Denon DVD-757 User Manual

Ver 2.02
Date : Nov.29.2005 1 page of 46
Serial Interface DVD
Rev. Date N Name Remarks
2.00 21.Nov.2005 First Issue
2.01 29.Nov.2005
2.02 5.Dec.2005
Copyright 2005 DENON Co.,Ltd.
Ver 2.02
Date : Nov.29.2005 2 page of 46
1 SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE ................................................................................................ 3
1.1 PHYSICAL INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................................3
1.2 TRANSFER FORMAT OF SERIAL DATA .................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 COMMAND FORMAT AND ANSWER FORMAT......................................................................................................... 4
1.4 PROTOCOL FOR DATA TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION ..................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 Basic procedure................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.4.2 Communication errors .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 COMMAND / ANSWER SEQUENCE ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.6 LIST OF COMMAND CODES .................................................................................................................................. 10
1.7 LIST OF ANSWER CODES ..................................................................................................................................... 11
1.8 LIST OF STATUS CODES....................................................................................................................................... 11
1.9 COMMAND SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................................................... 12
1.9.1 Power ON....................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.9.2 Power OFF .....................................................................................................................................................13
1.9.3 Request System Status ................................................................................................................................ 14
1.9.4 Play .................................................................................................................................................................. 16
1.9.5 Stop.................................................................................................................................................................. 17
1.9.6 Pause................................................................................................................................................................ 18
1.9.7 Skip.................................................................................................................................................................. 19
1.9.8 Slow /Search....................................................................................................................................................20
1.9.9 Setup................................................................................................................................................................ 22
1.9.10 Top Menu .................................................................................................................................................... 23
1.9.11 Menu............................................................................................................................................................. 24
1.9.12 Return...........................................................................................................................................................25
1.9.13 Audio.............................................................................................................................................................26
1.9.14 Subtitle......................................................................................................................................................... 27
1.9.15 Angle............................................................................................................................................................. 28
1.9.16 Direct Select................................................................................................................................................29
1.9.17 Cursor........................................................................................................................................................... 30
1.9.18 Enter............................................................................................................................................................. 31
1.9.19 SACD Layer Selsect .................................................................................................................................... 32
1.9.20 Disc Select.................................................................................................................................................... 33
1.9.21 Disc Skip.......................................................................................................................................................34
1.9.22 Request CPU Version................................................................................................................................ 35
1.9.23 Request Error status................................................................................................................................. 36
1.9.24 Request Disc status..................................................................................................................................... 37
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1 Serial communication interface
Physical interface
Arrangement of connector signals
Terminal # Signal I /O
1 GND ­2 TxD O 3 RxD I 4 NC ­5 S.GROUND ­6 NC ­7 NC ­8 NC ­9 NC -
Transfer format of serial data
- Interface : As per RS-232C or RS-422A
- Communication system : Half-duplex communication
- Data transfer mode : Start stop synchronization
- Transfer rate : 9,600bps
- Start bit ( ST ) : 1 bit
- Data bit ( b0-b7 ) : 8 bits
- Parity ( P ) : Even number
- Stop bit ( SP ) : 1 bit
- Transfer data : ASCII code
- Control characters : STX (02h) ETX (03h) ETB (17h) NAK (15h)
ST SPb0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 P
11 / 9600 ( sec )
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Command format and answer format
This unit shall be based on commands each of which consists of a data row ( some commands are without a PC ) composed of command codes ( CC ) and parameter codes ( PC ) . The trans-mitting station shall be designed to send block check characters ( BCC ) following ETX, with the data row enclosed in STX ( text start : 02h ) and ETX ( text termination : 03h ) . The receiving station shall regard receipt of BCC as the completion of command reception when it has received STX.
Here are the formats.
