Information in this document is subjec t to change without notice. Reproduction of this document in any manner , without the written
permission of the D-Link Corporation, is strictly forbidden.
Trademarks used in this text: D-Link and the D-Link logo are trademarks of the D -Link Corporation; Microsoft and W indows are
registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to eit her as the entities claiming the marks and the
names or their products. D-Link Corporation disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own.
Other Documentation .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Areas of the User Interface................................................................................................................................ 5
3. System ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Device Information .................................................................................................................................................. 6
System Information Settings ................................................................................................................................... 6
Port Configuration ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Port Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Port Status ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Port GBIC ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Port Auto Negotiation ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Loopback Test ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
PoE System ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
PoE Status ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
System Log ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
System Log Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 21
System Log Discriminator Settings ................................................................................................................. 24
System Log Server Settings ............................................................................................................................ 24
System Log ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
System Attack Log ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Time and SNTP .................................................................................................................................................... 27
Time Zone Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Time Range .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
PTP (Precise Time Protocol) ................................................................................................................................ 31
PTP Global Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 31
PTP Port Global Settings ................................................................................................................................. 33
PTP Boundary Port Settings............................................................................................................................ 33
PTP P2P Transparent Port Settings ................................................................................................................ 35
PTP Clock Information ..................................................................................................................................... 35
PTP Port Information ....................................................................................................................................... 36
PTP Foreign Master Records Port Information ............................................................................................... 37
USB Console Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 37
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
User Accounts Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 40
CLI Alias Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 42
SNMP Global Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 46
SNMP Community Table Settings ................................................................................................................... 49
SNMP Group Table Settings ........................................................................................................................... 50
SNMP Engine ID Local Settings ...................................................................................................................... 52
SNMP User Table Settings .............................................................................................................................. 52
RMON Global Settings .................................................................................................................................... 55
RMON History Settings ................................................................................................................................... 57
Service DHCP ................................................................................................................................................. 61
DHCP Class Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 62
DHCP Server ................................................................................................................................................... 63
DHCPv6 Server ............................................................................................................................................... 71
DHCP Auto Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 93
DHCP Auto Image Settings .................................................................................................................................. 93
DNS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 94
DNS Global Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 94
DNS Name Server Settings ............................................................................................................................. 95
DNS Host Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 96
NTP Global Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 97
NTP Server Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 98
NTP Status .................................................................................................................................................... 103
IP Source Interface ............................................................................................................................................. 104
File System ......................................................................................................................................................... 105
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Single IP Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 115
MAC Address Table Settings ........................................................................................................................ 133
MAC Address Table ...................................................................................................................................... 135
MAC Notification ............................................................................................................................................ 136
MAC VLAN .................................................................................................................................................... 144
Super VLAN ................................................................................................................................................... 153
Auto Surveillance VLAN ................................................................................................................................ 154
STP Global Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 172
STP Port Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 173
MSTP Port Information .................................................................................................................................. 177
Link Aggregation ................................................................................................................................................. 186
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
L2 Multicast Control ............................................................................................................................................ 191
LLDP Global Settings .................................................................................................................................... 217
LLDP Port Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 219
LLDP Management Address List ................................................................................................................... 220
LLDP-MED Port Settings ............................................................................................................................... 223
LLDP-DCBX Port Settings ............................................................................................................................. 224
LLDP Statistics Information ........................................................................................................................... 224
LLDP Local Port Information ......................................................................................................................... 225
LLDP Neighbor Port Information ................................................................................................................... 227
6. Layer 3 Features ............................................................................................................................................... 229
ARP Aging Time ............................................................................................................................................ 230
IP Forward Protocol ....................................................................................................................................... 242
IP Helper Address ......................................................................................................................................... 242
IPv6 General Prefix ............................................................................................................................................. 250
IP Tunnel Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 250
RIP Distribute List .......................................................................................................................................... 260
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IP Multicast Routing Protocol.............................................................................................................................. 295
BGP Global Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 353
BGP AS Path Access List Settings ............................................................................................................... 366
BGP Community List Settings ....................................................................................................................... 367
BGP Extended Community List Settings ....................................................................................................... 369
ISIS Global Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 391
IP Route Filter ..................................................................................................................................................... 407
