Energy-ecient 10GBASE-T top-of-rack switch optimized for data center eciency
The Dell EMC PowerSwitch S4048T-ON switch isthe industry’s
latest data center networking solution,empowering organizations
to deploy modern workloads and applications designed for the open
networking era.
Businesses who have made the transition away frommonolithic
proprietary mainframe systems to industry standard server platforms
can now enjoy even greaterbenets from Dell Technologies’ open
networking platforms. Byusing industry-leading hardware and
a choice of leading network operating systems to simplify data
centerfabric orchestration and automation, organizations cantailor
their network to their unique requirements andaccelerate innovation.
These new oerings provide the needed exibility to transform data
centers. High-capacity network fabrics are cost-eective and easy to
deploy, providing a clear path to the software-dened data center of
the future with no vendor lock-in.The S4048T-ON supports the open
source Open Network Install Environment (ONIE) for zero-touch
installation of alternate network operating systems, including feature
rich Dell EMC Networking OS9 and Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10.
High density 1/10G BASE-T switch
The Dell EMC PowerSwitch S-Series S4048T-ON is ahigh-density
100M/1G/10G/40GbE top-of-rack (ToR)switch purpose-built
for applications in high-performancedata center and computing
environments. Leveraginga non-blocking switching architecture, the
S4048T-ONdelivers line-rate L2 and L3 forwarding capacity within
aconservative power budget. The compact S4048T-ONdesign
provides industry-leading density of 48 dual-speed 1/10G BASE-T
(RJ45) ports, as well as six 40GbE QSFP+up-links to conserve
valuable rack space and simplify themigration to 40Gbps in the
data center core. Each 40GbE QSFP+ up-link can also support four
10GbE (SFP+)ports with a breakout cable. In addition, the S4048TONincorporates multiple architectural features that optimize
data center network exibility, eciency and availability,including I/O
panel to PSU airow or PSU to I/O panelairow for hot/cold aisle
environments, and redundant, hot-swappable power supplies and
fans. S4048T-ON supportsfeature-rich Dell EMC Networking OS9
and Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10, VLT, network virtualizationfeatures
such as VRF-lite, VXLAN Gateway and support for Dell Embedded
Open Automation Framework.
• The S4048T-ON is the only switch in the industry that supports
traditional network-centric virtualization (VRF) and hypervisor
centric virtualization (VXLAN). The switch fully supports L2
VXLAN gateway function and has hardware support for L3
VXLAN routing.
• The S4048T-ON also supports Dell Technologies’ Embedded
Open Automation Framework, which provides enhanced network
automation and virtualization capabilities for virtual data center
• The Open Automation Framework comprises a suite of
interrelated network management tools that can be used
together or independently to provide a network that is exible,
available and manageable while helping to reduce operational
Key applications
Dynamic data centers ready to make the transition to softwaredened environments
• High-density 10Gbase-T ToR server access in high-performance
data center environments
• Lossless iSCSI storage deployments that can benet from
innovative iSCSI & DCB optimizations that are unique only to Dell
Networking switches
• When running the Dell EMC Networking OS9, Active Fabric™
implementation for large deployments in conjunction with
the Dell EMC Z-Series, creating a at, two-tier, nonblocking
10/40GbE data center network design:
• High-performance SDN/OpenFlow 1.3 enabled with
ability to inter-operate with industry standard OpenFlow
• As a high speed VXLAN Layer 2 Gateway that connects
the hypervisor based ovelray networks with nonvirtualized
Key features - general
• 48 dual-speed 1/10GbE (SFP+) ports and six 40GbE(QSFP+)
uplinks (totaling 72 10GbE ports withbreakout cables) with OS
• 1.44Tbps (full-duplex) non-blocking switching fabricdelivers linerate performance under full load with sub600ns latency
I/O panel to PSU airow or PSU to I/O panel airow
• Supports the open source ONIE for zero-touchinstallation of
alternate network operating systems
• Redundant, hot-swappable power supplies and fans
• Low power consumption
• Support for multi-tenancy lilke VXLAN and NVGREin hardware

Key features with Dell EMC Networking OS9
• Scalable L2 and L3 Ethernet switching with QoS anda full
complement of standards-based IPv4 and IPv6features,
including OSPF, BGP and PBR (Policy BasedRouting) support
• VRF-lite enables sharing of networking infrastructureand
provides L3 trac isolation across tenants
• Increase VM Mobility region by stretching L2 VLANwithin or
across two DCs with unique VLT capabilitieslike Routed VLT, VLT
Proxy Gateway
• VXLAN gateway functionality support for bridging
thenonvirtualized and the virtualized overlay networks withline
rate performance
• Embedded Open Automation Framework addingautomated
conguration and provisioning capabilitiesto simplify the
management of network environments
• Supports Puppet agent for DevOps
• Modular Dell EMC Networking OS software deliversinherent
stability as well as enhanced monitoring andserviceability
• Enhanced mirroring capabilities including 1:4local
mirroring,Remote Port Mirroring (RPM), and
EncapsulatedRemote Port Mirroring (ERPM).
