Micro Motion pursues a policy of continuous development and product improvement. The specification in this document may
therefore be changed without notice. To the best of our knowledge, the information contained in this document is accurate and
Micro Motion cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions, or other misinformation contained herein. No part of this
document may be photocopied or reproduced without prior written consent of Micro Motion.
ivMicro Motion 7829 Viscomaster® and Viscomaster Dynamic™ Viscosity Meters
Chapter 1
1.1Safety guidelines
Handle the 7829 Viscomaster
•Do not drop the meter.
•Do not use liquids incompatible with materials of construction.
•Do not operate the meter above its rated pressure or maximum temperature.
•Do not pressure test beyond the specified test pressure.
•Ensure all explosion-proof requirements have been applied.
•Ensure the meter and associated pipework are pressure tested to 1-1/2 times the maximum
operating pressure after installation.
•Always store and transport the meter in its original packaging, including the transit cover
secured by grub screws.
•To return a meter, refer to the Return Policy appendix for more information on the Micro
Motion return policy.
Safety messages are provided throughout this manual to protect personnel and equipment. Read each
safety message carefully before proceeding to the next step.
/ Viscomaster Dynamic™ viscosity meter with great care.
InstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroduction
1.2About the meter
1.2.1What is it?
The 7829 Viscomaster
the proven tuning fork technology of Micro Motion. It is an all-welded sensor designed to be mounted
directly into a pipeline or in a tank. Viscosity and density are determined from the resonance of the
tuning fork immersed in the fluid, and a temperature sensor (RTD) is also fitted within the meter.
The meter is available in a 316 stainless steel, and the immersed tines can be laminated with PFA to
inhibit the build up of residues such as asphaltenes.
The meter contains integral processing electronics to provide full configuration, enabling it to perform
a variety of calculations.
Installation and Configuration Manual1
/ Viscomaster Dynamic™ viscosity meter is a digital viscosity meter, based on
Two forms of output are available:
Note: The Viscomaster Dynamic meter’s analog output 2 is set to temperature and only the span, bias,
and limits can be changed.
No signal converter is required, which simplifies wiring and enables the meter to be connected
directly to a plant monitoring and control systems and/or a local indicator.
The meter is factory set to perform API density referral. Re-configuration of the meter’s default
settings (see Appendix A) is achieved by linking a PC to the Modbus (RS-485) connection and
running Micro Motion's ADView or ProLink II (v2.9 or later) software. Once configured, the PC can
be removed.
•Two off 4-20 mA analog outputs, factory set but have individually configurable span, bias,
limits, and filter options. The standard factory settings for these outputs are Line Kinematic
Viscosity on Analog Output 1 and Line Temperature on Analog Output 2. Alternatively, the
analog outputs may be controlled by one of the following:
•Line dynamic viscosity
•Line density
•Base or referred kinematic viscosity
•Base or referred density (API or Matrix referral)
•Line temperature
•An RS-485 (Modbus) interface, giving access to other measurement results, system
information and configuration parameters.
1.2.27829 Viscomaster meter measurements
The 7829 Viscomaster meter directly measures the following fluid properties:
•Line dynamic viscosity – measured in centiPoise - cP.
•Line Density – measured in kg/m
, g/cc, lb/gal, or lb/ft3.
•Temperature – measured in °C or °F.
From these properties, the meter calculates:
•Line and base (referred) kinematic viscosity – measured in centiStokes - cSt.
•Line and base (referred) density – API or Matrix.
•Referral is made to 15°C, 1.013 bar; or at 60°F, 14.5 psi.
1.2.37829 Viscomaster Dynamic meter measurements
The 7829 Viscomaster Dynamic meter directly measures the following fluid properties:
•Line dynamic viscosity – measured in centiPoise - cP.
•Temperature – measured in °C or °F.
From these properties, the meter calculates:
•Line kinematic viscosity – measured in centiStokes - cSt.
Note: The line kinematic viscosity calculation requires the user input of a base (or reference) density
value and a temperature (at which the base density value is valid).
2Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster® and Viscomaster Dynamic™ Viscosity Meters
1.2.4What is it used for?