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IP Prefix List .................................................................................................................................................. 407
7. Quality of Service (QoS) ................................................................................................................................... 418
Port Default CoS ............................................................................................................................................ 418
Port Scheduler Method .................................................................................................................................. 418
CoS to Queue Mapping ................................................................................................................................. 420
Port Rate Limiting .......................................................................................................................................... 421
Port Trust State and Mutation Binding .......................................................................................................... 425
DSCP CoS Mapping ...................................................................................................................................... 426
CoS Color Mapping ....................................................................................................................................... 427
DSCP Color Mapping .................................................................................................................................... 427
Class Map ...................................................................................................................................................... 428
PFC Port Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 441
WRED Drop Counter ..................................................................................................................................... 444
8. Access Control List (ACL) ............................................................................................................................... 448
Step 4 - Apply Port ........................................................................................................................................ 457
ACL Access List .................................................................................................................................................. 458
Standard IP ACL ............................................................................................................................................ 460
Extended IP ACL ........................................................................................................................................... 461
Standard IPv6 ACL ........................................................................................................................................ 464
Extended MAC ACL ...................................................................................................................................... 468
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
CPU ACL ............................................................................................................................................................ 477
Port Security ....................................................................................................................................................... 480
Port Security Global Settings......................................................................................................................... 480
Port Security Port Settings ............................................................................................................................ 481
Port Security Address Entries........................................................................................................................ 483
802.1X Global Settings .................................................................................................................................. 488
802.1X Port Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 488
Authentication Sessions Information ............................................................................................................. 489
AAA Global Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 492
RADIUS Global Settings ................................................................................................................................ 500
RADIUS Server Settings ............................................................................................................................... 501
RADIUS Group Server Settings .................................................................................................................... 501
TACACS+ Global Settings ............................................................................................................................ 503
TACACS+ Server Settings ............................................................................................................................ 504
TACACS+ Group Server Settings ................................................................................................................. 505
DHCP Server Screening ..................................................................................................................................... 527
DHCP Server Screening Global Settings ...................................................................................................... 527
DHCP Server Screening Port Settings .......................................................................................................... 528
MAC Authentication ............................................................................................................................................ 532
Web-based Access Control ................................................................................................................................ 534
Web Authentication ....................................................................................................................................... 536
WAC Port Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 536
CPU Protect Counters ................................................................................................................................... 545
CPU Protect Sub-Interface ............................................................................................................................ 545
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
CPU Protect Type .......................................................................................................................................... 546
Storm Control ...................................................................................................................................................... 548
DoS Attack Prevention Settings ......................................................................................................................... 550
Zone Defense Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 551
SSH Global Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 552
SSH Server Connection ................................................................................................................................ 554
SSH User Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 554
SSL Global Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 556
SSL Service Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 557
SFTP Server Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 558
CFM Port Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 570
CFM Loopback Test ...................................................................................................................................... 571
DDM Temperature Threshold Settings .......................................................................................................... 584
DDM Voltage Threshold Settings .................................................................................................................. 584
DDM Bias Current Threshold Settings .......................................................................................................... 585
DDM TX Power Threshold Settings .............................................................................................................. 586
DDM RX Power Threshold Settings .............................................................................................................. 586
DDM Status Table ......................................................................................................................................... 587
MPLS LDP Neighbor Information ....................................................................................................................... 594
MPLS Global Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 595
Port Utilization ............................................................................................................................................... 617
History Utilization ........................................................................................................................................... 618
Port ................................................................................................................................................................ 619
CPU Port........................................................................................................................................................ 620
Interface History Counters ............................................................................................................................. 624
sFlow Agent Information ................................................................................................................................ 629
14. Green .................................................................................................................................................................. 635
Power Saving ...................................................................................................................................................... 635
15. Save and Tools ................................................................................................................................................. 638
Save Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 638
Reboot System ................................................................................................................................................... 669
Appendix A - Password Recovery Procedure .......................................................................................................... 671
Appendix B - System Log Entries ............................................................................................................................. 672
Appendix C - Trap Entries .......................................................................................................................................... 711
Appendix D - RADIUS Attributes Assignment ......................................................................................................... 726
Appendix E - IETF RADIUS Attributes Support ........................................................................................................ 729
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
This manual’s feature descriptions are based on t he software release 2.00, running in the MPLS Image (MI) Mode.
