely viaasuchas the
ENGL Z-15, you can also plug in an ENGLand manipulate
keyfunctionsdirectly.What'smore,theampcomeswithastereojackdesigned to take
anora switching systemforselectingthefourchannels.
And thecertainly match the interior's impressive
appointments. This amp's elegant and stylish look is sure to turn heads wherever you
, you now own athat incorporates
and a virtually inexhaustible reservoir of compelling variations, all
four independent channelsdeliver different
for various styles and playing techniques, for instance, Channel 4 for
and an power chords; Channel 3 forwith an
. All four channels offer Low Gain / High Gain switching, as
to,and fromwith
totheittakes to cut through thedin
Sound buttonDIY tone-tuning toolvastly
the amp's application range. Thislets you shape the
fine-tune its voicingoptional
is a powerful option that has proven its merits in countless
INVADER II headtwo
MIDIfoot controller
Z-9 Custom Foot Controller
exterior's compelling visuals
vast range of great
This gives you:
1. a logical control feature array, utmostand
excellent voicing optionsgreat flexibility
shaping and other special functions. You can also tweak the amp's fundamental
sound to taste using the, and your voicings can be
assigned to 128 MIDI presets.
5.- anthat's versatile
enough to cover a wide range of applications.
It can even bewith, all of which will give
years of playing pleasurevalue to boot
Sound function's voicingautomatically adjusted
extendedSound Wizard technology
quick accessbroad tonal palette
extends the scopetonal
Features and Functionality at a Glance
Four basic channels
->:,, and with
separate Gain and Volume knobs.
Two Gain variantsthree
->(andwith the optional) for each
of the basic channels: The High Gain function affords you instant access
two gain settingsdifferent voicingsevery channel
Four voicing sections
>: one EQ for each Channel featuring
Bass, Middle and Treble.
-> The versatilefor Channel 1, 2, 3 and 4:
tunedmatchtonal characteristics
It istothe given channels'.
Two effect loops:
->andare variable, switchable effect
loops. Each effect loop may be activated for each channel.
-> The power amp'sandknobs are.
MIDI controller #7 or #28 accesses, and in addition
is. These choices come in handy if you wish to use
Pre Outputtune your guitar
thesignal to.
->andports serve to integrate the amp into a MIDI system.
128 MIDI presets
->, accessible via 16 MIDI channels.
INVADER II amp offers three different remote interface ports:
-> The
The Serial Amp Control Port accepts the Custom Z-9 Footswitch (optional); use it
as a conventional switcher to select channels and two more functions directly.
Then there's the MIDI In, which accepts the Z-9 for use as a simple MIDI
footcontroller or any other MIDI footcontroller. Finally, the amp is equipped
with a stereo jack that takes a dual footswitch, allowing you to switch the
four channels remotely.
Programmable Noise Gate
->for suppressing noise in,
Channel 4
Sound voicing button
Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3Channel 4
Sound Wizard
FX Loop IFX Loop II
AB Masteraccessible via MIDI
Amp MuteAmp Mute
Channel 2 Channel 3
Among the hallmarks of this fine amp are painstaking workmanship and finishing as
well as rigorously tested and carefully selected quality components. You'll find
guidelinesoncare and maintenance oftubeamps on page 28. Undertheheading Tips
from the designer, you'll come across practical tips on the aforementioned features
throughout the manual. All critical information concerning the operation of this amp
is preceded by "NOTE", "CAUTION", "Read and heed" or some other eye-catching
comment.We're callingyour attention to these remarksfor reasons of safety orother
compellingmotives, so pleasegivethemdueconsideration.
Everyone at ENGL is confident that the
versatilityoutstanding featuresSimply plug in, play and
A few words of wisdom from the designer:
Though this amphead is relatively easy to handle and you're probablyraring to give it
a go, I recommend thatyou readthe owner'smanual thoroughlybefore youpower it
up. It is equipped with several safety features that require further explanation to
andare sureto delight you:
ifyou want togetevenwhen.
