Dell Precision Tower 3620 User Manual

Intel Ready Mode Technology
An Intel® Ready Mode Technology (RMT) Desktop/All-in-One PC has the following characteristics:
Instantly ready - No waiting, your desktop and apps ready in a flash
Always valuable - Your PC is an essential, integrated part your life – from storing and sharing digital
memories to connecting with friends
Always current - Your PC stays active with app and social media updates, real-time alerts while consuming minimal power
Regulatory compliance - Meets applicable regulatory requirements for an always-on desktop/All-in-One PC
Intel Ready Mode Technology is a replacement for Windows Sleep (S3) and is designed to achieve the above characteristics.
On Intel RMT-enabled systems, the S3 entry triggers:
Power button press
Sleep Human Interface Device (HID) button press
Operating System idle timer
Windows Menu call to Sleep
Windows API request to Sleep
Will be overwritten and directed to Intel RMT.
In Intel RMT, the operating system is fully functional with the screen OFF, and integrated devices and components
tuned for low power.
For more information, see:
Intel Ready Mode Technology - Features:­technology.html?wapkw=intel+ready+mode
Intel Ready Mode Technology - Setup and Configuration Guide:
Intel Ready Mode Technology - Sync Apps to PC:­technology-brief.html?wapkw=intel+ready+mode
Intel Ready Mode Technology - Frequently Asked Questions:
Intel Ready Mode Technology - Troubleshooting Guide:
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