The features listed here are the subset of features that are supported by the DGS-3630 Series Switch.
This reference manual is intended for network adm inistrators and other IT networking professionals responsible for
managing the Switch by using the Web User Interface (Web UI). The Web UI is the secondary management interface
to the DGS-3630 Series Switch, which will be generally be referred to simply as the “Switch” within this manual. This
manual is written in a way that assumes that y ou already have the experience and knowledge of Ethernet and modern
networking principles for Local Area Networks.
Other Documentation
The documents below are a further source of information in regards to configuring and trouble shooting the Switch. All
the documents are available either from the CD, bundled with this Switch, or from the D-Link website. Other
documents related to this Switch are:
• DGS-3630 Series Hardware Install ation Guide
• DGS-3630 Series CLI Reference Guide
Convention Description
Boldface Font
Initial capital letterIndicates a window name. Names of keys on the keyboard have initial capitals.
Menu Name > Menu Option
Blue Courier Font
Indicates a button, a toolbar icon, menu, or menu item. For example: Open the
File menu and choose Cancel. Used for emphasis. May also indicate system
messages or prompts appearing on screen. For example: You have mail. Bold
font is also used to represent filenames, prog ram names and commands. For
example: use the copy command.
For example: Click Enter.
Indicates the menu structure. Device > Port > Port Properties means the Port
Properties menu option under the Port menu option that is located under the
Device menu.
This convention is used to represent an example of a screen console display
including example entries of CLI command input with the corresponding output.
Notes, Notices, and Cautions
Below are examples of the three types of indicator s used in this manual. When administering your Switch using t he
information in this document, you should pay special attention to these indicators. Each ex ample below provides an
explanatory remark regarding each type of indicator.
NOTE: A note indicates important information that helps you make better u se of your device.
NOTICE: A notice indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells y ou how to
avoid the problem.
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
CAUTION: A caution indicates a potenti al for property damage, personal injury, or death.
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
2. Web-based Switch Configuration
Management Options
Logging into the Web UI
Web User Interface (Web UI)
Management Options
The Switch provides multiple access platforms that can be used to configure, manage, and monitor networ king
features available on this Switch. Currently there are three management platforms available, which are described
Command Line Interface (CLI)
The Switch can be managed, out-of-band, by using the console port or the MGMT port on the front panel of the Switch.
Alternatively, the Switch can also be managed, in-band, by using a Telnet connection to any of the LAN ports on the
Switch. The command line interface provides complete access to all Switch management features.
Refer to the DGS-3630 Series CLI Reference Guide for more detailed information about the CLI.
SNMP-based Management
The Switch can be managed with an SNMP-compatible Network Management System (NMS ). The S witch supports
SNMP v1/v2c/v3. The SNMP agent on the Swit ch decodes the incoming SNMP messages and res ponds to requests
with MIB objects stored in the database. The SNMP agent on the Switch updates the MIB objects to generate
statistics and counters.
Web User Interface (Web UI)
The Web UI can be accessed from any computer run ning web browsing software from its MGMT port or LAN port
when it is connected to any of the RJ45 or SFP/SFP+ ports. The Web UI on the Switch can also be accessed using an
HTTPS (SSL) connection.
