25 & 50-Pair
Protected Terminal Blocks & Enclosures
Key Features
n Terminal clips and studs are
bright-acid tin-plated to provide
corrosion resistant connections
n High-impact shell; polyurethane
potting offers durability
and long service life
n R66 quick-clip type terminal with
gas tube protection. Available
with or without metal housing
n UL Listed when installed in
UL Listed enclosure to assure
quality performance
The 25 & 50-Pair Terminal Blocks are ideal where
protection is required and cross-connection of feeder
and subscriber cable pairs is desired.
The 25 and 50-pair series of protected terminal blocks provide a system for terminating
incoming cables and station pairs at the subscriber premises. These blocks are available in
stub-less R66 quick-clip type terminals with 3-element gas tube protection. To complete
this system, a weather-tight aluminum enclosure is offered. The enclosure is accessed
using a 216-type tool.
The quick-clip type termination fields are available in four clip multiples, and blocks can
have one or two terminal fields. Single-field blocks are wired directly to the protectors, a
lower cost alternative if cross-connect capability is not needed. Double-field blocks have a
protected field and a cross-connect field. The protected field is used to terminate the OSP
cable while the cross-connect field terminates subscriber wires; it is not connected to the
protectors. In comparison, for typical applications jumper wires are used to connect the
protected field to the cross-connect field.
All blocks are constructed of a high dielectric,
self-extinguishing thermoplastic and are
marked for protected and unprotected pairs.
The 25 and 50-pair series terminal blocks are
ideal for apartment buildings or mediumdensity commercial or industrial buildings
where the maximum feeder cable is 50-pair
or less. They are used as an indoor application
where protection is required and cross-connection of feeder and subscriber cable pairs is
desired. The units may also be used as a
demarcation point for connecting to interconnect systems.
Stubless with Metal Housing
(38.06"H x 11.16"W x 3.45"D)
1080300D-TermBlock / 0313

25 & 50-Pair Protected Terminal Blocks & Enclosures
Quick-Clip Internal Wiring
OSP & Station-protected
NOTE: Protection may be wired to OSP field, station field, or both.
NOTE: OSP Protected Station cross-connect not protected unless jumpered to OSP.
Ordering Information
25VSR0P4 F000189 25 pair R66 quick-clip, stubless, with gas tube protection,
25VSR4X4 F019061 25 pair R66 quick-clip, stubless, with gas tube protection,
25VSR4X4MH F019 075 25 pair R66 quick-clip, stubless, with gas tube protection,
50VSR4X4MH F019 082 50 pair R66 quick-clip, stubless, with gas tube protection,
4 clip station field only. No housing.
4 clip OSP field and 4 clip station field. No housing.
4 clip OSP field and 4 clip station field with metal housing.
4 clip OSP field and 4 clip station field with metal housing.
• OSP termination on first clip.
• Terminate up to 3 stations on clips 2,
3 and 4.
• Terminate OSP on clip 1 left side.
• Terminate up to 3 extensions on clips 2, 3
and 4 right side.
• Cross-connect OSP to station by jumpering.
• Two additional stations may be terminated
on clips 2 and 3 on the left side.
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© Emerson Network Power Energy Systems North America 2013.
Business-Critical Continuity™, Emerson Network Power™, the Emer son Net work Power l ogo, Emer son® and Consi der it Solv ed are ser vice mark s and
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Emerson Network Power Energy Systems North America.
, eSure™, NetPerform™, NetReach™, NetSpan™, NetSu re™ and NetXtend™ are trad emarks of
(16.00"H x 8.35"W
x 2.50"D)
While ev ery prec aution has b een taken to e nsure accur acy and
completeness herein, Emerson Electric Co. assumes no responsibility,
and disc laims all liab ility, for da mages resul ting from u se of this
information or for any errors or omissions. Specifications subject to
change without notice.
(18.90"H x 6.17"W
x 2.50"D)
080300D-TermBlock / 0313