DiGiCo Waves MultiRack SoundGrid User Manual

DiGiCo Waves Operation
Waves MultiRack SoundGrid
Outboard Processing Host for Live
Issue B - Sept 2010
DiGiCo Waves Operation
DiGiCo Waves Operation
1.1.1 Welcome...............................................................................1-4
1.1.2 Product Overview ................................................................1-4
2.1 Quick Start Guide ...................................................................... .......1-5
2.1.1 Connect Your Console to the SoundGrid Network...........1-6
2.1.2 Set Preferences and Waves I/O................................... .......1-7
2.1.3 Insert a Rack into a channel ...................................... .......1-11
2.1.4 Rack types: Stereo, Mono, Mono to Stereo ....................1-14
2.1.5 Add Plugins for sound processing..................................1-15
2.1.6 Snapshots ..........................................................................1-16
2.1.7 Create Processing Groups ........................................ .......1-17
2.1.8 Saving in MultiRack Soundgrid................................. .......1-18
2.1.9 Recall Safe Mode...............................................................1-19
2.1.10 Overview Window: Viewing Rack Status.......................1-20
2.1.11 Controlling MultiRack SoundGrid by Touch Turn.........1-21
2.1.12 Show Mode ............................................................... .......1-21
2.1.13 Automatic Recovery ........................................................1-22
3.1 MultiRack SoundGrid Windows and Controls Explained ..... .......1-23
3.1.1 Status Bar.................................................................... .......1-23
3.2 A Quick Look at the Windows................................................. .......1-24
3.3 The Windows in Detail............................................................. .......1-26
3.3.1 MultiRack SoundGrid Window: Setting Up .....................1-26
3.3.2 The Rack Control Strip .....................................................1-27
3.3.3 Selecting Racks and Using Keystroke Commands. .......1-27
3.3.3 Input and Output Sections................................................1-28
3.3.4 Adding Plug-ins to a Rack......................................... .......1-28
3.3.5 Rack View: Using Your Plug-ins.......................................1-28
3.3.6 Waves System Toolbar Buttons................................ .......1-29
3.3.7 Group Properties: Organisation & Time Alignment .......1-29
3.3.8 Snapshot Pane: Automating Your Racks ........................1-31
3.3.9 Global Paste and Recall Safe modes ....................... .......1-31
3.3.10 Preferences Window: Global Controls................... .......1-34
4.1 MultiRack SoundGrid Keyboard Shortcuts ........................... .......1-36
DiGiCo Waves Operation
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Welcome ...............................................................................
Thank you for choosing Waves! In order to get the most out of Waves MultiRack SoundGrid, please take the time to read through this manual.
In conjunction, we also suggest you become familiar with www.wavesupport.net. There you will find an extensive Answer Base, the latest Tech Specs, detailed Installation guides, new Software Updates, and current information on Authorization and Registration.
By signing up at www.wavesupport.net, you will receive personalized information on your registered products, reminders when updates are available, and information on your authorization status.
1.1.2 Product Overview .................................................................
MultiRack SoundGrid is a host platform for Waves audio processing plug-ins, designed especially for live sound applications. It provides a software equivalent to outboard hardware processing Racks, and is integrated with your SD console software.
The Waves package consists of both hardware and software upgrades for the SD Console, and allows users to run low latency Waves plugins on the console. The control of the plugins is full integrated into the SD environment through the MultiRack interface, and the processing for the plugins is handled by a Waves SoundGrid Server.
Waves MultiRack provides the ability to use 16 mono or stereo racks in the SD8 and SD9, and 32 mono or stereo racks in the SD7. Each of the racks can contain a chain of up to 8 plugins.
The Waves SoundGrid system delivers low latency I/O at less than 1ms. Depending on the specific plugins used within each rack, the latency may then increase; some plugins use look-ahead algorithms which inherently add latency, while others may take a few samples to process the audio.
The SoundGrid system connections are all based around Gigabit ethernet network connections using standard CAT5e (or better) network cabling. The connections shown above are as follows :
1. Connection between SoundGrid Server and network switch
2. SD Console PC Network connection to switch. This is used for control data
3. SoundGrid Audio connection from SoundGrid IO Card fitted to console.
Authorisation for the Waves plugins is handled by a Pace iLok. This needs to be inserted into a free USB socket on the console.
DiGiCo Waves Operation
2.1 Quick Start Guide
The Quick Start section contains all you need to know to configure your system and to get up to speed with the application. We will follow these steps as we get started:
1. Connect your console to the SoundGrid network.
2. Set preferences and Waves I/O
3. Insert a Rack into a channel.
4. Add plug-ins for sound processing.
5. Use Snapshots for easy recall of Racks and processors.
6. Organize Racks into groups for ease of operation and latency management.
7. Saving in MultiRack SoundGrid.
8. Recall Safe Mode
9. Overview Window: Viewing the Status of All of Your Racks
10. Controlling MultiRack SoundGrid by Touch-n-Turn
11. Show Mode
12. Automatic Recovery
After the Quick Start chapter is a detailed description of the MultiRack SoundGrid interface, so if you have a question about a particular button, function, or feature, this is the place to look. At the back of this manual, you’ll find details of MultiRack SoundGrid’s keyboard shortcuts.