This management interface is a graphical representation of the features that can be viewed and configured on the
Switch. Most of the features available through t he CLI can be accessed through the Web UI. Web bro wsers like
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome can be used.
NOTE: The Command Line Interface (CLI) provides the functionality of m anaging, configuring, and
monitoring all of the software features that are availabl e on the Switch.
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Logging into the Web UI
To access the Web UI open a standard web browser and ent er the IP address of the Switch into the address bar of
the browser and press the ENTER key.
NOTE: The factory default IP address of the Switch is (subnet mask of for
normal ports and (subnet mask of is for the management port.
Figure 2-1 Displays entering the IP address in Intern et Explorer
After pressing the ENTER key, the following aut hentication window should appear, as shown bel ow.
Figure 2-2 Web UI Login Window
When connecting to the Web UI of the Switch for the first time, leave the User Name and Password fields blank and
click Login since there are no login user accounts creat ed by default on the Switch.
NOTE: After a user account was created, login credentials will be required to access the Web UI.
During the sending and receiving of the login pa ssword to and from the Switch, this information
NOTE: The Switch only supports ASCII characters for input values.
will be protected using TLS/SSL to prevent attackers from sno oping this information to gain
unauthorized access to the Switch.
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Web User Interface (Web UI)
The Web UI provides access to various Switch configuration and management windows. It al l ows the user to view
performance statistics, and permits graphical monitoring of the system’s status.
Areas of the User Interface
The figure below shows the user interface. F our distinct areas that divide the user interfa ce, as described in the table.
Area Number Description
NOTE: The best screen resolution for viewing the Web UI is 1280 x 1024 pixel s.
This area displays a graphical, near real-time image of the front panel of the
Switch. This area displays the Switch’s ports and ex pansion modules. It also
shows port activity based on a specific mode. S om e management functions,
including port monitoring, are accessible from here.
Click the D-Link logo to go to the D-Link website.
This area displays a toolbar used to access Save and Tools menus.
This area displays a file explorer-type menu tree with all configurable options.
Select the folder or window to display. Open folders and click the hyperlinked
window buttons and subfolders contained withi n them to display information
pertaining to that category.
In this area, the Switch’s configuration page c an be found, based on the selection
made in AREA 3.
Figure 2-3 Main Web UI Window
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
3. System
Device Information
System Information Settings
Peripheral Settings
Port Configuration
Loopback Test
System Log
Time and SNTP
Time Range
PTP (Precise Time Protocol)
USB Console Settings
Device Information
In the Device Information section, the us er can view a list of basic information regarding the Switch. It appears
automatically when you log on to the Switch. To return to the Device Information window after viewing other windows,
click the DGS-3630-28PC link.
Figure 3-1 Device Information Win dow
System Information Settings
This window is used to display and configure the system information settings and manageme nt interface configuration
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click System > System Information Settings, as shown below:
Figure 3-2 System Information Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in System Information Settings are described below:
Parameter Description
System Name
System Location
System Contact
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Management I nterface are described below:
Parameter Description
IPv4 Address
Subnet Mask
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Enter a system name for the Switch, if so desired. This name will identify it in the
Switch network.
Enter the location of the Switch, if so desired.
Enter a contact name for the Switch, if so desired.
Select to enable or disable the state of the management interface here.
Enter the IPv4 address for this interface here.
Enter the IPv4 subnet mask for this interf ace here.
Enter the gateway IPv4 address for this interf ace here.
Enter the description for the management interface here. This can be up to 64
characters long.
Peripheral Settings
This window is used to display and configure the e nvironment trap settings and environment tem perature threshold
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click System > Peripheral Settings, as shown below:
Figure 3-3 Peripheral Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in Environment Trap Settings a re described below:
Parameter Description
Fan Trap
Power Trap
Temperature Trap
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Environment Temperature Threshold Settings are described below:
Parameter Description
High Threshold
Low Threshold
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Select to enable or disable the fan trap state for waning fan event (fan f ail ed or
fan recover).
