Dell D00DX User Manual [zh]

Dell Wyse 5012/5290 (D Class Cloud Clients, Model Dx0D)
Quick-Start Guide
Products: D00D (cloud desktop), D10D, D10DP, D50D, D90D7/7B/7p, D90D8/8B, D90DW (thin clients)
See accompanying documents in the shipping carton for License Agreement and Warranty information. To find the latest Quick-Start Guide, go to and click on the name of your product.
NOTE: A printed copy of the Wyse Technology End User License Agreement is included in the shipping box and provided for your
reference only. The license at as of the purchase date is the controlling licensing agreement. By copying, using, or installing the software or the product, you agree to be bound by those terms.
compatibility at
CAUTION: Improper connection, mounting, or use of this product could result in component failure or undesired interference.
Read Safety Guidelines before setting up and operating this product.
Dell Wyse 5012/5290 (D 类云客户机,型号 Dx0D)
产品: D00D (云桌面)D10DD10DPD50DD90D7/7B/7pD90D8/8BD90DW (瘦客户机)
请参阅包装盒中随附的文档以了解许可协议及保修信息。要获取最新的 《快速入门指南》,请访问 ,然后单击您的产品名称。
注:在包装箱中附有 Wyse Technology 最终用户许可证协议的打印副本,仅供您参考。位于 处符合您购买相应产品日期的许可协议是最终生
注:如果您将 Wyse Device Manager 服务器软件用于管理本产品,请下载最新的版本以确保兼容性,下载网址为 小心 : 以不当方式连接、安装或使用本产品可能会导致组件故障或不良干扰。在设置和操作本产品前,请首先阅读 《安全指南》。
Dell Wyse 5012/5290 (D Class Cloud Clients, Model Dx0D)
產品:D00D ( 雲端桌上型電腦 )D10DD10DPD50DD90D7/7B/7pD90D8/8BD90DW ( 精簡型電腦 )
授權合約與保固資訊請參閱裝運箱內隨附文件。如需最新版快速啟動指南,請至 ,然後按一下產品名稱。
註:裝運箱隨付紙本 Wyse Technology 使用者授權合約,僅供參考。 截至購買日期, 的授權為控制的授權合約。 若複製、使用或安裝軟體或產
註:如果使用 Wyse Device Manager 伺服器軟體管理本產品,請下載最新版本,確保相容性,網址是 :
: 不當連接、安裝或使用本產品,可能會導致元件故障或不需要的干擾。 請務必先詳讀完安全指導方針再安裝及操作本產品。
Dell Wyse 5012/5290 (D クラスクラウドクライアント、モデル Dx0D)
製品: D00D(クラウドデスクトップ)、D10DD10DPD50DD90D7/7B/7pD90D8/8BD90DW(シンクライアント)
ラ イ セ ン ス契約お よび 保証情報につい ては、 配送箱内の付属文書 を参照 し て く ださ い。 最新のク イ ッ クス ター ト ガイ ド は、 にアク セ ス し て製品名を ク リ ッ ク してご 覧 く だ さい。
メモ : 配送箱に同梱の Wyse Technology エン ドユ ーザー ラ イセ ンス 契約の印刷版は参照専用です。 購入日現在、 に掲載さ れて いる ラ イセ ンスが統括的な ライ セ
ンス 契約にな り ます。 ユーザーは、 ソ フ トウ ェア また は製品を コ ピー、 使用、 も し くは イ ンス ト ールする こと によ り 、 こ れら の条件に拘束 されることに同意します。
メモ : 本製品を管理 する ため に Wyse Device Manager サーバー ソ フ ト ウェ アを使用す る場合は、 互換性を 確保する ため、 で最新バー ジ ョ ン を ダウ ン ロ ー ド
してく ださい。
注意 : 本製品の不適切な接続、取り付け、または使用は、コンポーネントの故障、または不要な障害の原因となる場合があります。本製品をセットアップして稼働させる前に、安全に関するガイドラ
Dell Wyse 5012/5290 (D 클래스 클라우드 클라이언트 , 모델 Dx0D)
빠른 시작 안내서
제품 : D00D ( 클라우드 데스크탑 ), D10D, D10DP, D50D, D90D7/7B/7p, D90D8/8B, D90DW ( 씬 클라이언트 )
라이센스 계약서 및 보증 정보는 배송 상자에 포함된 설명서를 참조하십시오 . 최신 버전의 빠른 시작 안내서를 보려면 로 이동하여 해당 제품의 이 름을 클릭하십시오 .
