Avtron LPH
Ultra-Compact, Portable Load Bank - 25 to 75 KW
Testing Your Emergency Standby
Generator with a Load Bank Means
Reliability When it Matters Most.
Key Features
• Rated for Continuous Operation
• Ultra-Compact, Portable, Easy to
Transport, and Operate
• Large Load Capacity - up to 75 KW
• Lightweight Aluminum and
Aluminized Steel Enclosure
• Convenient Operator Controls
with Digital Metering and Data
Logging Software Included
Superior Avtron quality combined with
simple operation and maintenance will
provide years of trouble free service.
Avtron’s extensive line of Load Bank and
Industrial Resis tor Products are solid
performers used throughout the world.
The Avtron Model LPH Load Bank is a portable,
ultra-compact resistive load bank designed for indoor use.
The Avtron LPH Load Bank is a portable, ultra-compact, resistive load bank specifically designed for testing and routine maintenance of smaller generators and UPS systems. At only
70 lbs. [32 kg], it is light enough to be easily moved and transported by one technician, and
rugged enough to stand up to years of reliable service. The LPH load bank features lightweight
aluminum and aluminized steel construction, and quick-connect load terminals. The load bank
comes standard with a hard cover protective travel case on casters with a telescoping handle.
The LPH load bank is available in four standard versions including:
Three Phase, 60 Hz Single Phase, 60 Hz
55 KW at 240 or 480 VAC 25 KW at 120 or 240 VAC
75 KW at 208 VAC 75 KW at 240 VAC
The load bank controls and cooling fans are powered by any standard 120 VAC, single phase
wall outlet with detachable line cord provided. An integral control panel is provided for load
bank operation and includes the necessary controls, and status indicators.
The LPH load bank also includes the Avtron Advanced Digital Monitoring System (ADMS)™
as a standard feature. The ADMS meter provides faceplate digital display of Volts, Amps,
Frequency, and KW. The Communicator EXT™ Data Logging Software allows Real Time Data
Acquisition and trending of all meter parameters from your Laptop PC or PDA. An Infrared/
USB interface cable is included for “Plug and Play” convenience.
For total technical support or additional
information, please contact Avtron at
(216) 573-7600 or LBsales@Emerson.com.
Quality System Certified to ISO 9001
LPH 75 KW UltraCompact, Portable
Avtron Load Bank
with transport case.

Avtron LPH
Ultra-Compact, Portable Load Bank - 25 to 75 KW
Specications subject to change without notice.
A compact aluminum and aluminized steel
enclosure with screened inlet and exhaust
openings. Two hand holds are provided for
easy lifting.
Control Power
The load bank requires control power of 120
VAC, single phase, 60 Hz (line cord provided).
The resistive elements are air-cooled by six
high velocity muffin fans for quiet operation.
The operator control panel includes a MASTER LOAD ON-OFF switch, load step ON-OFF
industrial toggle switches, a BLOWER ON-OFF
switch, and a LOAD VOLTAGE selector switch
(Dual Voltage model only).
Digital Metering
Avtron Advanced Digital Monitor ing System
(ADMS)™ is provided for display of Volts,
Amps, Frequency, and KW. ADMS™ also
includes Communicator EXT™ Data Logging
Safety Features
The LPH Load Bank features main line circuit
fusing, and overtemperature protection.
Load Capacity Ratings: (1 phase, 60 Hz)
Available Load Step Resolution: 0.5 or 1 KW
Rated KW 120/240 VAC 240 VAC
Load Capacity Ratings: (3 phase, 60 Hz)
Available Load Step Resolution: 5 KW
Rated KW 240/480 VAC 208 VAC
NOTE Designs for international 50/60 Hz voltages or custom
DC designs are also available. Consult factory.
Load Bank Weight (approx.)
Load Bank only: 70 lbs. [32 kg]
Case only: 20 lbs. [9 kg]
Load Bank & Case: 90 lbs. [41 kg]
16.50 [419.00]
26.50 [673.00]
17.50 [444.00]
Emerson Network Power
Avtron • 6255 Halle Drive, Cleveland, Ohio 44125, U.S.A.
216-573-7600 • FAX: 216-573-5953 • LBsales@Emerson.com
All dimensions are in inches [millimeters].
Emerson. Consider it Solved and Emerson Network Power are trademarks of Emerson Electric Co.
or one of its afliated companies. All the other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Communicator EXT™ is a trademark of Electro Industries/GaugeTech. ADMS™ is a trademark of Avtron.
Specications subject to change without notice.
©2015 Emerson Network Power Bulletin 434• Rev. D