Druck RPS8100, DPS 8100 Operating Manual

Pressure measurement
for research & industry
Druck Limited
Leicester LE6 0FH
Tel: 0116 231 7100
Trench Etched
Resonant Pressure Sensor
TERPS 8000 Series
User Manual
Druck Limited 2013 This document is the property of Druck Limited and may not, either in part or whole, be copied or otherwise reproduced, communicated in any way to third parties, nor stored in any data processing system, without the express written authority of Druck Limited.
Page 1 of 42 K0473 Issue 5
mendment Record
Iss No Date C/N No Originator Typed
1 20/12/10 N/A Robert Lee Robert Lee 156219 New document
2 24/06/11 26758 Robert Lee Robert Lee 165022
3 26/10/11
4 30/01/12 27572 Robert Lee Robert Lee 176971
5 08/11/12
Approvals Engineering
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Marketing Customer/market suitability
27245 27300
28898 29134
Glenn Roles Glenn Roles 171244
Robert Lee Robert Lee 192333
Technical Communications Compliance with style guidance and presentation
Workflow No.
Delete two 80xx pressure ranges, change power supply voltage from 5 to 6 Vdc. Change Pascal to hector-Pascal, -
0.2mV/°C to -2mV/°C. Equations changed on page 5. Pressure range changed on page 4 25 to 40khz. Page 11, 7.9b, add 5% of span after `An applied pressure’. Add Hastelloy versions and up-date RS232/RS485. Add section 6.5 Stored Coefficients and appendix A
Page 2 of 42 K0473 Issue 5
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Page 3 of 42 K0473 Issue 5
Page 4 of 42 K0473 Issue 5
Measurement & Control
Trench Etched Resonant Pressure Sensor
8000 Series
User Manual - K0473
© 2013 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Safety The manufacturer has designed this sensor to be safe when
operated using the procedures detailed in this manual. Do not use this sensor for any other purpose than that stated.
This publication contains operating and safety instructions that must be followed for safe operation and to maintain the sensor in a safe condition. The safety instructions are either warnings or cautions issued to protect the user and the equipment from injury or damage.
Use qualified* personnel and good engineering practice for all procedures in this publication.
Pressure WARNING:
Do not apply pressure greater the maximum safe working pressure to the sensor.
Toxic Materials There are no known toxic materials used in this sensor.
Maintenance The sensor must be maintained using the manufacturer’s
procedures and these should be carried out by authorised service agents or the manufacturer’s service departments.
Technical Advice For technical advice contact the manufacturer.
* A qualified technician must have the necessary technical
knowledge, documentation, special test equipment and tools to carry out the required work on this equipment.
EC Directives This equipment complies with:
BS EN 61000-6-1:2007 BS EN 61000-6-2:2005 BS EN 61000-6-3:2007 BS EN 61000-6-4:2007
BS EN 61326-1:2006 This equipment complies with the requirement of the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EEC.
For further details see the Sales Data Sheet. A full conformity certificate is available from the manufacturer.
Contact GE Measurement & Control:
i K0473 Issue 5 - [EN] English
The following abbreviations are used in this manual.
Note: Abbreviations are the same in the singular and plural.
aAbsolute ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange atm Atmosphere bps Bits per second cmHg Centimetre of mercury CR Carriage return DC Direct current EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory FS Full-scale ftH
OFeet of water
hPa Hecto Pascal inHg Inch of mercury inH2OInches of water
kg Kilogram
Kilogram per centimetre squared
Kilogram per metre squared
kPa Kilo Pascal
lb/ft2 Pounds per foot squared LF Line feed mA Milli Ampere mbar Millibar mbar a Millibar absolute mHg Metre of mercury mH
OMetres of water
mm Millimetre mmHg Millimetre of mercury mmH2O Millimetres of water
MW Mega ohm MPa Megapascal n/a Not applicable
[EN] English - K0473 Issue 5 ii
Abbreviations (continued)
Pa Pascal pc Personal computer PIN Personal identification number ppm Parts per million psi Pound per square inch RS232 Serial data communication standard RS485 Serial data communication standard TERPS Trench etched resonant pressure sensor VVolt VA Volt amp °C Degrees centigrade
iii K0473 Issue 5 - [EN] English
[EN] English - K0473 Issue 5 iv
1.1 General The 8000 Series uses TERPS (trench etched resonant sensor)
technology. The RPS 8000 produces a frequency and diode voltage output. The DPS 8000 includes a microprocessor to produce a serial digital output.
Figure 1 TERPS General view
1.2 Configuration The following variables are specified at the time of ordering.
a. Pressure range b. Pressure connector c. Cable length d. Option A - Increased accuracy e. Accessories
i. User Manual (this publication) ii. Calibration certificate.
1 K0473 Issue 5 - [EN] English
2 Installation TERPS 8XXX is a harsh media isolated product. Isolation is achieved
by hermetically sealing the sensor chip in an oil filled chamber. The weight of this oil gives a g-sensitivity as a pressure offset error.
To calibrate the TERPS 8XXX, the unit is mounted vertically with the pressure port at the lowest point. Orientation other than this produces a pressure offset error as specified in the datasheet. The error is most noticeable at lower pressure ranges.
: The g-sensitivity will also create an error in a high vibration
environment and the unit should be mounted accordingly.
TERPS 81XX is not a harsh media isolated product. There is negligible change in offset due to mounting position and vibration. Because the pressure media comes directly into contact with the sensor chip, care must be taken to ensure the pressure media does not damage the sensing chip.
2.1 Connecting TERPS to pressure source
When mounting the sensor, seal the mating surfaces. Failure to properly seal may affect performance or calibration accuracy.
Male threaded pressure connectors must not be sealed or constrained against the face at the base of the thread. The forward cone or flat face should always be used as indicated below.
Depth versions should not be used at hyperbaric pressures above 70 bar (approximately 700 m of water).
[EN] English - K0473 Issue 5 2
3 TERPS media
3.1 TERPS 81XX 0 to 3.5 bar: non-condensing dry gases compatible with silicon,
silicon dioxide, RTV adhesive, stainless steel 316L and glass.
3.2 TERPS 80XX- Ranges 0 to 200 bar: Fluids compatible with Stainless Steel 316L
and Hastelloy C276. Ranges 201 to 350 bar: Liquids and group II gases compatible with
Stainless Steel 316L and Hastelloy C276. Fluid classification complies with EC directive 67/548/EEC.
Statements comply with Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC.
3.3 TERPS 82XX- Ranges 0 to 200 bar: Fluids compatible with Hastelloy C276.
Ranges 201 to 350 bar: Liquids and group II gases compatible with Hastelloy C276.
Fluid classification complies with EC directive 67/548/EEC. Statements comply with Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC.
3.4 TERPS 83XX- Ranges 0 to 200 bar: Fluids compatible with Hastelloy C276.
Ranges 201 to 350 bar: Liquids and group II gases compatible with Hastelloy C276.
Fluid classification complies with EC directive 67/548/EEC. Statements comply with Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC.
4 Pressure
4.1 TERPS 81XX Ranges 0 to 3.5bar 7 bar maximum.
4.2 TERPS 8XXX- Ranges up to 7 bar: 70 bar maximum.
Ranges >7 to 100 bar: 200 bar maximum.
3 K0473 Issue 5 - [EN] English
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