Emerson FloBoss 103, FloBoss 104 Instruction Manual

Remote Automation Solutions
Part Number D301153X012
August 2017
103 and 104 Flow Manager
Instruction Manual
FloBoss 103
FloBoss 104
FloBoss 103/104 Instruction Manual
ii Revised August-2017

Revision Tracking Sheet

August 2017
This manual may be revised periodically to incorporate new or updated information. The revision date of each page appears at the bottom of the page opposite the page number. A change in revision date to any page also changes the date of the manual that appears on the front cover. Listed below is the revision date of each page (if applicable):
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Initial issue
FloBoss 103/104 Instruction Manual
Revised August-2017 iii


Chapter 1 General Information 1-1
1.1 Scope of Manual ............................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Product Overview ........................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2.1 Components and Features................................................................................................. 1-3
1.2.2 Hardware ............................................................................................................................ 1-5
1.2.3 Firmware ............................................................................................................................ 1-8
1.2.4 Options and Accessories ................................................................................................... 1-9
1.2.5 FCC Information ............................................................................................................... 1-10
1.3 Product Functions ........................................................................................................................ 1-10
1.3.1 Flow Measurement ........................................................................................................... 1-11
1.3.2 History Points ................................................................................................................... 1-12
1.3.3 Security ............................................................................................................................ 1-15
1.3.4 Function Sequence Tables (FST) .................................................................................... 1-15
1.3.5 PID Control ....................................................................................................................... 1-15
1.3.6 Spontaneous-Report-By-Exception (SRBX) Alarming ..................................................... 1-15
1.3.7 Pass Through Communications ....................................................................................... 1-16
1.3.8 Protocol Automatic Switching........................................................................................... 1-16
1.3.9 User C Capability ............................................................................................................. 1-16
1.4 Product Electronics ...................................................................................................................... 1-16
1.4.1 Termination Board Overview............................................................................................ 1-16
1.4.2 Processor and Memory .................................................................................................... 1-17
1.4.3 Liquid Crystal Display ....................................................................................................... 1-17
1.4.4 Communications Ports ..................................................................................................... 1-17
1.4.5 RTD Input ......................................................................................................................... 1-19
1.4.6 Real-Time Clock ............................................................................................................... 1-19
1.4.7 Diagnostic Monitoring ....................................................................................................... 1-19
1.4.8 Automatic Self Tests ........................................................................................................ 1-19
1.4.9 Low Power Mode ............................................................................................................. 1-20
1.5 Additional Technical Information .................................................................................................. 1-21
Chapter 2 – Installation and Use 2-1
2.1 Installation Overview ...................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Installation Requirements ............................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.1 Environmental Requirements ............................................................................................. 2-2
2.2.2 Site Requirements .............................................................................................................. 2-3
2.2.3 Compliance with Hazardous Area Standards .................................................................... 2-3
2.3 Mounting ......................................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.3.1 General Guidelines ............................................................................................................ 2-4
2.3.2 Pipe Stand Mounting (FloBoss 103/FloBoss 104) ............................................................. 2-7
2.3.3 Orifice Plate Mounting (FloBoss 103) ................................................................................ 2-7
2.3.4 Meter Mounting (FloBoss 104) ........................................................................................... 2-8
2.4 Startup and Operation .................................................................................................................. 2-11
2.4.1 Starting the FB100 ........................................................................................................... 2-11
2.4.2 Operation.......................................................................................................................... 2-12
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iv Revised August-2017
2.5 Configuration .................................................................................................................................2-13
Chapter 3 – Power Connections 3-1
3.1 Power Installation Requirements .................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Grounding Installation Requirements .............................................................................................. 3-2
3.2.1 Grounding Guidelines ......................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.2 Installing Grounding for the FB100 ..................................................................................... 3-3
3.3 Determining Power Requirements .................................................................................................. 3-4
3.4 Solar Powered Installations............................................................................................................. 3-4
3.4.1 Sizing the Solar Panel ......................................................................................................... 3-5
3.5 Batteries .......................................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.5.1 Overcharging Potential ....................................................................................................... 3-6
3.5.2 Determining Battery Requirements ..................................................................................... 3-7
3.5.3 Replacing the Batteries ....................................................................................................... 3-7
3.6 Wiring Connections ......................................................................................................................... 3-8
3.6.1 Wiring Connections ............................................................................................................. 3-8
3.6.2 Connecting Enclosure Ground Wiring ................................................................................. 3-8
3.6.3 Connecting Main Power Wiring ........................................................................................... 3-9
3.7 Backing Up Configuration and Log Data .......................................................................................3-10
Chapter 4 – Input/Output 4-1
4.1 I/O Description ................................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.1.1 Selecting the Type of I/O .................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2 I/O Wiring Requirements ................................................................................................................. 4-3
4.3 Analog Input .................................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.3.1 Wiring the Analog Input ....................................................................................................... 4-3
4.4 Analog Output ................................................................................................................................. 4-4
4.4.1 Wiring the Analog Output (6-point I/O Board) ..................................................................... 4-4
4.4.2 Wiring the Analog Output (4-point I/O Board) ..................................................................... 4-5
4.5 Discrete Input .................................................................................................................................. 4-5
4.5.1 Wiring the Discrete Input ..................................................................................................... 4-6
4.6 Discrete Output ............................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.6.1 Wiring the Discrete Output .................................................................................................. 4-7
4.7 Pulse Input ...................................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.7.1 Wiring the Pulse Input ......................................................................................................... 4-7
4.8 RTD Input ........................................................................................................................................ 4-8
4.8.1 Wiring the RTD Input........................................................................................................... 4-8
Chapter 5 – Communications 5-1
5.1 Communications Overview ............................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 EIA-485 (RS-485) Communications Wiring .................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Local Operator Interface Port Wiring .............................................................................................. 5-2
5.4 Serial Communications Card .......................................................................................................... 5-3
5.5 Dial-up Modem Communications Card ........................................................................................... 5-4
Chapter 6 – Dual-Variable Sensor (DVS) 6-1
6.1 Dual-Variable Sensor ...................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.1 Making Process Connections ............................................................................................. 6-2
6.1.2 Configuring the DVS ........................................................................................................... 6-2
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Chapter 7 – Pulse Interface Module 7-1
7.1 Pulse Interface Module .................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.1.1 Making Process Connections............................................................................................. 7-3
7.1.2 Configuring the Pulse Interface Module ............................................................................. 7-3
Chapter 8 – Calibration 8-1
8.1 Calibration (AI, RTD & Meter) ........................................................................................................ 8-1
8.2 Performing a Calibration ................................................................................................................ 8-1
8.3 Adjusting for Zero Shift ................................................................................................................... 8-7
8.4 Verifying a Calibration .................................................................................................................... 8-8
Chapter 9 – Troubleshooting 9-1
9.1 Troubleshooting Guidelines ........................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Troubleshooting Checklists ............................................................................................................ 9-2
9.2.1 Dial-up Modem ................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.2 Serial Communications ...................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.3 Optional I/O ........................................................................................................................ 9-2
9.2.4 Software Issues .................................................................................................................. 9-3
9.2.5 Power Issues ...................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.2.6 Dual-Variable Sensor (FB103) ........................................................................................... 9-3
9.2.7 Pulse Interface Module (FB104) ........................................................................................ 9-4
9.2.8 Resistance Temperature Detector ..................................................................................... 9-4
9.3 Procedures ..................................................................................................................................... 9-5
9.3.1 Preserving Configuration and Log Data ............................................................................. 9-5
9.3.2 Resetting the FB100 .......................................................................................................... 9-5
9.3.3 Restarting and Reconfiguring ............................................................................................ 9-6
9.3.4 Connecting the Termination Board to the Backplane ........................................................ 9-7
Appendix A – Glossary A-1
Index I-1
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FloBoss 103/104 Instruction Manual
Revised August-2017 General Information 1-1