INVADER II tube amp's extraordinary
Andtheis the
1. ENGL INVADER II Tube Amp Head;
2. mains cord;
3. this manual;
4. a pamphlet entitled
Electrical Shock and Injury
The Sound Wizard module referred tois not included.
The Sound function takes on a certain type of voicing that is determined by the
selected channel and the given gain stage setting. This function's setting - Sound off/
on - affects the amp's overall sound. You can assign many typical voicings individually
to the twoandsettings when using the ENGL Sound Wizard
module(optional). The LEDabove the buttonlights up toindicate the Soundfunction
is enabled (). It may also be switched via MIDI program change or the ENGL
CustomZ-9 footswitch.
The following list shows how the Sound function works when enabled () in
various modes and the ENGL Sound Wizard module is not installed (or theis set
SoundWizard off
CHANNEL 1 & Low Gain TwangSWM
CHANNEL 1 & High Gain Low MidrangeSWM
CHANNEL 2 & Low Gain BrightSWM
CHANNEL 2 & High Gain Low MidrangeSWM
CHANNEL 3 & Low Gain Low EndSWM
CHANNEL 3 & High Gain Low MidrangeHigh Midrange
combined with switch #4 on the)
Sound offSound on
Sound on
Sound on
:(that's switch #4 on the)
:(that's switch #3 on the)
:(that's switch #5 on the)
:(that's switch #3 on the)
:(that's switch #2 on the)
:&(that's switch #3
CHANNEL 4 & Low Gain Low EndSWM
CHANNEL 4 & High Gain Low MidrangeHigh Midrange
combined with switch #4 on the).
A tip from the designer:
TheSoundfunctiongivesyou so much creative leeway invoicing theamp thatit merits
a closer look: In the preceding section, you learned that you can activate a certain
voicing such asfor Channel 1 in Low Gain mode orfor Channel 2 in Low
Gain mode. Note that 'Low Gain mode' simply means thatisnot activated.
Your choice of voicing will of course depend on the selected mode, which in turn is
determinedby the currentlyactivechannelandthegivengain stage setting.
The Sound button's voicings are automatically adjusted to match the amp's operating
modes as determined by the given channel and gain stage. This is very beneficial to
your tone. Here's why: Each tonal flavor has certain frequency ranges that can be
tweaked to fine-tune that type of tone. As you can imagine, these frequency ranges
vary from sound to sound, say from a pristine clean tone to a heavily overdriven lead
sound.Avoicing such aswould hardly enhance a distorted tone, so it's notmuch
use in shaping lead sounds. However, tweaking the low end and various midrange
frequencies can certainly change the flavor of crunchy rhythm sounds or singing lead
tones. But I don't want to bore you by trying to describe all the Sound voicings'
specifics. Besides, tone is very subjective, so here's my recommendation: Plug in your
guitar and try out all 16 variations by combining the channel's fundamental sound in
LowGainandHighGainmodesand switch the Sound function off andon. Anaudition
willtell you alotmorethanwordsever could.
Nonetheless, I do want to devote a few more words to an optional feature that
extends the tonal capabilities of the Sound function on the INVADER II amp. It caters
to demanding players who want to sculpt their sound with the surgical precision of a
scalpel rather than beat it into shape with a mallet. Closet hot-rodders and amp
modderswill find plentytoloveinthistool.
Seeking to give creative guitarists practically unlimited freedom to shape their tone, I
started tinkering with the idea of a sound-tuning tool for everyone. Eventually, we
cameup with theSound Wizard module. Thisoptional add-on enablesany guitarist to
fine-tuneall thefundamental sounds of the INVADERII amp without having totake a
soldering iron to its circuitry. Best of all, these modifications can be done without any
knowledgeof electronics. Restoring the INVADER II to itsoriginalvoicingisassimpleas
flipping a single switch. The unique Sound Wizard module is truly extraordinary
becauseitdoeswhat so many guitarists havebeen wantingtodoforsuch a long time -
letsthemthe sound oftheirampstosuittheirtaste.
