D-Link DI-1750, DI-2621, DI-2630, DI-3660 Reference Manual

Command Line Interface
Reference Manual
For DI-1750/DI-2621/DI-2630/DI-3660
Rev. 2 (August 2004)
Command Line Interface Reference Manual
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Table of Content
1. Prepare for Configuration.................................................................................................................................................1
2. Configure System Monitor Status.....................................................................................................................................4
3. Interface Configuration.....................................................................................................................................................8
4. Basic configuration.........................................................................................................................................................38
5. WANs Configuration.......................................................................................................................................................56
6. IP section of network protocol configuration.................................................................................................................146
7. Configure multicast-group route...................................................................................................................................297
8. Security Configuration..................................................................................................................................................333
9. QoS Configuration........................................................................................................................................................383
10. Dialer Configuration....................................................................................................................................................426
11. Reliability Configuration..............................................................................................................................................442
12. IP Voice Configuration Task List ................................................................................................................................455
13. Configure IVR.............................................................................................................................................................478
14. IBM Networking Configuration....................................................................................................................................487
15. VPDN configuration....................................................................................................................................................506
16. Bridge configuration....................................................................................................................................................525
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1. Prepare for Configuration
1.1 Preparation
In this section, we will introduce the necessary information for the first time configuration of Router, which includes port numbering, introduction of operation and command line interface before start.
1.2 Port Number
The number of the Router’s physical port is in the form of <type><slot>/<port>, following is the relation table of the type and it’s name.
Type Of Interface Name Of Type Shortened Form
Serial Port Serial s
Synchronous Port Serial s
Asynchronous Port/Aux
Async a
10M Ethernet Ethernet e
100M Fast Ethernet Fast Ethernet f
E1(ISDN PRI) Serial s
The values of slots have fixed numbers for the WIC/VIC extended slot. The method is that the right to left numbering for horizontal and up to down for vertical. Zero is the fixed value as standard configuration. The others values are numbered according to sequence above and start from 1 even network extended slot or voice extended slot.
The values of port are wholly numbered form right to left and start from0. If there’s only one port, it will be tagged as 0.
According to the rules above, the number for each series of product is listed as follows:
Configuration Number
Standard Config 10\100M Ethernet Interface FastEthernet0/0
Standard Config Aux Interface Async0/0
Interface Card Slot
From right to left in turn is slot1~2 Network/Voice Interface Slot:slot1&slot2
Interface Card Slot From right to left in turn is slot1~2
Standard Config 10\100M Ethernet Interface FastEthernet0/0
Standard Config Aux Interface Async0/0
Standard Config Aux Interface Async0/0
Interface Card Slot
There are 3 rows of slotsthe lowest row is slot1~2(from right to left) the middle is slot3~4(from right to left)the above row is
slot5~6(from right to left).
Please number the combination ards and modules in the sequence of from right to left; For the supported types of NM,WIC
FIC slot modules or interface cards, please refer to Hardware Description.
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1.3 Before Start
Please confirm the following steps before power on the router for configuration:
(1) Set up Router’s hardware according to the requirement of User Manual
Configure the PC terminal emulation program
(3) For Internet Protocol (IP), decide:
· Layout of IP addresses
· Which WAN (Wide Area Network) protocols (egg. Frame Relay、HDLC、X.25) are to be used on each port.
1.4 Get Help
ls command and its -1 option can help to input the commands:
Type in 1s command to display the list of currently available commands
[DEFAULT@Router /]#ls
Type in ls –l command to display the list of currently available commands and the brief
[DEFAULT@Router /]#ls -l
Press Up direction key to display the formerly input commands. To display more commands please
continue to press the Up key.
1.5 Command Directory
The Router user interface includes various directories, each of them enable you to configure different components on the Router. The currently available command relies on the location of your command directory. Type in the 1s command to display the available command list under each command directory. The following table lists the frequently used commands:
Command Directory Entry Method Interface Promote Quit Method
System Monitor Directory
Power on the device and input “”Ctrl+Break
monitor# By quit command
User Directory Log in [DEFAULT@Route
By exit or quit command
Management Directory Input “cd enable”
command under the User Directory
[DEFAULT@Route r#enable/]#
By cd.. command
Global Configuration Directory
Input “cd config” command under the Management Directory
[DEFAULT@Route r/config/]#
Use cd.. command to return to the Management Directory
Each command directory has a limit to use the subset of commands. If you have a problem when inputting the command, please check the prompt and input 1s command to obtain available commands list.
Please notify the new command directory that displayed by the change of interface prompt in the following example:
[DEFAULT@Router/]# cd enable Password: <enter password> [DEFAULT@Router/enable/]# cd config [DEFAULT@Router/config/]# cd .. [DEFAULT@Router/enable/]# cd ..
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1.6 Cancel A Command
If you want to cancel a command or restore it to default properties, you can select U or u option at prompt rightly after inputting most of the commands.
For example, when deleting a configured static route, please select the U option at prompt after inputting the ip command, and then select route option, finally, input the parameter values of the route that you are about to delete.
1.7 Saving Configuration
You may need to save the configuration changes, so that you can quickly restore the original configuration in case of the system rebooting or power off failure. Write command can be used for saving the configuration under the Management or Global Configuration Directory.
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2. Configure System Monitor Status
The following message will be displayed when switch on the Router (take DI-1750 for example):
D-Link Internetwork Operating System Software 1750 Series Software, Version 1.3.1D (FULL), RELEASE SOFTWARE Copyright (c) 2002 D-Link Corporation. Compiled: 2003-6-5 10:50:53 by HYZHU, Image text-base: 0x6004 ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 0.2.3 Serial num:D301131000040, ID num:002430 System image file is "0605.bin"
Please wait system check ram......
At this time, please type in
to enter the System Monitor Status. The following display
Check ram OK
Welcome to D-Link Multi-Protocol 1700 Router monitor# Indicates the successful entry to the System Monitor Status.
Since the System Monitor Status is with the highest authority, the incorrect operation may cause system Breakdown. Therefore, only the terminal connected to the console port is allowed to enter this status.