Commands : <STX> <CC> <PC0> <PC1> <PC2> <---------> <PCn> <ETX> <BCCH> <BCCL>
STX (Start of TeXt) : 02h CC (Command Code) : Command code PC (Parameter Code) : Defined for each command ( contents and number of parameters ) ETX (End of TeXt) : 03h BCC (Block Check Character) : CC + PC0 + PC1 + PC2 + --------------- + PCn + ETX = XYh (Each of X and Y is 4 bit long ) X , Y=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F BCCH ( high-level byte ) = X as converted to an ASCII code BCCL ( low-level byte ) = Y as converted to an ASCII code
Answers : <STX> <RC> <AC> <PC0> <PC1> <PC2> <--------> <PCn> <ETX> <BCCH> <BCCL>
STX (Start of TeXt) : 02h RC (Reply Code) : Reply code (=Command code) AC (Answer Code) : Answer code PC (Parameter Code) : Defined for each command ( contents and number of parameters ) ETX (End of TeXt) : 03h BCC (Block Check Character) : RC +AC + PC0 + PC1 + PC2 + ------------- + PCn + ETX = XYh (Each of X and Y is 4 bit long) X , Y=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F BCCH ( high-level byte ) = X as converted to an ASCII code BCCL ( low-level byte ) = Y as converted to an ASCII code
Protocol for data transmission and reception
This unit is based on half-duplex communication. The unit shall therefore transmit commands and receive answers according to the following procedure.
Basic procedure
The host shall select commands for this unit and transmit them to this unit. Command
interval time is MIN 40µsec.
Having issued a command, the host shall receive an answer from this unit, then issue
the next command.
The host shall analyze the RC, AC, and PC as answers given and decide whether the
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command has been normally executed.
The host shall give an answer to a command that gives operational instructions, then
issue a status request command, and decide whether this unit has finished operating with regard to the command that gives operational instructions.
The time from the start of command transmission to the end of command transmission
should be max 40 msec.
The time from the completion of command transmission to the start of answer-back is
MAX.60 m
This unit cannot receive any commands for about 5 seconds after the power switch is
turnied on.
Communication errors
Having received a command, which results in a communication error ( overrun, framing, or parity error ) , this unit shall give NAK ( 15h ) . ( MAX 80ms from the start of command transmission )
If the host has received NAK from this unit, it shall retransmit the command that it has transmitted immediately beforehand.
Having received an answer, which results in a communication error ( overrun, framing, or parity error ) , the host shall respond with NAK.
If it has received NAK from the host, this unit shall retransmit the answer it has transmitted immediately beforehand. ( MAX 40ms)
When there is no answer from the unit within 80 m command.
6s, the host shall retransmit the
Copyright 2005 DENON Co.,Ltd.
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1 SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE ................................................................................................3
1.1 PHYSICAL INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................................3
1.2 TRANSFER FORMAT OF SERIAL DATA .................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 COMMAND FORMAT AND ANSWER FORMAT......................................................................................................... 4
1.4 PROTOCOL FOR DATA TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION ..................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 Basic procedure................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.4.2 Communication errors .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 COMMAND / ANSWER SEQUENCE ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.6 LIST OF COMMAND CODES .................................................................................................................................. 10
1.7 LIST OF ANSWER CODES ..................................................................................................................................... 11
1.8 LIST OF STATUS CODES....................................................................................................................................... 11
1.9 COMMAND SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................................................... 12
1.9.1 Power ON ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.9.2 Power OFF ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
1.9.3 Request System Status ................................................................................................................................ 14
1.9.4 Play .................................................................................................................................................................. 16
1.9.5 Stop ..................................................................................................................................................................17
1.9.6 Pause................................................................................................................................................................ 18
1.9.7 Skip .................................................................................................................................................................. 19
1.9.8 Slow /Search .................................................................................................................................................... 20
1.9.9 Setup................................................................................................................................................................ 22
1.9.10 Top Menu .................................................................................................................................................... 23
1.9.11 Menu............................................................................................................................................................. 24
1.9.12 Return...........................................................................................................................................................25
1.9.13 Audio.............................................................................................................................................................26
1.9.14 Subtitle......................................................................................................................................................... 27
1.9.15 Angle............................................................................................................................................................. 28
1.9.16 Direct Select................................................................................................................................................29
1.9.17 Cursor........................................................................................................................................................... 30
1.9.18 Enter............................................................................................................................................................. 31
1.9.19 SACD Layer Selsect .................................................................................................................................... 32
1.9.20 Disc Select.................................................................................................................................................... 33
1.9.21 Disc Skip.......................................................................................................................................................34
1.9.22 Request CPU Version................................................................................................................................ 35
1.9.23 Request Error status................................................................................................................................. 36
1.9.24 Request Disc status..................................................................................................................................... 37
Copyright 2005 DENON Co.,Ltd.
