Reprodukcia týchto materiálov akýmkoľvek spôsobom bez písomného súhlasu spoločnosti Dell Inc. je prísne
Ochranné známky v tomto texte:
Latitude™, Latitude ON™, OptiPlex™, Vostro™ a Wi-Fi Catcher™ sú ochrannými známkami spoločnosti Dell
Inc. Intel®, Pentium®, Xeon®, Core™, Atom™, Centrino® a Celeron® sú registrovanými ochrannými
známkami a ochrannými známkami spoločnosti Intel Corporation v USA a iných krajinách. AMD® je
registrovaná ochranná známka a AMD Opteron™, AMD Phenom™, AMD Sempron™, AMD Athlon™,
ATI Radeon™ a ATI FirePro™ sú ochranné známky spoločnosti Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Microsoft®,
Windows®, MS-DOS®, Windows Vista®, tlačidlo Štart Windows Vista a Office Outlook® sú buď ochranné
známky alebo registrované ochranné známky spoločnosti Microsoft Corporation v USA a/alebo iných
krajinách. Blu-ray Disc™ je ochranná známka, ktorú vlastní Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) a je licencovaná
pre používanie na diskoch a prehrávačoch. Slovná značka Bluetooth® je registrovaná ochranná známka,
ktorú vlastní spoločnosť Bluetooth® SIG, Inc., a spoločnosť Dell Inc. túto značku používa v rámci licencie.
Wi-Fi® je registrovaná ochranná známka spoločnosti Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance, Inc.
Iné ochranné známky a obchodné názvy sa môžu v tejto publikácii používať ako odkazy na subjekty, ktoré si
nárokujú tieto známky a názvy, alebo na ich produkty. Dell Inc. sa zrieka akýchkoľvek vlastníckych záujmov
na iné ochranné známky a obchodné názvy ako svoje vlastné.
Dell™, logo DELL, Dell Precision™, Precision ON™,ExpressCharge™,
2011 — 06
Rev. A00
Poznámky, varovania a výstrahy................................................................2
Kapitola 1: Práca na počítači.......................................................................9
Before Working Inside Your Computer.............................................................................9
Kapitola 39: Kontaktovanie spoločnosti Dell.........................................133
Kontaktovanie spoločnosti Dell ....................................................................................133
Práca na počítači1
Before Working Inside Your Computer
Use the following safety guidelines to help protect your computer from potential
damage and to help to ensure your personal safety. Unless otherwise noted,
each procedure included in this document assumes that the following
conditions exist:
•You have performed the steps in Working on Your Computer.
•You have read the safety information that shipped with your computer.
•A component can be replaced or--if purchased separately--installed by
performing the removal procedure in reverse order.
VÝSTRAHA: Before working inside your computer, read the safety information that
shipped with your computer. For additional safety best practices information, see
the Regulatory Compliance Homepage at
VAROVANIE: Many repairs may only be done by a certified service technician. You
should only perform troubleshooting and simple repairs as authorized in your
product documentation, or as directed by the online or telephone service and
support team. Damage due to servicing that is not authorized by Dell is not covered
by your warranty. Read and follow the safety instructions that came with the
VAROVANIE: To avoid electrostatic discharge, ground yourself by using a wrist
grounding strap or by periodically touching an unpainted metal surface, such as a
connector on the back of the computer.
VAROVANIE: Handle components and cards with care. Do not touch the
components or contacts on a card. Hold a card by its edges or by its metal
mounting bracket. Hold a component such as a processor by its edges, not by its
VAROVANIE: When you disconnect a cable, pull on its connector or on its pull-tab,
not on the cable itself. Some cables have connectors with locking tabs; if you are
disconnecting this type of cable, press in on the locking tabs before you disconnect
the cable. As you pull connectors apart, keep them evenly aligned to avoid bending
any connector pins. Also, before you connect a cable, ensure that both connectors
are correctly oriented and aligned.
POZNÁMKA: The color of your computer and certain components may appear
differently than shown in this document.
To avoid damaging your computer, perform the following steps before you begin
working inside the computer.
1.Ensure that your work surface is flat and clean to prevent the computer
cover from being scratched.
2.Turn off your computer (see
Turning Off Your Computer
3.If the computer is connected to a docking device (docked) such as the
optional Media Base or Battery Slice, undock it.
VAROVANIE: To disconnect a network cable, first unplug the cable from your
computer and then unplug the cable from the network device.
4.Disconnect all network cables from the computer.