The user can handle the following tasks under the system monitor status:
(1) Management of file system, including add and delete a file. Since the router software and
configuration is saved as file forms, the user can update or delete the software and the configuration.
(2) Configure Ethernet IP addresses.
(3) Test the network connection by PING test.
(4) Start from a file manually.
The following is usage of the commands in detail under the system monitor status.
2.1 File System Commands
There are only as most as 20 characters in a FLASH file name, and not case-sensitive.
2.2 File System Command
The boldface parts of all commands are the key words, the others are parameters. The parts inside the [ ] are optional settings.
Command Description
Format the file system and delete all data.
[file name] Display the file name and directory. The file name in [ ] displays a file that
begins with certain letters. The displayed form is as follows:
Index number file name <FILE> file length creation time
filename Delete a file. It will be prompted if the file to be deleted does not exist.
2.2.1 Update Software
This command is used to download the router system software from local or remote sites, for the version update or customized version with special functions (eg. data encryption).
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There are two methods to update the software in the monitor status.
1. By TFTP Protocol
monitor#copy tftp<
> flash <
> [ip_addr]
This command is used to copy the file from tftp server to system flash memory. The system will prompt user to input the name of remote server and remote file upon typing the command.
Parameter Description
tftp<:filename> Indicates reading the files from the tftp server. “Filename” will indicate the relative filename, if not, the user will be prompted to input the filename after the “copy” command operates.
flash<:filename> Indicates writing a file into the router flash. The filename will indicate the relative filename, if not, the user will be prompted to input the filename after the “copy” command operates.
The IP address of tftp server. If it is not specified, the user will be prompted to input the
filename after the “copy” command operates.
Read the file named “main.bin” in the TFTP server and write it into Router as “router.bin”
monitor#copy tftp flash:router.bin Prompt: Remote-server ip address[]? Prompt: Name of remote file to read[]?main.bin TFTP:successfully receive 36 blocks ,18370 bytes
2. By SLIP zmodem
Update the software with “
” command. Input “
download ?
” to obtain help.
monitor#download c0 <local_filename>
This command is used to copy a file to the system flash memory through SLIP zmodem. The system will prompt to input the port rate upon inputting the command.
Parameter Description
local_filename A file name stored in the flash memory. The user must input the filename.
The terminal program can use the Hyper Terminal program of WINDOWS 95,NT 4.0 or terminal emulation program of WINDOWS 3.X.
monitor#download c0 router.bin
Then modify the rate to 115200. After reconnection, select Send File in the Send menu of a hyper terminal (terminal emulation), as the following graph:
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Figuer 2-1
Input the full path of Router software
provided by this company in the filename input box, and
choose Zmodem for the protocol. Press “Send” button to send the file.
When completing sending the file, the following message will appear:
ZMODEM:successfully receive 36 blocks ,18370 bytes monitor#
That means the successful update of the software.
2.2.2 Update Configuration
The Router configuration is saved as a file, named
, which can be updated by a
command that resembles the software update command.
A.By TFTP protocol
monitor#copy tftp flash:startup-config
B.By SLIP zmodem.
monitor#download c0 flash:startup-config
2.3 Configure Ethernet IP Address
monitor#ip address <ip_addr> <net_mask>
This command is to configure the Ethernet IP address. The system default is,
Parameter Description
ip_addr Ethernet IP address
net_mask Ethernet network mask
monitor#ip address
2.4 Configure The Default Route
monitor#ip route default <ip_addr>
This command is to configure the default route, and can configure only one route.
Parameter Description
ip_addr IP Address of the Gateway
Model Name
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monitor#ip route default
2.5 Test Network Connection By PING
monitor#ping <ip_address>
This command is used for testing the connecting status of the network.
Parameter Description
ip_address Destination IP address
monitor#ping Reply from : data=48, time=10ms, ttl=128 Reply from : data=48, time=10ms, ttl=128 Reply from : data=48, time=10ms, ttl=128 Reply from : data=48, time=10ms, ttl=128 4 packets sent, 4 packets received round-trip min/avg/max = 0/2/10 ms
2.6 Manually Boot From A File
monitor#boot flash <local_filename>
This command is for starting some router software in the flash memory. There may be several router softwares in a flash.
Parameter Desription
local_filename is the filename saved in the flash memory and must be input by user.
monitor#boot flash router.bin
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3. Interface Configuration
3.1 Overview
By the information in this chapter to understand the types of interfaces supported on D-Link routers and to search configuration information for various types of interfaces.
For a complete description of the interface commands used in this and other chapters that describe interface configuration, refer to the "Interface Configuration Command" chapter. To search documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, please see the related contents of user manual.
This chapter contains general information that applies to all interface types; it includes these sections:
3.1.1 Supported types of interface
Please see the following form to obtain correlative information about the type of interface.
Types of Interface Task Reference information
LAN interface Configure Ethernet interface
Configure FastEthernet interface
“Configure LAN interface“
Serial interface Configure Synchronous Serial interface
Configure low-speed Serial interface
“Configure Serial interface“
Logic interface Configure Loop-back interface
Configure Empty interface
Configure Dialup interface
Virtual template and virtual access interface
Multi-link interface
Tunnel interface
“Configure Logic interface“
E1 interface Configure channelized E1 interface “Configure E1 interface“
PRI interface Configure PRI interface Configure PRI interface
BRI interface Configure BRI interface Configure BRI interface
DTU interface Configure DTU interface Configure DTU interface
MODEM interface Configure the asynchronous MODEM
Configure the MODEM interface
Two types of interfaces are supported by D-Link router: physical and virtual interfaces. The types of physical interfaces on a device depend on its standard communication interface and the interface module equipped on the router. The virtual interfaces that D-Link routers and access servers support include sub-interface and logic interface. The sub-interface derived from physical interface. Please see Introduction of sub-interface for more details. The logic interface indicates the interface that created manually by user and without corresponding physical equipment.
