These supplements are recommended to support people coming o alcohol or still suering abstinence symptoms, having quit.
Supplement Daily Amount Taken as With/without Notes
Tryptophan 2,000mg 1,000mg × 2
Away from main meal
(30 minutes before; 2 hours after)
5-HTP 200mg 100mg × 2
with some carbohydrateorsuch as fruit or an oatcake
Tryptophan 500mg 250mg × 2
with 5-HTP 150mg 75mg × 2
Methyl nutrients × 2 With food Find the right formula
, B
, folic acid, TMG) (see below)
SAM 800mg 400mg × 2 On waking, empty stomach Not OTC in the EU
Methyl nutrients × 1 With food Find the right formula
(as above) (see below)
Omega-3 EPA/
DHA 2,000mg 1,000mg × 2 With food You want 1,000mg of
EPA + DHA (see page 408)
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Supplement Daily Amount Taken as With/without Notes
GABA 1,000mg 500mg × 2 With or without food A high dose can cause tingling in fingers
or or face
Glutamine 500mg 250mg × 2 With water
with taurine 500mg 250mg × 2orGlutamine alone 8,000mg 4,000mg × 2 With water; not a hot drink
Magnesium 150mg 75mg × 2 Morning and afternoon, Assumes extra 150mg with Basic
can help sleep in the Supplement Pack
evening. With or without
Vitamin C* 2,000mg 1,000mg × 2 With meals Assumes 2,000mg in
Basic Supplement Pack
OTC: over the counter
*Buy vitamin C powder. If detoxifying, put 10–20g in a bottle of
one-third juice and one-third water. Drink frequently throughout
the day. If you get loose bowels, lower the dose until your bow-
els settle. Very quickly, once you are free of your initial withdrawal
symptoms, you can stop the high-dose powder and you can start
taking basic oral supplements: 2–4g a day. Otherwise supple-
ment 3–4g a day, one with each meal. The Basic Supplement Pack
provides 2g, so this means having another 1g or 2g a day.
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