ElmoMC SimplIQ User Manual

This PDF contains two manuals:
1. The SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual
2. The SimplIQ for Steppers Application Note
There are hyperlinks from the Command Reference to the Application Note.
SimplIQ for Steppers
SimplIQ for Steppers
SimplIQ for SteppersSimplIQ for Steppers
Command Reference
Ver. 1.1 - June 2009
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
Important Notice
This guide is delivered subject to the following conditions and restrictions:
This guide contains proprietary information belonging to Elmo Motion Control Ltd.
Such information is supplied solely for the purpose of assisting users of
Steppers servo drives.
The text and graphics included in this manual are for the purpose of illustration and
reference only. The specifications on which they are based are subject to change without notice.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Copyright 2009
Elmo Motion Control
All rights reserved

Revision History

SimplIQ for
Ver. 1.1 June 2009 Updates Ver. 1.0 Feb 2008 First revision.
Elmo Motion Control Ltd.
64 Gisin St., P.O. Box 463 Petach Tikva 49103 Israel
Tel: +972 (3) 929-2300 Fax: +972 (3) 929-2322
Elmo Motion Control Inc.
42 Technology Way Nashua, NH 03060 USA
Tel: +1 (603) 821-9979 Fax: +1 (603) 821-9943
Elmo Motion Control GmbH
Steinkirchring 1 D-78056, Villingen-Schwenningen Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 7720-85 77 60 Fax: +49 (0) 7720-85 77 70
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Contents
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
Chapter 1: Introduction..............................................................................................................1
1.1. Command Specification....................................................................................................2
1.2. Scope...................................................................................................................................2
1.3. Reserved Commands........................................................................................................ 3
Chapter 2: Functional Listing ...................................................................................................5
2.1 Motion Commands................................................................................................................5
2.2 I/O Commands......................................................................................................................6
2.3 Status Commands.................................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Feedback Commands............................................................................................................6
2.5 Configuration Commands.................................................................................................... 7
2.6 Communication Commands.................................................................................................8
2.7 Control Filter Commands.....................................................................................................8
2.8 Protection Commands...........................................................................................................8
2.9 Data Recording Commands..................................................................................................9
2.10 User Program Commands ..................................................................................................9
2.11 General Commands...........................................................................................................10
Chapter 3: Alphabetical Listing..............................................................................................11
Limit Ranges ..............................................................................................................................13
AB[N] – Absolute Encoder Setting Parameters...................................................................... 14
AC - Acceleration ...................................................................................................................... 15
AG[N] - Analog Gains Array ................................................................................................... 16
AN[N] – Analog input array.................................................................................................... 18
AR[N] – Active Route array .....................................................................................................19
AS[N] - Analog Input Offsets Array........................................................................................ 20
BG - Begin Motion..................................................................................................................... 21
BH - Get a Single Recorded Signal as Hexadecimal ..............................................................22
BP[N] - Brake Parameter........................................................................................................... 23
BT - Begin Motion at Defined Time......................................................................................... 24
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Contents
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
BV - Maximum Motor DC Voltage.......................................................................................... 25
CA[N] - Commutation Array................................................................................................... 26
CC - Compiled Program Ready ............................................................................................... 32
CD - CPU Dump........................................................................................................................ 33
CL[N] - Current Continuous Limitations and Motor Stuck Protection Parameters..........35
CP - Clear Program ...................................................................................................................37
DC - Deceleration ......................................................................................................................38
DD - CAN Controller Status.....................................................................................................39
DF/DT - Download Firmware................................................................................................. 40
DL - Download Program .......................................................................................................... 41
DV[N] - Reference Desired Value............................................................................................ 42
EC - Error Code..........................................................................................................................44
EF[N] - Encoder Filter Frequency ............................................................................................57
EM[N] - ECAM Parameters......................................................................................................58
EO - Echo Mode......................................................................................................................... 60
ER[N] - Maximum Tracking Error...........................................................................................61
ET[N] - Entries for ECAM Table..............................................................................................62
FF[N] - Feed Forward................................................................................................................63
FR[N] - Follower Ratio.............................................................................................................. 64
GS[N] - Gain Scheduling ..........................................................................................................65
HL[N] - Over-speed Limit and Position Range Limit ...........................................................66
HM[N] - Homing, Capture and Flag....................................................................................... 67
HP - Halt Program Execution...................................................................................................70
HT[N] – Holding torque........................................................................................................... 71
HX - Hexadecimal Mode ..........................................................................................................72
HY[N] - Auxiliary Homing, Capture and Flag.......................................................................73
IB[N] - Input Bits Array ............................................................................................................ 76
ID, IQ - Read Active Current and Reactive Current.............................................................. 77
IF[N] - Digital Input Filter........................................................................................................ 78
IL[N] - Input Logic ....................................................................................................................79
IP - Input Port ............................................................................................................................86
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Contents
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
JV- Jogging Velocity .................................................................................................................. 88
KG[N] - Gain Scheduled Controller Parameters....................................................................89