Select to enable or disable the power trap state for waning power event (power
failed or power recover).
Select to enable or disable the temperature trap state for warning temperature
event (temperature thresholds exceeded or temperature recover).
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configurati on here.
Select the thermal sensor ID.
Enter the high threshold value of the warning t em perature setting. The range is
from -100 to 200 degrees Celsius. Tick the Default check box to return to the
default value.
Enter the low threshold value of the warning temperature setting. The range is
from -100 to 200 degrees Celsius. Tick the Default check box to return to the
default value.
Port Configuration
Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the Switch’s port settings.
NOTE: The 10M and 100M speed options are only applicable when connecting to the Management
Port (Mgmt 0).
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click System > Port Configuration > Port Settings, as shown below:
Figure 3-4 Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Parameter Description
From Port - To Port
Media Type
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be configured here.
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select the port media type here. Options to choose from are Auto, RJ45, and
SFP. Selecting the SFP option includes the use of SFP+ tran sc ei vers for 10G
Flow Control
Select to enable or disable the physical port state here.
Select to turn flow control On or Off here. Ports configured for full-duplex use
802.3x flow control and Auto ports use an automatic selecti on of the two.
Note: This feature will not work through Switches that are physically stacked.
Link Status Log
Select to enable or disable the link status log function here.
Select the checkbox and enter the description for t he cor responding port here.
This can be up to 64 characters long.
Auto Downgrade
Select to enable or disable the feature to automatically downgrade the advertised
speed in the event that a link cannot be established at the available speed.
Select the Medium Dependent Interface Cros sov er (MDIX) option here. Options to
choose from are:
• Auto - Select this option for auto-sensing of the optimal type of cabling.
• Normal - Select this option for normal cabling. If this option is selected, the
port is in the MDIX mode and can be connected to a PC NIC using a straightthrough cable or a port (in the MDI mode) on another Switch through a crossover cable.
•Cross - Select this option for cross-over cabling. If this option is selected, the
port is in the MDI mode and can be connected t o a port (in the MDIX mode)
on another Switch through a straight cable.
Select the duplex mode used here. Options to choo se from are Auto and Full.
Select the port speed option here. This option will manually force the connection
speed on the selected port to connect at the specifi ed speed only.
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The Master setting will allow the port to advertise capabilities related to duplex,
Parameter Description
speed and physical layer type. The master setting will also determine the master
and slave relationship between the two connected physical layers. This
relationship is necessary for establishing the timing control between the two
physical layers. The timing control is set on a mast er physical layer by a local
The Slave setting uses loop timing, where the timing comes from a data st ream
received from the master. If one connection i s s et for master, the other side of the
connection must be set for slave. Any other configuration will result in a ‘link
down’ status for both ports.
Options to choose from are:
•Auto - Specifies that for copper ports, auto-negotiation wil l st art to negotiate
the speed and flow control with its link partner. F or fiber ports, autonegotiation will start to negotiate the clock a nd flow control with its link
•10M - Specifies to force the port speed to 10 Mbps. This option is only
available for 10 Mbps copper connections.
•100M - Specifies to force the port speed t o 100 M bps. This option is only
available for 100 Mbps copper connections.
•1000M - Specifies to force the port speed t o 1 Gbps. This option is only
available for 1 Gbps fiber connections.
•1000M Master - Specifies to force the port speed to 1 Gbps and operates as
the master, to facilitate the timing of transmit and receive operations. This
Capability Advertised
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
option is only available for 1 Gbps copper connect ions.
•1000M Slave - Specifies to force the port speed t o 1 Gbps and operates as
the slave, to facilitate the timing of transm it and receive operations. This
option is only available for 1 Gbps copper connections.
•10G - Specifies to force the port speed to 10 G bps. This option is only
available for 10 Gbps fiber connections.
•10G Master - Specifies to force the port speed to 10 Gbps and operates as
the master, to facilitate the timing of transmit and receive operations. This
option is only available for 10 Gbps copper connect ions.