Chapter 1 – General Information

In This Chapter
1.1 Scope of Manual .............................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Product Overview ............................................................................ 1-2
1.2.1 Components and Features ................................................... 1-3
1.2.2 Hardware .............................................................................. 1-5
1.2.3 Firmware ............................................................................... 1-8
1.2.4 Options and Accessories ...................................................... 1-9
1.2.5 FCC Information ................................................................. 1-10
1.3 Product Functions .......................................................................... 1-10
1.3.1 Flow Measurement ............................................................. 1-11
1.3.2 History Points ..................................................................... 1-12
1.3.3 Security ............................................................................... 1-15
1.3.4 Function Sequence Tables (FST) ...................................... 1-15
1.3.5 PID Control ......................................................................... 1-15
1.3.6 Spontaneous-Report-By-Exception (SRBX) Alarming ....... 1-15
1.3.7 Pass Through Communications ......................................... 1-16
1.3.8 Protocol Automatic Switching ............................................. 1-16
1.3.9 User C Capability ............................................................... 1-16
1.4 Product Electronics ........................................................................ 1-16
1.4.1 Termination Board Overview .............................................. 1-16
1.4.2 Processor and Memory ...................................................... 1-17
1.4.3 Liquid Crystal Display ......................................................... 1-17
1.4.4 Communications Ports ....................................................... 1-17
1.4.5 RTD Input ........................................................................... 1-19
1.4.6 Real-Time Clock ................................................................. 1-19
1.4.7 Diagnostic Monitoring ......................................................... 1-19
1.4.8 Automatic Self Tests .......................................................... 1-19
1.4.9 Low Power Mode ................................................................ 1-20
1.5 Additional Technical Information.................................................... 1-21
This manual focuses on the hardware aspects of the FloBoss™ 103 and FloBoss 104 Flow Managers, referred to generically within this manual as “the FB100-Series” or “the FB100”. For information about the software used to configure these devices, refer to the ROCLINK™ 800 Configuration Software User Manual (Part D301159X012).
This chapter details the structure of this manual and provides an overview of the FB100-Series and its components.

1.1 Scope of Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1 General Information
Provides an overview of the hardware and specifications for the FB100.
Chapter 2 Installation and Use
Provides information on installation, tools, wiring, and mounting the FB100.
Chapter 3 Power Connections
Provides information on connecting the FB100 to a DC or solar panel power source.
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1-2 General Information Revised August-2017
Chapter 4 Input/Output
Provides information on the various I/O capabilities of the FB100.
Chapter 5 Communications
Provides information on the communications capabilities of the FB100.
Chapter 6 Dual-Variable Sensor
Provides information on the dual-variable sensor that provides static and differential pressure inputs.
Chapter 7 Pulse Interface Module
Provides information on the pulse interface module that provides pressure and pulse inputs.
Chapter 8 Calibration
Provides instructions on calibrating AI, RTD, and DVS inputs.
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
Provides information on diagnosing and correcting problems for the FB100.
Provides a general listing of acronyms and terms.
Provides an alphabetic listing of items and topics contained in this manual.