KI[N], KP[N] - PI Parameters................................................................................................... 90
KL - Kill Motion and Program .................................................................................................91
KV[N] - High-order Controller Filter Parameters.................................................................. 92
LC - Current Limit Flag ............................................................................................................94
LD - Load Parameters from Flash............................................................................................95
LL[N] - Low Feedback Limit.................................................................................................... 97
LP[N] - List Properties .............................................................................................................. 98
LS - List User Program..............................................................................................................99
MC - Maximum Peak Driver Current....................................................................................100
MF - Motor Failure .................................................................................................................. 101
MI - Mask Interrupt................................................................................................................. 105
MO - Motor Enable/Disable...................................................................................................107
MP[N] - Motion (PT/PVT) Parameters................................................................................. 109
MS – Motion Status ................................................................................................................. 111
OB[N] - Output Bits Array .....................................................................................................112
OC[N] – Output Compare...................................................................................................... 114
OL[N] - Output Logic..............................................................................................................117
OP - Output Port......................................................................................................................119
PA - Absolute Position............................................................................................................120
PE - Position Error................................................................................................................... 122
PK - Peek Memory................................................................................................................... 123
PF[N] – Floating point parameters ........................................................................................ 124
PL[N] - Peak Duration and Limit........................................................................................... 127
PM - Profiler Mode.................................................................................................................. 129
PN[N] –Integer parameters ....................................................................................................130
PP[N] - Protocol Parameters...................................................................................................132
PR - Relative Position.............................................................................................................. 134
PS - Program Status................................................................................................................. 135
PT - Position Time Command................................................................................................ 136
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PV - Position Velocity Time Command.................................................................................137
PW[N] - PWM Signal Parameters.......................................................................................... 138
PX - Main Position................................................................................................................... 139
PY - Auxiliary Position ...........................................................................................................140
QP[N], QT[N], QV[N] - Position, Time, Velocity................................................................. 141
RC - Define Recorded Variables.............................................................................................142
RG - Recorder Gap ..................................................................................................................143
RL - Record Length..................................................................................................................144
RM - Reference Mode.............................................................................................................. 145
RP[N] - Recorder Parameters ................................................................................................. 146
RR - Activate Recorder/Get Recorder Status....................................................................... 148
RS - Soft Reset.......................................................................................................................... 150
RV[N] - Recorded Variables................................................................................................... 151
SD - Stop Deceleration ............................................................................................................ 152
SI - Synchronize Motion Processor Tables............................................................................ 153
SF - Smooth Factor...................................................................................................................154
SN - Serial Number .................................................................................................................155
SP - Speed for PTP Mode........................................................................................................ 156
SR - Status Register..................................................................................................................157
ST - Stop Motion...................................................................................................................... 159
SV - Save Parameters to Flash................................................................................................ 160
TC - Torque Command ...........................................................................................................161
TI[N] – Temperature indications array ................................................................................. 162
TM - System Time.................................................................................................................... 163
TR - Target Radius................................................................................................................... 164
TT[N] – Motion Processor Sampling Time ...........................................................................165
TV[N] – Motion Processor Tables.......................................................................................... 166
TW[N] – Wizard Command ...................................................................................................167
UF[N] – User Float Array ....................................................................................................... 168
UI[N] – User Integer................................................................................................................ 169
UM - Unit Mode.......................................................................................................................170
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Contents
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
VC[N]- Voltage Command..................................................................................................... 172
VE - Velocity Error .................................................................................................................. 173
VH[N], VL[N] - High and Low Reference Limit.................................................................. 174
VR - Firmware Version ...........................................................................................................175
VX, VY - Velocity of Main and Auxiliary Feedback ............................................................ 176
WI[N] - Miscellaneous Reports, Integer................................................................................ 177
WS[N] - Miscellaneous Reports ............................................................................................. 179
XA[N] - Extra Parameters.......................................................................................................182
XC, XQ - Execute or Continue Program................................................................................ 183
XM[N] - X Modulo ..................................................................................................................184
YA[N] - Auxiliary Position Sensor Parameters....................................................................186
YM[N] - Y Modulo ..................................................................................................................188
ZX[N] - User Program and Auto-tuning Temporary Storage............................................. 190

SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Introduction

MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
Chapter 1: Introduction
This manual describes, in detail, each software command used to manipulate the SimplIQ
for Steppers line of digital servo drives. It is an integral part of the SimplIQ for Steppers
documentation set, which includes:
The Bell Stepper Drive Installation Guide, which provides full instructions for
installing a drive.
The Composer User Manual, which includes explanations of all the software tools that
are a part of Elmo’s Composer software environment.
The SimplIQ for Steppers has been derived from Elmo's SimplIQ interface. Most of the
commands and explanations are identical. There are, however, some changes, following the introduction of stepper capabilities. We have tried to keep the changes minimal.
The following diagram illustrates the available
SimplIQ for Steppers documentation.
This command reference does not describe commands that are only
intended for service vendor-supplied tuning and setup tools.
Commands that are normally used by service vendor-supplied tuning and setup tools, but in some situations may be used by advanced users, are marked with this "Wizard's wand" symbol.
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Introduction
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
1.1. Command Specification
Commands for SimplIQ for Steppers drives may be specified from the following
User program A program loaded to the servo drive via one of the
communication options. After program execution begins, the program is managed by the drive.
RS-232 Serial, point-to-point, short-range communication. Although this
method is rather slow, RS-232 is very easy to use and the requirements are minimal: a standard PC with a serial port and ASCII terminal software.
CANopen Serial, multi-drop, medium speed and medium-range
communication. This type of communication requires special­purpose host hardware and software.
This manual describes the
SimplIQ for Steppers commands that can be specified from
each of these sources. Most of the commands are equally available for all three sources. Certain commands, however, are limited in scope according to the type of program or communication.
All the commands are available to CAN communication in text form through the OS service objects 0x1023 and 0x1024. In addition, the numerical set/get commands are available to CAN users in short PDO form, called the “binary interpreter.” The binary and the OS SCAN interpreters are described fully in the CANopen Implementation Guide.
CANopen may also be used to manipulate the drive using the object dictionary (OD) method, which is the native CAN method. This manual does not cover OD manipulations with CANopen; refer to the “Object Dictionary” section of the CANopen Implementation Guide for full explanations.
SimplIQ for Steppers drive responds to many privileged commands — such as
those used by the Composer setup wizard — that are not documented in this manual.
1.2. Scope
This manual includes the complete list of commands used by SimplIQ for Steppers servo
It specifies how to use each command, along with added remarks and examples.
The first part of this manual describes the communicated commands and their response.
The second part describes the user program and its control logic.
The commands are presented in two ways:
A task-related listing
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Introduction
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
In the task-related reference, the commands are sorted into groups of related commands. Each group is presented in a table listing the commands with basic descriptions. The alphabetical command listing provides a detailed explanation of each command, with examples and references to the
SimplIQ for Steppers Application Note when necessary.
This Command Reference Manual covers in addition the following topics:
User program keywords, used for writing user programs. These, as well as other
issues of developing, running and debugging user programs, are covered in the
SimplIQ for Steppers Application Note.
Interpreter functions and operators. The
SimplIQ for Steppers interpreter allows
complex arithmetic expressions and supports many arithmetic, trigonometric and logical operators. The syntax for interpreter commands is explained in the “Interpreter Language” chapter of the
SimplIQ for Steppers Application Note.
1.3. Reserved Commands
SimplIQ for Steppers recognizes some reserved commands. The reserved commands serve the setup and tuning support software, or are intended for future implementation.
Some mnemonics are no longer used but they remain so that users can run legacy applications written for the SimplIQ series.
The reserved commands appear in the following table:
Command mnemonic Used for
AB[N] Absolute encoder setting parameters
AR[N] Active recording session - Special Wizard commands
BH Get a sample signal as hexadecimal
CC Compile program
DF Download firmware
DL Receive a program downloaded from the host computer to
Metronome. Can be used only in Composer software.
HP Halt program execution
LP[N] List parameters
LS List program
PK Peek memory
RC Variables to record (two variables at each recording
RG Recording gap, in samples. Gap between consecutive data
RL Record length
RP[N] Recorder parameters
RR Recording on/off
RV[N] Recorded variables
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Introduction
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
Command mnemonic Used for
SI Synchronize correction tables
TS Obsolete – see TT[N]
TV[N] Correction tables data
TW[N] Wizard command
VC[N] Phase voltage command - Special wizard commands
WI[N] Metronome data, mainly for use by the Composer.
XA[N] Obsolete – see PF[N]
XC Continue program execution from current pointer, optionally
until a given breakpoint
XP[N] Obsolete – see PF[N], PN[N])
ZP[N] Frequency response identification
User program and auto-tuning temporary storage

SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Functional Listing

MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
Chapter 2: Functional Listing
This chapter summarizes the SimplIQ for Steppers commands according to the following
functional groups:
Motion Motion parameters, type and status. Begin/stop motion.
I/O Set outputs and report inputs.
Status Report Metronome status.
Feedback Support the multi-featured feedback interfaces.
Configuration Servo drive and motor types, and limitations.
Communication Communication type and parameters.
Control filters Digital, torque, speed and position filters.
Protections Failure and protection definitions.
Data recording Recording of internal Metronome variables for analysis.
User programs Application programming
General Miscellaneous commands.
Commands associated with more than one group are listed more than once.

2.1 Motion Commands

Command Description Page
AC Acceleration, in counts per second
BG Begin motion 21
BT Begin motion at defined time 24
DC Deceleration, in counts per second2 38
HT[N] Stepper mode holding torque 70
IL[N] Input logic, defining how dedicated inputs behave 79
JV Speed of jogging motion, in counts per second2 88
MO Motor on/off 106
PA Absolute position reference for point-to-point motion 120
PR Relative position reference for point-to-point motion 134
SD Stop deceleration 152
SF Smooth factor for motion command 154
SP Speed for point-to-point motion 156
ST Stop motion using deceleration value 159
TC Torque command 161
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Functional Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)

2.2 I/O Commands

Command Description Page
AN[N] Read analog inputs 18
IB[N] Bit-wise digital input 76
IF[N] Digital input filter 78
IP Read all digital inputs 86
OB[N] Bit-wise digital output 112
OC[N] Output Compare 114
OL[N] Output Logic 117
OP Set all digital outputs 119

2.3 Status Commands

Command Description Page
BV Maximum motor DC voltage 25
DD CAN controller status 39
DV[N] Reference desired value 42
EC Error code: get code for last interpreter error 44
LC Current limitation: report status of current limitation
MF Motor fault: code for last motor-disable cause 101
MS Motion status reporting 111
PK Peak memory 123
SN Serial number 155
SR Numerical, bit-coded Metronome status 157
TI[N] Temperature indications array 162
VR Software (firmware) version 175