•10G Slave - Specifies to force the port speed to 10 Gbps and operates as
the slave, to facilitate the timing of transm i t and receive operations. This
option is only available for 10 Gbps copper connecti ons.
When the Speed is set to Auto, these capabilities are advertised during autonegotiation.
Port Status
This window is used to view the Switch’s physical port status and settings.
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click System > Port Configuration > Port Status, as shown below:
Figure 3-5 Port Status Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Parameter Description
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be displayed here.
This window is used to view active GBIC information found on each applicable physical port of this Switch.
To view the following window, click System > Port Configuration > Port GBIC, as shown below:
Figure 3-6 Port GBIC Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Parameter Description
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this display here.
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Port Auto Negotiation
This window is used to view detailed port auto-negotiation information.
To view the following window, click System > Port Configuration > Port Auto Negotiation, as shown below:
Figure 3-7 Port Auto Negotiation Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Parameter Description
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be displayed here.
Error Disable Settings
This window is used to display and configure the recovery from the Error Disable causes and to configure the recovery
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click System > Port Configuration > Error Disable Settings, as shown below:
Figure 3-8 Error Disable Settings Window
The fields that can be configured for Error Disable Trap Settings are de scribed below:
Parameter Description
Notification Rate
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for Error Disable Recovery Settings are describ ed below:
Parameter Description
ErrDisable Cause
Specifies to enable or disable notifications for e ntering into the error disabled
Specifies to enable or disable notifications for exi ting from the error disabled state.
Enter the notification rate value here. This sets the number of traps per minute.
The packets that exceed the rate will be dropped. The range is from 0 to 1000.
The default value (0) indicates that an SNMP trap will be generated for every
change of the error disabled state.
Select the error disabled cause here. Options to choose from are Port Security,
Storm Control, BPDU Attack Protection, Dynamic ARP Inspection, DHCP
Snooping, Loopback Detect, L2PT Guard, and D-Link Unidirectional Link
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Select to enable or disable the error disabled recovery feature here.
Enter the time, in seconds, to recover the port from th e error state caused by the
specified module. The range is from 5 to 86400.
Jumbo Frame
This window is used to display and configure the jumbo frame size and settings. The Switch supports jumbo fram es.
Jumbo frames are Ethernet frames with more tha n 1,518 bytes of payload. The Switch supports jumbo frames with a
maximum frame size of up to 12,288 bytes.
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click System > Port Configuration > Jumbo Frame, as shown below:
Figure 3-9 Jumbo Frame Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Parameter Description
From Port - To Port
Maximum Receive Frame
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be configured here.
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Enter the maximum receive frame size value her e. This value must be between
64 and 12288 bytes. By default, this value is 1536 by tes.
Interface Description
This window is used to display the status, administrative status, and description of each p ort on the Switch.
To view the following window, click System > Interface Description, as shown below:
Figure 3-10 Interface Description Win dow
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Loopback Test
This window is used to display and configure the loopback settings of the physical port interfaces and to perform
loopback tests.
To view the following window, click System > Loopback Test, as shown below:
Figure 3-11 Loopback Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Parameter Description
From Port - To Port
Loopback Mode
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configurati on here.
Select the appropriate port range used for the conf i guration here.
Select the loopback mode here. Options to choo se f rom are:
• None - Specifies not to enable the loopback mode.
• Internal MAC - Specifies the internal loopback mode at the MAC layer.
• Internal PHY Default - Specifies the internal loopback mode at the PHY
layer to test the default medium.
•Internal PHY Copper - Specifies the internal loopback mode at the PHY
layer to test the copper medium.
•Internal PHY Fiber - Specifies the internal loopback mode at the PHY layer
to test the fiber medium.
• External MAC - Specifies the external loopb ack mode at the MAC layer.
• External PHY Default - Specifies the external loopback mode at the PHY
layer to test the default medium.
•External PHY Copper - Specifies the external loopback mode at the PHY
layer to test the copper medium.
