Dell PowerEdge 2420, PowerEdge 4220, PowerEdge 4820, PowerEdge 4220W, PowerEdge 4220D Technical Manual

Rack Enclosures
Technical Guide
Dell PowerEdge 2420, 4220, and 4820
An expanded portfolio of rack enclosures designed to meet the requirements of your data center today and tomorrow.
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September 2012 | Version 2.0
ii PowerEdge Rack Enclosures Technical Guide
Table of contents
1 System overview ..................................................................................................................................................................5
Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................................5
Benefits .................................................................................................................................................................................5
2 Rack enclosure features ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Enclosure specifications .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Comparison of PowerEdge rack enclosures ................................................................................................................ 8
3 Rack enclosure views and features ................................................................................................................................. 9
PowerEdge 2420 rack enclosures .................................................................................................................................. 9
PowerEdge 4220 and 4820 rack enclosures ............................................................................................................. 10
Rack interior features ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
4 Thermal and airflow considerations ..............................................................................................................................18
Thermal and airflow features ..........................................................................................................................................18
5 Installing rack enclosures ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Adjustable mounting posts ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Dell ReadyRails and ReadyRails II ................................................................................................................................... 19
Cable management arm (CMA) ..................................................................................................................................... 21
6 Rack kit accessories ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Thermal solutions ............................................................................................................................................................ 22
Power solutions ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
Management solutions ................................................................................................................................................... 24
Additional accessories .................................................................................................................................................... 26
Accessory compatibility table ........................................................................................................................................ 27
7 Rack packaging options .................................................................................................................................................. 28
8 Mechanical drawings ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Appendix A. Regulatory certifications .......................................................................................................................... 36
Appendix B. Documentation and resources .............................................................................................................. 37
Table 1. Benefits....................................................................................................................................................................5
Table 2. Basic rack specifications ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Table 3. Rack features and specifications ........................................................................................................................ 7
Table 4. Comparison of PowerEdge rack enclosures ................................................................................................... 8
Table 5. Blanking panel options ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Table 6. Rack accessories for Dell rack enclosures ..................................................................................................... 27
Table 7. Packaging options for Dell rack enclosures .................................................................................................. 28
Table 8. Additional resources .......................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 1. Front, rear, and frame views of the 2420 rack enclosure ............................................................................. 9
Figure 2. Top view of the 2420 rack enclosure ............................................................................................................. 10
Figure 3. Front view and features ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 4. Back view of the 4220 rack enclosures .......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5. Back view of the 4820 rack enclosures .......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6. Side view of the 4220 rack enclosures ............................................................................................................ 12
Figure 7. Side view of the 4820 rack enclosures ........................................................................................................... 13
Figure 8. Top view of the rack enclosures ......................................................................................................................14
Figure 9. Tail bar access for cables ................................................................................................................................... 15
iii PowerEdge Rack Enclosures Technical Guide
Figure 10. Vertical- mount power distribution unit trays ................................................................................................. 16
Figure 11. Casters and leveling feet .................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 12. Stabilizer feet ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 13. Front, side, and rear latches and locks ............................................................................................................ 17
Figure 14. Adjustable vertical mounting posts .................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 15. ReadyRails II and ReadyRails mounting kits................................................................................................... 20
Figure 16. Cable management arm .................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 17. External dimensions – 4820 rack enclosure ................................................................................................. 29
Figure 18. External dimensions – 4220 rack enclosure ................................................................................................. 29
Figure 19. External dimensions – 2420 rack enclosure ................................................................................................. 30
Figure 20. Internal dimensions – 2420, 4220, 4820 (top and bottom views) ........................................................... 30
Figure 21. Internal dimensions – 2420, 4220, 4820 (leveling foot/minimum clearance) ........................................ 31
Figure 22. External dimensions – 4820D rack enclosure ............................................................................................... 31
Figure 23. External dimensions – 4220D rack enclosure .............................................................................................. 32
Figure 24. Internal dimensions – 4220D and 4820D (top and bottom views) .......................................................... 32
Figure 25. Internal dimensions – 4220D and 4820D (leveling foot/minimum clearance) ..................................... 33
Figure 26. External dimensions – 4820W rack enclosure ............................................................................................. 33
Figure 27. External dimensions – 4220W rack enclosure ............................................................................................. 34
Figure 28. Internal dimensions – 4220W and 4820W (top and bottom views)......................................................... 34
Figure 29. Internal dimensions – 4220W and 4820W (leveling foot/minimum clearance) .................................... 35
iv PowerEdge Rack Enclosures Technical Guide
1 System overview
The Dell™ PowerEdge™ rack enclosures are designed to hold and protect server, network and data storage equipment. The Dell rack is a sturdy, practical design and solidly built, delivered with Enterprise service, support and reliability. The Dell PowerEdge rack enclosures are offered in three height options: 24U (2420), 42U (4220), and 48U (4820); each of these racks is available in the standard 600mm x 1070mm dimensions, to fit within a two-tile floor plan layout.
