wasteful bleed gas to atmosphere by utilizing a
self-contained control system, which bleeds 100%
of the gas to the downstream system.
• Quiet Operation—Multiple noise attenuation options
available which reduce noise by up to 25 dBa at
the source, eliminating the need for expensive path
treatments such as insulation, buried valves and
enclosures which only mask noise.
• High Capacity—The highly ecient axial ow
design produces exceptionally high capacities.
• Long Life in Severe Service Applications—The
metal plug design deects particles and debris
away from the soft-seat, which gives excellent
particle erosion resistance.
• Precise Pressure Control—Provides accurate
downstream pressure control regardless of inlet
pressure variations or demand changes.
• Easy In-Line Maintenance—Outlet ange spacer
allows trim parts such as the disk holder to be
inspected, cleaned and replaced without removing
the body from the pipeline.
• Bubble-Tight Shuto—A knife-edged metal plug
and soft seat provide bubble tight shuto for use
in applications where positive shuto is required
such as dead-end systems.
• Full Pressure Rating—The equal inlet and outlet
pressure rating of 1480 psig / 100 bar, which
allows easier selection and requires no special
startup or shutdown procedures.
• Versatility—Ideal for a wide variety of
applications such as natural gas transmission and
distribution stations and power plant feeds.
for high turn down, providing superior pressure
control in systems with large variations in
downstream ow demand.
Figure 1. Type FL Regulator with Type PRX Pilot
• Disk Design—The FL series oers disks
for the main body made from Nitrile (NBR),
Fluorocarbon (FKM), and Polyurethane (PU).
Polyurethane (PU) provides better abrasion
resistance properties and a high durometer rating
to extend the working life of the disk in dicult
applications such as high pressure drop and
low ow.
The Type FL is an accurate, pilot-operated regulator
designed for high-pressure transmission/city gate,
large capacity distribution systems and power plant
feeds. Type FL provides smooth and quiet operation,
tight shuto and long service life. The regulator is
comprised of a main valve actuator, a Type PRX
pressure reducing pilot and a Type SA/2 pilot supply
pressure regulator.
Type FL
North America Only
Type FL
The Specifications section gives some general specifications for the Type FL regulators. The nameplates give
detailed information for a particular regulator as it comes from the factory.
Available Conguration
Type FL: Pilot-operated pressure reducing
regulator from 14.5 to 1160 psig / 1.00 to 80.0 bar
outlet pressures
Body Sizes
Type FL: NPS1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 /
DN 25, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200 and 250
Type FL with Type SRS Silencer (Inlet x Outlet):
NPS 1 x 4, 2 x 6, 3 x 10, 4 x 10, 6 x 12 and 8 x 16 /
DN 25 x 100, 50 x 150, 80 x 250, 100 x 250,
150 x 300 and 200 x 400
Main Valve End Connection Style and
Pressure Ratings
CL300 RF: 740 psig / 51.0 bar
CL600 RF: 1480 psig / 102 bar
Maximum Inlet and Outlet (Casing) Pressure
1480 psig / 102 bar
Minimum Operating Dierential Pressure
Start Open:
NPS 1 to 4 / DN 25 to 100: 7.3 psid / 0.50 bar d
NPS 6 and 8 / DN 150 and 200: 3 psid / 0.21 bar d
NPS 10 / DN 250: 2.9 psid / 0.2 bar d
Full Open
NPS 1 to 4 / DN 25 to 100: 14.5 psid / 1.00 bar d
NPS 6 and 8 / DN 150 and 200: 7.3 psid /
0.50 bar d
NPS 10 / DN 250: 8.7 psid / 0.6 bar d
Outlet (Control) Pressure Ranges
See Table 1
Flow and Coecients
See Table 2
Pilot and Filter-Regulator Flow Coecients
Type PRX Pilot: C
: 10.5; Cv: 0.36; C1: 29
Type SA/2 Filter-Regulator: Cg: 19
Pressure Registration
Process Temperature Capabilities
Nitrile (NBR), Fluorocarbon (FKM) or
Polyurethane (PU) Disk
ANSI/FCI 70-3 Class VIII: -4 to 140°F / -20 to 60°C
Nitrile (NBR) or Polyurethane (PU) Disk
ANSI/FCI 70-3 Class VI: -20 to 140°F / -29 to 60°C
Approximate Weights (Including Pilot)
See Figure 7
Construction Materials
Type FL Main Valve
Main Body and Flanges: Steel
Sleeve and Disk Holder: Steel
Diaphragm Plates: Steel
Diaphragm: Nitrile (NBR) with PVC coating
Disk O-rings: Nitrile (NBR) or Fluorocarbon (FKM)
Disk: Nitrile (NBR), Fluorocarbon (FKM)
or Polyurethane (PU)
North America Only
Type PRX Pilot
Body: Steel
Trim: Stainless steel
Diaphragm: Nitrile (NBR) or Fluorocarbon (FKM)
Disk O-rings: Nitrile (NBR) or Fluorocarbon (FKM)
Disk: Polyurethane (PU) or Fluorocarbon (FKM)
Type SA/2 Supply Pressure Regulator
Body: Steel
Diaphragm: Nitrile (NBR) with PVC Coating
O-rings: Nitrile (NBR) or Fluorocarbon (FKM)
Disk: Polyurethane (PU) or Fluorocarbon (FKM)
1. The pressure/temperature limits in this Bulletin and any applicable standard or code limitation should not be exceeded.
