Annex B DVC5000 Parameters as part
of a Rosemountr 1410/1420 WirelessHARTr
23, 4
35, 6
Product removed from sale October 2003
DVC5000 Digital Valve Controller
May 2018
Instruction Manual Supplement
Product Overview
The FIELDVUE DVC5000 digital valve controller is designed to control the pneumatic actuator of a process control
valve. It receives a current signal from a host and uses instrument air supply to create a metered pressure output signal
to the pneumatic actuator. Movement of the actuator as it positions the process control valve is measured by the
DVC5000 travel sensor as its primary feedback. The name plate is located on the side of the DVC5000 master module
assembly and indicates the model name, individual product serial number, and any applicable third party approvals.
Purpose of this document
This specification is designed to be a technical reference for HART capable host application developers, system
integrators and knowledgeable end-users. It also provides functional specifications (e.g., commands, enumerations
and performance requirements) used during field device development, maintenance and testing. This document
assumes the reader is familiar with HART Protocol requirements and terminology. Additional product information is
available in the DVC5000 product literature, available from your Emerson sales office
or Local Business Partner.
Abbreviations and definitions
ARAlert Record
Device Variable
EnumerationA pre-defined set of values or text.
MVMeasured Variable, a physical input to the instrument.
ByteAn 8bit unsigned integer.
WordA 16bit unsigned integer.
FloatRefers to the IEEE 754 floating point format.
Packed ASCII
Standard Span
Variables which represent nonvolatile values of manufacturinginitialized data or userspecified
configuration information. These variables cannot be enumerated via Command 54 and as such
stand on their own with no associated units or range information.
Measured variables that are exposed to HART and can be enumerated using Command 54.
Generally there are variables whose ID is in the range of 0 to 10 and are associated with units
codes, status, and range values.
Named Variable – a logical point inside the device, hardmapped to a given MV as the source of
NV data.
A term that applies to diagnostic data packets. It is defined as a collection of periodically sampled
variables captured at a single instant in time. It does not include the “Monitor” point.
A special form of characters defined by HART in which 6bit ASCII characters are packed into byte
A proprietary 16bit integer format for numerical values used by some of this device’s Device
Specific commands.
Instruction Manual Supplement
DVC5000 Digital Valve Controller
May 2018
Reference Documentation
HART Smart Communications Protocol Specification Revision 5; a group of documents specifying the HART
Communication Protocol, physical layers, and Data Link Layers as defined by the HART Communications Foundation.
The DVC5000 is not an Active product. Contact your Emerson sales office
instruction manual is required.
Manufacture ID Code19(13 Hex)Device Type Code02(02 Hex)
HART Protocol Revision5Device Revision2 or 3
User Selectable HART Revision
between HART 5 and HART 7
Number of Device Variables9
Physical Layers SupportedFSK
Physical Device CategoryValve Positioner
DVC5000 Digital Valve Controller
May 2018
Instruction Manual Supplement
Product Interfaces
Control Valve Interface
The DVC5000 digital valve controller is mechanically attached to the valve’s actuator by means of a mounting bracket.
The control valve's position is conveyed to the travel sensor of the DVC5000 digital valve controller by means of the
feedback bracket attached to the actuator’s stem and the rotating travel sensor.
Pneumatic tubing connected to the DVC5000 brings instrument supply air to the DVC5000 and takes controlled
output air from the DVC5000 to the actuator. The pressure sensor in the DVC5000 measures the output pressure and
presents it as a device variable.
Host interface
The input to the DVC5000 can either be twowire 4to20 mA current loop (in pointtopoint mode) or 24 VDC (in
multidrop mode). This input is connected in the DVC5000’s terminal box on two terminals marked “LOOP +” and
“LOOP ”. Refer to the DVC5000 instruction manual for connection details.
Instruction Manual Supplement
DVC5000 Digital Valve Controller
Internal Jumpers And Switches
The input to the DVC5000 is determined by the PtPt/MultiDrop switch on the printed wiring board.