2.4 Feedback Commands

Command Description Page
AB[N] Absolute encoder setting parameters 14
ID Read active current 77
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Functional Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
Command Description Page
IQ Read reactive current 77
PE Position error 122
PX Main encoder position, in counts 139
PY Auxiliary position 140
VE Velocity error, in counts per second2 173
VX Main encoder velocity, in counts per second2 176
VY Velocity of auxiliary feedback 176
YA[N] Auxiliary position sensor parameters 186

2.5 Configuration Commands

Command Description Page
AG[N] Analog gains array 16
AS[N] Analog input offsets array 20
BP[N] Brake parameter 23
CA[N] Commutation parameters array 26
CL[N] Current continuous limitations array 35
EF[N] Encoder filter frequency 57
EM[N] ECAM parameters 58
ET[N] Entries for ECAM table 62
FF[N] Feed forward 63
FR[N] Follower ratio 64
HM[N] Homing and capture mode 67
HY[N] Auxiliary home and capture mode 73
MC Define maximum peak current of servo drive, in Amperes 99
MP[N] Motion (PT/PVT) parameters 109
PL[N] Peak duration and limit 127
PM Profiler mode 129
PT Position time command 136
PV Position velocity time command 137
PW[N] PWM signal parameters 138
QP[N] Position 141
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Functional Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
Command Description Page
QT[N] Time 141
QV[N] Velocity 141
RM Reference mode: external (analog) referencing
TR Target radius 164
UM Unit mode: stepper, torque control, speed control position
control or dual loop
VH[N] High reference limit 174
VL[N] Low reference limit 174
XM[N] X Modulo 184
YM[N] Y Modulo 188

2.6 Communication Commands

Command Description Page
PP[N] Define the parameters of the CAN or RS-232

2.7 Control Filter Commands

Command Description Page
GS[N] Gain scheduling 65
KG[N] Gain scheduled controller parameters 89
KI[N] PID integral terms array 90
KP[N] PID proportional terms array 90
KV[N] Advanced filter for speed loop 92
XA[N] Extra parameters (more) 182

2.8 Protection Commands

Command Description Page
ER[N] Maximum tracking errors 61
HL[N] Over-speed limit and position range limit 66
LL[N] Low actual feedback limit 97
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Functional Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
PL[N] Peak current, in amperes; and peak duration, in seconds 127

2.9 Data Recording Commands

Command Description Page
BH Get a sample signal as hexadecimal 22
RC Variables to record (two variables at each recording
RG Recording gap, in samples. Gap between consecutive data
RL Record length 144
RP[N] Recorder parameters 146
RR Recording on/off 148
RV[N] Recorded variables 151
YM[N] Auxiliary sensor modulo count 188

2.10 User Program Commands

Command Description Page
CC Compile program 32
CP Clear application program 37
DL Receive a program downloaded from host computer to
Metronome. Can be used only in Composer software.
HP Halt program execution 70
KL Kill motion and stop program (like HP) 91
LP[N] List parameters 98
LS List program 99
MI Mask interrupt 105
PS Program status 135
XC Continue program execution from current pointer,
optionally until a given breakpoint
XQ Execute program, optionally starting at a given label and
until a given breakpoint
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Functional Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)

2.11 General Commands

Command Description Page
AR[N] Active recording session - Special Wizard commands 19
CD CPU dump: CPU and database exception summary 33
DF Download firmware 40
EO Echo mode 60
HX Select hexadecimal or decimal mode 72
LD Load parameters form flash memory 95
PN[N] Integer parameters
RS Reset Metronome to a pre-defined state and parameter
SI Synchronize correction tables 153
SV Save parameters to flash memory 160
TM System time 163
TT[N] Sampling time of motion controller 165
TV[N] Correction tables data 166
TW[N] Wizard command 167
UF[N] User float array 168
UI[N] User integer 169
VC[N] Phase voltage command - Special wizard commands 172
WI[N] Metronome data, mainly for use by Composer 177
WS[N] Metronome data, mainly for use by Composer 179
ZX[N] User program and auto-tuning temporary storage 190

SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Alphabetical Listing

MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
Chapter 3: Alphabetical Listing
This chapter lists all the commands in alphabetical order, along with detailed definitions and examples of each command.
The description of each command includes the following items:
Purpose: The operation or task of the command Attributes: The characteristics of the command Type: One of the following:
A command: An instruction to do something. For example, the BG
(Begin Motion) command starts a new motion profile.
A parameter: A data item that may be used later. For example, the AC
(Acceleration) parameter is required for calculating subsequent motions.
A status report: Get a value, such as the motor speed, a digital input
or the reason for the last motor failure.
The parameters and certain commands have numerical values, as follows:
Integer: A 32-bit long integer Real: A 32-bit floating point number (IEEE style) String: A set of printable ASCII characters
Integer variables may have the following attributes:
Bit field: The integer should be understood not as a number but rather as a
combination of binary fields. For example, the IP (Digital Input) command reads many On/Off switches to the same integer, allocating one bit for each.
Option: A selector that may accept one of several options. For example, the
motor direction may be set to forward or reverse, symbolized by the numbers 0 and 1 respectively.
Source: Defines the “agents” that may use the command, as follows:
RS-232 communication
CANopen communication
User program
The command access rights are not equal for all sources. For example,
CANopen binary interpreter cannot use the string commands listed in this manual. Another example is the XQ (Execute Program) command that, of course, cannot be performed from within a program.
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Alphabetical Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
Restrictions: The use of certain commands is illegal in certain contexts. The
reasons for this may be:
Safety: For example, it is not safe to change the direction of the feedback while
the motor is running.
Relevance: For example, a torque command cannot be specified in speed control
mode (UM=2); in speed mode, the drive automatically sets the torque.
Consistency: A parameter may be inconsistent with the specification of other
parameters. For example, in point-to-point mode, the position absolute value (PA) may be no higher than the maximum allowed position reference (VH[3]).
Default values: Default value and storage type.
Volatile variables are reset to their defaults with each power on. Non-volatile variables can be stored using the SV command. Stored non-volatile values are read from storage upon power on and can be reset to their defaults using the RS command.
Range: Range definition: For example, the position command may be
specified in the range [-1,073,741,824…-1,073,741,823]
Unit mode (UM): Defines the function of the drive. The unit modes are:
UM=1 Torque control
UM=2 Speed control
UM=3 Micro-stepping
UM=4 Dual-feedback position control
UM=5 Single-feedback position control
Activation: Specifies when the entered parameter value should be used.
Activation may be:
Immediate As soon as the command is processed
Triggered By another command
For example, the AC (acceleration) parameter should only affect
the next motion, triggered by the BG command.
Examples: Simple examples of the command usage. All examples are given in
RS-232 syntax.
See also: Related commands Reference chapter Chapter or section that contains relevant details pertinent to the
in the SimplIQ for command.
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Alphabetical Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)

Limit Ranges

The following table lists the value ranges for defining the limits of the system.
Subject Values
Position counter ranges Main position counter is subjected to a modulo
counting with the following ranges: XM[1]: Lowest value XM[2]: Highest value Range: [-5x10
Auxiliary position counter is limited to: YM[1]: Lowest value YM[2]: Highest value Range: [-5x10
…5x108] counts
…5x108] counts
Velocity range Range for Quadrature Encoder:
[-40,000,000…40,000,000] counts/sec
Range for other feedbacks:
[-80,000,000…80,000,000] counts/sec
EF[1]: Filter for main velocity sensor EF[2]: Filter for auxiliary velocity sensor
Acceleration/Deceleration ranges Range: [100…1,000,000,000]
Stop deceleration range Range: [100…1,000,000,000]
Torque limits Range of torque command is subjected to the
following limits: CL[1], PL[1] Range: [-MC…MC]
The multiplication of the PWM frequency
reduces the torque limit.
Table 3-1: Limit Ranges
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Alphabetical Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)

AB[N] – Absolute Encoder Setting Parame te rs

This command is reserved for future hardware that will support an absolute encoder.
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Alphabetical Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)

