Doyon LMA620 User Manual

Reversible sheeters
Doyon reversible dough sheeters are designed for hotels, restaurants, pastry shops and small to high production bakeries. These sheeters are suitable for sheeting and stretching any kind of dough: yeast, croissants, puffed pastries, danish, flaky pastries, savory dough, soft pastry dough as well as stiff pizza or other kinds of dough to the required thickness. These sheeters are designed to ensure the highest degree of performance and efficiency you expect from Doyon.
RReevveessiibbllee sshheeeetteerrss
Standard Features
Exceptional fold free reversible sheeting action
Unique 20 digital variable speed control for the
speed you really want
Handy adjustable roller gap : from 1/32” to 1 1/2”
(1-40 mm) thickness
LMA : capacity of up to 30 pounds (14 kg) of dough
LSA: capacity of up to 22 pounds (10 kg) of dough
Forward reverse action is controlled by foot switch
(LMA) as well as hand controls
Polyurethane belt
1 HP motor with V belt transmission
Stainless steel protective guard on each side of rollers
LMA series : fold-up conveyors for compact storage
and easy cleaning
Stainless steel rollers help prevent sticking
Fast roller adjustments
Both tables have perfectly synchronized drives. The
exit conveyor is faster than entry to avoid possible dough obstruction and automatically prevents tearing of delicate dough
2 catch pans, one on each end
High resistance lead-free enamel coating
Easily removable and replaceable high efficiency
dough scrapers
Virtually maintenance free, extremely durable
Flour reservoir above rollers
CE & ETL listed
One year parts and labor limited warranty
Croissant cutter for LMA630 sheeter
Stainless steel construction sheeters (LSA616I,
LSA620I, LMA620I, LMA624I, LMA630I)
Stainless steel marine IP44 construction sheeters
(LSA616M, LMA624M, LMA630M)
Stainless steel table for LSA series sheeters
“Superior quality product
at an affordable price !”
LMA620 : 91 1/4" LMA624 : 107" LMA630 : 130 3/4"
LMA620 : 78 3/4" LMA624 : 94 1/2" LMA630 : 118 1/8"
LMA620 : 29 1/2" LMA624 : 32 1/4" LMA630 : 36 1/4"
LMA620 : 70" LMA624 : 77 3/4" LMA630 : 89 1/2"
LSA616 : 75 1/2" LSA620 : 91 1/4"
LSA616 : 63" LSA620 : 78 3/4"
Conforms to ANSI/NSF8
Conforms to ANSI/UL std. 763 Certified to CSA C22.2 no.195
LSA616 75 1/2”W X 41 1/2”D X 32”H
(1920 mm X 1055 mm X 813 mm)
LSA620 91 1/4”W X 41 1/2”D X 32”H
(2320 mm X 1055 mm X 813 mm)
LMA620 91 1/4”W X 39 1/2”D X 45 3/4”H
(2320 mm X 1005 mm X 1160 mm)
LMA624 107”W X 39 1/2”D X 45 3/4”H
(2720 mm X 1005 mm X 1160 mm)
LMA630 130 3/4”W X 39 1/2”D X 45 3/4”H
(3320 mm X 1005 mm X 1160 mm)
LSA616 23”W X 63”L
(584 mm X 1600 mm)
LSA620 23”W X 78 3/4”L
(584 mm X 2000 mm)
LMA620 23”W X 78 3/4”L
(584 mm X 2000 mm)
LMA624 23”W X 94 1/2”L
(584 mm X 2400 mm)
LMA630 23”W X 118 1/8”L
(584 mm X 3000 mm)
LSA616 : 120V 4A 1PH NEMA 5-15P LSA620 : 120V 4A 1PH NEMA 5-15P LMA620 : 120V 4A 1PH NEMA 5-15P LMA624 : 120V 4A 1PH NEMA 5-15P LMA630 : 120V 4A 1PH NEMA 5-15P
LSA616 525 lb (238 kg) approximately LSA620 525 lb (238 kg) approximately LMA620 750 lb (341 kg) approximately LMA624 750 lb (341 kg) approximately LMA630 750 lb (341 kg) approximately
Specifications and design subject to change without notice.
1255, rue Principale Linière, Beauce, Québec, Canada G0M 1J0
Telephone : (418) 685-3431 Fax: (418) 685-3948 Canada : (800) 463-1636 U.S.: (800) 463-4273 E-Mail : Internet:
Your local distributor:
Printed in Canada Rev: 082009i