Follow the steps in the Quick Start guide, and then experiment with a Session of your own. It won’t be long until you’re managing complex concert setups with much greater ease than ever before.
What you need:
1. Waves I/O card: pre-installed in the console
2. Waves qualified SoundGrid Server: A multi-core PC used for real-time audio processing. See a list of Waves-qualifies
servers at http://www.waveslive.com/html/soundgrid-server.aspx Looking for redundancy? Get a second server.
3. Network switch: standard off the shelf Gigabit switch. See a list of Waves-qualifies switches at http:// www.waveslive.com/html/soundgrid-switches.aspx
4. iLok USB Key: Holds the license for the software and provides secure protection for Waves software. The iLok USB key must be connected at all times to the host computer.
5. 2-3 x CAT6/CAT5e network cables: Used to connect all SoundGrid units. Available at your local computer store.
Software and Licenses:
1. MultiRack SoundGrid : Preinstalled
2. SoundGrid Server Software: Free and Preinstalled with Waves SoundGrid Server One or available for purchasing if you use an off-the-shelf server.
Waves Plug-ins: see a list of SoundGrid-compatible plug-ins at http://www.waveslive.com/html/all-plugins.aspx
DiGiCo Waves Operation
2.1.1 Connect Your Console to the SoundGrid Network ..........
Connect the Waves SoundGrid card Ethernet port to a network switch Connect the console’s Ethernet port to the network switch with another network cable Connect SoundGrid server Ethernet port to the network switch with a third network cable For redundancy: connect the second SoundGrid Server’s Ethernet port to the network switch. Connect iLok to USB port on the console.
DiGiCo Waves Operation
2.1.2 Set Preferences and Waves I/O...........................................
After installing the Waves upgrade kit, if an authorised iLok is connected, when the console software first loads, you will see the following window which asks you to select your Plugins folder.
Navigate to D:\Waves\Plugins and click the Select button
The Waves Preferences window will now appear. If the SoundGrid server and network switch are switched on and connected with the appropriate cables, the Waves hardware can defined
in the Audio I/O Device 1 and Server 1. If no Waves hardware is currently connected you can click OK and configure the Preferences later.
DiGiCo Waves Operation
When the Waves option is installed and enabled, the Master Screen Menu’s will include a Waves button. This allows direct access to the Waves MultiRack. The Option button will move to the Setup Menu.
If there is no Waves button on the Master screen then Waves has not yet been enabled. Open the Master screen Options panel which is next to the FX button as indicated above and set the Enable Waves MultiRack option to
"Yes". Then Quit To Windows and relaunch the SD application. The Waves button should now be in the menu bar and the Options button will have moved to the Setup menu as below.
Enable Wave
Press Options
A Session is a collection of Racks, each of which contains plug-in processors. It holds the “architecture” of your setup (input and output routing, how many Racks, in what order, which plug-ins and their order, etc.), as well as Rack I/O levels and plug-in settings. The MultiRack Session file is saved alongside your SD session file and is loaded and saved with it.
DiGiCo Waves Operation
Waves Inputs
Wave s Ou tputs
Creating, Saving and Loading Sessions with Waves
MultiRack SoundGrid will initially open with a default Session offering 16 processing Racks on the SD8 and SD9 consoles, and 32 processing Racks on the SD7.
Whenever an SD session (filename.ses) is saved or loaded, the corresponding Waves MultiRack session is also saved or loaded. Waves sessions take the format “filename.mrxs” and are stored in the same Projects folder as the SD session files. MultiRack mrxs files that have been created independently can be imported directly into Waves MultiRack.
When starting a new session, there is now the option of clearing the Waves Racks, using the Clear Waves button. This will empty the Waves racks of all inserted plugins. Since routing to and from the Waves racks is handled by the SD application, clearing Waves will not clear the routing to the Waves racks.
Configuring a Waves Port
On the console’s menu touch Setup > Audio I/O.From the Setup Menu, open Audio IO. Check ports column on the left, if you don’t see Waves than touch “add port” button and add Waves. Touch Waves port to turn it blue, you will see 2 added columns of 16 Inputs and Outputs on the SD8 or SD9, 32 I/Os on the SD7.
Add a Port
Select an Input or Output Sock
Naming Waves Racks
Waves Racks are named by selecting either an input or output in the Audio I/O panel and then typing the required name into the white Socket Name box
DiGiCo Waves Operation
Waves Preferences
Get started by connecting Waves I/O. Within Waves MultiRack, the connections to the SoundGrid Server (the external Waves processing) and the SoundGrid IO (The option
card fitted to the SD Console) need to be defined. Within MultiRack, press the Window button and select Preferences In the Audio IO Devices, and Servers drop-down lists, select the connected devices. ***
The rest of the Preferences can be set later. For more information, please see “Preferences Window: Global Controls”.
DiGiCo Waves Operation
2.1.3 Insert a Rack into a channel ...............................................
Below are two generic examples of how you can use Waves plug-ins in your session, as an Insert and through an Aux.
Example 1: Assigning Waves Plugins to a Channels Insert
- Open Channel view by pressing the console’s “Screen Assign” Left or Right button.
- Select the desired channel, then touch Insert area to open sub-menu.
- Touch Insert A to open routing.
Set Routing
- In the Ports column, choose Waves.
- Choose the desired Signal Group.
- Under Signals, choose the desired Waves I/O.
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