• Rate shapingcombined with ow based mirroring enables the
user toanalyze ne grained ows
• Jumbo frame support for large data transfers
• 128 link aggregation groups with up to 16 members pergroup,
using enhanced hashing
• Converged network support for DCB, with priorityow control
(802.1Qbb), ETS (802.1Qaz), DCBx andiSCSI TLV
• S4048T-ON supports RoCE and Routable RoCEto enable
convergence of compute and storage onActive Fabric
• User port stacking support for up to six units and uniquemixed
mode stacking that allows stacking of S4048-ONwith S4048TON to provide combination of 10G SFP+ and RJ45 ports in a
1/10G BASE-T cabling distances
Cable Type 1G BASE-T 10G BASE-T
Cat 6 UTP 100m (330 ft) 55m (180 ft)
Cat 6 STP 100m (330 ft) 100m (330 ft)
Cat 6A UTP 100m (330 ft) 100m (330 ft)
Cat 7 100m (330 ft) 100m (330 ft)
Product Description
Redundant power supplies
S4048T, 48x 10GBASE-T, 6x QSFP+, 2x AC PSU, 2x fans, I/O Panel to PSU Airow
S4048T, 48x 10GBASE-T, 6x QSFP+, 2x AC PSU, 2x fans, PSU to I/O Panel Airow
S4048T, AC Power Supply, I/O Panel to PSU Airow
S4048T, AC Power Supply, PSU to I/O Panel Airow
S4048T Fan Module, I/O Panel to PSU Airow
S4048T Fan Module, PSU to I/O Panel Airow
Transceiver,40GE QSFP+ Short Reach Optic,850nm wavelength,100-150m reach on OM3/OM4
Transceiver, 40GbE QSFP+ ESR, 300m reach on OM3 / 400m on OM4
Transceiver, 40GbE QSFP+ PSM4 with 1m pigtail to male MPO SMF, 2km reach
Transceiver, 40GbE QSFP+ PSM4 with 5m pigtail to male MPO SMF, 2km reach
Transceiver, 40GbE QSFP+ PSM4 with 15m pigtail to male MPO SMF, 2km reach
Transceiver, 40GbE QSFP+ LR4, 10km reach on SMF
Transceiver, 40GbE QSFP+ to 1G Cu SFP adapter, QSA
1 meter QSFP+ to QSFP+ OM3 MTP Fiber Cable. Requires QSFP+ Optics
3 meter QSFP+ to QSFP+ OM3 MTP Fiber Cable. Requires QSFP+ Optics
5 meter QSFP+ to QSFP+ OM3 MTP Fiber Cable. Requires QSFP+ Optics
7 meter QSFP+ to QSFP+ OM3 MTP Fiber Cable. Requires QSFP+ Optics
10 meter QSFP+ to QSFP+ OM3 MTP Fiber Cable. Requires QSFP+ Optics
25 meter QSFP+ to QSFP+ OM3 MTP Fiber Cable. Requires QSFP+ Optics
50 meter QSFP+ to QSFP+ OM3 MTP Fiber Cable. Requires QSFP+ Optics
75 meter QSFP+ to QSFP+ OM3 MTP Fiber Cable. Requires QSFP+ Optics
100 meter QSFP+ to QSFP+ OM3 MTP Fiber Cable. Requires QSFP+ Optics
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