Process Pressure Transmitters
SPX 1000 Series
The SPX 1000 Series scalable pressure transmitter
offers a cost effective solution to gauge and absolute
pressure measurement with outstanding performance.
Any span within a 1:1 to 10:1 ratio of the pressure module upper range limit can be configur ed via a simple setup routine using push-buttons located on the electronics
board. When calibration is complete, a switch locks the
push-buttons out of the main circuit, eliminating this
potential source of drift to ensure optimum long term
stability. The electronics are housed in a compact and
lightweight aluminum alloy housing with an environmental seal between the terminal/ conduit section and
the electronics compartment, thus eliminating failures
due to ingress of condensate. The lightweight design
enables direct mounting to the process, eliminating the
need for additional mounting hardware. An alternate
housing of 316L SS is available with aluminum bronze
end caps. A Hastelloy media isolation diaphragm is fitted as standard enabling the SPX 1000 to be used acr oss
a broad range of industrial applications.
The basic sensor is housed within a high integrity
glass-to-metal seal, providing both electrical and physical isolation from the pressure media. The Hastelloy isolation diaphragm is electron-beam welded to this seal
and transmits applied pressure to the sensor via a silicone fluid filling.
• Ranges from 1 psi to 15,000 psi
• Gauge and absolute pressure ranges
• 10:1 scalability
• Push button zero and span adjustment
• ±0.15% FS accuracy, 400% overpressure
The electronics assembly utilizes microprocessor and
surface-mount technology to create a compact circuit
with the minimum of components. Temperature compensation coefficients are stored within the microprocessor
during manufacture to minimize any errors caused by
changes in ambient temperature. The optional display
module provides local LCD readout.
• Higher performance and lower cost
• Hazardous-area approvals are pending

SPX 1000 Series Specifications
Standard Specifications
Standard Ranges
Range Adjustment
Span setting: The transmitter can be ranged to give a full 4-20mA
Zero offset: 0 to +90% FS for absolute configuration.
Pressure Containment
Transmitter Supply
The transmitter is supplied calibrated in the following
standard ranges or calibrated to any acceptable intermediate span specified. Please discuss your requirements
with an engineer.
0-1 psi to 0-10 psi
0-3 psi to 0-30 psi
0-10 psi to 0-100 psi
0-30 psi to 0-300 psi
0-100 psi to 0-1000 psi
0-300 psi to 0-3000 psi sealed
0-1000 psi to 0-10,000 psi
0-1500 psi to 0-15,000 psi
change for any span down to 10% of the Full Scale (FS),
e.g. a 30 psi device can be adjusted down to a minimum
span of 3 psi (10:1 turndown)
For gauge configuration, the zero (4mA) output of the
transmitter can be set anywhere within the pressure range
-15 psig to +90% FS, e.g. a 30 psig device can be
adjusted to give 4-20mA for -15 to +15 psig. If downranged 10:1 to 3 psig, the 4-20mA can be set anywhere
within the pressure measurement range up to a maximum
zero offset of 27 psi, allowing the calibrated range of 27
to 30 psig
The rated pressure can be exceeded by the following
multiples without degrading performance:
6 x FS for 10 psi range
4 x FS or 2,100 psi maximum, for ranges up to 1000 psi
2 x FS or 13,000 psi max., for ranges up to 10,000 psi
30,000 psi for 15,000 psi range
Application of high pressure up to the following may
damage the sensor but process leakage will not occur:
10x FS for 10 psi range
6x FS (3000 psi maximum) for ranges up to 1000 psi
20,000 psi for absolute and sealed gauge versions 1000
psi and up.
30,000 psi for 15,000 psi range
If installed, the LCD indicator will flash to signify an “out
of range” reading. In the event of a transmitter failure, the
output will be driven to <3.6mA or >21mA (user configurable) and, if installed, the LCD indicator will display
“ALA” to signify alarm state
Process Media
Output Current
Failure Mode
Any liquid, gas or vapor compatible with a welded
assembly of a Hastelloy C276 diaphragm with either
316 stainless steel or Hastelloy C body. NACE MR-01-75
compliant. For 15,000 psi range only: Any liquid or gas
compatible with Inconel 625
4-20mA (2 wire configuration) proportional to the
calibrated pressure range
If a pressure is applied to the transmitter outside of the
upper or lower range settings, the output signal will
saturate at the following values:
Under Range: 3.8mA to 4.0 mA
Over Range: 20mA to 20.5mA
Performance Specifications
Long Term Stability
Time Response
Operating Temperature
Temperature Effects
Humidity Limit
0.15% of calibrated span including the combined effects
of non-linearity, hysteresis and repeatability
At standard reference conditions, the calibration will not
change by more than ±0.1% FS per annum
125 ms time constant (63% response to step change in
pressure with damping set to 0.1 second) typical
Ambient: -40° to +185°F
Process: -40° to +250°F
Compensated: -40° to +185°F
-40° to -4°F: ±0.5% FS +1% span
-4° to +122°F: ±0.25% FS +0.75% span
+122° to +185°F: ±0.5% FS +1% span
0-100% RH
0.1 or 1 second (switch selectable)
Hazardous Area Approvals (pending)
Factory Mutual
Canadian Standards
CE Conformity
Class I, Div 1, Groups A,B,C,D; Class II,
Groups E,F,G; Class III Intrinsically Safe
Class I, Div 2, Non-incendive
Class I, Div 1, Groups A,B,C,D
Explosion proof
Class I, Div 1, Groups A,B,C,D; Class II,
Groups E,F,G; Class III Intrinsically Safe
Class I, Div 2 non-incendive
Class I, Div 1, Groups A,B,C,D
Explosion proof
EMC Emissions: EN50081-1
EMC Immunity: EN50082-1
Certification: CE Marked
Maximum Resistance
Resistive Loop Load
9V 35V
Loop DC Power
Physical Specifications
Electrical Connections
Electrical Entry
Process Connections
Electrical Housing
Fill Fluid
Mounting Bracket
Shipping Weight
1/2 NPT female conduit (2)
1/2 to 14 NPT female
1/2 NPT female is standard
Low copper aluminum alloy with epoxy double coating.
Environmental Protection NEMA 6 (IP67)
Silicone Oil
Mounting bracket for 2" pipe/panel, supplied in
304 stainless steel
Approximately 2.5 lbs. (not including options)
5-Digit LCD Indicator (user configurable)
Specifications may change without notice.