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Date : Nov.29.2005 1 page of 46
Serial Interface DVD-757/1930CI
Rev. Date N Name Remarks
2.00 21.Nov.2005 First Issue
2.01 29.Nov.2005
2.02 5.Dec.2005
Copyright 2005 DENON Co.,Ltd.
Ver 2.01
Date : Nov.29.2005 8 page of 46
3) When a command with an answer parameter is normally received ( unit ) and an
answer is abnormally received ( host )
Command Transmitted
Error Check OK
Error Check NG
Answer Transmitted
6 0ms
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4) When a command with an answer parameter is normally received ( unit ) and an
answer is normally received with ETB ( host )
Command Transmitted
Error Check OK
MAX 5s
Answer Transmitted
Error Check OK
Copyright 2005 DENON Co.,Ltd.
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List of command codes
Here is a list of command code types. 2Xh: POWER control command 3Xh: Command related to the acquisition of player information ( such as status and name ) 4Xh~5Xh: Operation instruction command to the player
No. Command Code (ASCII) Operation
1 Power ON 20h ([SP]) Power-on request from the standby state 2 Power OFF 21h (!) Power-off request
3 Request System Status 30h (0)
4 Request CPU Version 31h (1) Acquires the CPU version. 5 Request Error Status 32h (2) Acquires the error code when an error is occurred. 6 Request Disc Status 33h (3)
7 Play 40h (@) Starts playback. 8 Stop 41h (A) Stops playback.
9 Pause 42h (B) Requests a pause. 10 Skip 43h (C) Moves to another group or title or chapter or track 11 Slow /Search 44h (D) Scan 12 Setup 45h (E) Common procedures of initial setting 13 Top Menu 46h (F) Playback top menu screen 14 Menu 47h (G) Playback Menu screen 15 Return 48h (H) Return 16 Audio 49h (I) Audio setting 17 Subtitle 4Ah (J) Subtitle setting 18 Angle 4Bh (K) Angle setting 19 Direct Select 4Ch (L) Music search mode 20 Cursor 4Dh (M) Moves cursor screen 21 Enter 4Eh (N) Decision 22 SACD Layer Select 4Fh (O) SACD Layer search mode 23 Disc Select 50h (P) Disc search mode 24 Disc Skip 51h (Q) Moves to another Disc
Acquires system status ( such as the entire player and transfer unit ) .
Disk number information is obtained.
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List of answer codes
No. Status Code (ASCII) Description
1 Command OK 20h (SP) Accepts the command.
2 Invalid 30h (0) Invalid command.
3 Format Error 31h (1) Inappropriate command format.
4 Order Track None 32h (2)
5 Order Time None 33h (3) The time you specified does not exist.
The track , the group ,the title or the chapter you specified does not exist.
List of status codes
Here is a list of answer code types. 3Xh : Status of the entire system 4Xh : Status of each action mode
No. Status Code (ASCII) Description
1 Stand-by 30h (0) Stand-by
2 Disc Loading 31h (1) Under disc loading.
3 Disc Loading Complete 32h (2) Disc Loading complete.
4 Tray Opening 33h (3) Disc tray open.
5 Tray Closing 34h (4) Disc tray close.
6 No Disc 41h (A) Disc not present
7 Stop 42h (B) Stop
8 Play 43h (C) Under disc playing.
9 Pause 44h (D) Playback in process. 10 Scan Play 45h (E) Scanning in process. 11 Slow Search Play 46h (F) Slow scanning in process. 12 Setup 47h (G) Setup mode 13 Play Back Control 48h (H) Play Back Control scannig in process 14 DVD Resume Stop 49h (I) Resume stop condition 15 DVD Menu 4Ah (J) DVD menu playback in process
Digital Interface Receive
4Bh (K) Under DAC Mode
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1.9 Command specification
When this unit is set to be compatible with all commands and fails to accept a command
( due to a communication error, for example ) , it returns NAK ( 15h ) as an answer.
