This file contains updated information for your Dell™ Management Plug-in for VMware vCenter and any
Version Number/Release Date
Release date 3/21/2011 or later
iDRAC version for Dell PowerEdge 11th
generation servers
3.20 for Modular, 1.80 for Rack or Tower
Lifecycle Controller for Dell PowerEdge 11th
generation servers
Lifecycle Controller for Dell PowerEdge 12th
generation servers
iDRAC version for Dell PowerEdge 12th
generation servers
Version Number/Release Date
Release date 3/21/2011 or later
iDRAC version for Dell PowerEdge 11th
generation servers
3.02 for Modular, 1.54 for Rack or Tower
Lifecycle Controller for Dell PowerEdge 11th
generation servers
Lifecycle Controller for Dell PowerEdge 12th
generation servers
iDRAC version for Dell PowerEdge 12th
generation servers
other technical documentation included with Dell Management Plug-in for VMware vCenter software.
NOTE: Dell Management Plug-in for VMware vCenter, including Server Administrator, is available from
The Dell Management Plug-in for VMware vCenter documentation includes:
Dell Management Plug-in for VMware vCenter Version 1.5 Quick Install
Dell Management Plug-in for VMware vCenter Version 1.5 User’s Guide
Context-sensitive help pages display by the user interface
This Release Note file
BIOS/iDRAC Co-requirement for Lifecycle Controllers
The following BIOS, iDRAC, and Lifecycle Controller versions are required to enable Management Plug-In
features. These versions must match in order for the Management Plug-in to function properly.
Note: We recommend that you use SUU, Repository Manager, or Lifecycle Controller's Platform
update functionality to update your servers to one of these baselines before using The Dell
Management Plug-in for VMware vCenter. Upgrade these in the order listed below.
Table 1 – For Deployment
Table 2 – For Management
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Hardware and Software Requirements
The following support matrix tables detail the VMware version and Management Plug-in functional support
for Dell PowerEdge 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th generation Dell servers.
OpenManage 6.4 agent or greater - SNMP alerts, Hardware Inventory, Blink Server LED, View/Clear
SEL logs
Lifecycle Controller 1.5.1 or later - BIOS/Firmware Updates, Bare metal Deployment, Hardware
Configuration, Change Configuration Settings
iDRAC Express/Enterprise - Power On a Server, Link and Launch iDRAC
OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) Agent — Required for all Dell servers prior to Dell
PowerEdge 12th generation servers
The manual installation of the OMSA agent on Dell PowerEdge 11
required on all ESX/ESXi hosts prior to the Dell Management Plug-in installation. With this release,
the OMSA agent is installed automatically during deployment. In addition, the Dell Management
Plug-in provides options to install OMSA as part of acquiring host compliance.
For the management, we support the following:
Table 1 – Management Support
Generation hosts is no longer
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For Hypervisor deployment, we are able to support the following:
Limited to servers with native
drivers included in VMware ESX
Use the Dell Custom ISO for driver
Limited to servers with native
drivers included in VMware ESX
Use the Dell Custom ISO for driver
Limited to servers with native
drivers included in VMware ESX
Use the Dell Custom ISO for driver
Use the Dell Custom ISO for driver
Table 2 – Hypervisor Deployment Versions
Note: Product test may at their discretion test key platforms (example, test rack only if tower
equivalent exists).
Administration Portal Supported Browsers
Access the Administration Portal using the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 7.0.x, 8.0.x, and 9.0.x set to not use a proxy when communicating with the Dell
Management Plug-in.
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Space Required for Provisioned Storage
T620, R620, M620, R720, R720XD
ESX Classic, ESXi Installable
T620, R620, M620, R720, R720XD
SNMP alerts, BIOS/Firmware Updates,
Hardware Inventory, Power on server, Bare
Metal Deployment, Hardware Configuration,
Blink Server LED, View/Clear SEL logs, Link and
Launch iDRAC, Change Configuration Settings,
Warranty Information
T110, R210, T310, R310, T410
R210 II, R410, R415, R510, R515, T610, R610,
M1000e, M610, T710, R710, M710, M710D,
R810, R910, M910, M915, R715, R815
ESX Classic, ESXi Embedded
SNMP alerts, Hardware Inventory, Blink Server
LED, View/Clear SEL logs, Warranty Information
R210, R210II, T310, R310, T410, R410, R415,
R510, R515, T610, R610, M1000e, M610, T710,
R710, M710, M710HD, R810 R910, M910,
M915, R715, R815
SNMP alerts, BIOS/Firmware Updates,
Hardware Inventory, Power on server, Bare
Metal Deployment, Hardware Configuration,
Blink Server LED, View/Clear SEL logs, Link and
Launch iDRAC, Change Configuration Settings,
Warranty Information
The Dell Management Plug-in virtual appliance requires the following amount of disk space for provisioned
Table 7 - VMware Version Support
Table 8 - Feature Support
Table 5 - VMware Version Support
Table 6 - Feature Support
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