2500 Frame Series
Single-Vertical Distribution System
Key Features
• Single-sided system allows all
frame administration to be
performed on one side
The 2500 Frame Series from Emerson is a single-sided, single-vertical modular distribution
system. Its versatile configuration can meet a variety of pair sizing requirements.
Outside Plant for
Business-Critical Continuity
• Common jumper trough permits
short jumpers for labor savings
• Modular design is easily expanded
• Frame is factory pre-assembled for
quick, easy installation
• Versatile block mounting can be
configured to all pair requirements
• Frame is offered with one vertical
and can be used as a double-sided
aisle mount
For protection, the frame mounts R399 100-pair central office connectors. For equipment
terminations, the frame will mount any conventional front-facing line terminal blocks with
8-in. mounting centers, including 89 type blocks and Emerson 2376 blocks. For building
entrance applications, the 2500 Frame accommodates 66-clip termination.
Each vertical of the 8-ft. frame has ten block positions, which allows a maximum of 1000
protected pairs per vertical. The frame is floor or wall mounted, comprised of one vertical,
one horizontal jumper trough for wire distribution to adjacent verticals, multiple jumper
retainers for wire management, and top trough and bottom guide for conventional wire
This versatile series can mount either an R399, a line terminal block, or a horizontal jumper
trough in any block position, allowing for any combination of protected and equipment
blocks on each frame. Multiple frames can be suitably spaced and connected together
to meet the required application size. Each frame module has jumper access to adjacent
modules through the use of horizontal or top jumper troughs.
Splice brackets are provided for multiple frame
installations to tie them together on 9-in. centers.
This series is also available in a 7-ft. version.
The 2500 Frame Series is designed specifically
for small frame applications from 100 pair up to
15,000 pair. This frame provides optimum protection/cross connection capabilities for:
OSPDS-100300 / 0710
Central Office
CLEC Applications
Building Entrance Installations
Remote Terminals
Three Frames

2500 Frame Series
Single-Vertical Distribution System
Ordering Information & Accessories
Catalog Part — Dimensions —
Number Number Description H W D
2500FRAME2* F151322 8-ft. frame module with 1 horizontal trough 8-ft. 8-in. 14.9-in.
25007FRAME2* F151319 7-ft. frame module with 1 horizontal trough 7-ft. 8-in. 14.9-in.
2500MB F150679 Mounting bracket for 89-style front facing terminal blocks;
one needed for each terminal block.
2500IGND2 F1004497 Isolated ground kit (optional)
23571 F150645 Terminal block mounting brackets for vertical mounting
23572 F150646 Terminal block mounting brackets for horizontal mounting
* Adjacent frames could be mounted on 8-in.centers, but 9-in. centers are recommended.
NOTE 1: Mounts all R399 and 89 type blocks.
NOTE 2: The R399 connector and the 2376 blocks mount directly to the frame.
NOTE 3: Each 89-style front facing line terminal block requires a mounting bracket.
NOTE 4: Line terminal blocks are mounted vertically.
NOTE 5: Each frame module has 1 horizontal trough, which can mount in any block position.
NOTE 6: One top trough and bottom wire guide is included with each frame.
NOTE 7: Standard frame includes ground bar & ground splice.
2500 Series (8-ft. frame)
Each vertical can mount ten (10) R399s (9 if using jumper through).
Each vertical can mount ten (10) 89-style (9 if using jumper through).
Each vertical can mount six (6) 2376 blocks.
2500 Series (7-ft. frame)
Each vertical can mount nine (9) R399s (8 if using jumper through).
Each vertical can mount nine (9) 89-style terminal blocks (8 if using jumper through).
Each vertical can mount five (5) 2376 blocks.
Emerson Network Power.
The global leader in enabling
Business-Critical Continuity™.
Emerson Network Power
Energy Systems
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OSPDS-100300 / 0710