FLU Starter Addendum Elmo Motion Control
Addendum to the FLU Operating Manual
Revision 8/99
This addendum is intended for the use of the design engineer who uses a FLU amplifier
with a FLU-STARTER evaluation and interface board. This document should be
regarded as an extension to the “FLU Operating Manual”, describing ONLY the pins
and functions (of the FLU amplifier) that are either different or slightly modified from
the description in the “FLU Operating Manual”. The chapters in this document are
sequenced in correlation to the chapters in the “FLU Operating Manual” that cover the
same information.
Rev. 8/99

FLU Starter Addendum Elmo Motion Control
Refer to section 2 in the “FLU Operating Manual”
The FLU-STARTER is an add-on interconnection board for the FLU servo amplifier
that plugs on top of the amplifier. The purpose of this board is the translation of the
FLU solder type pins into screw type terminals thus enabling easy connectivity for
evaluation and low quantity applications.
One to one relationship between board terminals and the pins of the FLU is kept.
Standard Features
Refer to section 2.1 in the “FLU Operating Manual”
q Four LEDs allow convenient diagnostics of the FLU status outputs
q The dedicated digital inputs can be activated by DIP switches
q Scaling resistors are provided for adjusting the current limits and the command
Type designation
Pins functions
There is a new terminal strip – J4 with the following functions:
Terminal Function
+VCC Positive supply voltage for the LED’s
VCCRET Return for the LED supply voltage
Current Command Scaling Resistors (R1 through R4)
Refer to section 3.1 in the “FLU Operating Manual”
The user can change the default scale of the differential input (±3.75V) by calculating
and inserting R1 through R4 into the designated solderless terminals. The value of these
resistors is given by:
R1=R2=R3=R4=5.33*Vcref-20 [KΩ]
Vcref is the desired maximum reference voltage.
If for example, the new desired scale is ±10V, all that is required is to change the
default resistors (0 ohms) to 33Kohm.
External Current Limit – Continuous (ECLC)
Refer to section 3.4 in the “FLU Operating Manual”
A solderless terminal is available for Reclc. It is designated as R5.
External Current Limit – Peak (ECLP)
Refer to section 3.5 in the “FLU Operating Manual”
A solderless terminal is available for Reclp. It is designated as R6.
Rev. 8/99