Dell has introduced both wide and deep versions of the PowerEdge rack enclosures to address specific market requirements for additional space for power and cable management. The 42U and 48U heights are available in the wide form factor, 750mm wide x 1070mm deep, and the deep form factor, 600mm wide x 1200mm deep. The Dell racks are complemented with a range of products that include basic, metered, and managed power distribution units (PDUs), rack- mount uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs), digital keyboard/video/monitors (KVMs), and other accessories.
All of these form factors adhere to the EIA- 310- E standard for rack mounting of electronics, ensuring that the mounting posts for installing components are configured for 19- inch equipment, while the exterior of the rack is set to the specified dimensions. This ensures compatibility with existing equipment while providing more options for cable and power cord routing. Not only do Dell PowerEdge servers fit in these 19-inch racks, but other Enterprise equipment fit as well, including Dell PowerVault™ and Dell EqualLogic™ storage, and Dell PowerConnect™ networking switches, plus routers, hubs, and telephony equipment. Built with adjustable vertical mounting posts within the rack, Dell racks are designed for use in almost any environment, such as an Enterprise data center, a high-performance computing center, a remote office, a wiring closet, or a factory floor.
Table 1 lists the benefits of the rack enclosures.
Table 1. Benefits
Benefits Detailed descriptions
Height options Dell PowerEdge rack enclosures offer three height options: 24U, 42U, and 48U
Form factors 42U and 48U are available in standard, wide, and deep form factors
Door design Excellent airflow with 80% perforated doors
Cabling and PDUs Superb design facilitates more cabling and power distribution options
With a static load rating of 2,500 lbs and three form factors to choose from, the PowerEdge 42U and 48U rack enclosures can provide the capacity you need to hold a full complement of data center equipment. These sizes are available in three form factors:
Standard: 600mm wide x 1070mm deep
Wide: 750mm wide x 1070mm deep
Deep: 600mm wide x 1200mm deep
5 PowerEdge Rack Enclosures Technical Guide
Wide (750mm) racks in both 42U and 48U heights have three inches more space on each side for cables and PDUs for networking, blade server and other installations that need to route cables along the sides. The wide design of the 4820W and 4220W also moves the PDU trays even farther away from the rack mounting posts, allowing more room for cables in the sides and back, helping reduce contention between power cords, cables and installed equipment.
Deep (1200mm) racks offer more space in the back for cables and PDUs for high- density installations. The 4820D and 4220D racks have extended PDU trays in the back of the rack, which can hold up to four vertical- mount full-height PDUs on each side. This extra space can be used for additional power management or for routing cables. PDUs can also be mounted with a 90-degree rotation so that the power cords point toward the back of the rack rather than toward the middle.
6 PowerEdge Rack Enclosures Technical Guide
2 Rack enclosure features
Table 2 contains the basic specifications for the rack dimensions and weights, while Table 3 provides more details on features and specifications for the rack enclosures.
Enclosure specifications
Table 2. Basic rack specifications
Standard rack enclosure
Deep rack enclosure
Wide rack enclosure
PowerEdge 4820 48U rack enclosure
Height 89.5" (2273mm) Width 23.8" (605mm) Depth 42.1" (1070mm)
Weight 315 lbs (143 kg)
Height 89.5" (2273mm) Width 23.8" (605mm) Depth 47.2" (1200mm)
Weight 342 lbs (155 kg)
Height 89.5" (2273mm) Width 29.8" (755mm) Depth 42.1" (1070mm)
Weight 351 lbs (159 kg)
PowerEdge 4220 42U rack enclosure
Height 78.7" (1999mm) Width 23.8" (605mm) Depth 42.1" (1070mm)
Weight 298 lbs (135 kg)
Height 78.7" (1999mm) Width 23.8" (605mm) Depth 47.2" (1200mm)
Weight 318 lbs (144 kg)
Height 78.7" (1999mm) Width 29.8" (755mm) Depth 42.1" (1070mm)
Weight 335 lbs (152 kg)
Table 3. Rack features and specifications
Features Rack technical specifications
Static load rating of 2,500 lbs for 48U/42U and 1,500 lbs for 24U
Large open base for cable entry and exit
Rack- top cable exits with adjustable, sliding door and removable tail bar
Reversible front door can be configured to open from left or right, with lock
Dual rear doors with lock (same key as front door)
Split side panels, with locks (same key as doors)
Removable front and rear doors have an 80% open perforation pattern to aid
Rack form factor
in thermal management
Reinforced frame for stability
Adjustable square- hole EIA mounting posts can be positioned forward or
backward within the rack
U-space numerical markings on both front and rear mounting posts
Rear- mount vertical PDU trays
Rotating rear casters to easily position rack
Easily accessible leveling feet
PowerEdge 2420 24U rack enclosure
Height 47.3" (1202mm) Width 23.8" (605mm) Depth 42.1" (1070mm)
Weight 209 lbs (95 kg)
Rack color Black with aluminum accents
Products supported
7 PowerEdge Rack Enclosures Technical Guide
All Dell and third- party rack- mount equipment compliant to the EIA-310- E standard
Features Rack technical specifications
Shipping options
Standard ground shipping pallet Air freight container
Comparison of PowerEdge rack enclosures
Table 4 compares the basic specifications of the rack enclosure portfolio.