1.2 Product Overview

The FB100-Serieswhether the FB103 or FB104is a 32-bit microprocessor-based electronic flow computer. The FB100 electronically measures, monitors, and manages gas flow for a single meter run using orifice plate, rotary meter, or turbine meter techniques. This economical flow computer reliably and accurately performs gas flow calculations, temperature measurements, data archival, and remote communications with an optional communications card installed.
Note: Any functional differences between the FB103 and FB104 are
noted in the text.
The FB100 performs minute, hourly (periodic), daily, and minimum / maximum historical data archivals for standard history and a configurable time interval archival for extended history. The FloBoss 103 is the perfect solution to electronically replace traditional paper charting. The FB100 records the corrected gas flow across an orifice plate or meter, stores the data, and has the ability to send the data to a remote host.
The FB100 computes gas flow for both volume and energy. It provides on-site functionality and supports remote monitoring, measurement, data archival, communications, and control. The design of the FB100 allows you to configure specific applications, including those requiring logic and sequencing control using a Function Sequence Table (FST).
Note: For further information on FSTs, refer to the Function Sequence
Table (FST) User Manual (part D301058X012).
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Revised August-2017 General Information 1-3

1.2.1 Components and Features

The FB100 provides the following components and features:
Weather-tight enclosure Termination printed circuit board (“Termination module”) 32-bit processor print circuit board (“Processor module”) Battery charger printed circuit board. (“Battery Charger module”) Backplane printed circuit board 2 MB of field-upgradeable flash ROM (Random Access Memory) 512 KB of battery backed-up RAM (Random Access Memory)
Integral Dual-Variable Sensor (DVS, available on the FB103) for
static pressure and differential pressure measurement using orifice metering
Pulse Interface module (available on the FloBoss 104) for line
pressure and pulse counts using turbine or rotary metering
Support for a three-wire 100-ohm Resistance Thermal Detector
(RTD) input
Internal lead-acid batteries (optional) Solar panel mast assembly
Local Operator Interface (LOI) port – EIA-232 (RS-232) EIA-485 (RS-485) on Comm 1 port Communications module using EIA-232 (RS-232), EIA-485 (RS-
485), or dial-up modem
Extensive applications firmware
Refer to each component’s Product Data Sheets for the approvals
options for hazardous locations.
Physically, the FB100 consists of a termination module with optional I/O points, RAM battery backup board, optional Comm 2 communications module, processor module, battery charger module, backplane, and optional display housed in a compact, weather-tight case. The FB100 is packaged in a NEMA 4 windowed enclosure that mounts on a pipestand, to an orifice plate via a 3- or 5-valve manifold, to a turbine meter, or to a rotary meter. The aluminum alloy enclosure protects the electronics from physical damage and harsh environments. Refer to Figures 1-1 and 1-2.
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Field conduit entry
Optional solar panel mounts here
Liquid crystal display (LCD)
Dual variable sensor (DVS)
Figure 1-1. FloBoss 103 Flow Manager with LCD
Liquid crystal display (LCD)
Pulse interface module
Optional solar panel
Pressure transducer
Figure 1-2. FloBoss 104 Flow Manager with Solar Panel
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Revised August-2017 General Information 1-5
The enclosure is fabricated from die-cast aluminum alloy with iridite plating and paint. The NEMA 4 enclosure protects the electronics from physical damage and harsh environments. The caps at either end of the enclosure unscrew to allow field maintenance. Two ¾-14 pipe-threaded holes permit field conduit wiring and communications.
The DVS flange (available on the FB103) has bracket holes that allow the enclosure and DVS to be mounted on a pipestand or mounting bracket. The Pulse Interface module (available on the FloBoss 104) has a universal mounting plate that also has bracket holes that allow you to mount the enclosure and Interface on a meter.

1.2.2 Hardware

This section discusses the hardware components of the FB100.
The backplane printed circuit board regulates power and routes signals to the termination module, the processor module, the backup battery board, the optional communications module, the Dual-Variable Sensor (DVS, available on the FB103), the Pulse Interface module (available on the FB104), and the battery charger module. Refer to Figure 1-3.
Battery pack (if ordered)
Battery Charger module
Optional liquid crystal display (LCD)
Termination board connectors
Processor module
Optional communications module
RAM backup
Figure 1-3. Inside the FB100-Series Enclosure
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Located in the terminal side of the explosion-proof housing, the termination module provides connections to the field wiring. Refer to Figure 1-4.
Local operator interface (LOI)
Power supply
I/O field wiring
Figure 1-4. Wiring Terminals
Connections include the power supply, Local Operator Interface (LOI) communications, Comm 1 (for EIA-485 [RS-485] communications), optional Comm 2 (for EIA-232 [RS-232], wireless spread-spectrum radio, or dial-up modem communications), RTD wiring, and the I/O field wiring.
The termination board provides surge and static discharge protection for the field wiring. Electronics include the RTD circuits and the final I/O drivers/receivers. The termination board also serves as an interface to the backplane board in the electronics portion of the enclosure.
Processor Module
The 32-bit processor module (see Figure 1-3) contains the processor, memory (static RAM, Flash EEPROM, and boot ROM), Local Operator Interface (LOI) EIA-232 (RS-232) communications driver, Comm 1 EIA-485 (RS-485) communications driver, the reset controller, and the real-time clock.
The processor module (also called the central processor unit or CPU) provides the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus; the Liquid Crystal
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Display (LCD) drivers; and controls for the Dual-Variable Sensor (DVS), the Pulse Interface module, and the optional I/O termination points.
The microprocessor has low-power operating modes, including inactivity and low battery condition. The FB100 comes standard with 512 KB of built-in, static random access memory (SRAM) for storing data and history. The FB100 also has 2 MB of programmable read-only memory (flash ROM) for storing operating system firmware, applications firmware, and configuration parameters.
Battery Charger
The battery charger module controls charging of the internal batteries, if installed. The batteries are three D-size lead-acid batteries providing 2.5 Amp-hours of current at 6.2 volts nominal. The battery charger board also serves as the interface to the optional LCD assembly, as well as supporting the On/Off and Norm/Reset jumpers.
A backup battery provides backup power for the static RAM and the real-time clock. This battery is field replaceable and under normal conditions has a functional life in excess of five years.
Dual-Variable Sensor (DVS)
The Dual-Variable Sensor (DVS, available on the FB103) measures static pressure and differential pressure for orifice flow calculation by converting the applied pressure to electrical signals and making the readings available to the processor board.
The DVS housing fastens to a flanged adapter, which, in turn, mounts with four bolts to the bottom of the enclosure (see Figure 1-1). The DVS cable connects into the backplane board. Refer to Chapter 6, Dual- Variable Sensor.
Pulse Interface
The Pulse Interface module (available on the FB104) measures the flow of natural gas using turbine metering or rotary metering by converting the applied pressure to electrical signals and counting the number of pulses (from rotary meter) and making the readings available to the processor board.
The module housing fastens to a flanged adapter, which, in turn, mounts with four bolts to the bottom of the enclosure (see Figure 1-2). A cable connects the module into the backplane board. Refer to Chapter 7, Pulse Interface Module.
Resistance Temperature
Detector (RTD)
An RTD temperature probe typically mounts in a thermowell on the meter run. The RTD measures the flowing temperature. Protect RTD wires either by a metal sheath or by conduit connected to a liquid-tight conduit fitting on the enclosure.
The RTD wires connect directly to the RTD connector on the termination board inside the enclosure (see Figure 1-4). Refer to Chapter 4, Input/Output.
The built-in inputs and outputs (I/O) on the FB100-Series (see Figure 1-4) consist of a 2- or 3-wire 100-ohm Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) input interface and a port for either a Dual-Variable Sensor
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(DVS) or a Pulse Interface module. Three diagnostic analog inputs (AI) monitor the battery voltage, logical voltage, and enclosure/battery temperature. Refer to Chapter 4, Input/Output.
The Local Operator Interface (LOI) port provides a direct, local link between the FB100-Series and a PC through a Local Operator Interface cable using EIA-232 (RS-232) communications.
The Comm 1 allows EIA-485 (RS-485) serial communication protocols. The optional communications card for EIA-232 (RS-232), EIA-485
(RS-485), or dial-up modem activate Comm 2. Refer to Chapter 5, Communications.
The PC-based ROCLINK 800 configuration software enables you to configure and access the I/O parameters, DVS inputs, flow calculations, power control, security, and FST programs. Refer to the ROCLINK 800 Configuration Software User Manual (Part D301159X012) for details concerning software capabilities.
The PC communicates with the FB100-Series through an LOI cable using EIA-232 (RS-232) communications.