May 2018
Refer to the DVC5000 instruction manual for additional details on the settings of the selection switches.
Write Protection
There are two Write Protection states for the DVC5000: Not Protected or Protected. Protected prevents configuration
and calibration changes to the instrument. The default setting is Not Protected. Protection is controlled under
software control. Write Protection can be enabled remotely. However, to disable Write Protection to Not Protected,
you must have physical access to the instrument. The procedure will require you to short the AUX terminals inside the
terminal box when directed by the software as a security measure.
Firmware Upgrade
The firmware of a DVC5000 printed wiring board assembly cannot be upgraded.
DVC5000 Digital Valve Controller
May 2018
Instruction Manual Supplement
Dynamic Variables
Four Dynamic Variables are implemented.
Default MeaningUnitsDefault MeaningUnits
PVAnalog InputmA, %Valve Travel%
SVAux Contact Status%Travel Setpoint%
TVPressurePSI, BAR, KPAPressurePSI, BAR, KPA
FVValve Travel%
FW5: Aux Status%
FW6: Drive Signal%
Device Variables
These variables represent measurements taken by the device, are read only values, and are all in float format. These
can be read with Commands 33 and 54.
Variable IDMeaningUnits
0Analog InputmA, %
1Auxiliary Contact Status (0% = Open, 100% = Shorted)%
2Output PressurePSI, BAR, KPA
3Valve Travel%
4Drive Signal%
6Travel Setpoint%
9Implied Valve Position (Travel Target)%
The Field Device Status Byte is the only status byte defined in the HART protocol. The order and meaning of each of the
eight bits within the byte are fixed by the protocol. This byte is one of the status bytes included with each HART
response. It is not part of the Command 48 data.
BitDevice RevisionName of Status BitMeaning
Set / cleared by the firmware based on self test results.
72, 3Field Device Malfunction
62, 3Configuration Changed
52, 3Cold Start
42, 3More StatusActive when any bit in command 48 is active.
2Not Used
12, 3Internal Sensor Out of Limits
02, 3Loop Current Out of RangeSet when any variable 0 (Analog Input) is saturated.
3Analog Input Fixed
2Analog Input Saturated
3Not Used
This bit is set if the pressure, position or temperature
sensors provide invalid readings.
Two such bits exist internally, one for each HART master.
Both copies are set when any variable, HART message,
tag, descriptor or date are changed from HART. Cleared
by command 38, separately for each master. This bit
survives loss of power.
Set by the firmware whenever a RESET sequence is
executed or at initial device power up. Cleared by the
first HART command.
Active if the Instrument Mode of the DVC5000 is in the
“Out Of Service” condition or if the Control Mode of the
DVC5000 is in one of the digital set point modes.
Active if the Instrument Mode of the DVC5000 is in the
“Out Of Service” condition or if the Control Mode of the
DVC5000 is in one of the digital set point modes.
(This bit is named “NonPrimary Variable Out Of Limits”
in the HART documentation for transmitters. It has been
renamed to reflect the fact that these variables are
INTERNAL INPUTS to FIELDVUE products). The firmware
sets this bit when any sensor (pressure, position,
temperature) exceeds its operating limits.
DVC5000 Digital Valve Controller
May 2018
Instruction Manual Supplement
Universal Commands
The DVC5000 field device implements all HART Revision 5 Universal Commands.
Command 0: Read Unique Identifier
Command 1: Read Primary Variable
Command 2: Read Loop Current and Percent of Range
Command 3: Read Dynamic Variables and P.V. Current
Command 6: Write Polling Address
Command 11: Read Unique Identifier Associated with Tag
Command 12: Read Message
Command 13: Read Tag, Descriptor, Date
Command 14: Read Primary Variable Transducer Information
Command 15: Read Primary Variable Output Information
Command 16: Read Final Assembly Number
Command 17: Write Message
Command 18: Write Tag, Descriptor, Date
Command 19: Write Final Assembly Number