Many cool and useful features have been added since the initial software
release. This addendum describes these features.
New Features & Changes
Page 3 - New Song/Pattern Display
currently playing pattern as well as the next one in the queue.
Page 4 - Note Range Option
now specify a note range when performing Song or Pattern
editing functions.
Page 4 - Scale/Shift Note Duration
lets you scale (multiply by a value) or shift (add a value to) the
note durations in any selected tracks.
Page 5 - Scale/Shift Note Velocity
lets you scale (multiply by a value) or shift (add a value to) the
note velocities in any selected tracks.
Page 6 - Extend Sequence Data To
this new feature allows you to extend an existing pattern by
looping the existing data.
Page 7 - The Asterisk *
or song name whenever you have made a change to the item.
Page 8 - Cut/Copy Track Section
be cut or copied to the clipboard when editing a track.
Page 9 - Song Channel Assign
feature lets you assign the realtime song data to the internal
“B” channels or the MIDI Out port A or B. MIDI data can be
routed to the internal MIDI channels, external MIDI ports, or
Page 10 - Paste Track Section
clipboard will be pasted when editing a track
Page 11 - Note & Event List Editor
pitch wheel. mono pressure, poly pressure and program
change MIDI messages in the pattern or song can now be
visually edited, inserted or deleted.
Page 15 - Revert to Saved
- An asterisk now appears in the preset, pattern,
for Sequence Editing functions - You can
- You can now specify at which bar the
- An revert function for pattern & song edits.
- The display now shows you the
- This filter for songs and patterns
- This filter for songs and patterns
- Located in the Pattern Edit menu,
- You can now specify a bar range to
- Located in the Song Edit menu, this
- Notes, continuous controller,
E-MU PN FI11886 Rev. C
MP-7 / XL-7 Manual Addendum
XL-7 / MP-7 Operation Manual Addendum
Page 16 - New Song Event Source Option - There is now a “song & pat-
terns” option in the song edit menu, “Event Source” screen.
When selected, the selected events from the song as well as
the patterns will be used.
Page 16 - Song/Pattern Edit Lockout - You now must be in the proper
mode to enter the Song or Pattern Edit menus.
Page 16 - MIDI Song Position Pointer, Start, Continue, Stop com-
mands are now received.
Page 16 - MIDI Panic Button - Kills all sounding notes internally and
over MIDI.
Page 16 - New Song Mode Realtime Record screen - The new screen
adds Quantize, Metronome and Count-In fields to Song mode
realtime record.
Page 17 - Aftertouch Curves - Located in the Controllers menu, this
feature allows you select one of four different response curves
to tailor the aftertouch response to your playing style.
Page 18 - Local Control On/Off - This Controllers menu function facil-
itates use of the keypads with an external sequencer.
Page 18 - Footswitch Enhancement - The two footswitch jacks can
now perform many new functions such as: punching in and
out, start/stop sequencer. tap tempo, inc/dec channel, inc/dec
Page 19 - MIDI In Channels - This is a data switch which allows incom-
ing MIDI data to control either the A or B MIDI channels.
Page 20 - Rechannelize MIDI In - This new feature will automatically
rechannelize MIDI data when recording in order to simplify
the recording process.
Page 20 - Keyboard Transpose - This Controllers menu feature allows
you to transpose the keyboard in semitone increments.
Song Length - Songs can now contain up to 999 bars.
E-MU Systems
Data into a Pattern
XL-7 / MP-7 Operation Manual Addendum
New Pattern Play
Pressing Play in Pattern mode causes the selected pattern to
continuously play and loop. The display changes as shown.
01 STOP Ln:08 Bar:01 .1
CurPat: 002
The Track Mute buttons can be used to select specific tracks for playback.
The track mute settings are saved when the pattern is saved and restored
when the pattern is run.
Pressing the Stop button stops the pattern immediately. Pressing
Stop again rewinds the pattern to the beginning (RTZ).
Pressing the Stop button a third time reloads the initial setup
information for the Pattern (or Song).
NextPat: 0020
To select another pattern while one is already playing: Turn the data
entry control in Pattern Mode/View. The lower line of the display changes
to show the name and number of the pattern you have selected. The
Home/Enter LED will be flashing.
01 STOP Ln:08 Bar:01 .1
Press Enter to jump to the new pattern when the current pattern ends. The
lower line of the display now shows the current and next pattern numbers.
CurPat: 002
To start a new pattern immediately, press Stop, select the new pattern
and press Play. To select a pattern while playing, press Enter, press Stop,
then Play.
Club Luv
01 STOP Ln:08 Bar:01 .1
NextPat: 0220
XL-7 / MP-7 Manual Addendum 3
XL-7 / MP-7 Operation Manual Addendum
Note Range Option
Tip: To set all notes to a
particular value, set Scale to 0%,
(this zeros the value) then set
Shift to the desired duration.
You can now specify a note range when performing the following Song or
Pattern editing functions: Scale/Shift Duration, Thin Events, Transpose and
Scale/Shift Velocity. This gives you much more control over which notes
are edited. See the “Set/Shift Duration” function below for a detailed
This filter allows you to either scale (multiply by a value) or shift (add a
value to) the note durations in the selected tracks. The Scale function is
performed before the Shift value is added.