1.2.3 Firmware

The firmware contained in flash ROM on the processor module determines the functionality of the FB100 and includes:
1992 AGA-3 flow calculations (with user-selectable AGA8
compressibility Detail, Gross I, or Gross II) for a single meter run
1996 AGA-7 flow calculations (with user-selectable AGA8
compressibility) for a single meter run.
Memory logging of 240 alarms and 240 events Archival of minute data from the last 60 minutes for up to 35 points
(Standard History)
Archival of 35 days of hourly data for up to 35 points (Standard
Archival of 35 days of daily data for up to 35 points (Standard
Archival of Min / Max historical data for today and yesterday
(Standard History)
Archival of 5040 entries for up to 15 points at user-specified interval
(Extended History)
Power control (wake up on ring) on optional internal modem Logic and sequencing control using a user-defined Function
Sequence Table (FST)
Closed-loop (PID) control capabilities (requires optional I/O
termination points)
Communications based on the ROC protocol or Modbus slave, or
optional host, (ASCII or RTU) protocol for use with EFM applications
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Alarm call-in to host for Spontaneous-Report-By-Exception (SRBX) User-level security.

1.2.4 Options and Accessories

The FB100 supports the following options and accessories: Communication modules for either EIA-232 (RS-232), EIA-485
(RS-485), dial-up modem
6 Input/Output (I/O) termination points Local Operator Interface (LOI) cable Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) with two-line alpha-numeric viewing Solar panel mast assembly Blank plate for the FB103 for use when no DVS is required
Plug-in communication modules allow you to customize the FB100 installation for most communication requirements. Optional communication cards provide the ability to send and receive data.
The housing accommodates one of the following modules: EIA-232 (RS-232) or EIA-485 (RS-485) for asynchronous serial
Dial-up modem for communications over a telephone network
Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD)
The optional Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) enables you to view data and configuration parameters while on site without using the local operator interface (LOI) and a PC. The LCD display plugs into the battery charger board and is visible through the window on the front of the FB100-Series. The LCD can be rotated 90° in either direction.
The LCD’s 2-line display shows one line for a value and the other line for a 5-character alphanumeric description of the value. The display operates from the internal 3.3 Volt supply. Through this display, you can view predetermined information stored in the FB100. You can define up to 16 items for display. Every three seconds the display automatically cycles through the configured list of items.
Solar Panel
You can install an external solar panel to recharge the backup batteries. The panel connects to the CHG+ / CHG- inputs on the termination board. An integral solar panel (2 W or 5 W, available from Remote Automation Solutions) connects directly to the battery charger board assembly. Circuitry on the battery charger board monitors and regulates the charge based on battery voltage, charging voltage, and temperature. The FB100-Series requires a minimum 8-volt 200 mA solar panel.
The optional input/output (I/O) termination points provide additional inputs and outputs for expanded monitoring and control applications. I/O includes analog input (AI), analog output (AO), discrete input (DI), discrete output (DO), and pulse input (PI). The DO circuitry is optically coupled to help isolate the processor board from the output device. I/O can be used to drive a sampler or odorizer, open a valve, or monitor an additional analog input.
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1.2.5 FCC Information

This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules. Etched on the modem assembly is, among other information, the FCC certification number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this equipment. If requested, this information must be provided to the telephone company.
This module has an FCC-compliant telephone modular plug. The module is designed to be connected to the telephone network or premises’ wiring using a compatible modular jack that is Part 68­compliant.
The REN is used to determine the quantity of devices that may be connected to the telephone line. Excessive RENs on the telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. Typically, the sum of the RENs should not exceed five (5.0). Contact the local telephone company to determine the total number of devices that may be connected to a line (as determined by the total RENs).
If this equipment and its dial-up modem causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. However, if advance notice is not practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. In addition, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it necessary.
The telephone company may make changes to its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will provide advance notice so you can make the necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If you experience trouble with this equipment or the dial-up modem, contact Remote Automation Solutions TechSupport (at 641-754-3923) for repair or warranty information. If the equipment harms the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.