Presently, the physical interfaces supported by D-Link Router that include:
Synchronous Serial
Low-speed Serial
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Asynchronous Serial
Channelized E1
ISDN PRI interface
ISDN BRI interface
DTU interface
Asynchronous MODEM interface
Presently, the logic interface supported by D-Link Router are:
Loop-back interface
Empty interface
Dialup interface
Virtual template and virtual access interface
Tunnel interface
3.2 Introduction of Interface Configuration
These following instructions apply to all interface configuration processes. Users should begin interface configuration in global configuration mode and follow these steps:
Use the command “
to begin to configure the related interface parameters. User can use
command “
show interface
” to display the interface. All the interfaces of the device will provide theirs
status as follows:
[DEFAULT@4_2750 /enable/]#
(00)alias alias for command
(19)interface interface status and configuration
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-45): 19 Input 17,choose “interface”,it will prompt: (00)FastEthernet FastEthernet interface (01)Ethernet Ethernet interface (02)Serial Serial interface (03)Async Asynchronous interface (04)Null Null interface Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-4): 2
Input 2,choose “Serial”,the prompt will be:
Please input a interface name:
Input the value of type、slot and port of the interface,it will display:
Serial 1/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down Hardware is SCC Mode=Sync,Speed=64000 DTR=UP,DSR=DOWN,RTS=DOWN,CTS=DOWN,DCD=DOWN MTU 1500 bytes, BW 64 kbit, DLY 20000 usec Encapsulation HDLC, loopback not set Keepalive set(10 sec)
If you want to configure the serial interface 1/0, input the following content:
[DEFAULT@router /config/]#
Key Word: U(undo) D(default) Q(quit) (00)FastEthernet FastEthernet interface (01)Ethernet Ethernet interface (02)Serial Serial interface
Model Name
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(03)Async Asynchronous interface (04)Null Null interface (05)Loopback Loopback interface (06)Tunnel Tunnel interface (07)Dialer Dialer interface (08)Multilink Multilink-group interface (09)Virtual-template Virtual template interface (10)Virtual-tunnel Virtual tunnel interface Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-10):
Please input a interface name:
Will you excute it? (Y/N):
In the interface configuration mode, it will wait for the user to input the “enter” string each time a configuration is performed. After input the “enter”, it will automatically display all the performable commands of the interface to provide to users.
It is not necessary to add a space between the interface type and interface number. For example, in the preceding line you can specify either serial 10/0 or serial 0/0. The command will work by either way.
(1) The commands which define the protocols and applications to be implemented on the interface
can be configured under the current interface configuration mode. All sort of commands will exist until quit the interface configuration mode or switch to another interface.
(2) Once the configuration was completed, user is able to test the status of interface by the
that list in the section “Supervise and maintain interface“.
Configuring channelized E1 interfaces requires additional steps. When you configure channelized T1or channelized E1, you must first define the channels and the time slots that comprise the channels. Use the commands of “controller E1” and “channel-group”, and then use “interface serial” to configure generated serial interface.
3.3 Introduction of Sub-interface
Configuring multiple sub-interfaces on a single physical interface allows greater flexibility and connectivity on the network. A sub-interface is a mechanism that allows a single physical interface to support multiple logical interfaces or networks. That is, several logical interfaces or networks can be associated with a single hardware interface. Sub-interfaces are implemented in various WAN protocols, including Frame Relay and X.25 protocol.
3.4 Configure public configuration of interface
The following section describes commands that executed on any type of interface and thereby configure the common configuration of interface. The common configuration of interface that available to be configured includes:
You can add a description about an interface to help you remember what is attached to it. This description is meant solely as a comment to help identify what the interface is being used for. The description will appear in the output of the following commands: “
show running-config
”, and “
”. To add a description for any interface, use the following command in interface
configuration mode:
Command Purpose
string Add description to current interface configuration
Choose the item 9 of prompt and add the descriptions
Please see the “Example of interface description“ to get more examples of add description of interface.
3.4.1 Set bandwidth
The information of bandwidth is use to carry out the operational decision by upper layer protocol (ULP). Use following commands to set the bandwidth in the current interface:
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Command Purpose
kilobps Set the bandwidth for current configured interface
Choose the item 1 of prompt and set the bandwidth.
The bandwidth is only a parameter of route that did not affect the communication rate of actual physical interface.
3.4.2 Set timing delay
The information of timing delay is used to carry out the operational decision by upper layer protocol (ULP). Following commands set the timing delay in the current interface:
Command Purpose
tensofmicroseconds Set the timing delay for current configured interface
Choose the item 8 of prompt and set the delay.
The setting of timing delay is only set a parameter of information. This configuration command cannot adjust the actual timimg delay of interface.
Each interface has a default maximum packet size or maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. This number generally defaults to 1500 bytes. On serial interfaces, the MTU size varies, but cannot be set smaller than 68 bytes. To adjust the maximum packet size, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
Command Purpose
bytes Set MTU for current configured interface
Choose the item 20 of prompt and set the value of MTU.
Supervise and maintain the interface
To supervise and maintain the interface by the tasks below:
Examine status of interface
D-Link Router supports the command that to display various information of interface, which is include the status of interface and version of hardware and software. Parts of interface supervising commands are listed in the form below. Please see the “Command of interface configuration“ for details.
Use following commands:
Command Purpose
show interface
[type slot/port] Display the status of interface
show running-config
Display current configuration
show version
Display setting of hardware, version of software, filename of
configuring file, source image and boot image.
To display interface status, input the command “show” to list all the parameters in global configuration contents:
(00)alias alias for command
(19)interface interface status and configuration
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-45): 19
Input 19, choose the item “interface” and it will prompt:
(00)FastEthernet FastEthernet interface
Model Name
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(01)Ethernet Ethernet interface (02)Serial Serial interface (03)Async Asynchronous interface (04)Null Null interface Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-4): <cr>
Input the value of type, slot and port of the interface to be displayed:
To display the current configuration, input the command “
” to list all the parameters in the global
configuration contents:
(00)alias alias for command
(31)running-config current configuration
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-45): 31
Input 31,choose the item “running-config”,it will prompt:
(00)interface interface current configuration (01)<cr> Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1): 1
nput 1, it will display all the current configurations.
