Liebert XDA Air Flow Enhancer
Easily-Installed Fan Unit Increases Enclosure Air Flow
Precision Cooling
for Business-Critical Continuity
Liebert XDA Air Flow Enhancer increases
the air flow through densely populated
enclosures, past congested cabling,
removing hot spots within the enclosure
that can threaten the uptime of your
critical systems.
Server fans often produce
insufficient flow to push air through
the masses of data communication
wiring at the rear of the enclosure.
But with a Liebert XDA placed on the
exhaust side of the enclosure, the
five high-static fans ensure positive
air flow, moving heat out of the
enclosure and into the room where
it can be removed by the room air
conditioning system.
Each unit is rated for 1000 CFM
(@60Hz). The unit mounts on the
rear (inside or outside) of any
standard rack (minimum 60" height).
Two XDA units mounted side by
side on the rear of a rack enclosure
(2000 CFM capacity) move a nominal
14 KW heat load.
Liebert XDA features dual power
cords for continuous availability.
They are easy to install and
compatible with most rack
Key Features
Increases air flow through rack
enclosures that have obstructed
air pattern
Redundant fans and dual power
feeds for continuous availability.
Gives maximum uptime by
providing redundancy and
continuous availability through
dual power feeds (A and B).
Two available mounts per rack,
inside or out
Compatible with most rack
Perfect in combination with
Liebert Deluxe units
Complete kit includes:
XDA assembly (fans, dual
power cords & main switch).
Assembly positioning tool
Cable grommet
Excess door perforation

Technical Data
Nominal Capacity 1000 CFM
Input Voltage 120 V, 1 , 60 Hz
230 V, 1 ,50/60 Hz
Full load amps 1.5 A @ 120 V
Height 56"
Width 8"
Depth 2.25"
Weight, unit only 27 lbs
Liebert Corporation
1050 Dearborn Drive
P.O. Box 29186
Columbus, Ohio 43229
800 877 9222 Phone (U.S. &
Canada Only)
614 888 0246 Phone (Outside U.S.)
614 841 6022 FAX
Via Leonardo Da Vinci 8
Zona Industriale Tognana
35028 Piove Di Sacco (PD)
39 049 9719 111 Phone
39 049 5841 257 FAX
Emerson Network Power Asia Pacific
7/F., Dah Sing Financial Centre
108 Gloucester Rd, Wanchai
Hong Kong
852 25722201 Phone
852 28029250 FAX
24 x 7 Tech Support
800 222 5877 Phone
614 841 6755 (outside U.S.)
While every precaution has been taken to ensure accuracy
and completeness in this literature, Liebert Corporation assumes
no responsibility, and disclaims all liability for damages resulting
from use of this information or for any errors or omissions.
© 2005 Liebert Corporation. All rights reserved throughout
the world. Specifications subject to change without notice.
All names referred to are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.
® Liebert and the Liebert logo are registered trademarks
of the Liebert Corporation.
SL-16605 (R11/05) Printed in USA
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©2005 Emerson Electric Co.