2. Types PRX and SA/2 Fluorocarbon (FKM) elastomer are limited to 0°F / -18°C.
3. At average ambient temperature.
Type FL
Figure 2. Noise Abatement Construction
North America Only
187,567 /
373,134 /
559,701 /
Figure 3. Typical Sound Emission Comparison among the Different Configurations
746,269 /
Type FL
The regulator’s superior performance is due to the
amplifying eect of the pilot and two-path control system.
Changes in outlet pressure act quickly on the actuator
diaphragm to provide fast response to system change.
Then the pilot amplies any small system changes to
position the main valve for precise pressure control.
Type PRX Pilot Descriptions
The Type FL pressure reducing regulators include a
PRX Series pilot mounted on the main valve.
Type PRX/120: Outlet pressure range of 14.5 to
435 psig / 1.00 to 30.0 bar. Type PRX/120 can be
used as the pilot on single stage pressure-reducing
regulators, as the monitor or working pilot in wide-open
monitor systems or as the working pilots in working
monitor systems.
Type PRX/120-AP: Outlet pressure range of 435 to
1160 psig / 30.0 to 80.0 bar. The Type PRX/120-AP
can be used as the pilot on single stage pressurereducing regulators, as the monitor or working pilot in
wide-open monitor systems or as the working pilots in
working monitor systems.
Type PRX/125: This pilot is identical to the
Type PRX/120 except that the restriction screw is
removed. Type PRX/125 can only be used as the
monitor override pilot on working monitor applications.
Type PRX/125-AP: Identical to the Type PRX/120-AP
except that the restriction screw is removed.
Type PRX/125-AP can only be used as the monitor
override pilot on working monitor applications.
Type PRX/131: Outlet pressure range of 14.5 to
435 psig / 1 to 30 bar. The Type PRX/131 is used as a
booster or quick dump pilot on a single stage pressure
reducing regulator or with the monitor pilot on the
monitor regulator in Wide-Open Monitor systems. It
is installed as standard on the regulator for NPS 10 /
DN 250 and can be used on any other size to increase
its closing speed.
Type SA/2 has an integral 5 micron lter. This integral
lter acts only as an emergency lter; gas must be
cleaned upstream of the regulator.
Noise Abatement
At elevated pressure drops and ow rates, regulators
with standard trims can produce unacceptable noise
levels. Several options are available to reduce the
noise generated.
Type SR: Type SR (Figure 2) multi-path noise
abatement device is incorporated into the regulator
on the seat area. It consists of plated Stainless steel
wires containing no sound deadening materials.
Depending on ows and pressure drop, the silencer
can reduce noise levels as much as 20 dB (A) with an
approximate 3% Cg reduction. Type SR is available
only in NPS 1 through 6 / DN 25 through 150 and is
not recommended for high velocity applications.
Type SRII: The Type SRII (Figure 2) noise abatement
device is the next generation of Type SR and is
used in case of extreme service conditions (dirty
gas, high pressure drops and high gas velocities).
Noise characteristics are very similar to the standard
Type SR.
Type SRS: A second noise reduction device may be
added to the Type FL regulators. Type SRS (Figure 2)
consists of a Type SR or SRII plus a widened outlet
ange in which a second silencer is tted. Noise
reduction is based on the principle of stream splitting
and gradual expansion in several stages. By using a
wider outlet ange the silencer can be mounted integral
to the regulator body which allows installation of the
regulator directly into the downstream piping without
an expansion joint. Noise reduction up to 25 dB (A)
is reached without limiting the velocity in the outlet
ange with a Cg reduction of about 15%. Type SR/SRS
Silencer is available only in NPS 1 through 6 / DN 25
through 150.