To display the hardware configuration, software version, name, source and boot image of the configuration documents, input the command “
” in the global configuration contents:
(00)alias alias for command
(41)version router version information
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-45): 41 Input 41,choose the item “version”,it will prompt: (00)all Show all module version information (01)module Specify module (02)<cr> Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-2): 0
Input 0,choose the item “all”,it will display all the information:
3.5 Initialize and delete interface
The logical interface can be created and dynamic deleted by user. The sub-interface and channelized interface are also can be dynamic deleted. Restore the default setting is available for the physical interface that cannot be dynamic deleted. Following commands apply to initialize and delete the interface in the global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
type slot/port Initialize physical interface or delete virtual interface
Input the command “
”,it will list all the parameters:
U(undo) D(default) Q(quit) (00)FastEthernet FastEthernet interface (01)Ethernet Ethernet interface (02)Serial Serial interface
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-10): u Input U or u, the prompt is: (00)FastEthernet FastEthernet interface (01)Ethernet Ethernet interface (02)Serial Serial interface
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Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-10):
Input the type, slot and port of the physical interface to be initialized or the virtual interface to be deleted.
3.6 Close and restart interface
Forbid an interface will cause the forbiddance of all the functions that use to assigned interface. Furthermore, the forbiddened interface will be display as unavailable interface for all the supervising commands. This message will be transfer to other Routers through dynamic route protocol. Modify of any route will not effect the interface. Stop an interface on the serial interface will cause the reduction of DTR signal.
Use following command to close interface in the configuring mode of interface and then restart:
Command Purpose
Stop interface
Restart interface
Please use the commands show
show running-config
to check an interface to be
closed or not. In the command display of
show interface
, a closed interface will be displayed as
“administratively down”. Please see the “Example of stop interface“.
Example of interface configuring
Provide following example of configuring process:
Example of start interface
Following example describe that how to start the interface configuring on a serial interface. It encapsulates PPP protocol for serial interface 1/0.
interface serial 1/0 encapsulation ppp
Example of interface description
Following example explain that how to add the description of interface. The description will be presented with displaying of configuring file and interface command.
interface ethernet 1/1
description First Ethernet in network 1 ip address
Example of stop interface
Following example is of stop the Ethernet interface in port 1 of slot 1.
interface ethernet 1/1 shutdown
Following example is of restart interface
interface ethernet 1/1 shutdown(undo)
Following example is of stop an E1 channel
interface serial 1/3:23 shutdown
3.7 Configuring Interface
This chapter describes the processes for configuring interfaces. It contains these sections:
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Please see the “Interface Configuration Example” later in this chapter to get the examples of configuring task. For hardware technical descriptions and information about installing interfaces, refer to the hardware installation and configuration manual for your product. For a complete description of the LAN interface commands used in this chapter, refer to the "Interface configuration commands" chapter.
3.7.1 Configuring Ethernet Interface
In this section, we will describe the process of Ethernet interface configuring. D-Link Router supports the 10Mbps Ethernet interface and 100Mbps Fast Ethernet interface. The concrete configurations consist of following steps. The first step is prerequisite and others are optional.
1. Assign the interface of Ethernet or FastEthernet
Input the commands below in global configuring mode to enter the status of Ethernet interface configuring.
Command Function
interface ethernet
slot/port Enter the mode of Ethernet interface configuring
interface fastethernet
Enter the mode of FastEthernet interface configuring
Input the command “
”, it will list all the parameters:
(00)FastEthernet FastEthernet interface (01)Ethernet Ethernet interface (02)Serial Serial interface
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-10): 1
Input 1,choose the item “Ethernet”,it will prompt:
Please input a interface name:
Input the Ethernet, slot and port name:
Input 0 ,choose the item “Fast Ethernet”,it will display:
Please input a interface name:
Input the Fast Ethernet, slot and port name.
The command
show interface Ethernet
is use to display the status of Ethernet interface. The command
interface fastethernet
is use to display the status of FastEthernet interface.
2. Configure 100Mbps FastEthernet
The FastEthernet interface of D-Link Router supports the rate of 10Mbps / 100Mbps and the Router, Hub and Swithces with 100BaseT or 10BaseT interface. The FastEthernet interface support the adaptation with the rate of 10Mbps and 100Mbps. Furthermore, the FastEthernet is able to adopt the suitable rate of communication, which is according to the connected equipment. Following is the process of configuration that starts from management mode:
参数 参数说明
Command Function
cd configure
Enter the content of global configuration
interface fastethernet
Enter the FastEthernet interface
ip address
address subnet-mask
Set IP address and subnet mask on interface
Step 1:
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Input the command “cd config” to enter the global configuration mode.
Step 2:
Input the command “interface”, list all the parameters:
(00)FastEthernet FastEthernet interface (01)Ethernet Ethernet interface (02)Serial Serial interface
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-10): 0
Input 0,choose the item “fast Ethernet”, it will prompt:
Please input a interface name:
Input the fast ethernet, slot and port name.
Step 3:
Choose the item 20 of prompt, it will list all the parameters:
(00)access-group Specify access control for packets (01)address IP address (02)beigrp Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-19): 1
Input 1,choose the item “address”, it will prompt:
(00)A.B.C.D IP address (01)dhcp IP Address negotiated via DHCP Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1): 0
Input 0,choose the item “A.B.C.D”, the prompt is :
Please input a IP Address:
Input the IP address, it will prompt:
Please input a IP Address:
Input the mask.
3.7.2 Configure the rate of FastEthernet
The rate of FastEthernet executed through self-negotiation as well as configuration on interface.
参数 参数说明
Command Function
Speed {10|100|auto
} Set the rate of FastEthernet as 10M, 100M or self-negotiation.
speed (default
) Restore the default setting with the rate is self-negotiation.
