This Warranty is given ONLY to purchasers who buy for commercial or industrial use in the ord inary co urse
of each purchaser's business.
Liebert Corporation products and systems are in our opinion the finest available. We take pride in our products and
are pleased that you have chosen them. Under certain circumstances we offer with our products the following
Warranty Against Defects in Material and Workmanship.
Please read your Warranty carefully. This Warranty sets forth our responsibilities in the unlikely event of defect and
tells you how to obtain performance under this Warranty.
Ten (10) Year Design Life Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) Batteries, Liebert-manufactured battery cabinets,
for Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system applications, NX600, NX200, NXL, S610, Npower, APM, and
NX30 UPS family.
Terms of Warranty:
Liebert-Manufactured Battery Cabinets (not including batteries): As provided herein, each Liebert-manufactured
battery cabinet is warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of: (i) one year from the
start-up date provided start-up is performed by Liebert personnel, occurs within six (6) months of the Liebert
shipping date and the product has been stored in a suitable environment prior to start-up; or (ii) in a ny event, a
maximum of eighteen (18) months from date of product shipment from Liebert. The warranty duration shall be
whichever period described in the preceding sentence expires first. The start-up date will be determined only from
the completed inspection and start-up sheet provided by Liebert to User. The product shipment date will be
determined only from the Liebert bill of lading. If any part or portion of the Liebert product fails to conform to the
Warranty within the Warranty period, Liebert, at its option, will furnish new or factory remanufactured products for
repair or replacement of that portion or part and reinstall the replacement product.
Ten (10) Year Design Life VRLA Batteries: Liebert does not manufacture batteries, but does warrant certain ten
(10) year design life VRLA batteries. Subject to the further conditions a nd limitations set forth in this document,
EnerSys brand DataSafe models “12HX” and “16HX”, and East Penn-Deka brand “Unigy UPS High Rate Series”,
ten (10) year design life VRLA batteries (the “Warranty VRLA Batteries”) that are purchased from Liebert and
used in Liebert-manufactured battery cabinets are warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a
period of: (i) three years from date of shipment on a battery only replacement basis with a functio nally equivalent
battery; and (ii) after the third year, an additional seven years on a pro rata basis. The product shipment date will be
determined only from the Lieber t bill of lading.
Fro m time-to-time Liebert is requested by Users, as defined below, to procure non-Warranty VRLA Batteries for
User on a per-order basis. Under these circumstances, Liebert assigns to User any warranties which are made by the
manufacturers and suppliers of such non-VRLA Warranty Batteries and which are assignable, but Liebert makes NO
REPRESENTATIONS as to the effectiveness or extent of such warranties, assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for any
matters that may be warranted by such manufacturers or suppliers and extends no coverage under this Warranty to
such non-VRLA Warranty Batteries.
VRLA Ba ttery & Cabinet Warranty rev 9.25.2013 SL-05100

Warranty Extends to First Purchaser for Use, Non-transferable:
This Warranty is extended to the first person, firm, association or corporation for whom the Liebert product
specified herein is originall y installed for use in the United States or Canada (the "Use r"). This Warrant y is not
transferable or assignable without the prior written permission of Lieb e r t.
Drawings, Descriptions:
Liebert warrants for the period and on the terms of the Warranty set forth herein that the covered product will
conform to the descriptions contained in the certified drawings, if any, applicable thereto, to Liebert's final invoices,
and to applicable Liebert product brochures and manuals published as of the date of product shipment
("Descriptions"). Liebert d oes not control the use of any product. Accordingly, it is understood that the Descriptions
Warranty Claims Procedure:
Within a reasonable time, but in no case to exceed thirty (30) days, after User's discovery of a defect, User shall
contact Liebert at 1-(800) LIEBERT (543-2378). All defective products and component parts replaced under this
warranty become the property of Liebert.
Liebert-Manufactured Battery Cabinets: Subject to the terms and conditions specified herein, should Liebert
determine that the battery cabinet is defective, a Liebert field service representative will repair or replace (at
Liebert’s option) the non-conforming Liebert product warranted hereunder, without charge for material or labor,
provided start-up of the Liebert product was performed by Liebert personnel. In all other instances, User will be
charged for labor performed at Liebert's then current rates. Warranty coverage will be extended only after Liebert's
inspection discloses the claimed defect and shows no signs of treatment or use that would void the coverage of this
Ten (10) Year Design Life VRLA Batteries: Subject to the terms and conditions specified herein, should Lieb ert
determine that a Warranty VRLA Battery is defective within the initial three year warranty period, Liebert will
replace the Warranty VRLA Battery with a functionally equivalent battery. During the pro rata portion of the
warranty period, Liebert will replace a Warranty VRLA Battery that Liebert determines to be defective based on the
below pro rata formula. The formula yields a pro rata credit value, which shall be applied against the battery
manufacturer’s current published list purchase price of a new product of equal or greater Ampere Hour capacity.
Non- Warranty VRLA Batteries: With respe ct to non- Warranty VRLA Batteries procured by Liebert for Users,
Liebert makes NO REPRESENTATIONS as to the effectiveness or extent of warranties that may be assigned to
Users for such non- Warranty VRLA Batteries, assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for any matters that may be
warranted by manufacturers or suppliers of non- Warranty VRLA Batteries and extends no coverage under this
Warrant y to s uch non- Warranty VRLA Batteries.
[(Battery Manufacturer’s Current Published List Purchase Price for the Warranty VRLA Battery) X ((# of Months of
Total Warranty ) – (# of Months of Un-Expired Warranty)] / (# of Months of Total Warranty) = Pro Rata Price
Warranty Performance of Component Manufacturers:
It is Liebert's practice, consistent with its desire to remedy Warranty defects in the most prompt and effective
manner possible, to cooperate with and utilize the services of component manufacturers and their authorized
representatives in the performance of work to correct defects in the Liebert components. Accordingly, Liebert may
utilize third parties in the performance of Warranty work, including repair or replacement hereunder, where, in
Liebert's opinion, such work c an be p erfor med in les s time, with le ss exp ense a nd in c lose r pro ximity to t he Lieb ert
VRLA Ba ttery & Cabinet Warranty rev 9.25.2013 SL-05100