100 Corporate Drive Mahwah, NJ 07430
Service Bulletin
No. : OST-F1174
May 25, 2007
Model: DVD-5910, DVD-5910CI
Subject: Countermeasure to improve the electrostatic resistance of
Component Video Amplifier LT1399CS on GU-3654 VIDEO1 UNIT.
Symptom: There is no Video signal output when the Component Video Output
is connected via the BNC Connector.
that the malfunction does not occur.
MODIFICATION: (Upon repair) Replace the IC on the Component Video Unit if
the IC has been damaged. Then, apply the following modification to your
customer's unit upon repair.
The Unit to be modified: GU-3654 VIDEO1 UNIT 6-2.
MODIFICATION PROCEDURES: Refer to the attached page, and attach the
above Diodes to 6 (blank) places where the reference numbers C255, C256,
C257, C258, C259 and C260 have been printed on the P. W. Board.
The circuit on the Component Video Unit has been corrected so
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