Dell TP713 Wireless Touchpad
Owner’s Manual
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Setup: Dell™ TP713 Wireless Touchpad
System Requirements
The following is a list of system requirements:
One USB port (for the USB Receiver)
Microsoft Windows 7 and 8.
Contents of the Box
Note: Insert documents vary according to shipping country’s requirements.
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Setting Up
Step 1: Install the Batteries in your Wireless Touchpad
Step 2: Connect the USB Receiver to Computer
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Features: Dell TP713 Wireless Touchpad
Front View
1 LED Indicator Indicates the status of Power on and when battery is low.
White (solid) – Fade on = 1 sec.
On = 10 sec.
Fade off = 1 sec.
Amber (flashing) – Battery charge is < 15% power.
2 Primary Click Tracking Area
3 Right Click For right-handed use
4 Left Click For right-handed use
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Back View
1. Power switch
2. Battery compartment
3. Product Model Number: TP713
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