1.3 Product Functions

This section describes the functions of the FB100-Series, most of which are determined by firmware and are configurable using ROCLINK 800. The features and applications include:
Flow calculations for an orifice meter (AGA3) or rotary or turbine
meter (AGA7)
Extensive historical data archival Memory logging of 240 alarms and 240 events Security with local and remote password protection Logic and sequencing control using a user-defined FST program Spontaneous-Report-by-Exception (SRBX) capability
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Revised August-2017 General Information 1-11

1.3.1 Flow Measurement

The primary function of the FB100-Series is to measure the flow of natural gas through an orifice or turbine or rotary meter in accordance with the 1992 American Petroleum Institute (API) and American Gas Association (AGA) standards.
The primary inputs used for AGA3 flow measurement function are differential pressure, static pressure, and temperature. The differential and static pressure inputs, which are sampled once per second, come from the Dual-Variable Sensor. The temperature input, which is sampled and linearized once per second, comes from an RTD probe.
The primary inputs used for AGA7 flow measurement are Pulse Input (PI) counts, static pressure, and temperature. The Pulse Input counts are acquired from a rotary meter (pulse interface module) or turbine meter (PI on termination board), the static pressure (including auxiliary pressure) inputs come from the pressure transducers, and the temperature input is read from an RTD probe.
Flow Calculations for
Orifice Metering
The flow calculation is in accordance with ANSI/API 2530-92 (AGA Report No. 3 1992), API Chapter 14.2 (AGA Report No. 8 1992 2nd printing 1994), and API Chapter 21.1. The flow calculation may be configured for either metric or English units.
Flow Timer
The differential pressure stored for each second is compared to the configured low flow cutoff. If the differential pressure is less than or equal to the low flow cutoff or the converted static pressure is less than or equal to zero, flow is considered to be zero for that second.
Flow time for a recalculation period is defined to be the number of seconds for which the differential pressure exceeded the low flow cutoff.
Input and Extension
Each second the FB100-Series stores the measured input for differential pressure, static pressure, and temperature and calculates the Integral Value (IV). IV is the square root of the absolute upstream static pressure multiplied by the differential pressure.
The FB100-Series calculates flow time averages of the inputs and the IV over the configured calculation period, unless there is no flow for an entire calculation period. Linear averages of the inputs are recorded to allow monitoring during no flow periods.
Instantaneous Rate
The instantaneous value of the Integral Value (IV) is used with the previous calculation period’s Integral Multiplier Value (IMV) to compute the instantaneous flow rate.
The IMV is defined as the value resulting from the calculation of all other factors of the flow rate equation not included in the IV. The instantaneous flow rate is used with the volumetric heating value to compute the instantaneous energy rate.
Flow and Energy
The averages of the differential and static pressure, temperature, and sum of the IV are used with the flow time to compute the flow and
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energy over the calculation period. The flow and energy are then accumulated and stored at the top of every hour. At the configured contract hour, the flow and energy are then stored to the Daily Historical Log and zeroed for the start of a new day (contract hour).
Flow Calculations for
Turbine Metering
The turbine flow calculation is in accordance with 1996 AGA Report No. 7 (1993 API Chapter 21.1). The FloBoss performs 1992 AGA8 compressibility calculations in accordance with AGA Report No. 8 1992 (API Chapter 14.2).
Once every scan period, the FB100 processes the pulse counts, determines the number of pulse counts since the last reading, and calculates a rate. Next, the static pressure and auxiliary pressure values are read. Then the temperature is read and linearizing compensation is applied to the pressure readings if necessary.
All resultant values are stored in the current value database. The values are taken from the current value database and used to calculate the Minute, Hour, and Daily historical values.
Once a minute and once an hour, the values are logged along with other configured values to the Historical Database. At the configured Contract Hour, the values are stored to the Daily Historical Log and zeroed for the start of a new day.