1.9.1 Power ON
This requests a power-on from the standby state.
byte \ bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 STX ( 02h ) 1 Command code ( ' SP ') 2 Reserve ( 00h ) 3 Reserve ( 00h ) 4 Reserve ( 00h ) 5 Reserve ( 00h ) 6 ETX ( 03h ) 7 BCCH ( high-level ) 8 BCCL ( low-level )
Answers returned
byte \ bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 STX ( 02h ) 1 Reply code ( ' SP ') 2 Answer code
17 ETX ( 03h ) 18 BCCH ( high-level ) 19 BCCL ( low-level )
Special condition
When power condition is “STANDBY”, can accept “OPEN /CLOSE KEY”, “PLAY KEY”,
and “POWER ON KEY” on the front panel and on the IR remote controler.
Master player type
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Power OFF
This requests a transfer from power-on to a standby state.
byte \ bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 STX ( 02h ) 1 Command code ( ' ! ') 2 Reserve ( 00h ) 3 Reserve ( 00h ) 4 Reserve ( 00h ) 5 Reserve ( 00h ) 6 ETX ( 03h ) 7 BCCH ( high-level ) 8 BCCL ( low-level )
Answers returned
byte \ bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 STX ( 02h ) 1 Reply code ( ' ! ') 2 Answer code 3 ETX ( 03h ) 4 BCCH ( high-level ) 5 BCCL ( low-level )
Special condition
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Request System Status
This status requests the DVD playing information .
byte \ bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 STX ( 02h ) 1 Command code ( ' 0 ') 2 Reserve ( 00h ) 3 Reserve ( 00h ) 4 Reserve ( 00h ) 5 Reserve ( 00h ) 6 ETX ( 03h ) 7 BCCH ( high-level ) 8 BCCL ( low-level )
Answers returned
byte \ bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 STX ( 02h ) 1 Reply code ( ' 0 ') 2 Answer code 3 Disc type code ( *1 ) 4 Audio format code ( *2 ) 5 Audio channel code ( *3 ) 6 Dialog code ( *4 ) 7 Subtitle code ( *5 ) 8 Angle code ( *6 )
9 Status code 10 Play mode code ( *7 ) 11 Group or Title number information (10 digits) 12 Group or Title number information (1 digits) 13 Track or Chapter number information (100 digits) 14 Track or Chapter number information (10 digits) 15 Track or Chapter number information (1 digits) 16 Time mode ( *8 ) 17 Elapsed time (hour, 10 digits) 18 Elapsed time (hour, 1 digits) 19 Elapsed time (minutes, 10 digits) 20 Elapsed time (minutes, 1 digits) 21 Elapsed time (second, 10 digits) 22 Elapsed time (second, 1 digits) 23 ETX ( 03h ) 24 BCCH ( high-level ) 25 BCCL ( low-level )
(*1) Disc type code (*2) Audio format code (*3) Audio channel code (*4) Dialog
Code Disc Type Code Audio Format Code Audio Channel Code Dialog
31h (1) DVD VIDEO 31h (1) DOLBY DIGITAL 31h (1) 1 ch 31h (1) JPN 32h (2) DVD AUDIO 32h (2) DTS 32h (2) 2 ch 32h (2) ENG 33h (3) VCD 33h (3) MPEG 33h (3) 2.1 ch 33h (3) FRA 34h (4) CD-DA 34h (4) LPCM 34h (4) 3 ch 34h (4) DEU 35h (5) ROM 35h (5) PPCM 35h (5) 3.1 ch 35h (5) ITA 36h (6) UNKNOWN 36h (6) UNKNOWN 36h (6) 4 ch 36h (6) ESP 37h (7) SACD 38h (8) DVD-VR
37h (7) DSD
37h (7) 4.1 ch 38h (8) 5 ch 39h (9) 5.1 ch
3Ah (: ) 6 ch
3Bh (;) L /R (CD/VCD/MP3) 3Bh( ; ) UNKNOWN 3Ch (<) R (CD/CD/MP3) 3Dh (=) L (CD/VCD/MP3)
37h (7) NLD 38h (8) CHI 39h (9) RUS
3Ah( : ) KOR
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