AC - Acceleration

Defines the maximum acceleration in counts/second mode (UM=2) and position control modes (UM=3, 4, 5) in PTP (PA, PR) and jogging (JV) reference modes.
The AC parameter does not affect the present motion. It is used for planning the next motion, which is initiated by a BG command.
If AC is smaller than SD, the maximum possible acceleration will be limited to
SD and the value of AC will be ineffective.
Attributes: Type: Parameters, Integer
Source: Program, RS-232, CANopen Restrictions: None Default values: 20,000,000 (RS), Non-volatile Range: Acceleration range Unit modes: UM=2, 3, 4, 5 Activation: BG SimplIQ: Similar
. This parameter is used in speed
Typical applications:
1. Define acceleration limits for the motion (UM=2)
2. Plan a profiled motion (UM=3, 4, 5)
See also:
, SP, SV, PA, PR, BG
Application notes:
The Position Reference Generator
The speed software command
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Alphabetical Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)

AG[N] - Analog Gains Array

Sets the gains for preconditioning analog signals, when RM = 1:
AG[1] sets the gain of analog input #1 when used as a torque command (UM=1, 3).
AG[2] sets the gain of analog input #1 when used as a speed command (UM=2).
When RM = 0, the AG[N] parameters are ignored.
The meaning of the analog gains depends on the unit mode, as shown in the following table.
Value Description Units
UM=1, 3 One volt at the analog reference input
Ampere/volt command controls the motor phase current of AG[1] amperes.
UM=2 One volt at the analog reference input
Count/second/volt command controls a speed of AG[2] counts/second.
Table 3-2: Analog Gains - Analog Input #1
AG[1] defines motor phase amperes and not RMS amperes.
In stepper mode (UM=3), the two external inputs play different roles: The analog
input voltage sets the motor power while the follow pulse/direction or quadrature input determines the position.
The polarity of the analog reference signal may be reversed by setting the sign of
the AG[N] parameter accordingly.
Attributes: Type: Parameter, Real
Source: Program, RS-232, CANopen Restrictions: None Default values: AG[1]=0.1
AG[2]=1 Non-volatile
Range: AG[1]: [-10000…10000]
AG[2]: [-20,000,000…20,000,000]
Index range: [1, 2] Unit modes: All SimplIQ: Similar, ranges changed Activation: Immediate
See also:
, AS[N], UM, RM, VH[N], VL[N]
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Alphabetical Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)
Application notes:
Speed reference generation Open loop stepper control
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Alphabetical Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)

AN[N] – Analog input array

AN[1] reports the analog input #1 value after offset correction (AS[1]), in volts.
AN[2] reports the analog input #2 value after offset correction (AS[2]) in volts,
for products that support a second analog input.
AN[3] … AN[5] – see table below.
AN[6] reports the DC line voltage value, in volts. Note that for AC products,
this value is after rectification. For example, with 1-phase 220 VAC supply, expect AN[6]=2x220=310 V. with 3-phase 380 VAC L-L supply, expect AN[6]=2x380=540 V.
AN[7] reports the duty cycle value of the PWM signal after offset correction in
fractional units.
Attributes: Type: Status report, Real
Source: Program, RS-232, CANopen Restrictions: None Unit modes: All SimplIQ: Modified
AN[3..5] read motor phase currents, in Amperes. The meaning depends on the motor
2-phase (stepper)
AN[3] Phase A
AN[4] Phase B
AN[5] 0
Typical applications:
1. Reading external sensors that provide ±10 V.
2. Reading analog or PWM references for either velocity or current.
3. Reading phase currents and line voltage.
See also:
, AS[N], PW[N]
Analog input #1 serves as reference input for analog torque or analog
velocity command while in auxiliary reference mode (RM=1).
SimplIQ drives support a different number of analog inputs. For
specific details consult the drive’s Installation Guide.
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Alphabetical Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)