Choose the item 35 of prompt, it will display that:
U(undo) D(default) Q(quit) (00)10 Set 10-Mbps (01)100 Set 100-Mbps (02)auto Set auto-speed Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-2):
Input 0 to set the speed as 10M.
Input D or d, it will come back to default settings.
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3.7.3 Duplex configuration mode of FastEthernet
The duplex mode of FastEthernet executed through self-negotiation as well as configuration on interface.
Command Function
duplex half
Set the operational mode of FastEthernet as half-duplex.
duplex full
Set the operational mode of FastEthernet as full-duplex.
Restore the default setting as self-negotiation.
Choose the item 13 of prompt, it will display that:
U(undo) D(default) Q(quit) (00)full Force full duplex operation (01)half Force half duplex operation
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1):
Input 1, choose the item “half” can set it into half-duplex mode. Input 0, choose the item “full” can set it into full-duplex mode.
Input D or d, it will come back to default settings.
3.7.4 Configure Ethernet subinterface
This section is description about the process of Ethernet sub-interface configuring. D-Link Router supports the iEEE 802.1Q protocol on the Ethernet sub-interface. Detailed configuration as below:
1. Assign the sub-interface of Ethernet
Input following commands under the global mode to enter the status of Ethernet interface configuring:
Command Function
interface ethernet
Enter the status of Ethernet sub-interface configuring
interface fastethernet
Enter the status of FastEthernet sub-interface configuring
Input the command “interface”, it will list all the parameters:
(00)FastEthernet FastEthernet interface (01)Ethernet Ethernet interface (02)Serial Serial interface
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-10): 1
Input 1, choose the item “Ethernet”, it will prompt:
Please input a interface name:
Input the name of Ethernet, slot and port and the value of sub-interface-number.
Input 0, choose the item “Fast Ethernet”, it will prompt:
Please input a interface name:
Input the name of Fast Ethernet, slot and port and the value of sub-interface-number.
2. Encapsulate 802.1Q protocol
The sub-interface of Ethernet must encapsulate with 802.1Q protocol for usage. Otherwise, UP is unavailable for the protocol.
Model Name
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Command Function
encapsulation dot1q
vlan-identifier Encapsulate 802.1Q protocol and assign Vlan ID
Choose the item 11 of prompt, it will display:
(00)dot1Q IEEE 802.1Q Virtual LAN Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-0): 0
Input 0 and the value of vlan-identifier,then the encapsulation of protocol for the sub-interface is complete.
3. Configuring Serial Interface
For hardware technical descriptions and information about installing interfaces, refer to the hardware installation and configuration publication for your product. For a complete description of serial interface commands used in this chapter, refer to the "Interface Command" chapter. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the command reference master index or search online, which is include following content: 
3.7.5 Configuring Synchronous Serial Interface
The configuration of synchronous serial interface consists of following steps. The first step is prerequisite and others are optional.
Please see the “Example of interface configuring“ in the last place to find the example of configuration task.
1. Specify Synchronous Serial Interface
In the global configuring mode, each following commands is use for assign the synchronous serial interface and enter the status of interface configuring (if asynchronous card be chose, e.g. 16
asynchronous card provides only asynchronous communication, use async to replace serial):
参数 参数说明
Command Function
interface serial
slot/port Enter the interface configuring
interface serial
Enter the channlized E1 interface configuring
Input the command “
” and it will list all the parameters:
(00)FastEthernet FastEthernet interface (01)Ethernet Ethernet interface (02)Serial Serial interface
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-10): 2
Input 2, choose the item “serial”, it will prompt:
Please input a interface name:
Input the serial, slot and port names, enter the interface configuration.
Input the name of the serial, slot, port and channel-group, enter the configuration of channelized E1 interface.
2. Specify Synchronous Serial Interface Encapsulation
By default, synchronous serial lines use the High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) serial encapsulation method, which provides the synchronous framing and error detection functions of HDLC. The synchronous serial interfaces support the following serial encapsulation methods:
High-level Data Link Control (HDLC)
Model Name
- 18 -
Frame Relay
Point to point protocol (PPP)
Synchronous data link control·(SDLC)
The encapsulating protocol is able to set by following commands in the mode of interface configuring:
Command Function
encapsulation{hdlc|frame-relay|ppp|x2 5|sdlc
Configure synchronous serial encapsulating protocol
The setting of concrete encapsulation should according to the actual situation. Please see the “Command of interface“ to get more information.
Choose the item 11 of prompt, it will list all the parameters:
(00)frame-relay Frame Relay Protocol (01)hdlc HDLC Protocol (02)ppp PPP Protocol (03)sdlc SDLC Protocol (04)x25 X.25 Protocol Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-4):
Then choose the protocol you want to encapsulate.
3. Configure Low-speed Serial Interface
This section describes how to configure low-speed serial interface. Please see the “Example of low-speed interface“ for example of configuration.
Usually, the low-speed serial interface supports both synchronous mode and asynchronous mode. While in the status of interface configuring, use following command to assign the low-speed interface in the mode of synchronous or asynchronous:
Command Function
Physical-layer mode
Assign the low-speed interface in the mode of synchronous or asynchronous
Choose the item 25 of prompt, it will display:
(00)flow-control Flow control (01)mode Configure sync or async physical layer on serial interface (02)sampling set clock sampling mode (03)speed port speed Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-3): 1
Input 1,choose the item “mode”, it will prompt:
(00)async asynchronous mode (01)sync synchronous mode Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1):
Input 0, choose the item “async” to set the interface as asynchronous type.
Input 1, choose the item “sync” to set the interface as synchronous type.
While in the mode of asynchronous, the low-speed serial interface supports all the commands of standard asynchronous interface. The default mode is synchronous. While in the status of interface configuring, use following command to returen the mode of low-speed serial interface form asynchronous to synchronous:
Command Function
Physical-layer (default) mode
Returen to default mode----synchronous mode
Model Name
- 19 -
Choose the item 25 of prompt, it will display:
U(undo) D(default) Q(quit) (00)flow-control Flow control (01)mode Configure sync or async physical layer on serial interface (02)sampling set clock sampling mode (03)speed port speed Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-3): d
Input D or d, it will prompt:
(00)flow-control Flow control (01)mode Configure sync or async physical layer on serial interface (02)sampling set clock sampling mode (03)speed port speed Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-3): 1
Input 1,choose the item “mode”, it will prompt:
(00)async asynchronous mode (01)<cr> Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1): 1
Input 1,set it back to default mode.
