Dell Management Plug-In for VMware vCenter
Quick Install Guide Version 1.6_December

Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
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Rev. A04

Notes, Cautions, and Warnings...................................................................................................2
1 Quick Start Installation...............................................................................................................5
Installation Introduction............................................................................................................................................5
Product Hardware Requirements......................................................................................................................5
Software Requirements.....................................................................................................................................6
Installation and Configuration Overview..................................................................................................................6
Deploying the Dell Management Plug-in OVF Using the vSphere Client...........................................................6
Registering Dell Management Plug-in within vCenter And Importing The License File....................................8
Installation Verification....................................................................................................................................10
2 Understanding How To Configure the Dell Management Plug-in Using the Wizard.....11
Configuration Wizard Welcome Page....................................................................................................................11
Creating A New Connection Profile [Wizard].........................................................................................................11
Configuring Events And Alarms [Wizard]...............................................................................................................12
Setting Up A Proxy Server [Wizard]........................................................................................................................13
Scheduling Inventory Jobs [Wizard]......................................................................................................................13
Running A Warranty Retrieval Job [Wizard]..........................................................................................................14
Configuring the Deployment Credentials [Wizard].................................................................................................14
Setting The Default Firmware Update Repository [Wizard]...................................................................................14
Enabling The OMSA Link [Wizard]..........................................................................................................................15
Configuring Dell iDRAC Auto-Discovery And Initial Start-up.................................................................................15
Configuring OMSA Agents To Send Traps.............................................................................................................16
Configuring NFS Shares..........................................................................................................................................16
For More Configuration Information.......................................................................................................................16

Quick Start Installation
Installation Introduction
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for the installation and configuration of the Dell Management Plug-in
installation on Dell servers. Once the installation is complete, refer to the
information about all aspects of administration including: inventory management, monitoring and alerting, firmware
updates, deployments and provisioning, and warranty management.
NOTE: With this release, and with installations on hosts that are on PowerEdge 12th generation servers, OMSA
agent installation is not required. For installations on PowerEdge 11th generation servers OMSA agent is now
automatically installed during the deployment process. For more information about OMSA, please see the section
“Understanding OMSA For 11G Hosts” in the
PowerEdge 12th generation servers and hosts prior to the 12th generation, see the Release Notes for this release.
Dell Management Plug-in User's Guide
The following information is needed prior to the start of Dell Management Plug-in installation.
• TCP/IP address information to assign to the Dell Management Plug-in virtual appliance.
• A user name and password for the Dell Management Plug-in to access the vCenter server. This should be an
administrator role that has all needed permissions. For additional information on the available Dell Management
Plug-in roles within vCenter, see the Dell Management Plug-in Configuration chapter of the
• Root password for ESX/ESXi host systems.
• User name and password associated with iDRAC Express or Enterprise (only for host systems that include an
• Make sure the vCenter server and vSphere client are currently running.
• Know the location of the Dell Management Plug-in OVF file.
• Install the Dell Management Plug-in (virtual appliance) on any ESX/ESXi host managed by a vCenter instance
that will be registered with the virtual appliance.
• Your VMware vSphere environment must meet virtual appliance, port access, and listening port requirements. In
addition, install Adobe Flash player 10.0 or higher on the vSphere client system.
Dell Management Plug-in User's Guide
. To more clearly understand
User’s Guide
NOTE: The virtual appliance functions as a regular virtual machine; any interruptions or shut downs impacts overall
functionality of the virtual appliance.
Product Hardware Requirements
The Dell Management Plug-in for VMware vCenter provides full support for 11th and 12th generation Dell servers with
iDRAC and limited support for 9th and 10th generation Dell servers. To determine what generation of Dell Servers you
have, refer to the tables in the Release Notes. See the
specific hardware support information.
Dell Management Plug-in for VMware vCenter Release Notes