AR[N] – Active Route array

This command determines that some commands will be routed to the motion processor instead of the standard processing.
AR[1] =1 sets the recorder to record directly from the motion processor.
AN[2]=1 sets the profiler to work directly from the motion processor.
Attributes: Type: Parameter, Real
Source: Program, RS-232, CANopen Restrictions: None Default values: 0 (RS), volatile Range: 0 or 1 Unit modes: All Activation: Immediate SimplIQ: Absent
Typical applications:
Tuning of the motion control parameters at a higher time resolution than is available for the SimplIQ processor.
Under most circumstances, this command is used only by the tuning
If you terminate a tuning environment session abnormally,
the drive may remain with a non-default AR[N] setting. This may cause abnormal drive behavior. When a tuning environment session aborts abnormally, it is recommended to reset the drive by power down.
Application notes:
The recorder
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Alphabetical Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)

AS[N] - Analog Input Offsets Array

Compensates for offsets of the analog signals, which may be caused by the limited precision of the
At times, the signals at the A/D converter may be offset: that is, the A/D reading may be non-zero when a zero reading is desired. This offset may disturb normal operation. An offset reference or feedback signal may cause a motor to “crawl” when a complete stop is desired.
The analog offset subtracts from the analog input as follows: Corrected signal = A/D reading – Analog offset
AS[1] - Analog input offset command for analog input #1, in volts
AS[2] - Analog input offset command for analog input #2, in volts
SimplIQ electronics.
Attributes: Type: Parameter, Real
Source: Program, RS-232, CANopen Restrictions: None Default values: 0 (RS), Non-volatile Range: [-10.0…10.0] 5 mV resolution Unit modes: All Activation: Immediate SimplIQ: Similar
To null the input offsets of the drive, short the analog inputs
to ground. Then set AS[1] = AN[1] and AS[2] = AN[2] for analog input #1 and #2 respectively.
Each of Elmo’s
SimplIQ drives support a different number of
analog inputs. For specific details consult the drive’s Installation Guide.
See also:
AG[N], AN[N]
Application notes:
Speed reference generation Open loop stepper control
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Alphabetical Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)

BG - Begin Motion

Immediately starts the next programmed motion.
In software speed mode (UM=2), BG activates the latest JV, and also the new
smooth factor (SF), acceleration (AC) and deceleration (DC).
In stepper or position mode (UM=3, 4 or 5), BG starts the latest position mode
programmed: a point-to-point motion (PA), a jogging motion (JV) or any type of tabulated motion (PVT or PT).
Each motion mode starts with its entire set of parameters. For example, starting a point-to-point motion activates the present value of acceleration (AC), deceleration (DC), smooth factor (SF) and speed (SP).
The BG command may be used to modify the parameters of the present mode, and not only to program new modes. For example, a BG command in point-to-point mode modifies the active AC parameters (and all other active motion parameters) with its last programmed value.
A “hardware BG” can be accepted via one of the digital inputs (refer to the IL[N] command).
Attributes: Type: Command, No value
Source: Program, RS-232, CANopen Restrictions: MO=1 Unit modes: UM=2, 3, 4, 5 Activation: Immediate SimplIQ: Similar
In position mode (UM=3, 4, 5), BG does nothing if a motion mode (JV,
PA, PV, PT) was not previously submitted.
In “Quick stop” mode (refer to the Elmo CANopen Implementation
Guide), BG is blocked and returns an error. “Quick stop” mode can be
command controlled by a CAN master using the DS402 standard control word (object 0x6040).
See also:
, BT
Application notes:
The Position Reference Generator
The speed software command
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual Alphabetical Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)

BH - Get a Single Recorded Signal as Hexadecimal

Uploads the values recorded by the recorder to a host. In response to the BH command, the sends a recorder data message is Hexa-binary form (A binary stream represented by printable characters). Although recorded data transmissions may take long time, the drive can accept new commands and run user program code while transmitting the recorded data.
Attributes: Type: Command, Integer, Bit-field
Source: RS-232 Restrictions: RR=0 (valid recorder data is ready),
Not while executing a previously-requested BH=n command
Unit modes: All Activation: Immediate SimplIQ: Similar
Under most circumstances, this command is used only by the tuning
The BH command is designed to optimize data transfer from the drive to the
host, assuming that the host has the computing power to analyze the drive message.
See also:
Application note:
The Recorder
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