The 7829 Viscomaster
the viscosity of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) used by power plants. This is typically achieved by adjusting
the heating of incoming HFO to maintain the viscosity within the limits set by the engine
HFO is a low cost, high viscosity fuel derived from refinery wastes. The quality of the oil and its
viscosity/temperature characteristics can vary due to:
HFO heating is usually required to ensure that the viscosity of the oil at the injectors of a large diesel
engine or burner nozzle is maintained at the optimum value (typically between 10 cSt and 20 cSt).
Failure to observe the viscosity limits results in inefficient combustion, pollution problems and higher
operating costs (either due to excessive fuel being burnt or premature wear to engine components).
Since simple temperature control has been shown to be ineffective due to the variability of oil quality
in HFO, viscosity control is usually performed.
A typical HFO fuel circuit is shown in Figure 1-1.
/ Viscomaster Dynamic™ viscosity meter is designed specifically to control
•Stratification within storage tanks.
•Contamination in transit storage.
•Variations in the production process at the refinery or at the blending plant.
InstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroduction
Note: In some installations, equipment may be installed in between the viscosity transmitter and the
burner / engine to remove contaminants from the fuel; the efficient operation of this equipment may
also depend on the viscosity of the HFO.
4Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster® and Viscomaster Dynamic™ Viscosity Meters
Chapter 2
All drawings and dimensions given in this manual are given here for planning purposes only. Before
commencing fabrication, reference should always be made to the current issue of the appropriate
drawings. Contact Micro Motion for details.
For further information on handling and using the meter, see “Safety guidelines” on page 1
There are a variety of external factors that affect the ability of the 7829 Viscomaster
correctly, the effects of these factors must be taken into consideration when designing your
There are two main aspects to consider:
viscosity meter to operate successfully. In order to ensure that your system works
•The accuracy and repeatability of the measurements
/ Viscomaster
InstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroduction
•The relevance of the measurements to the overall purpose of the system
Factors which may adversely affect accuracy and repeatability include:
•The presence of gas or bubbles within the fluid being measured
•Non-uniformity of the fluid
•The presence of solids as contaminants
•Fouling of the meter
•Temperature gradients
•Cavitations and swirls
•Operating at temperatures below the wax point of crude oils
•The correct pipe diameter that corresponds to the calibration of the meter.
In some applications, absolute accuracy is less important than repeatability. For example, in a system
where the control parameters are initially adjusted for optimum performance, and thereafter only
checked periodically.
The term achievable accuracy can be used to describe a measure of the product quality that can be
realistically obtained from a process system. It is a function of measurement accuracy, stability and
system response. High accuracy alone is no guarantee of good product quality if the response time of
the system is measured in tens of minutes, or if the measurement bears little relevance to the operation
of the system. Similarly, systems which require constant calibration and maintenance cannot achieve
good achievable accuracy.
Installation and Configuration Manual5
long axis
Factors which may adversely affect the relevance of the measurements could include:
•Measurement used for control purposes being made too far away from the point of control, so
that the system cannot respond properly to changes.
•Measurements made on fluid which is unrepresentative of the main flow.
2.2Installation effects
Unlike other Micro Motion meters, the vibrating tines of the 7829 Viscomaster
viscosity meter are not totally enclosed. The walls of the pipe or tank in which the meter
is installed will introduce boundaries to the fluid flow, and this will have an effect on the calibration
of the sensor.
To overcome this, Micro Motion calibrates the meter under a variety of pre-defined conditions
corresponding to the installation and pipe schedule. This condition is selected when ordering the
7829 Viscomaster
the same boundary conditions as the installation, the need for additional on-site calibration is
2.2.1Boundary effects
/ Viscomaster
/ Viscomaster Dynamic™ viscosity meter, so that by calibrating the meter under
Any insertion device or meter can only measure the properties of the fluid within the region of fluid to
which it is sensitive.
For practical reasons, it is helpful to consider the sensitive, or effective region, for the viscometer as
an ovoid centered on the tips of the tines with its long axis aligned with the direction in which the
tines vibrate, as shown below. The meter is insensitive to the properties of the fluid outside this region
and progressively more sensitive to fluid properties the closer the fluid is to the tines. Density can be
considered a “mass centered” effect and viscosity a “surface centered” effect in this visualization; i.e.
the measurement of density is more uniformly sensitive to the density of fluid throughout the region
while viscosity measurement is much more critically sensitive to fluid on the surface of the tines.
