3 and 6-Pair
Terminal Blocks
Key Features
• Variety of binding post
configurations provide flexibility to
meet most termination
• Solid injection-molded plastic
material provides a low moisture
absorption rate
• Discharge washer overvoltage
protection is available for
protection on a range of 5000
volts DC and approximately 10KV
or less on a surge front of 5KV/
Outside Plant for
Business-Critical Continuity
The 3 and 6-pair terminal blocks provide drop wire terminal points in ready-access and
pedestal closures. They are available with or without leads for tying into the cable. These
blocks are also available with discharge washer overvoltage protection. The stainless steel
washers provide protection in a range of 5000 volts DC and approximately 10KV or less on
a surge front of 5KV/msec.
The blocks are made of a solid injection-molded Red plastic material that has a low moisture absorption rate. The terminal posts are brass and are raised to provide high surface
On those terminals provided with double leads, the wires are 24-gauge color-coded PVC,
30-in. (762.7mm) long. Single-lead blocks have 20-1/2-in. (520mm) leads.
Terminal blocks without leads are available with a variety of binding post configurations.
• Raised terminal posts offer high
surface insulation
The Emerson Network Power 3 and 6-pair terminal blocks provide protected or unprotected drop-wire terminal points in ready-access and pedestal closures.
145 145P
OSPDS-061900 / 1109
1645 16645P

3 and 6-Pair Terminal Blocks
Catalog Series H W D
145* 1.687-in. (22.85mm) 3.25-in. (82.55mm) 0.6875-in. (17.50mm)
1640* 1.687-in. (22.85mm) 3.25-in. (82.55mm) 0.6875-in. (17.50mm)
* The mounting stud measures .6875" (17.50mm) long.
Ordering Information
Catalog Part
Number Number Description
145 F005015 6-pair unprotected/double leads, 4 ft. long
1453 F005017 3-pair unprotected/double leads, 4 ft. long
145B F005020 6-pair unprotected/single leads, 1.7 ft. long
145P F005027 6-pair protected/double leads, 4 ft. long
145BP F005023 6-pair protected/single leads, 1.7 ft. long
1645 F005816 6-pair unprotected/without leads
1645P F005823 6-pair protected/without leads
1648 F005819 6-pair unprotected/without leads
1648P F005825 6-pair protected/without leads
NOTE: For testing equipment, tools, etc. see the Accessories section of this catalog.
Binding Post Configurations
1645 1645P 1648 1648P
Emerson Network Power.
The global leader in enabling
Business-Critical Continuity™.
Emerson Network Power
Energy Systems
4350 Weaver Parkway, Warrenville, IL 60555
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Printed in USA
Embedded Power
Infrastructure Management & Monitoring
Outside Plant
Power Switching & Controls
Precision Cooling
Racks & Integrated Cabinets
Surge Protection
OSPDS-061900 / 1109