5.Disconnect your computer and all attached devices from their electrical
6.Close the display and turn the computer upside-down on a flat work
POZNÁMKA: To avoid damaging the system board, you must remove the main
battery before you service the computer.
7.Remove the main battery (see
8.Turn the computer top-side up.
9.Open the display.
10. Press the power button to ground the system board.
VAROVANIE: To guard against electrical shock, always unplug your computer from
the electrical outlet before opening the display.
VAROVANIE: Before touching anything inside your computer, ground yourself by
touching an unpainted metal surface, such as the metal at the back of the
computer. While you work, periodically touch an unpainted metal surface to
dissipate static electricity, which could harm internal components.
11. Remove any installed ExpressCards or Smart Cards from the appropriate
Recommended Tools
The procedures in this document may require the following tools:
•Small flat-blade screwdriver
•#0 Phillips screwdriver
•#1 Phillips screwdriver
•Small plastic scribe
•Flash BIOS update program CD
Turning Off Your Computer
VAROVANIE: To avoid losing data, save and close all open files and exit all open
programs before you turn off your computer.
1.Shut down the operating system:
•In Windows Vista :
Click Start
, then click the arrow in the lower-right corner of the
Start menu as shown below, and then click Shut Down.
•In Windows XP:
Click Start → Turn Off Computer → Turn Off . The computer turns off
after the operating system shutdown process is complete.
2.Ensure that the computer and all attached devices are turned off. If your
computer and attached devices did not automatically turn off when you
shut down your operating system, press and hold the power button for
about 4 seconds to turn them off.
After Working Inside Your Computer
After you complete any replacement procedure, ensure you connect any
external devices, cards, and cables before turning on your computer.
VAROVANIE: To avoid damage to the computer, use only the battery designed for
this particular Dell computer. Do not use batteries designed for other Dell
1.Connect any external devices, such as a port replicator, battery slice, or
media base, and replace any cards, such as an ExpressCard.
2.Connect any telephone or network cables to your computer.
VAROVANIE: To connect a network cable, first plug the cable into the network
device and then plug it into the computer.
3.Replace the battery.
4.Connect your computer and all attached devices to their electrical outlets.
5.Turn on your computer.
Karta SD (Secure Digital)2
Demontáž karty Secure Digital (SD)
1.Postupujte podľa pokynov uvedených v časti
2.Zatlačte na kartu SD a vyberte ju.
3.Vysuňte pamäťovú kartu SD z počítača.
Pred prácou na počítači
Montáž karty Secure Digital (SD)
1.Nájdite priehradku pamäťovej karty SD na ľavej strane kostry.
2.Pamäťovú kartu SD zasuňte do priehradky, až kým nezacvakne na svoje
Karta ExpressCard3
Vybratie karty ExpressCard
1.Postupujte podľa pokynov uvedených v časti
2.Jemne zatlačte na kartu ExpressCard a vyberte ju z počítača.
3.Uchopte kartu ExpressCard a vysuňte ju z počítača.
Pred prácou na počítači
Montáž karty ExpressCard
1.Kartu ExpressCard zasuňte späť, až kým nezacvakne na svoje miesto.
2.Postupujte podľa pokynov uvedených v časti
Po dokončení práce v počítači
Odpojenie batérie
1.Postupujte podľa pokynov uvedených v časti
2.Posuňte západku na uvoľnenie batérie do odomknutej polohy.
3.Vyberte batériu z počítača.
Pred prácou na počítači
Nainštalovanie batérie
1.Vsuňte batériu späť do počítača.
2.Uvoľňovacia západka batérie automaticky zacvakne do uzamknutej polohy.
3.Postupujte podľa pokynov uvedených v časti
Po dokončení práce v počítači
Karta SIM (Subscriber Identity
Vybratie karty SIM (Subscriber Identity Module)
1.Postupujte podľa pokynov uvedených v časti
3.Modul SIM vysuňte zo zásuvky.
4.Vytiahnite kartu SIM zo zásuvky.
Pred prácou na počítači
Vloženie karty SIM (Subscriber Identity Module)
1.Nájdite zásuvku karty SIM v priehradke pre batériu.
2.Zatlačte kartu SIM do zásuvky, až kým pevne nezapadne na svoje miesto.
3.Vložte späť
4.Postupujte podľa pokynov uvedených v časti
Po dokončení práce v počítači
Karta Bluetooth6
Demontáž karty Bluetooth
1.Postupujte podľa pokynov uvedených v časti
3.Dvierka Bluetooth vysuňte nahor a vyberte ich zo zásuvky.