If part of this volume is taken up by the pipework or fittings there is said to be a boundary effect; i.e.,
the intrusion of the pipe walls will alter the calibration. The diagram below illustrates the meter
installed in a pocket on the side of a 4" (100 mm) horizontal pipe line (viewed from above). The
effective region is completely enclosed within the pipe line and thus is completely fluid.
6Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster® and Viscomaster Dynamic™ Viscosity Meters
Top or Plan view
4” horizontal pipe
2”Schedule 40
Pocket or “T”
This next view shows other pipe outlines superimposed:
InstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroduction
Installation and Configuration Manual7
The smaller circle represents a 4" (100 mm) vertical pipe, which because the meter orientation is
constant irrespective of pipe orientation intersects the effective region. The 6" (150 mm) pipe is the
smallest pipe diameter to completely enclose the effective region when the pipe is vertical. Thus
smaller pipe diameters can lead to a variety of different geometries which would each require a
separate calibration.
An alternative condition is shown in the next diagram where the side pocket is extended until it passes
completely through the effective region producing a “core”:
From this, it would appear that almost every installation requires a separate in situ calibration – a very
undesirable situation. The problem is resolved by providing standard calibration geometries which
can be used in all pipe work configurations and thereby allow the factory calibration conditions to be
reproduced in the process.
2.2.2Fluid at the sensor
The fluid in the effective zone of the meter must be of uniform composition and at uniform
temperature. It must be representative of the fluid flow as a whole.
This is achieved either by mixing of the fluid either using a static inline mixer or taking advantage of
any natural pipe condition that tends to cause mixing, such as pump discharge, partially open valves.
The viscometer should be installed downstream where the flow is just returning to laminar flow
2.2.3Thermal effects
Avoid temperature gradients in the fluid and in the pipe work and fittings immediately upstream and
downstream of the viscometer.
Always insulate the viscometer and surrounding pipework thoroughly. Insulation must be at least
1" (25 mm) of rockwool, preferably 2" (50 mm) (or equivalent insulating heat jacket) and enclosed in
a sealed protective casing to prevent moisture ingress, air circulation, and crushing of the insulation.
Special insulation jackets are available from Micro Motion for the flow-through chambers, which,
because of the low volumetric flow rates and hence low heat flow, are more vulnerable to temperature
Avoid direct heating or cooling of the viscometer and associated pipe work upstream and downstream
that is likely to create temperature gradients. If it is necessary to provide protection against cooling
due to loss of flow, electrical trace heating may be applied, provided it is thermostatically controlled
and the thermostat is set to operate below the minimum operating temperature of the system.
8Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster® and Viscomaster Dynamic™ Viscosity Meters
2.2.4Entrained gas
Gas pockets can disrupt the measurement. A brief disruption in the signal caused by transient gas
pockets can be negated in the signal conditioning software, but more frequent disruptions or serious
gas entrainment must be avoided. This can be achieved by observing the following conditions:
2.2.5Solids contamination
•Keep pipe lines fully flooded at all times
•Vent any gas prior to the viscometer
•Avoid sudden pressure drops or temperature changes which may cause dissolved gases to
break out of the fluid
•Maintain a back pressure on the system sufficient to prevent gas break out (e.g. back pressure
equivalent to twice the ‘head loss’ plus twice the vapour pressure)
•Maintain flow velocity at the sensor within the specified limits.
•Avoid sudden changes of velocity that may cause sedimentation.
•Install the viscometer far enough downstream from any pipework configuration which may
cause centrifuging of solids (e.g. bends).
•Maintain flow velocity at the sensor within the specified limits.
InstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroduction
•Use filtration if necessary.
2.2.6Vibration effects
The 7829 Viscomaster
severe vibration conditions, both in the test laboratory and Marine/Power Station/Burner applications.
The meter is approved according to the Lloyds Register standard, levels ENV 1, 2 and 3 and operates
correctly up to the classification level of ENV4 (vibration test 2). This vibration level, ENV 4
includes correct operation at vibration levels of 4 g rms between frequencies of 5–100 Hz, and is used
to describe the requirements for engine mounted equipment.
If vibration levels exceed these limits, or the meters are not installed as recommended by Micro
Motion, Micro Motion cannot take responsibility for the correct operation of these units.