While in the status of interface configuring, please use following command to configure the rate of synchronous mode and asynchronous mode:
Command Function
Physical-layer speed
speed Assign the rate of interface
Choose the item 25 of prompt, it will display:
(00)flow-control Flow control (01)mode Configure sync or async physical layer on serial interface (02)sampling set clock sampling mode (03)speed port speed Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-3): 3
Input 3, choose the item “speed”, then it will prompt various speed value, select the one you want.
The value of rate that supported by synchronous interface and asynchronous interface shown as following:
Synchronous interface Asynchronous interface
1200,2400,4800,9600,14400,19200,38 400,57600,
64000,115200,128000,256000,512000 ,1024000,2048000
3.8 Configuring E1 interface
3.8.1 Introduction of E1 interface
There are two types of configuration of E1 interface:
To be treate as channelized E1 interface. The interface separates into 31 time-slots in physical and all the time-slots divide into several groups arbitrarily. Each group of time-slot is bind as one interface with the same logical characteristic of synchronous serial interface. Protocols of link layer are supported, which include PPP, frame relay, LAPB and X.25.
To be treat as unchannelized E1 interface. As a G.703 synchronous serial interface with the rate of 2M in physical, The interface supports the protocols of link layer that include PPP, frame relay, LAPB and X.25.
Model Name
- 20 -
3.8.2 Configuring E1 interface
To configure E1 interface, command
config-controller E1
must be inputed firstly in the status of global
Command Function
controller E1
Configure E1 interface
slot is number of solt that controller located in,
config-group is link number of E1 controller
Input the command “controller”, it will prompt:
(00)E1 Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-0): 0
Input 0, choose the item “E1”, it will prompt:
(00)<2-2> (01)<cr> Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1):
Choose the corresponding item and input the slot number and group.
Router_config#config-controller E1 2/0 Router_config_controller_E1_2/0#
Configuring tasks of E1 interface include:
Configure physical parameters of E1 interface that include frame check mode, line code/decode format and line clock, loop-back transmission mode, etc. Default parameter is required.
Channelized E1 interface requires the configuring of parameter about set-channel-group and confirm the binding mode of time-slot.
Unchannelized E1 interface has no need of configure the parameter of set-channel-group.
Configure the parameter of interface:
1. Configuring Operation Mode of E1 Interface
The default mode of E1 interface is channelized mode. It is able to set as unchannelized mode by the command of unframed.
Command Function
Configure as unchannelized mode
Unframed (undo)
Configure as channelized mode
Choose item 30 of the prompt of interface parameters, then the interface will be configured as unchannelized mode.
If you input U or u before you do the action above, it will be configured as channelized mode.
Router_config#config-controller E1 2/0 Router_config_controller_E1_2/0# unframed Router_config_controller_E1_2/0# no unframed
2. Configuring Frame Check Mode of E1 Interface
E1 interface support CRC32 check for physical frame, default setting is unchecking.
Model Name
- 21 -
Command Function
framing crc4
Configure the frame checking of E1 interface as 4bytes CRC check.
framing no-crc4
Configure the frame checking of E1 interface as unchecking.
Take the first command as an example:
Choose the item 13 of interface-parameter prompt, it will display:
(00)crc4 (01)no-crc4 Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1): 0
Input 0,choose the item “crc4”.
3. Configuring Line Code/Decode Format of E1 Interface
There are two formats of line code/decode supported by E1 interface: AMI and HDB3
Default setting is HDB3.
Command Function
line code ami
Configure line code/decode format of E1 interface as AMI
line code(undo) or line code hdb3
Configure line code/decode format of E1 interface as HDB3
Choose item 19 of interface-parameter prompt, it will prompt:
(00)ami use ami mode (01)hdb3 use hdb3 mode
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1):
Choose 0,it will be set as ami format;
Choose 1,it will be set as hdb3 format.
4. Configuring Line Clock of E1 Interface
If E1 interface is operated as synchronous interface, two operation modes available for E1 that is of DTE and DCE. It is need to choose line clock. While two Routers straight connected with E1 interfaces, the two ports must be operated with DTE and DCE separately. While Router connects with Exchange through E1 interface, DCE for Exchange and DTE for E1 interface of Router.
Default operation mode of E1 interface is DTE.
Command Function
clock internal
Configure operation mode of E1 interface as DCE that use internal synchronous signal of chip.
clock external
Configure operation mode of E1 interface as DTE that use synchronous signal of line.
Choose item 5 of interface-parameter prompt, it will display:
(00)external external clock (01)internal internal clock Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1):
Choose 0, use internal synchronous signal of chip;
Choose 1,use synchronous signal of line.
Model Name
- 22 -
5. Configuring Loopback Transmission Mode of E1 Interface
While in the mode of remot loop-back transmission, the message that received through the port will be return by E1 through the sending channel.
Command Function
loopback local
Configure the operation mode of E1 as remote loop-back
Cancel the setting of remote loop-back
Take the first command as an example:
Choose the item 20 of interface-parameter prompt, it will display:
(00)local set local loopback (01)remote set local remoteback Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1):
Input 0, choose the item “local”.
6. Configuring Transmitting Impulse Mode of E1
Choose transmitting impulse mode. To execute
Cable 120
for cable type is 120 twisted-pair. The 75 coaxial cable for default setting and obey ITU-T G.703 standard. The transmitting impulses of two types of cable are diffenent.
Command Function
Cable 120
Configure the cable of E1 interface as 120 twisted-pair
No cable
Default setting is 75 coaxial cable
Choose item 1 of interface-parameter prompt, it will display:
(00)120 set 120ohm cable Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1): 0
Choose 0.
