Low-Cost General-Purpose
Pressure Sensor
SPX 2000 Series
The SPX 2000 Series pressure sensors are
designed using field-proven piezoresistive silicon
technology, coupled with advanced ASIC electronic
compensation techniques, that result in a true,
high-performance, low-cost family of products. The
use of NACE-compatible 316L SS and Hastelloy
wetted parts ensure material compatibility in harsh
environments. The modular construction is well
suited for customization for OEM, reseller, and
large end-user applications.
The small size, flexible pressure ports and electrical interconnection options make the SPX 2000
Series an excellent choice for a wide variety of
applications including plant automation, refrigeration, compressors, pumps, train braking and suspension systems and many others.
• High Performance, low cost
• Customized electrical connection
• Ranges 15 psi through 2000 psig or psia
• Accuracy ±0.5%
• Small diameter 0.69"
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SPX 2000 Series Specifications
Pressure Measurement
Operating Pressure Ranges
Proof Pressure
Burst Pressure
Media Compatibility
Electrical Specifications
Excitation Voltage
Zero Offset
Total Error Band
Long Term Stability
DC Output Impedance
Minimum Load Resistance
Supply Current
Frequency Response
Environmental Specifications
Temperature Limits
Cycle Life
Mechanical Vibration
Mechanical Shock
Electrical Environments
Insulation Resistance
Full scale pressure ranges between
15 and 2000 psig or psia
4X FS minimum
Media compatible with 316L SS and
Hastelloy C276 (NACE MR-01-75)
8-28 Vdc (SPX 2001)
2-wire, 4-20mA (SPX 2001)
0-5Vdc, 1-5Vdc (SPX 2002), and
0-10Vdc also available
All voltage outputs are true zero, 3-wire; output
voltage +3Vdc (example: for 0 to 10Vdc, a minimum excitation of 13Vdc is required)
±0.5% FS (factory set)
±0.5% FS including non-linearity, hysteresis,
repeatability and span offset
±1.0%FS over 15° to 120°F
±2.0%FS over -5° to 175°F
(includes non-linearity, hysteresis, repeatability,
temperature effects, and zero and span offset)
Typically ±0.2% FS per year maximum
20 Ohms Max (SPX 2002)
RL = 100K Ohms min. (SPX 2002)
10mA Max, 4mA typical (SPX 2002)
2 KHz
500 microsecond time constant (63% response
to step change in pressure)
Operating Temperature -40° to 212°F
Storage Temperature -50° to 250°F
Process Temperature -40° to 275°F
10,000,000 Pressure Cycles Minimum
Vented Gauge: 99% RH, non-condensing Sealed
Gauge and Absolute: 100% RH Environment
20g Sinusoidal per MIL-STD-202, Method 202,
Condition C
100g, 11ms, 1/2 sine per MIL-STD-202F,
Method 213B, Condition A 1000g, 1/2ms,
1/2 sine per MIL-STD 202F
CE marked heavy industrial
Greater than 10 Megohms @ 500 Vdc
Physical Specifications
Environmental Protection
Pressure Connections
Physical Size
NEMA 4X (IP 65)
7 oz nominal excluding cable
1/4"NPT Female. Other pressure ports available
Length: 3.4 inches not including connector
Diameter: 0.69 inches (not including hex)
Ordering Information
SPX200 - - -
Box A: Output
Other outputs available. Please call.
1 = 4-20mA $ 189
2 = 1-5V $ 189
Box B: Pressure Range
Specify required pressure range in psi, for example:
0015 = 15 psi N/C
0030 = 30 psi N/C
0050 = 50 psi N/C
0100 = 100 psi N/C
0150 = 150 psi N/C
0300 = 300 psi N/C
0500 = 500 psi N/C
0750 = 750 psi N/C
1000 = 1,000 psi N/C
1500 = 1,500 psi N/C
2000 = 2,000 psi N/C
Box C: Electrical Connection
1 = Integral cable N/C
2 = 6-pin bayonet N/C
3 = DIN micropin plug/socket N/C
Box D: Options
0 = None
1 = 3-Point NIST calibration certificate $ 100
Specifications may change without notice.