The Sound Wizard module sits in the amp's rear panel, so all you have to do is replace
thepanel. There's noneedtoremovetheamplifier chassis.
A single connector plugs the Sound Wizard module into the amp's circuitry. The ENGL
Sound Wizard module provides 96 rockers on 16 DIP switches for fine-tuning your
sound. 16 LEDs next to the DIP switches tell you which configuration of rockers is
currentlyactive for a givenampmode (Channel, Gain &Sound settings). A slideswitch
enables and disables the Sound Wizard module. The module's status is indicated by a
separateLED on the module as well as bythe SWM LEDon the amp'sfront panel. You
can encode atotal of 64 different settingson theSound Wizard module for eachamp
mode. The variationson Channel, Gain & Sound settings giveyou a total of 16modes.
:(that's switch #2 on the)
:&(that's switch #3
High Gain
All this means you have a whole bunch of configurations for fine-tuning your amp. In
addition to offering specific voicings such as,and, the Sound
Wizard also lets you modify the gain stages in certain modes and activate a special
parameter calledfor each amp setting to balance out different volume
levels. You will find a detailed description of the Sound Wizard's tuning capabilities in
themanual that comeswiththemodule.
Bright TwangMid Boost
2 Gain 1
Gaincontrol for Channel1's preamp section.This knob determines thepreamp's input
sensitivitywhen Channel 1 is selectedand,byextension,thepreampsignal'ssaturation
Atip from the designer:
The amount of distortion depends on your guitar's pickups and the High Gain ()
setting. In Channel 1, single-coil pickups may begin saturating the preamp when the
knob is set to about the two o'clock position; pickups with very high output levels
(humbuckersor active pickups)will evoke mildoverdrive at evenlower settings. If you
wantsqueaky clean tone,simplybackofftheGainknob accordingly.
Ifyourguitarsportssingle-coilsandyou want to add some grit to yourtone and biteto
your riffs, set the knob somewhere between 12 and 3 o'clock. For higher output pickups such as humbucking or active jobs, dial in settings between 10 and 1 o'clock and
Thisis the preampvoicingsection'spassivelow-frequencyEQfor.
This is the preamp voicing section's passive midrange frequency EQ for.
Channel 1
Thisis the preampvoicingsection'spassivehigh-frequencyEQfor.
Atip from the designer:
To help you get acquainted with the amp's fundamental sounds, I recommend that
youset all tone controls toor slightly higherthan the centeror 12 o'clock position. For
higher-gain preamp sounds, yourbest bet is to turn the Treble knob down to prevent
the pickups and speakers from generating feedback (a setting in the 10-to-2 o'clock
rangeis recommended). Youwill find thatgrittier tones generally sound better with a
touch less treble because preamp saturation makes higher frequencies figure more
prominently in the signal. Each channel is equipped with a dedicated EQ so you can
tweakitssoundseparately to suit yourtaste andthegivensonic scenario. Bear in mind
that you also have the Sound (1) button, as well as the power amp Presence (14) and
Depth Punch (15) knobs, at your disposal for shaping the frequency range. You can
program various MIDI presets with the Sound option remotely and have plenty of
tonalvariations at yourfingertips.
Volume control for Channel 1's preamp section. Use this knob to adjust the volume of
FXloops whenisselected.ThegreenLED to therightoftheknoblights up to
indicateison. Usethe knob (56) on theamp's rear panel to balanceout the
Channel 1
theChannel1 Volume knob (6)lightsup to indicateisactive.may
Channel1Channel 1
Gaincontrol for Channel3's preamp section.This knob determines thepreamp's input
sensitivitywhen Channel 3 is selectedand,byextension,thepreampsignal'ssaturation
Atip from the designer:
Like Channel 4,Channel 3'sgain structures range fromto extreme, making it
a great choice of channel for fat, creamy lead sound with plenty of sustain. The High
Gain (19) and Sound (1) functions let you tune Channel 3's fundamental tone to suit
different playing techniques. This channel has plenty of headroom, so I recommend
setting the Gain knob to somewhere between 8 and 1 o'clock. This will let you dial in
impressive sounds with preamp saturation figuringprominently in the tone. The High
Gain function comes in especially handy in conjunction with Gain settings below 12
o'clockbecause you canuseittoshapeand access two distinctlydifferenttones.
feedback. Avoid feedback squeals; they can lead to hearing loss and damage
speakers! At higher volumes, back off the Gain, Treble and Presence levels in order to
preventunchecked feedback!
