Optical sensor for the measurement of VIS/NIR
Table of contents
1Document information ......... 4
1.1Warnings ........................... 4
1.2Symbols ............................ 4
1.3Symbols on the product ............... 5
Table of contents
9.3Disposal ........................... 23
10Accessories .................... 23
10.1 Assembly .......................... 24
2Basic safety instructions ....... 6
2.1Requirements for the personnel ........ 6
2.2Designated use ...................... 6
2.3Occupational safety .................. 6
2.4Operational safety ................... 6
2.5Product safety ....................... 7
3Product description ............. 7
3.1Sensor design ....................... 7
3.2Measuring principle .................. 8
4Incoming acceptance and
product identification .......... 9
4.1Incoming acceptance ................. 9
4.2Product identification ................. 9
4.3Scope of delivery .................... 10
4.4Certificates and approvals ............ 10
5Installation .................... 11
5.1Installation conditions ............... 11
5.2Mounting the sensor ................ 14
5.3Post-installation check ............... 15
6Electrical connection .......... 15
6.1Connecting the sensor ............... 15
6.2Lamp voltage ....................... 16
6.3Ensuring the degree of protection ..... 16
6.4Post-connection check ............... 16
11Technical data ................. 24
Index ................................. 27
7Commissioning ................ 17
7.1Function check ..................... 17
7.2Calibrating/adjusting the sensor ...... 17
8Maintenance .................. 17
8.1Maintenance schedule ............... 17
8.2Clean sensor ....................... 18
8.3Replace lamp ....................... 18
8.4Replacing the O-ring ................ 20
9Repairs ......................... 23
9.1Spare parts ........................ 23
9.2Return ............................ 23
Document informationOUSAF11
1 Document information
1.1 Warnings
Structure of informationMeaning
Causes (/consequences)
Consequences of non-compliance (if
Corrective action
Causes (/consequences)
Consequences of non-compliance (if
Corrective action
Causes (/consequences)
Consequences of non-compliance (if
Corrective action
Consequences of non-compliance (if
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation.
Failure to avoid the dangerous situation will result in a fatal or serious injury.
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation.
Failure to avoid the dangerous situation can result in a fatal or serious injury.
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation.
Failure to avoid this situation can result in minor or more serious injuries.
This symbol alerts you to situations which may result in damage to property.
1.2 Symbols
Additional information, tips
Permitted or recommended
Not permitted or not recommended
Reference to device documentation
Reference to page
Reference to graphic
Result of a step
OUSAF11Document information
1.3 Symbols on the product
Reference to device documentation
Basic safety instructionsOUSAF11
2 Basic safety instructions
2.1 Requirements for the personnel
• Installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the measuring system may be
carried out only by specially trained technical personnel.
• The technical personnel must be authorized by the plant operator to carry out the specified
• The electrical connection may be performed only by an electrical technician.
• The technical personnel must have read and understood these Operating Instructions and
must follow the instructions contained therein.
• Measuring point faults may be repaired only by authorized and specially trained personnel.
Repairs not described in the Operating Instructions provided may only be carried out
directly by the manufacturer or by the service organization.
2.2 Designated use
The OUSAF11 sensor measures the VIS/NIR absorption of liquids. The sensor is suitable for
use in a wide range of applications , such as:
• Interphase detection
• Applications in the food and beverage industry
– Milk detection in CIP solutions
– Phase separation, e.g. milk/water
– Product loss detection in outlet
• Measurement of solids in:
– Primaries industry
– Mining
Use of the device for any purpose other than that described, poses a threat to the safety of
people and of the entire measuring system and is therefore not permitted.
The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper or non-designated use.
2.3 Occupational safety
As the user, you are responsible for complying with the following safety conditions:
• Installation guidelines
• Local standards and regulations
Electromagnetic compatibility
• The product has been tested for electromagnetic compatibility in accordance with the
applicable European standards for industrial applications.
• The electromagnetic compatibility indicated applies only to a product that has been
connected in accordance with these Operating Instructions.
2.4 Operational safety
1.Before commissioning the entire measuring point, verify that all connections are
correct. Ensure that electrical cables and hose connections are undamaged.
OUSAF11Product description
2.Do not operate damaged products, and safeguard them to ensure that they are not
operated inadvertently. Label the damaged product as defective.
3.If faults cannot be rectified:
Take the products out of operation and safeguard them to ensure that they are not
operated inadvertently.
2.5 Product safety
The product is designed to meet state-of-the-art safety requirements, has been tested, and
left the factory in a condition in which it is safe to operate. The relevant regulations and
European standards have been observed.
3 Product description
3.1 Sensor design
1Design of OUSAF11
1Process connection (e.g. external thread)
2Sensor shaft
3Sensor head
Product descriptionOUSAF11
3.2 Measuring principle
Light absorption
The measuring principle is based on the Lambert-Beer law.
There is a linear dependency between the absorption of light and the concentration of the
absorbing substance:
A = -log(T) = ε . c . OPL
T = I/I
T ... Transmission
I ... Intensity of received light at detector
I0 ... Intensity of transmitted light of light source
A ... Absorption
ε ... Extinction coefficient
c ... Concentration
OPL ... Optical path length
A light source emits radiation through the medium and the incident radiation is measured on
the detector side.
The intensity of the light is determined by a photodiode and converted to a photocurrent.
The subsequent conversion to absorbance units (AU, OD) is performed in the associated
2Absorption measurement
1Light source
2Optical windows of the sensor
4Measurement filter (depends on sensor, not provided on all sensors)
5Medium flow
OUSAF11Incoming acceptance and product identification
4 Incoming acceptance and product identification
4.1 Incoming acceptance
1.Verify that the packaging is undamaged.
Notify your supplier of any damage to the packaging.
Keep the damaged packaging until the matter has been settled.
2.Verify that the contents are undamaged.
Notify your supplier of any damage to the delivery contents.
Keep the damaged products until the matter has been settled.
3.Check the delivery for completeness.
Check it against the delivery papers and your order.
4.Pack the product for storage and transportation in such a way that it is protected
against impact and moisture.
The original packaging offers the best protection.
The permitted ambient conditions must be observed (see "Technical data").
If you have any questions, please contact your supplier or your local sales center.
4.2 Product identification
4.2.1 Nameplate
The nameplate provides you with the following information on your device:
• Manufacturer identification
• Order code
• Extended order code
• Serial number
• Safety information and warnings
Compare the data on the nameplate with your order.
4.2.2 Product identification
Product page
Interpreting the order code
The order code and serial number of your product can be found in the following locations:
• On the nameplate
• In the delivery papers
Obtaining information on the product
1.Go to the product page for your product on the Internet.
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