2.3General fitting notes
The 7829 Viscomaster
which requires no seals, minimizing maintenance and spares. These fittings are leak proof over a wide
range of pressure and temperature conditions, and during rapid temperature cycling, which may occur
during the transfer from HFO to distillate fuel.
The meter should normally be installed horizontally, with the slot between the tines vertical; this
ensures that, for low flow rates, any solids or gas bubbles are not trapped. When installed in a
flow-through chamber, however, provided that the flow rate is within the recommended range, the
transmitter can be mounted horizontally or vertically.
Allow at least 7.8” (200 mm) clearance to enable the meter to be removed from the fitting.
/ Viscomaster Dynamic™ viscosity meter has been extensively tested under
/ Viscomaster Dynamic™ viscosity meter uses a 1.5” Swagelok style of fitting
Installation and Configuration Manual9
2.4Standard installations
To overcome the need for in situ calibration for every installation, three standard installations are
proposed. If an installation conforms to one of these standards, the factory calibration of the 7829
Visc o master
/ Viscomaster Dynamic™ viscosity meter is valid, and in-situ calibration unnecessary.
The three installations are summarized in Table 2-1.
Note: Higher flow rate installations (up to 100 m
for details.
Table 2-1.Descriptions of standard installations
/hr) can be accommodated. Contact Micro Motion
Flow rate
Viscomaster tines project into
adapter kit with 2½“ Schedule
40 boundary.
10 to 330 l/min
(0.6 to 20 m
(2.6 to 87 US gal./min).
Up to 100 cSt.Up to 100 cStUp to 100 cSt.
VAF VISCOSENSE RetrofitFlow-through chamber
Viscomaster tines are
contained in a side pocket off
the main flow, recessed by
25.4 mm (1 inch).
10 to 330 l/min
(0.6 to 20 m
(2.6 to 87 US gal./min).
Viscomaster tines are contained in
a flow-through chamber in which
fluid is circulated from the main
10 to 330 l/min
(0.6 to 20 m
(2.6 to 87 US gal./min).
Tem perature
Main flow pipe
-50 to 200°C
(-58 to 392°F).
As defined by capillary
Viscomaster chamber.
• Simple replacement of
capillary viscometer.
• Fast response.
• Good flow and temperature
(1) Viscomaster tines project into adapter kit with 2-½“ Schedule 40 boundary and retracted by 1” (25 mm).
-50 to 200°C
(-58 to 392°F).
50 mm (2").50 mm (2").
• Simple replacement of
torsional viscometer.
• Fast response.
• Good flow and temperature
-50 to 200°C
(-58 to 392°F).
• Adaptable installation to any
diameter main pipe and for tank
• Ideal for flow and temperature
• Fast response.
10Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster® and Viscomaster Dynamic™ Viscosity Meters
These three types of standard installation are graphically shown in the following schematic.
InstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroduction
2.4.2Meter orientation
The meter must always be installed horizontally, and orientated to allow flow in the gap between the
tines. This is irrespective of the pipe line orientation, and helps to prevent the trapping of bubbles or
solids on the meter.
Installation and Configuration Manual11
Bubbles rise!
Solids sink!
the slot
must be
For ALL pipe and flow directions
the meter
must be
Figure 2-1Meter orientation
Note: All drawings and dimensions given in the following sections are derived from detailed
dimensional drawings. They are given here for planning purposes only. Before commencing
fabrication, reference should always be made to the current issue of the appropriate drawings contact Micro Motion for details.
2.4.3Flow-through chamber installation
Flow-through chambers are fabricated by Micro Motion, and are available with either weld prepared
ends or with flange or compression fittings for connection into the process pipe lines. They are
available with 2" NB inlet and outlet pipes.
Note: The length of the inlet and outlet pipes must not be altered, otherwise the temperature response
and stability of the fitting may be adversely affected.
•Flow: constant, 5–300 l/min for 3" sch 80 calibration bore.
•Viscosity: 0.5 to 100 cP
•Temperature: -50 °C to 200 °C (–58 °F to 392 °F)
[-40 °C to 200 °C (-40 °F to 392 °F) in hazardous areas]
•Pressure: 70 bar @ 204 °C, subject to process connections.
The PT100 is a direct insertion type, without a thermowell, and uses a ¾" Swagelok connection.