Extremely high gain and volume levels in Channel 3 can produce powerful
Thisis the preampvoicingsection'spassivelow-frequencyEQfor.
This is the preamp voicing section's passive midrange frequency EQ for.
Channel 3
Thisis the preampvoicingsection'spassivehigh-frequencyEQfor.
Atip from the designer:
To help you get acquainted with the amp's fundamental sounds, I recommend that
you set all tone controls to the center or 12o'clock position. For higher-gain sounds in
Channel 3
speakers from generating feedback (a setting in the 10-to-2 o'clock range is
your best bet is to turn the Treble knob down to prevent the pickups and
Eachchannelisequipped with a dedicated EQ so you can tweak its sound separately to
suityour taste and thegiven sonic scenario. Bearin mind that youalsohave the Sound
(1) button, as wellas the two power ampPresence (14) and Depth Punch (15) knobs,
atyour disposal forshaping the frequencyrange. Though thispassive voicing section's
controls range is narrower than that of a comparable active system, its EQ curve is
tweakedspecifically for itsdesignatedpurpose,andwillgiveyou satisfying results.
Volume control for Channel 3's preamp section. Use this knob to adjust the volume of
Channel 3
is on. Use the knob (58)on the amp's rear panel to balance out the relative
Pressthis button toactivate preampat the amp.The red LEDtothe right of
theChannel3Volumeknob(12)lightsupto indicateisactive.may
Power amp Presence knob. This knob determines the power amp's high frequency
responseand affects allchannels.
This control shapes the lo frequency response in the power amp stage and affects all
This button switches to and fro betweenand.The red LED above
the button lights up to indicateis on. You can also select loops via MIDI
programchange or theENGLCustomZ-9Footswitch.
Atip from the designer:
Both effect loops can be configured in series (that is, 100% processed signal when
balance whenis set to). You can connect an effect device to each of the
effect loops and switch from one effect device to the other using the FX Loop I/II
function, or employ just one of the two effect loops (for example, FX II Loop) and use
FX Loop I/IIFX Loop I
itsknob to theposition). Note that in the signal path,and
MasterBFXLoop Return
is set to) or in parallel (1% to 99% mix of preamp and effect signal when
is set somewhere betweenand),or be bypassed altogether (0 % wet
to activate the effect. In the latter case,serves as a bypass (set
BalancedryMaster A
controlsare postandprethe power amp.
FX Loop II
FX Loop IFXLoop II
Press this button to activate an onboardand suppress excess noise in
channel 2, 3 or 4. Control theusing the Level Threshold (49) knob on the
back of the amp. The LED above the button lights up to indicate theis
activated. This feature can also be switched via MIDI program change or the ENGL
CustomZ-9 Footswitch.
IMPORTANT note; please read and heed
when theis activated, a high-gain channel is selected, and the volume
exceeds the Threshold knob setting. At very high volume and gain settings, this may
generate instant feedback, particularly if your guitar is facing the speakers. Rather
than musical and controlled, this is the shrill, unpleasant and potentially harmful
variety of feedback squealing thatsends youraudience andfellow musicians packing.
Thoughtheampisnot more susceptible to feedback whentheisactivated,
the fact that it suppresses extraneous noise means you can't hear those telltale signs
that feedback isswelling andconsequently can't take measures to suppress it. For this
reason, make an extra effort to be careful when theis activated: Before
you approach theamp andspeaker cabinet with your guitar in hand, turn the guitar's
volume knob to the far left position (to 0 so that no signal is audible) to prevent the
pickupsand speakers frominteracting!