•External PHY Fiber - Specifies the external loopback mode at the PHY layer
to test the fiber medium.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
(PD) which is power-provisioned with a lower priority in order t o release the power
The DGS-3630-28PC and DGS-3630-52PC switches support Power over Ethernet (PoE) as defined by the IEEE
802.3af and 802.3at. All ports can support PoE up to 30W. The Switch ports can supply about 48 VDC power to
Powered Devices (PDs) over Category 5 or Category 3 UTP Ethernet cables. The Switch follows the standard Power
Sourcing Equipment (PSE) pin-out Alternative A , whereby power is sent out over pins 1, 2, 3 and 6. The Swi tches
work with all D-Link 802.3af capable devices.
The Switch includes the following PoE features:
• Auto-discovery recognizes the connection of a PD and automatically sends power to it.
• The auto-disable feature occurs under two conditions:
If the total power consumption exceeds the system power limit
If the per-port power consumption exceeds the per port power limit
• Active circuit protection automatically disables the port if there is a short. Other ports wil l remain active.
Based on IEEE 802.3af/at, power is received and s upplied according to the following classificat ions:
Class Maximum power used by the PD Maximum power supplied by the Switch
12.95 Watts 16.2 Watts
3.84 Watts 4.2 Watts
6.49 Watts 7.4 Watts
12.95 Watts 16.2 Watts
25.5 Watts 31.6 Watts
PoE System
This window is used to configure the PoE system and display the detailed power information and PoE chip parameters
for PoE modules.
To view the following window, click System > PoE > PoE System, as shown below:
Figure 3-12 PoE System Window
The fields that can be configured for PoE System are described below:
Parameter Description
Usage Threshold
Policy Preempt
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be configured here.
Enter the usage threshold to generate a log and send the corresponding standard
notification. The range is from 1 to 99 percent.
Select this option to enable or disable the disconnection of the Powered Device
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
to the new connected PD with higher priority under power shortage conditions.
Parameter Description
Trap State
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Show Detail button to see the PoE system Parameters table at the bottom of the window.
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following window will appear.
Select this option to enable or disable the sending of PoE trap notifications.
Figure 3-13 PoE System (Show Detail) Window
PoE Status
This window is used to configure the description and display the PoE status of each port.
To view the following window, click System > PoE > PoE Status, as shown below:
Figure 3-14 PoE Status Window
The fields that can be configured for PoE Status are described below:
Parameter Description
From Port - To Port
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be configured here.
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Enter the text that describes the PD connected t o a P oE interface. The maximum
length is 32 characters.
DGS-3630 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete Description button to remove the description from the entry.
PoE Configuration
This window is used to display and configure the PoE configuration settings.
NOTE: If the Switch failed to supply power to the IEEE 802.3at Powered Device (PD),
• Check if the PD connected to the port support s the IEEE 802.3at standard
• Manually configure the PoE power limit value to 30 Watts for the corresponding port
To view the following window, click System > PoE > PoE Configuration, as shown below:
Figure 3-15 PoE Configuration Window
The fields that can be configured for PoE Configuration are des cribed below:
Parameter Description
From Port - To Port
Legacy Support
Max Wattage
Time Range
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be configured here.
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select the priority for provisioning power to the port. Options to choose from are
Critical, High and Low.
Select this option to enable or disable the support of legacy PD.
Select the power management mode for the PoE ports. Options to choose from
are Auto and Never.
When selecting Auto in the Mode drop-down list, this option appears. Tick the
check box and enter the maximum wattage of power that can be provisioned to
the auto-detected PD. If the value is not ent ered, the class of the PD automatically
determines the maximum wattage which can be provisioned. The valid range for
maximum wattage is between 1000 mW and 30000 mW.
When selecting Auto in the Mode drop-down list, this option appears. Tick the
check box and enter the name of the time range to determine the activation
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete Time Range button remove the time range association for the entry.
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