DiGiCo SD7T Operation Manual

Appendix 2 - SD7T Operation
SD7 Operation Manual
Appendix 2:
SD7T Operation
For Software Versions 2.1.223+
Appendix 2 - SD7T Operation
A2.1 Overview .......................................................................................A2-3
A2.2 New General Features (Not SD7T Specific)................................A2-3
A2.2.2 Global Set To Defaults............................................ .......A2-3
A2.2.3 Security.................................................................... .......A2-4
A2.2.4 Additional MIDI Functionality................................. .......A2-5
A2.2.5 Options .................................................................... .......A2-6
A2.3 Features Specific to SD7T ...........................................................A2-7
A2.3.1 Auto Update Explained........................................... .......A2-7
A2.3.2 Options - Additional Theatre Tab .......................... .......A2-7
A2.3.3 Channel Sets ........................................................... .......A2-8
A2.3.4 Control Group Cues................................................ .......A2-8
A2.3.5 Channel Cues .......................................................... .......A2-9
A2.3.6 Creating Aliases.................................................... .......A2-12
A2.3.7 Module Cues ......................................................... .......A2-13
A2.3.8 Cue List Text Style & Colour................................ .......A2-14
A2.3.9 Matrix Nodal Delays.............................................. .......A2-15
Appendix 2 - SD7T Operation
A2.1 Overview
This Appendix should be read in conjunction with the standard SD7 User Manual and SD7 Appendix 1 (Mach 2 Operation) It contains details of additional features added to SD7T software versions.
A2.2 New General Features (Not SD7T Specific)
A2.2.1 LCR Busses........................................................................
When a channel is routed to the LCR Master, the centre component of the signal can be adjusted. This is the Blend control found on every input channel, and is a 2nd Function of the Pan Control.
The Blend control varies the amount of signal sent to the Centre leg of the LCR buss. When adjusted to LR (fully anti-clockwise), a centre panned signal only goes to the L & R components of the LCR buss. When adjusted to LCR (fully clockwise), a centre panned signal only goes to the C component of the LCR buss. Adjustments between these two extremes varies the ratio of L/R and C levels.
A2.2.2 Global Set To Defaults ......................................................
The Global Set to Defaults Panel allows global settings to be applied to the console. Open the Global Set to Defaults Panel from the Files Menu. Select the Channel type from the list on the left side of the panel, and then
select the operation to perform from the available functions. An undo function is provided which undoes all changes since the panel was opened. Once the Global Default Panel is closed, changes
cannot be undone.
Appendix 2 - SD7T Operation
A2.2.3 Security...............................................................................
Security modes are now implemented, with a choice of three modes of operation :
Setup : Users have full access to every function on the console. Live : Access to elements of the console can be limited, and password protected. Unattended : The console is locked, and cannot be operated.
User passwords can be defined for the Live and Unattended modes. To set a password, press the Set Password button. Enter the old password, then enter the new password twice.
By default, the passwords are blank. If you should forget your password, call your Distributor to obtain a reset password. Entering the master override password will delete all of
the user-set passwords, allowing new passwords to be set.
To modify restrictions in Live mode, press the Set Live Restrictions button in the Security Panel. A range of options are provided, and the channel list can be expanded with a scope per controller, per channel.
A Tick indicates access allowed. A Cross indicates the item will be locked when the console is place in Live mode.
In the above example, we can see that the Live mode scope restricts access to all the Input devices, The Matrix output Channels, changing the session structure, the audio I/O devices, the Audio Sync settings, and stops the user Quitting to Windows.
Appendix 2 - SD7T Operation
A2.2.4 Additional MIDI Functionality...........................................
MIDI Devices panel
PC Column : Sets range of MIDI Program Change messages. A value of 1 sends PC messages in the range 1 – 128. A value of 0 sends PC messages in the range 0 – 127.
chng Column : If a Y is entered into this column, Program Change messages will only be transmitted if the value to be sent is different to the last value sent on that MIDI channel. Leaving the chng column blank will ensure that PC messages are always sent for that channel, regardless of the last transmitted value.
Clear PC : Under normal circumstances, Program Change Messages are only transmitted when a value changes. By pressing the Clear PC button, it ensures that all Program Change messages will be sent on the firing of the next cue, even if the value has not changed from the firing of the previous cue.
MIDI Program Panel : Now includes a Ripple Down Function.
When entering PC messages with the Ripple Down Function enabled, the same PC message is written to the subsequent Cues, until a change of state (a different PC message) is reached.
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