1.3.2 History Points

History is saved to 2 databases: Standard and Extended History. The number of entries/logs available to Standard and Extended History is configurable.
The Standard history archives up to 35 points (8 are pre-configured) of min/max, minute, hourly and daily values. The min/max values are from today and yesterday; the minute values are from the last 60 minutes; the hourly values are from the last 35 days; and the daily values are from the last 35 days.
The Extended History database creates one entry for up to 15 points at a user-specified interval (see Specifications table). All the points in the Extended History will be logged at the same interval.
The default setting for Extended history archives 4 points of 10-minute values (from the last 35 days). 10-minute archiving provides a monitoring resolution similar to a chart recorder.
The first eight history points are pre-configured for flow metering history and cannot be changed:
1. Flowing Minutes Today (Accumulate archive type).
2. Differential Pressure for AGA3 (Average) or Accumulated Raw
Pulses for AGA7 (Totalize).
3. Static or Line Pressure (Average).
4. Flowing Temperature (Average).
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5. IMV (Integral Multiplier Value) for AGA3 (Average) or BMV
(Base Multiplier Value) for AGA7 (Average).
6. Pressure Extension for AGA3 (Average) or Today’s Total for AGA7
7. Instantaneous Flow (Accumulate).
8. Instantaneous Energy (Accumulate).
History Point 2 (AGA3), History Point 3, History Point 4, and History Point 6 (AGA3) are all pre-defined as an Average Archive Type that employs one of the following techniques:
Flow dependent time-weighted linear averaging (default) Flow dependent time-weighted formulaic averaging Flow-weighted linear averaging Flow-weighted formulaic averaging
The Averaging Technique is selected by using ROCLINK 800 software. The selected Averaging Technique is applied to the meter inputs. Refer to the ROCLINK 800 Configuration Software User Manual (Part D301159X012).
Minute Historical
The FB100 has a 60-minute historical log for every history point. The Minute Historical Log stores the last 60 minutes of data from the current minute. Each history point has Minute Historical Log entries, unless the history point is configured for FST-controlled logging.
Hourly Historical
The FB100 has a total of 35 days of hourly historical logs available for every history point. The Hourly Historical Log is also called the periodic database. With two exceptions (FST Minute and FST Second logging), the system records the Hourly Log at the beginning of every hour.
The time stamp for periodic logging consists of the month, day, hour, and minute. The exception is for FST Second logging, in which the time stamp consists of the day, hour, minute, and second.
Daily Historical
The FB100 has a total of 35 daily historical logs for every history point. The Daily Log is recorded at the configured contract hour every day with a time stamp that is the same as the Hourly Log. Each history point has daily historical log entries, unless the history point is configured for FST-controlled logging.
Mix/Max Historical
The Min / Max database displays the minimum and the maximum values for the database points over a 24-hour period for today and yesterday. You can view the Min / Max historical log but not save it to disk.
Mix/Max Historical
The Min / Max database displays the minimum and the maximum values for the database points over a 24-hour period for today and yesterday. You can view the Min / Max historical log but not save it to disk.
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Extended History
The FB100 has configurable archive times (1 minute to 60 minutes) which, in turn, determine the number of entries.
Alarm Log
The Alarm Log contains the change in the state of any alarm signal that has been enabled for alarms. The system Alarm Log has the capacity to maintain and store up to 240 alarms in a “circular” log. The Alarm Log has information fields that include time and date stamp, alarm clear or set indicator, and either the Tag name of the point or a 14-byte detail string in ASCII format.
In addition to providing functionality for appending new alarms to the log, the Alarm Log allows host packages to request the index of the most recently logged alarm entry. Alarm logging is available internally to the system, to external host packages, and to FSTs. Alarm Logs are not stored to the flash ROM during the Save Configuration function in ROCLINK 800 software.
The Alarm Log operates in a circular fashion with new entries overwriting the oldest entry when the buffer is full. The Alarm Log provides an audit history trail of past alarms. The Alarm Log and the Event Log are stored separately to prevent recurring alarms from overwriting configuration audit data.
Event Log
The Event Log contains changes to any parameter within the FB100 made through the protocol. This Event Log also contains other FloBoss events, such as power cycles, cold starts, and disk configuration downloads. The Event Log provides an audit history trail of past operation and changes.
The system Event Log has the capacity to maintain and store up to 240 events in a circular log. The Event Log has information fields that includes point type, parameter number, time and date stamp, point number if applicable, the operator identification, and either the previous, current parameter values, and either the Tag name of the point or a 14­byte detail string in ASCII format.
In addition to providing functionality for appending new events to the log, the Event Log allows host packages to request the index of the most recently logged event entry. Event logging is available internally to the system, to external host packages, and to the FST.
Event logs are not stored to flash ROM when you perform a Save Configuration using ROCLINK 800 software. The Event Log operates in a circular fashion with new entries overwriting the oldest entry when the buffer is full. The Event Log provides an audit trail history of past operation and changes. The Event Log and Alarm Log are stored separately to prevent recurring alarms from overwriting configuration audit data.
The FB100 has the ability to limit the AGA calculation-related events to only critical events. This can keep unnecessary events from being logged and filling the event log. The events which will not be logged are
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temperature, pressure, Reynolds number, and warnings for orifice diameter, pipe diameter, and beta ratio.

1.3.3 Security

The FB100 provides for security within the unit. A maximum of 16 log­on identifiers (IDs) may be stored. In order for the unit to communicate, the log-on ID supplied to ROCLINK 800 software must match one of the IDs stored in the FB100. The Local Operator Interface port (Security on LOI) has security Enabled by default. The Comm 1 and Comm 2 can likewise be configured to have security protection, but is disabled by default.

1.3.4 Function Sequence Tables (FST)

The FB100 supports FST user programmability. Two FST programs can be developed with a maximum length of 3000 bytes each (typically 300 lines of code). The number of FST lines per execution cycle can be configured in ROCLINK 800 software. The number set on the ROC > Information screen determines both FST programs.
The FST code resides in static RAM and is backed up to flash memory when the Save Configuration function is issued through ROCLINK 800 software.
Note: For further information on FSTs, refer to the Function Sequence
Table (FST) User Manual (D301058X012).

1.3.5 PID Control

PID Control is available when the optional I/O termination points are installed. PID (Proportional, Integral, and Derivative) functionality calculates both the Primary Control and Override Control change in output. PID Control then selects which Control is to be used, based upon whether the High Override Type Select or Low Override Type Select is chosen and adjusts the Output control as necessary. The Output of the PID functions can be implemented through an Analog Output or the two Discrete Outputs.

1.3.6 Spontaneous-Report-By-Exception (SRBX) Alarming

The SRBX functionality allows a communications port to be set up to enable the FloBoss to contact the host computer when specified alarm conditions exist. To configure SRBX alarming, each comm port must have the SRBX parameter enabled, each point must have the alarming parameter enabled, and points must have the SRBX Set on Clear parameter set.
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1.3.7 Pass Through Communications

Pass Through Communications allow you to configure an FB100 unit to send Pass Through messages, when using a FB100. By using any of the FB100 communications ports, Pass Through Mode allows data to be received by one unit and then passed through to other devices connected on any other communications port. For example, the host communicates via a radio (when an external radio is used with the EIA-232 module) on the FB100’s Comm 2 port. You can then connect other FB100s via EIA­485 (RS-485) on the Comm 1 port of the first FB100, and then all the FB100s can use the one radio to communicate to the host.
If you configure Comm 2 as a dial-up modem, you must configure it
as a receiving port. If you configure Comm 2 as an RS-232 port, it has no such restrictions.
The Device Group (located on the General tab of the ROC >
Information screen) of the FB100 receiving the data must match the Device Group of the FB100(s) to which the data is passed. If the Device Group does not match, the data is not forwarded.