7. Forbid the link of E1 interface
Use for forbidding a E1 interface and the line status for all interfaces of port switch to down.
Command Function
Forbid the link of E1 interface
Restore the link of E1 interface
Choose item 28 of interface-parameter prompt, then the link will be forbidden. If you input the “U” or “u” before choose the item 28, the link will be resumed.
Router_config#config-controller E1 2/0 Router_config_controller_E1_2/0#shutdown Router_config_controller_E1_2/0# shutdown(undo)
8. Configuring set-channel-group Parameter of E1 Interface
set-channel-group is channel number of E1 with the range of 0-30. the timeslot is time-slot number of E1 with the ranger of 1-31. The channel is able to occupy any non-assigned time-slot and combines time-slot arbitrarily. The configuration of E1 channel will generate new interface.
Model Name
- 23 -
The binding time-slot of channel-group will be cleared by no channel-group. The corresponding interface will be cleared too.
Command Function
{ number | number1-number2 } [,number | number1-number2 ... ]
Bind the time-slot of E1 interface to set-channel-group
channel-group Cancel the time-slot binding of channel-group
Choose the item 2 of interface-parameter prompt, it will display:
(00)<0-30> Channel number Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1): 0
Choose 0 and input the channel number, it will prompt:
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1):
Input 0, choose the item “timeslots”, it will prompt: (00)<1-31> List of timeslots which comprise the channel Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1): 0
Choose 0, the configuration is correct.
Router_config#config-controller E1 2/0 Router_config_controller_E1_2/0#channel 5 timeslots 18,11-13,20,22,30-28,24-25 Router_config_controller_E1_2/0#config-interface s2/0:5 Router_config_interface_s2/0:5#
9. Configuring Interface Parameter of E1 Interface
While the E1 interface in the Channelized mode, system will generate new interface after configure the channel-group parameter with the same logical characteristic of synchronous serial interface. The name is serial<slot>/<group>:<channel-group>. The <slot> and <group> is the same as controller E1 <slot>/<group>.
While the E1 interface in the Unchannelized mode, system will generate new interface with the name is serial<slot>/<group>:0. it is able to encapsulate the data-link-layer protocol to the interface, which include PPP, frame relay, HDLC and X.25, etc.
In Channelized mode: Router_config#config-controller E1 2/0 Router_config_controller_E1_2/0#channel 1 timeslots 1-31 Router_config_controller_E1_2/0#int s2/0:1 Router_config_controller_s2/0:1#enca fr Router_config_controller_s2/0:1#ip add In Unchannelized mode: Router_config# controller E1 2/0 Router_config_controller_E1_2/0#unframed Router_config_controller_E1_2/0#int s2/0:0 Router_config_controller_s2/0:0#enca fr Router_config_controller_s2/0:0#ip add
Model Name
- 24 -
3.8.3 configure UNFRAME E1 interface
1. Introduction of Unframe E1 interface
Unframe E1 port can be used only in unframe mode and the interface is unchannelized , its logic features is the same as synchronization serial interface, support PPP, frame relay, LAPB , X.25 and etc. link layer protocols.
2. Unframe E1 interface configurations
You need to firstly input “controller E1” in "overall situation configuration" mode to configure Unframe E1 interface.
Command Purpose
controller E1 <slot>/<group> Configure Unframe E1 interface
Slot is serial number Unframe E1 controller locating
Group is line serial number to Unframe E1 controller
for an example:
[DEFAULT@Router /config/]#controller Key Word: Q(quit) (00)E1 E1 Controller (01)T1 T1 Controller Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-1):00 Key Word: Q(quit) (00)<2-2> slot (01)<cr> Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-1):00 Please input a digital number:2 Key Word: Q(quit) (00)<0-3> port Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-0): 0 Please input a digital number:0 Will you execute it? [Y]:y Current Status:_controller_E1_2/0 Current Directory: config
Unframe E1 interface configurations tasks include:
configure Unframe E1 interface physical parameter, including line coding/decoding format, line
clock, back-loop transportation mode and etc. usually, the default value is ok.
configure interface parameter
3. configure Unframe E1 interface line coding/decoding format
UNFRAME E1 interface line support two coding/decoding format: AMI and HDB3
Default is HDB3 .
Command Purpose
Linecode ami
configure Unframe E1 interface line coding/decoding format into AMI
No linecode
linecode hdb3
configure Unframe E1 interface line
coding/decoding format into B8ZS
Model Name
- 25 -
4. Configure Unframe E1 interface clock mode
When Unframe E1 is used as synchronization interface, there are two work modes: “DTE” and “DCE”, you need to choose line clock also. When Unframe E1 interfaces of two routers are directly connected , it is necessary to let two interfaces work at “DTE” OR “DCE”; when Unframe E1 of a router is connected into a switch ,because switch is a “DCE” device, Unframe E1 of a router need to work at “DTE” mode.
The default work mode of UNFRAME E1 is DTE.
Command Purpose
Clock interval Configure Unframe E1 to “DCE”, use synchronization in chip
Clock external Configure Unframe E1 to “DTE”, use line synchronism
5. configure Unframe E1 interface back-loop transportation mode
In remote back-loop transportation mode, UNFRAME E1 will send back message from the tunnel from which it receives the message.
Command Purpose
Loopback local
Configure Unframe E1 to local loopback mode
Loopback remote
Configure Unframe E1 to remote loopback mode
No loop
Cancel loopback setting
6. disabled Unframe E1 interface line
You can disabled some UNFRAME E1. Just make all lines state on interface is “down”.
Command Purpose
Disabled Unframe E1 interface line
No shutdown
Resume Unframe E1 interface line
For an example:
Current Status:_controller_E1_2/0 Current Directory: config (18)shutdown shutdown a link Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-20):18 Key Word: U(undo) Q(quit) (00)<cr> Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-0): 00 Will you execute it? [Y]:y Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-0): u Will you execute it? [Y]:y
7. configure Unframe E1 interface parameter
Unframe E1 is always in unframe mode and can’t exit the mode,Its interface is also unchanging. The logic characters of the unframe E1 interface are the same as synchronization. Its name is “ serial<slot>/<group>:<channel-group>”, and <slot> and <group> are consistent with <slot> and <group> in “controller E1 <slot>/<group>”.