The diagram below shows an example of this type of standard installation.
12Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster® and Viscomaster Dynamic™ Viscosity Meters
Dimensions shown in inches (mm)
InstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroduction
The three compression fittings on the flow pockets (½" drain, ¾" temp probe, and 1-½" mounting nut
for the meter) are rated to above the working pressure of the flow pocket. The fittings may be
Swagelok or Parker; both are used in manufacture.
The fittings are certified to the following standards:
•Swagelok: SO9001 / 9002, ASME,TUV,CSA,DNV
•Parker: ISO 9001 / 9002, TUV, DNV, LLOYDS
2.4.4VAF Viscosense retrofit
•Temperature:-50 to +200 °C (–58 °F to 392 °F)
•Flow:40 to 330 l/min (2.5 to 20 m
•Viscosity limit:Up to 100 cSt
•Pressure:As defined by process flanges
•Calibration boundary:2-½” Schedule 40
This retro-fit kit has been specifically designed to provide a simple, direct replacement for existing
vibration-type viscometers. Typically, the flange-to-flange distance is 5.9” (150 mm), although other
larger versions can be accommodated (contact Micro Motion for details of the Universal retro-fit
adapter). Usually, no pipework changes are necessary.
/hr) (11 to 87 US gal/min)
Installation and Configuration Manual13
The 7829 Viscomaster® / Viscomaster Dynamic™ viscosity meter is mounted 0.98” (25 mm) away
from the main flow line, allowing good product mixing, sensor protection and stable measurement
Typical dimensions are shown in Figure 2-2.
Note: The schematic shown may vary without notice, although overall dimensions will remain
14Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster® and Viscomaster Dynamic™ Viscosity Meters
14.49 (368)
5.9 (150)
150 mm unit shown
DN50 PN16 flanges shown
Dimensions shown in inches (mm)
Figure 2-2VAF Viscosense retrofit dimensions
InstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroduction
Installation and Configuration Manual15
2.4.5VAF Viscotherm retrofit
This retro-fit kit has been specifically designed to provide a simple, direct replacement for existing
capillary viscometers. Typically, these viscometers are designed to operate with their own
measurement chamber, to which this adapter will be attached. No pipework changes are necessary.
Typical dimensions are shown in Figure 2-3.
Note: The schematic shown may vary without notice, although overall dimensions will remain
•Temperature:-50 to +200°C (–58 °F to 392 °F)
•Flow:40 to 330 l/min (2.5 to 20 m
/hr) (11 to 87 US gal/min)
•Viscosity limit:Up to 100 cSt
•Pressure:As defined by process flanges
•Calibration boundary:2–½” Schedule 40
16Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster® and Viscomaster Dynamic™ Viscosity Meters
Dimensions shown in inches (mm)
11.85 (301)
4.5 (115)
Ø 6.3 (160)
Figure 2-3VAF Viscotherm retrofit dimensions
InstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroduction
Installation and Configuration Manual17
1. Once the pipework installation has been prepared, and before installing the 7829 Viscomaster
/ Viscomaster Dynamic
nut to the meter mounting, and pressurise and flush the system.
2. Isolate the system, depressurize and remove the blanking compression nut.
3. Install the meter, and tighten the fitting nut, but do not fit the thermal insulation.
4. Slowly pressurize the system and check for leaks, particularly if the normal operating
temperature is high, or the meter has been fitted cold; tighten as necessary.
5. Now tighten the nut again, if necessary. Once you are satisfied with the integrity of the seal,
the insulation can be fitted.
6. Once the system has stabilized and is leak free, fit the insulation material.
2.6During normal running
Observe and record the normal operating temperatures and viscosity readings. You can monitor the
system using ADView or ProLink II. (See the Using ADView and ProLink II chapter.)
When several systems are run in parallel and use the same fuel source, comparison of the readings
between installations can be a useful indicator of possible system faults. Differences between readings
or changes from the normally observed conditions should always be investigated to confirm that
instrumentation is functioning correctly.
Particular attention should be paid to the conditions before and after engine shutdowns in order to
detect any possibility of asphaltenes coating (precipitation of asphaltenes from the HFO caused by
dilution with distillate fuel) which may cause the instrument to read high. If the re-circulation flow is
high enough or the instruments have been supplied with PFA coating, asphaltenes or any other
deposits should quickly be removed and the expected operating temperatures should be restored.