1.3.8 Protocol Automatic Switching

The FB100 has the capability to communicate with ROC or Modbus protocol. With the standard version of FloBoss firmware, Modbus Slave is standard. If you require Modbus Host functionality, contact your local sales representative.

1.3.9 User C Capability

The FB100 supports programs written in User C. This capability allows you to write and subsequently load special features into the FB100 to enhance the functionality. User C programs typically provide the ability to interface with alternate metering equipment, perform alternate calculation methods, or communicate with alternate protocols. Consult your local sales representative for User C applications.

1.4 Product Electronics

This section describes the FB100 electronics. For communication modules, refer to Chapter 4. Refer to Chapter 5 for information on the I/O termination points, Chapter 6 for the Dual-Variable Sensor (DVS), or Chapter 7 for the Pulse Interface module.

1.4.1 Termination Board Overview

Components of the termination board (see Figure 1-4) support the functionality of the FloBoss 100-Series and include:
Local operator interface (LOI) EIA-232 (RS-232) terminations
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EIA-485 (RS-485) communications (Comm 1) terminations RTD input terminations Optional I/O and terminations Remote charge terminations Optional Comm 2 terminations

1.4.2 Processor and Memory

The FB100-Series derives processing power from a 32-bit microprocessor. The 32-bit CMOS microprocessor features dual 32-bit internal data buses and a single 8-bit external data bus. The unit can address up to 4 MB of memory, including high-speed direct memory access.
The FB100 has 512 KB of static random access memory (SRAM) for storing interrupt vectors, Proportional, Integral, and Derivative alarms, events, and history data.
The FB100 also has a 2 MB flash memory chip for storing the operating system factory code, configuration parameters, and User C programs.

1.4.3 Liquid Crystal Display

An optional two-line Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) panel mounts on the Battery Charger module.
The LCD allows you to view the current and past gas volumes on site without requiring a PC. The LCD provides you a visual indication of the status of the meter run by displaying the historical performance data to help ensure the health and integrity of your installation.
The LCD panel remains on at all times when the power is applied in the valid operating range. The panel cycles its display through a configured list of up to 16 parameter values, with the first seven being pre­configured. The first three displays show values for time, date, and battery condition and cannot be configured. The next five displays show certain flow parameters and are factory configured, but you may change their configuration.
To configure the list of values for the LCD panel, refer to the LCD User List Setup procedure in the ROCLINK 800 Configuration Software User Manual (Part D301159X012).

1.4.4 Communications Ports

The FB100 provides two standard and one optional communication ports:
Standard Operator interface port EIA-232 (RS-232) – LOI. Standard EIA-485 (RS-485) Communications – Comm 1. Optional EIA-232 (RS-232), or Dial-up Modem Communications –
Comm 2.
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Local Operator Interface
(LOI) Port
The Local Operator Interface (LOI) port provides direct communications between the FB100 and the serial port of an operator interface device, such as personal computer using an EIA-232 (RS-232) link.
The interface allows you to access the FB100 (using ROCLINK 800 software) for configuration and transfer of stored data. The LOI port is capable of initiating a message in support of Spontaneous-Report-by­Exception (SRBX) alarming.
The LOI terminal on the Termination module provides wiring access to a built-in EIA-232 (RS-232) serial interface, which is capable of up to
19.2K bps operation. The operator interface port supports ROC or Modbus protocol communications. The LOI also supports the log-on security feature of the FB100, if you enable the Security on LOI through the ROCLINK 800 software.
EIA-485 (RS-485) Serial
Communications on
Use Comm 1 to monitor or alter the FB100-Series from a remote site, using a host or ROCLINK 800 software. Comm 1 supports baud rates up to 19,200 bps. Comm 1 also supports the log-on security feature of the FloBoss unit if you have enabled the security on Comm 1 in ROCLINK 800 software.
Comm 1 sends and receives messages using the ROC or Modbus protocol. Comm 1 is capable of initiating a message in support of Spontaneous-Report-by-Exception (SRBX) alarming. Comm 1 permits EIA-485 (RS-485) serial communication protocols that meet EIA-485 (RS-485) specifications for differential, asynchronous transmission of data over distances of up to 1220 m (4000 ft). The EIA-485 (RS-485) drivers are designed for true multi-point applications with multiple devices on a single bus.
The default values for the EIA-485 (RS-485) communications are:
9600 Baud 8 Data Bits 1 Stop Bit No Parity 10 millisecond Key On Delay and 10 millisecond Key Off Delay
The maximum baud rate is 19,200 bps. You can disable the Comm 1 port (the default state is enabled) using the ROCLINK 800 Radio Power Control screen (select Configure > Control> Radio Power Control from the ROCLINK 800 software’s menu).
Module (COMM2)
Two plug-in communication printed circuit boards and one communication module allow you to customize the FB100 installation for most communication requirements. The communication PCBs and module provide an interface for the host communications Comm 2 port. These cards permit serial communication protocols and dial-up modem communications.
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The Comm 2 port is capable of initiating a message in support of Spontaneous-Report-by-Exception (SRBX) alarming. Refer to Chapter 3 for additional information. One of the following card types can be accommodated:
EIA-232 (RS-232) for asynchronous serial communications (baud
rate up to 19,200).
Dial-up modem for communications over a telephone network
(default at 2400 baud).

1.4.5 RTD Input

The FB100 supports a direct input from a Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) sensor to measure flowing temperature. The RTD has a measurement range of -40 to 240°C (-40 to 464°F). The terminals for the RTD wires are labeled “RTD” (see Figure 1-4).
During operation, the RTD is read once per second. The value from the RTD is linearized, and then it is sent to processing as Analog Input (AI) Point Number A3. The AI routine converts this value to engineering units, and checks alarming. To conserve power, the RTD power is switched on and off. During calibration, the RTD power is on constantly. When calibration completes, the RTD cycles power again.

