DENVER SHA-150 – Smart alarm system
With included IP camera

1. Included in the package is:
1 x control panel, 1 x keypad, 1 x PIR motion sensor, 1 x door/window sensor, 1 x remote controls, 1 x
passive RFID tag, 1 x IP camera, 1 x burglar preventive warning sign, 3 x burglar preventive warning
All the accessories are paired with the control panel, except the IP camera.
2. Design

3. Get started
Download the app called “DENVER SMART HOME” on your smart phone. It is available on Appstore and
Google play.
The app will ask you to register a user. Please do this by using your mobile number or email address, and
then log into the app. You will be asked to create a “family”. This is to make it easy to have several systems
in the app at the same time.
Now you need to add the alarm system to the app.
First, unpack control panel and all accessories, make sure to pull out any battery savers and turn on the
control panel by pushing the power switch (use a pen or a toothpick or similar small product to push the
power switch)
Push “Add Device”, go to “Others” and choose “Wi-Fi connector!, and follow on screen instructions. It will
guide you through the whole setup.