You can encapsulate PPP, frame relay, HDLC , SDLC ,X.25 and etc.line layer protocols on interface.
for an example:
[DEFAULT@Router /config/]#int Key Word:
Model Name
- 26 -
(02)Serial Serial interface Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-11): 2 Please input slot/port:2/0:0 Will you execute it? [Y]:y Key Word: (09)encapsulation Set encapsulation type for an interface Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-28): 9 Current Status:s2/0:0 Current Directory: config Key Word: U(undo) D(default) Q(quit) (00)frame-relay Frame Relay Protocol (01)hdlc HDLC Protocol (02)ppp PPP Protocol (03)sdlc SDLC Protocol (04)x25 X.25 Protocol Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-4):00 Will you execute it? [Y]:y Current Status:s2/0:0 Current Directory: config Key Word: Q(quit) (15)ip IP configuration commands Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-26): 15 (01)address IP address Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-27): 01 Current Status:s2/0:0 Current Directory: config Key Word: Q(quit) (00)A.B.C.D IP address (01)negotiated IP address set by PPP or by DHCP Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-1): 00 Please input an IP Address Parameter: Current Status:s2/0:0 Current Directory: config Key Word: Q(quit) (00)A.B.C.D IP netmask Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-0): 00 Please input an IP Address Parameter: Current Status:s2/0:0 Current Directory: config Key Word: Q(quit) (00)secondary Set this IP address as a secondary address (01)<cr> Please Input the code of command to be execute(0-1): 01 Will you execute it? [Y]:y
8. Configure Tx FIFO of E1 module in UNFRAME mode
When the channel of E1 module worked in UNFRAME mode, the user can change the size of the E1 channel's Tx FIFO to use PCI more effective.The base rule is that the more E1 modules the less Tx FIFO size.The range of it is from 1 to 63.The default Tx FIFO size is 8.Only NM-1CE1 , NM-2CE1 and NM-4CE1 support the command.
3.9 Configuring the PRI interface
3.9.1 Introduction of PRI interface
PRI interface is a kind of ISDN interface which consists of 30 B channels plus a singled channels.. The number of the B channel of our PRI interface is not fixed as 30 but can be set by user to meet their requirement. You can generate and delete the PRI interface through the E1 interface, it’s dynamic. You
Model Name
- 27 -
can set the detailed timeslot as a B channel of a general serial port or a PRI interface through the command line. When one or more timeslot has been configured as the PRI B channel of an E1 interface, the fifteenth timeslot will always be utilized by the PRI interface as the D channel of signal alternation.
3.9.2 configure the PRI interface
To configure the PRI interface, you must input the command “
controller E1
” in the global configurative
mode firstly.
Command Function
controller E1
<slot>/<group> Configure E1 interface
is the slot number of E1 controller
is the link number of E1 controller
Pri-group timeslot
num num: you can assign many timeslot to one B channel. If
those timeslots are continuous, use the “-“ to connect them. Else , use “,”.
Command 1:
Input the command “
”, it will prompt: (00)E1 Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-0): 0 Input 0, choose the item “E1”, it will prompt: (00)<2-2> (01)<cr> Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-1): Choose the corresponding item and input the slot number and group.
Command 2:
Choose the item 22 of parameter prompt, it will display: (00)timeslots Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-0): 0 Input 0, choose the item “timeslot”, it will prompt: (00)<1-31> List of timeslots which comprise the channel Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-0): 0 Choose the item 0, then input “num”.
This command is used to set up a main workgroup and assign timeslots for the main workgroup. All the timeslots can be assigned to B channel except 0 and 16. Each timeslot is a correspondence of a B channel while each B channel is also a correspondence of a virtual 64K connection according to the protocol encapsulated by D channel. You can’t configure the D channel until you have set up a main workgroup and assigned timeslots for B channels.
The configurative method of entering the D channel is : int serial slot/port:15。After you enter the D channel, you can encapsulate protocol, set dial-up group and set the dial-up mapping of peer.
3.10 Configure the BRI interface
1. introduction of BRI interface
BRI is a kind of ISDN interface which consists of a single D channel plus 2 B channels. The D channel is used to set up B channels and signal alternation channel of the interface. B channels are used to transfer data.
2. Configuration of BRI interface
To configure the BRI interface ,you must under the ISDN BRI configurative mode firstly.
Model Name
- 28 -
Command Function
Interface bri
<slot>/<group> Enter the ISDN BRI interface
Slot is the slot number of BRI controller
Group is the link number BRI controller
Input the command “
”, it will prompt:
(00)FastEthernet FastEthernet interface (01)Ethernet Ethernet interface (02)BRI ISDN Basic Rate Interface
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-11): 2
Input 2, choose the item “BRI:, it will prompt:
Please input a interface name:
Input the interface type, slot number and group.
3.11 Configure DTU interface
This section describes how to configure the DTU interface. Detailed configurative steps are given below:
1. Designating DTU interface
You can input the following command in global configurative mode to enter the DTU interface configurative mode.
command Function
Interface bm
<slot>/<port> Configure the DTU interface
For example
Input the command “interface”, it will prompt:
(00)FastEthernet FastEthernet interface (01)Ethernet Ethernet interface (02)Serial Serial interface (03)Async Asynchronous interface (04)BM BM interface
Please Input the code of command to be excute(0-10): 4
Input 4, choose the item “BM”, it will prompt: Please input a interface name:
Input “bm2/0”.
2. Configuring DTU interface’s linemode
Command Function
linemode nt
Set the DTU interface working in NT mode
linemode lt
Set the DTU interface working in LT mode
The DTU is in NT mode in default.
For example:configure the DTU interface working in LT mode.
Choose the item 21 of the interface-parameter prompt, it will display: (00)nt nt mode
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