1.4.6 Real-Time Clock

The real-time clock provides the FB100 with the time of day, month, year, and day of the week. The real-time clock automatically switches to backup power when the FB100 loses primary input power. Backup power for the real-time clock is adequate for a period in excess of five years with no power applied to the FB100.

1.4.7 Diagnostic Monitoring

The electronics board has three diagnostic inputs incorporated into the circuitry for monitoring battery voltage, logical voltage, and board temperature. Access these analog inputs using the I/O function of ROCLINK 800 software. The three values are available as the following Analog Input (AI) points:
E1 – logical voltage E2 – battery voltage E5 – board (battery) temperature

1.4.8 Automatic Self Tests

The FB100 performs the following self-tests on a periodic basis:
Software and hardware watchdog Sensor operation Memory validity
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The FB100 operates with its internal batteries down to 5.4 volts dc. The LCD becomes active when you apply input power with the proper polarity and startup voltage (typically set greater than 8.0 volts) to the CHG+ / CHG- connector (provided the power input fusing/protection is operational). The battery and logical voltage tests ensure that the FB100 operates in the optimum mode.
The CPU controls the software watchdog circuit. The software arms the watchdog timer every second. If the watchdog timer is not armed for a period of 9 seconds, then the watchdog timer forces the FB100 to reset. If necessary, the software automatically resets. The CPU also controls the hardware watchdog circuit and monitors the power to the hardware. If the battery voltage drops below 5.4 volts, the FB100 automatically shuts down.
The FloBoss 103 monitors its orifice-metering Dual-Variable Sensor for accurate and continuous operation. The FloBoss 104 monitors its Pulse Interface Module.

1.4.9 Low Power Mode

Sleep mode places the CPU in a low power mode. Low voltage detection circuitry (preset at a low voltage limit of 5.4 V) monitors the battery voltage. During Sleep mode, sub-modules power down. The FB100 enters sleep mode after one minute of inactivity on the communication ports. Optionally, you can turn off sleep mode, which enables your FB100 to stay active all the time.
Wake-up from sleep mode occurs when the FB100 receives either a timed interrupt from the real-time clock or a signal from one of the communication ports.
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1.5 Additional Technical Information

Refer to Table 1-1 for additional and most-current technical documents (available at www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote).
Table 1-1. Additional Technical Information
Form Number
Part Number
FloBoss™ 103 Flow Manager
FloBoss™ 104 Flow Manager
FloBoss™ 103 and 104 Firmware
DVS205 Dual-Variable Sensor
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Chapter 2 – Installation and Use

In This Chapter
2.1 Installation Overview ........................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Installation Requirements ................................................................ 2-2
2.2.1 Environmental Requirements ............................................... 2-2
2.2.2 Site Requirements ................................................................ 2-3
2.2.3 Compliance with Hazardous Area Standards ...................... 2-3
2.3 Mounting .......................................................................................... 2-4
2.3.1 General Guidelines ............................................................... 2-4
2.3.2 Pipe Stand Mounting (FloBoss 103) .................................... 2-7
2.3.3 Orifice Plate Mounting (FloBoss 103) .................................. 2-7
2.3.4 Meter Mounting (FloBoss 104) ............................................. 2-8
2.4 Startup and Operation ................................................................... 2-11
2.4.1 Starting the FB100 ............................................................. 2-11
2.4.2 Operation ............................................................................ 2-12
2.5 Configuration.................................................................................. 2-13
This chapter focuses on the installation, mounting, and startup of the FB100.

2.1 Installation Overview

The following steps detail the general process for installing a FloBoss 103 to a pipe stand or orifice plate or for installing a FloBoss 104 to a turbine or rotary meter. Review each section in this chapter for specific instructions.
1. Install the pipe stand (if pipe stand mounting) according to the
directions included with the pipe stand.
2. Remove the orifice/meter run from service.
3. Mount the FB100 assembly according to the procedures in Section
4. Install the RTD and connect it to the termination board.
5. Connect the FB100 to the operator interface (ROCLINK 800
6. Power the FB100. If powered externally, wire the unit to the
external power source.
7. Calibrate the input(s) from the Dual-Variable Sensor or Pulse
Interface module.
8. Calibrate the RTD input.
9. Connect the FB100 to any other external communication devices or
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Place the meter run in service and monitor with ROCLINK 800 software for proper operation.

2.2 Installation Requirements

Careful planning helps to ensure a smooth installation. Be sure to consider location, ground conditions, climate, and site accessibility, as well as the suitability of the FB100-Series application while planning an installation.
The versatility of the FB100 enables you to use it in many types of installations. For additional information concerning a specific installation, contact your local sales representative.
Note: The FB100 has been tested and been found to comply with the
limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment operates in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with this instruction manual, the FB100 may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of the equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case you will be required to correct the interference at your own expense.

2.2.1 Environmental Requirements

The FB100 enclosure is classified as a NEMA 4 equivalent enclosure. This provides the level of protection required to keep the units operating under a variety of weather conditions.
The FB100 is designed to operate over a wide range of temperatures. However, in extreme climates it may be necessary to moderate the temperature in which the unit must operate.
The FB100 is designed to operate over a –40°C to +75°C (–40°F to +167°F) temperature range. The LCD temperature range is –25°C to +70°C (–13°F to +158°F). When mounting the FB100, be aware of external devices that could have an effect on the operating temperature. Operation beyond the recommended temperature range could cause errors and erratic performance. Prolonged operation under extreme conditions could also result in failure of the unit.
Check the installation for mechanical vibration. Do not expose the FB100 to levels of vibration that exceed 2g for 15 to 150 Hz and 1g for 150 to 2000 Hz.
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