If the meter is still reading high and the oil quality is known not to have changed, then the instrument
should be removed and cleaned with a rag. Removal should only be performed in accordance with the
engine or burner manufacturers’ recommendations or in accordance with safe site practice. This must
include isolation and depressurization.
viscosity meter and thermal insulation, fit a blanking compression
2.7Removal and refitting procedure
All national and international safety regulations should be observed.
Observe safe working practice, wear protective clothing and safety glasses, and use suitable
gloves to prevent burns or absorption of hot oil.
Check that the isolation valves have been fully closed, remove insulation and allow to cool to a safe
level (cooling will tend to reduce any retained pressure) and de-pressurize the system if a drain valve
or pressure relieving valve is fitted.
18Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster® and Viscomaster Dynamic™ Viscosity Meters
When the above conditions are satisfied, slacken the lock nut by 1-½ to 2 turns, sufficient for the
sensor to be rocked. (If necessary, jolt the meter loose with a blow of the hand to the amplifier
housing.) This will allow the seal between the sensor and the chamber retro-fit kit to be broken. Do
not slacken the lock nut further unless the seal is broken and the sensor is definitely loose in the
Note: If the system is still pressurized, the meter may lift and be held against the retaining nut.
Rocking and alternately pushing the sensor in and out of the pocket within the limits allowed by the
slackened nut will break any seal and allow oil under pressure to seep past the lock nut. If this
leakage is excessive, re-tighten the lock nut and take further action to de-pressurize the system.
When the meter can be rocked in the flow chamber and there is no serious or continuous escape of oil,
it is safe to remove the lock nut.
Always keep all parts of your body away from the axis of the sensor (i.e., the direction in which the
sensor will be withdrawn). If the system is under pressure or suddenly comes under pressure (e.g., due
to valve failure or pump start), and the lock nut is not in place, the instrument may be forcibly ejected
from the flow chamber and cause serious injury.
Clean and maintain the meter as directed and then refit it, as described in Section 2.5.
InstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroduction
Installation and Configuration Manual19
20Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster® and Viscomaster Dynamic™ Viscosity Meters
Electrical Connections
Chapter 3
Electrical Connections
For installations in hazardous areas:
•For ATEX installations, the electrical installation must strictly adhere to the safety information
given in the ATEX safety instructions booklet shipped with this manual. See Section 1.1 for
important information.
•For installations in USA and Canada, the electrical installation must strictly adhere to the Electrical
Codes and a conduit seal is required within 2” (50 mm) of the enclosure.
The 7829 Viscomaster
•Two 4-20mA analog outputs
/ Viscomaster Dynamic™ viscosity meter has two types of output:
InstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroductionInstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroductionInstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroductionInstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroduction
The Viscomaster Dynamic has a single fully configurable output proportional to a
user-specified parameter. The Viscomas t e r has two fully configurable outputs.
The parameters that can be output on each analog output are as follows:
Note: In all cases, the limit values of each analog output are configurable.
Viscomaster DynamicViscomaster
Analog Output 1Analog Output 2Analog Output 1Analog Output 2
Dynamic viscosity (cP)Temperature
Kinematic viscosity (cSt)
Line densityTemperature
TemperatureLine densityLine density
(1) Factory default selection.
Dynamic viscosity (cP)Dynamic viscosity (cP)
Kinematic viscosity (cSt)
Referred densityReferred density
Referred viscosityReferred viscosity
Kinematic viscosity (cSt)
•A Modbus (RS-485) interface, giving access to other measurement results, system information
and configuration parameters. The Modbus interface is also used to configure the meter, using
a PC running the Micro Motion ADView or ProLink II software (see Using ADView and
ProLink II chapter).
Installation and Configuration Manual21
Electrical Connections
It is recommended that both outputs are installed, requiring a minimum of eight wires (two for each
output, and two for power). Although you may not immediately require the Modbus connection, it
may be required for in-situ calibration adjustment and future system enhancements, and the cost of
the additional wires is trivial compared to the expense of installing them retrospectively.
A number of factors must be taken into account when planning the electrical installation. These
•Power supply
•Ground connections
•Surge protection
•Installation in explosive area
•Modbus connections
•Analog connections.