North America Only
Type PRX/131-AP: Outlet pressure range of 435
to 1160 psig / 30 to 80 bar. This pilot is used as a
booster or quick dump pilot on a single stage pressure
reducing regulator or with a monitor pilot on the
monitor regulator in Wide-Open Monitor systems.
Type SA/2 Pilot Supply Filter Regulator
The PRX Series pilots are usually used together
with the Type SA/2 pilot supply lter regulator. The
Type SA/2 acts as a pressure stabilizer that provides a
constant supply pressure to the PRX Series pilots: that
is approximately 45 psi / 3.1 bar over set pressure.
Principle of Operation
The pilot-operated Type FL (Figure 4) uses inlet
pressure as the operating medium, which is reduced
through pilot operation to load the actuator diaphragm.
Outlet pressure opposes loading pressure in the
actuator and also opposes the pilot control spring.
When outlet pressure drops below the setting of the
pilot control spring, pilot control spring force on the
pilot diaphragm opens the pilot valve plug, providing
additional loading pressure to the actuator diaphragm.
Type FL
Figure 4. Type FL Operational Schematic
Table 1. Outlet (Control) Pressure Ranges
psigbarSpring ColorPart Number
14.5 to 26
23 to 44
41 to 80
73 to 123
116 to 210
203 to 334
319 to 435
435 to 116030.0 to 80.01%ClearM0273790X120.3350.853.9310.0
This diaphragm loading pressure opens the main valve
plug, supplying the required ow to the downstream
system. Any excess loading pressure on the actuator
diaphragm escapes downstream through the exhaust
restriction in the pilot.
When the gas demand in the downstream system
has been satised, the outlet pressure increases.
The increased pressure is transmitted through
the downstream control line and acts on the pilot
diaphragm. This pressure exceeds the pilot spring
setting and moves the diaphragm, closing the orice.
The loading pressure acting on the main diaphragm
bleeds to the downstream system through the
exhaust restriction in the pilot.
Type FL regulators are installed in a horizontal or
vertical pipeline. An optional outlet ange spacer
(Figure 6, page 8) is available to be installed
downstream of the regulator. Once the spacer and
outlet ange are removed, the disk holder and trim
parts are easily accessed. See Figure 5 for typical
piping installations. Dimensions are given in Figure 7.
Type FL may be installed in any position, but is
normally installed in a horizontal pipeline with the pilot
or pilots above the body. The optimal location for the
sense and bleed lines is between the Type FL and
the downstream block valve. If the sense and bleed
lines cannot be located between the Type FL and
downstream block valve, contact your local Sales
Oce for Startup assistance. See Figure 5 for typical
piping installation.
pressure at a higher value than normal pressure.
During an overpressure situation, monitoring keeps
the customer online. Also, testing is relatively easy
and safe. To perform a periodic test on a monitoring
regulator, increase the outlet set pressure of the
working regulator and watch the outlet pressure to
determine if the monitoring regulator takes over at the
appropriate outlet pressure.
Wide-Open Monitoring Systems
(Figure 5)
There are two types of wide-open monitoring systems:
upstream and downstream. The dierence between
upstream and downstream monitoring is that the
functions of the regulators (monitor and worker) are
reversed. Systems can be changed from upstream
to downstream monitoring and vice-versa, by simply
reversing the setpoints of the two regulators. The
decision to use either an upstream or downstream
monitoring system is largely a matter of personal
preference or company policy.
In normal operation of a wide-open conguration,
the working regulator controls the system’s outlet
pressure. With a higher outlet pressure setting, the
monitor regulator senses a pressure lower than its
setpoint and tries to increase outlet pressure by going
wide open. If the working regulator fails, the monitoring
regulator assumes control and holds the outlet
pressure at its outlet pressure setting.
Working Monitoring Regulators
(Figure 5)
North America Only
To prevent damage to the pilot during
Startup, the sense and bleed lines
should be located on the same side of
the downstream block valve.
Monitoring Systems
Monitoring regulation is overpressure protection by
containment, therefore, there is no relief valve to vent
to the atmosphere. When the working regulator fails
to control the pressure, a monitor regulator installed in
series goes into operation to maintain the downstream
In a working monitoring system, the upstream regulator
requires two pilots and it is always the monitoring
regulator. The additional pilot permits the monitoring
regulator to act as a series regulator to control an
intermediate pressure during normal operation.
In this way, both units are always operating and can be
easily checked for proper operation.
In normal operation, the working regulator controls
the outlet pressure of the system. The monitoring
regulator’s working pilot controls the intermediate
pressure and the monitoring pilot senses the system’s
outlet pressure. If the working regulator fails, the
monitoring pilot will sense the increase in outlet
pressure and take control.
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