Scale - Multiplies all note durations by a percentage from 0% to 125%.
Scaling by 100% would leave all note durations untouched.
Scaling by 50% would cut all note durations in half.
Shift - Adds or subtracts a specific note duration in quarter notes and
ticksto note-on events in the selected tracks.
To Scale or Shift Note Duration:
Select the pattern you wish to edit.
Select the Track(s) you wish to Scale or Shift using the Track Enable/
Mute buttons.
Press the Pattern Edit button.
Scroll to the Scale/Shift Note Duration screen shown below using the
data entry control.
Scale: 87% Shift: +00.000
E-MU Systems
Quarter NotesTicks
Select the amount of note duration scaling or shift (offset). The
Home/Enter LED will be flashing once the cursor is moved to the lower
line of the display.
Press Enter. The screen shown below appears to remind you to select
the tracks you want to filter. Select a key range for filtering. The default
setting is all keys.
Key Range: C-2 to:G8
Low KeyHigh Key
Press Enter to scale/shift the note durations. Press any other menu
button to Cancel the operation.
XL-7 / MP-7 Operation Manual Addendum
Scale/Shift Velocity
Tip: To set all notes to a
particular velocity value, set
Scale to 0%, then set Shift to the
desired velocity.
This filter allows you to either scale (multiply by a value) or shift (add a
value to) the velocity values of notes in a pattern. The Scale function is
performed before the Shift value is added.
Scale - Multiplies all note-on velocities by a percentage from 0% to
125%. Scaling by 100% would leave all velocity values
untouched. Scaling by 50% would cut all velocity values in half.
Shift - Adds or subtracts a specific velocity value (-127 to +127) to
every note-on event in the pattern.
To Scale or Shift Velocity:
Select the pattern you wish to edit.
Select the Track(s) you wish to Scale or Shift using the Track Enable/
Mute buttons.
Press the Pattern Edit button.
Scroll to the Scale/Shift Velocity screen shown below using the data
entry control.
Scale: 87% Shift: +0
Select the amount of velocity scaling or shift. The Home/Enter LED
will be flashing once the cursor is moved to the lower line of the
Press Enter. The screen shown below appears to remind you to select
the tracks you want to velocity scale or shift. Select a key range. The
default setting is all keys.
Key Range: C-2 to:G8
to change velocity in the selected tracks. Press any other
button to
the operation.
XL-7 / MP-7 Manual Addendum 5
XL-7 / MP-7 Operation Manual Addendum
Extend Sequence
Data To
This feature lets you change the length of any selected tracks after
recording a pattern. If you are lengthening a pattern, the pattern is looped
to fill in the empty space. If you set the length shorter than the existing
pattern, the pattern will be truncated.
You can set the pattern length before you extend so that only those
bars will be copied. The copied data will be merged with the data in the
subsequent bars of the pattern.
To Extend the 1st Bar over 4 Bars
1. Set Pattern
Length to 1-bar
Bar 1Bar 2Bar 3Bar 4
2. Extend Sequence
Data to 4-bars
Bar 1Bar 2Bar 3Bar 4
To Extend the Length of Selected Tracks:
Select the pattern
Press the
Scroll to the
Pattern Edit
you wish to extend.
button from pattern mode.
Pattern Length
screen and set the length to the measures
you wish to extend. For example, if you want to copy the first measure,
set the length to 1.
Scroll to
Extend Sequence Data using the Data Entry Control.
E-MU Systems
bar: 8
5. Move the cursor to the lower line of the display and select the new
pattern length.
6. Select the Track(s) that you want to extend using the Track Enable/
Mute buttons.
7. Press Enter. The following screen appears.
Enter = Yes Other = Cancel
8. Press Enter again to extend the pattern or any other key to cancel the
The AsteriskThe Asterisk
These parameters are
stored for each track
used in a pattern or
each channel used in
a song.
When a pattern (or song) has been edited and needs to be saved an asterisk
(*) appears in the display. The Save/Copy LED will also be flashing as a
reminder to save your work. The asterisk and your edits remain in the
single edit buffer even if you change patterns. Edits are only erased by
saving the pattern, editing another pattern, invoking the “Revert To Saved”
feature, or turning the unit off. Saving saves the current pattern and NOT
the edit buffer.
Pressing Rec
List Edit
(press enter)
an Edit
name, chan.
asssign, etc.
The following information is stored in non-volatile Flash memory, which is
recalled just before the pattern is played.
XL-7 / MP-7 Operation Manual Addendum
01 STOP Ln: 08 Bar: 01 . 1
Start of IT
Indicates that the Pattern
needs to be saved.
Use the “Revert to
Saved Pattern” feature to
remove the asterisk and
discard your pattern edits.
Important: Pattern and Song Setup information is saved as it was set at the
moment you saved the pattern or song.
• Pattern (Song) Name & Number
• Track Events (patterns only)
• Initial Tempo & Meter
• Master FX setup
• Track (Chan) to MIDI Channel mapping....
• Track Mutes (patterns only) ..........................