Table 4. Comparison of PowerEdge rack enclosures
Features Dell 2420 Dell 4220/4820 Dell 4220W/4820W Dell 4220D/4820D
U Spaces 24U 42U/48U 42U/48U 42U/48U
Height (mm) 1202 1999/2273 1999/2273 1999/2273
Width (mm) 605 605 755 605
Depth (mm) 1070 1070 1070 1200
Static load capacity
Vertical PDU capacity
1500 pounds 2500 pounds 2500 pounds 2500 pounds
Up to 4 HH
Up to 4 FH
Up to 8 HH
Up to 4 FH
Up to 8 HH
Up to 8 FH
Up to 16 HH
0U access Limited Limited Improved Limited
Half- height
Full- height
8 PowerEdge Rack Enclosures Technical Guide
3 Rack enclosure views and features
The Dell PowerEdge rack enclosures provide important power distribution, cooling and cabling options for a range of Enterprise environments, including high density installations such as HPC and newer/reconfigured data centers where the facilities are equipped to support higher thermal and power loads per rack.
All Dell racks offer enhanced power management, efficient cooling, and simplified component mounting and storage for a wide range of IT equipment. The PowerEdge 4820 rack enclosure is designed for high-density data centers where floor space is at a premium. The PowerEdge 4220 rack enclosure is designed to provide Enterprise efficiency for all sizes of data centers, while the PowerEdge 2420 rack enclosure provides a compact option.
PowerEdge 2420 rack enclosures
The PowerEdge 2420 rack enclosure is very similar to its larger family members, but does have some specific differences.
Most noticeably, the rack is 24U high, providing a compact enclosure for smaller data rooms.
The static load capacity of the 24U rack is 1,500 pounds.
The top canopy is not perforated, thereby providing a solid surface on the top of the rack.
The lower height accommodates up to four of the half- height vertical PDU offerings.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the various external views specific to the 2420 rack enclosure.
Front Rear Frame
Figure 1. Front, rear, and frame views of the 2420 rack enclosure
9 PowerEdge Rack Enclosures Technical Guide
Figure 2. Top view of the 2420 rack enclosure
PowerEdge 4220 and 4820 rack enclosures
The PowerEdge 4220 and 4820 rack enclosures have identical features except the 4820 rack enclosure adds 6U of height.
42U and 48U heights are available in standard (600mm x 1070mm), wide (750mm x
1070mm) and deep (600mm x 1200mm) form factors.
Static load capacity of the 42U and 48U racks is 2,500 pounds.
Top canopy is perforated, providing a path for airflow through the top of the rack.
The following sections and figures show the various external views specific to the 4220 and 4820 rack enclosure options.
4220, 4220D 4220W 4820, 4820D 4820W
Figure 3. Front view and features
10 PowerEdge Rack Enclosures Technical Guide
The wide and deep racks have the same design style as the standard 4220 and 4820 racks. In fact, the deep racks look the same as the standard racks in a straight- on front or back exterior view, but the extended depth can be seen in a side view. The additional 3 inches added on each side of the wide rack are noticeable in the front and rear view of the rack, but from the side, the wide racks look the same as the standard racks.
Dell rack enclosures have faster and easier access to the rear of rack with a single latch for both doors. All of the 42U and 48U racks have two-piece side panels for easier removal and access to the sides of the IT equipment and cables, as well as a split rear door design that includes a single latch mechanism.
4220 4220D 4220W
Figure 4. Back view of the 4220 rack enclosures
11 PowerEdge Rack Enclosures Technical Guide
4820D 4820W
Figure 5. Back view of the 4820 rack enclosures
4220D 4220, 4220W
Figure 6. Side view of the 4220 rack enclosures
12 PowerEdge Rack Enclosures Technical Guide
+ 25 hidden pages