Atip from the designer:
Noise is a definite no-no in many situations. For example, studio etiquette demands
that you keep a lid on extraneous noise during short breaks. It's in the nature of highgain rigs to generate undesirable peripheral noise in overdriven channels. This is
attributable to the physical properties of an amp's constituent components, in
particularits active components. That'sright;thosecherishedtubesare the culprits.
Theis a tool that lets you silence this noise during breaks by way of signal
mute circuit. Note that electric guitars pick up interference signals, and these are
amplified tremendously at high gain levels in High Gain mode. The most common
source of noise is 50 or 60 hertz mains hum, particularly when the guitar is positioned
neartransformers and powerunits. Because inworst-case scenarios this humming can
attain extremely high levels, thecan hardly distinguish between the
musical signal and noise. This makes it hard to find the right Threshold setting. It is
Noise Gate
transformersand power units asspaceallows.
Noise Gate
Noise Gate
and therefore becomes audible. My advice is to stay as far away from
Noise Gate
Noise Gate
Noise Gate
Noise Gate
Noise Gate
: Themay open up inadvertently
Noise Gate
¼"unbalanced input jack.Plugyourguitarinhereusing a shieldedcord.
Atip from the designer:
Depending on the type of cord and its shielding, you may occasionally encounter
interference from sources such as radio stations or powerful magnetic fields. When
this occurs, try connecting your guitar to the amp using different cords. What's more,
to minimize signal degradation due to high-frequency loss, use the shortest cords
feasible (as a rule, the shorter the cord, the less susceptible it is to high-frequency
Pressingthisbuttonbooststhegainandamountofdistortion inall four channels,,
CH2 CH3CH4HighGain
,and. The LEDabove this buttonlights up to indicateisactive.
This feature can also be switched via MIDI program change or the Custom Z-9
footswitch. You can also use the optional Sound Wizard module to modify the two
gainstages. See thedescriptionofthefor moreonthis.
Atip from the designer:
Obviously,thedifference between Low and HighGainisthat the latter gives youmore
preampjuice. But I also tuned frequencyresponsetosuiteachchannel'sgainstructure,
which is a long-winded way of saying the four channels give you eight great sonic
choices. Depending on the selected channel and Gain knob setting, the spectrum
rangesfrom pristineclean (and)to ultrasaturated lead tone(and),
rich in overtones and gain reserves for screaming solos and crashing power chords.
Whatevertonesyourstyle,genreandwhims may demand, you'll find it between these
two extremes. The options are too numerous to mention, so switch back and forth
between Low and High Gain in each of the four channels and vary the Gain knob
settings to get to know their tonal characteristics and make the most of these eight
fundamental sounds. The optional Sound Wizard module letsyou select another gain
MediumGainLowGainHigh Gain
stage,, in additiontoand. See the description ofthe
formore on this.
Gaincontrol for Channel2's preamp section.This knob determines thepreamp's input
sensitivitywhen Channel 2 is selectedand,byextension,thepreampsignal'ssaturation
Atip from the designer:
Channel 2
sounds with slightly higher gain levels and different flavors than those provided by
Channel 1High Gain
subtle to in-your-face preamp overdrive. Even in Low Gain mode, you can conjure a
slightly dirtier sound at Gain settings around 12 to 2 o'clock, and lower with
humbuckingpickups. This isaniceoptiontohave when you're goingforagrittiertone.
CAUTION: Extremely high gain and volume levels in Channel 2 can produce powerful
feedback. Avoid feedback squeals; they can lead to hearing loss and damage
speakers! At higher volumes, back off the Gain, Treble and Presence levels in order to
preventunchecked feedback!
offers moderate to middling gain structures for great alternative clean
. Set it toif you wish to dial in classic rock riffs with anything from
Thisis the preampvoicingsection'spassivelow-frequencyEQfor.
Thisis the preampvoicingsection'spassivemidrangeEQ for.
Thisis the preampvoicingsection'spassivehigh-frequencyEQfor.
+ 28 hidden pages
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