3.2Installation considerations
3.2.1Power supply
The power supply to the 7829 Viscomaster
/ Viscomaster Dynamic™ viscosity meter must have the
following requirements:
•Voltage: Nominally 24 VDC, but in the range 20 to 28 VDC.
•Current: for transmitter – 50 mA; for mA outputs – 22 mA per output.
If several meters are to be used within a local area, one power supply can be used to power them all;
where the meters are distributed over a wide area and cabling costs are high, it may be more cost
effective to use several smaller, local power supplies.
Upon leaving the factory, the two 4-20 mA analog outputs are non-isolated as they are powered
through internal links to the power supply input. However, if split-pads “LNK A” (Analog Output 1)
and “LNK B” (Analog Output 2) by the terminal block are ‘broken’, they become isolated and require
a separate 20-28 VDC power supply (see the 4–20 mA outputs section for details).
If an RS-232 to RS-485 converter is used (for example to connect to a serial port on a PC), this may
also require a power supply (see the Further information on RS-485 section for details).
Care should be taken where there is the possibility of significant common-mode voltages
between different parts of the system. For example, if the meter is locally powered from a power
supply which is at a different potential to the RS-485 ground connection (if used).
To meet the EC Directive for EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility), it is recommended that the meter
be connected using a suitable instrumentation cable containing an overall screen. This should be
earthed at both ends of the cable. At the meter, the screen can be earthed to the meter body (and
therefore to the pipework), using a conductive cable gland.
22Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster® and Viscomaster Dynamic™ Viscosity Meters
Electrical Connections
3.2.3Ground connections
It is not necessary to earth the meter through a separate connection; this is usually achieved directly
through the metalwork of the installation.
The electronics and communications connections (RS-485/Modbus and 4-20 mA analog output) of
the meter are not connected to the body of the meter. This means that the negative terminal of the
power supply can be at a different potential to the earthed bodywork.
In the majority of applications, it is not necessary to connect the RS-485 ground connection. In areas
where there is a significant amount of electrical noise, higher communications integrity may be
obtained by connecting the negative power terminal (pin 2) of the meter to the communications
ground. If this is done, it is important to ensure that the possibility of ground loops (caused by
differences in earth potential) is eliminated.
3.2.4Cabling requirements
Although it is possible to connect separate cables to the meter for power, RS-485 and the 4-20 mA
analog output, it is recommended that all connections are made through one instrumentation-grade
Connections for the Analog and Modbus signals should be individually screened twisted-pairs with an
overall screen, foil or braid for the cable. Where permissible, the screen should be connected to earth
at both ends. (At the meter, this is best done using a conductive cable gland.)
Cables should conform to BS2538. In the USA, use Belden 9402 (two-pair) or Beldon 85220
(single-pair). Other cables that are suitable are those that meet BS5308 Multi-pair Instrumentation
Types 1 and 2, Belden Types 9500, 9873, 9874, 9773, 9774 etc.
The typical maximum recommended cable length for the above cable types is 1000 m (3200 ft), but
care must be taken to ensure that the power supply at the meter is at least 20 V. Thus, for 24 V power
supply, the overall resistance for the power supply connections (both wires in series) must be less than
100 ohms.
InstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroductionInstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroductionInstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroductionInstallationUsing ADView and ProLink IIElectrical ConnectionsIntroduction
In order to complete the wiring, you will need the following parts:
•½” NPT to M20 gland adapter
•½” NPT blanking plug
•M20 x 1 cable gland (not supplied).
The gland adapter and blanking plug are supplied with the meter – these two parts are Exd rated.
However, you will need to get a suitably rated cable gland:
•For non-hazardous area installations, use an IP68 or higher rated cable gland.
•For hazardous area installations use an Exd-rated cable gland.
In hazardous areas, all parts must be explosion-proof. Alternative parts may be required in order to
meet local electrical installation regulations.
3.2.5Surge protection
Careful consideration should be given to the likelihood of power supply surges or lightning strikes.
The power supply connections of the meter have a surge arrestor fitted that gives protection against
power supply transients.
If there is a possibility of lightning strikes, external surge protection devices - one for each pair of
signals and the power supply - should be installed as close to the meter as possible.
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