주: Wyse Technology 최종 사용자 라이센스 계약서의 인쇄본이 배송 상자에 포함되어 있으며 , 이는 참조용으로만 제공됩니다 . 제품 구입 날짜에 에서 제시된 라이센스 계약서가 실제로 적용되는 계약서입니다 . 소프트웨어나 제품을 복사 , 사용 또는 설치함과 동시에 귀하는 이러한 계약
조건에 동의하게 됩니다 .
주: 이 제품을 관리하기 위해 Wyse 장치 관리자 서버 소프트웨어를 사용하는 경우 호환성을 유지하기 위해 에서 최신 버전을 다운로드하십
시오 .
주의 : 본 제품을 적절하게 연결 , 장착 또는 사용하지 않으면 구성요소 오류 또는 예기치 않은 간섭이 발생할 수 있습니다 . 본 제품을 설치하고 작동하기 전에 안전 지침을
읽으십시오 .
D00D, D10D, D10DP, D50D, D90D7, D90D7B, D90D7p, D90D8, D90D8B, D90DW
1 Power on/off button/light 1 电源开关按钮 / 指示灯 2 Activity light 2 活动指示灯 3 USB 2.0 port (2) 4 Combination audio/microphone jack 5 Vertical stand 5 USB 2.0 端口 (2) 6 Wireless antenna port (2) (optional) 7 DisplayPort connector 8 DVI-I port (1x DVI-D or 1x VGA) 9 Product information tab 9 产品信息标签 10 USB 2.0 port (2) 11 Network port, 10/100/1000 Base-T (or)
SFP/Mini-GBIC slot
3 USB 2.0 端口 (2) 4 音频 / 麦克风组合插孔
6 无线天线端口 (2) (可选) 7 DisplayPort 连接器 8 DVI-I 端口 (1x DVI-D 1x VGA
10 USB 2.0 端口 (2) 11 网络端口, 10/100/1000 Base-T (或)
SFP/Mini-GBIC 插槽
Components may vary based on model and location.
コ ン ポーネ ン ト はモ デルお よび地域に よ っ て異 な る場合があ りま す
구성요소는 모델 및 지역에 따라 다를 수 있습니다 .
12 +19V Power adapter input 12 +19V 电源适配器输入 13 Lock receptacle 13 锁定插口 14 PS/2-type mouse port located on keyboard 14 键盘上的 PS/2 型鼠标端口
1 開機 / 關機按鈕 / 指示燈 2 活動指示燈 3 USB 2.0 連接埠 (2) 4 組合音訊 / 麥克風插孔 5 垂直腳座 5 垂直ス タ ンド 5 세로 받침대 6 無線天線連接埠 (2) ( 選配 ) 7 DisplayPort 連接器 8 DVI-I 連接埠 (1x DVI-D 或 1x VGA) 9 產品資訊標籤 9 製品情報タ ブ 9 제품 정보 탭 10 USB 2.0 連接埠 (2) 11 網路連接埠, 10/100/1000 Base-T ( 或 )
SFP/Mini-GBIC 插槽
12 +19V 變壓器輸入 12 +19V 13 鎖座 13 14 PS/2 型滑鼠連接埠,位於鍵盤上 14
1 電源オ ン / オフボタン / ライ ト
2 アクテ ィ ビティ ラ イ ト
3 USB 2.0 ポー ト 2 4 コンビネーショ ンオーディオ / マイクジャック
6 ワイヤレスアンテナポート (2)オプシ ョ ン 7 DisplayPort コネクタ 8 DVI-I ポー ト1x DVI-D または 1x VGA
10 USB 2.0 11 ネッ トワークポート、 10/100/1000 Base-T (または)
SFP/Mini-GBIC スロ ッ ト
ポー ト (2)
電源ア ダプ タ入力 12 +19V 전원 어댑터 입력
ロックレセプタクル 13 잠금 소켓 キーボー ド 上の PS/2 タ イプのマウスポー ト 14 키보드에 있는 PS/2- 유형 마우스 포트
구성 요소
1 전원 켜짐 / 꺼짐 단추 / 표시등 2 작동 표시등 3 USB 2.0 포트 (2 ) 4 결합형 오디오 / 마이크 잭
6 무선 안테나 포트 (2 개 ) ( 선택사양 ) 7 DisplayPort 커넥터 8 DVI-I 포트 (1x DVI-D 또는 1x VGA)
10 USB 2.0 포트 (2 ) 11 네트워크 포트 , 10/100/1000 Base-T (또는)
SFP/ 미니 -GBIC 슬롯
Not all USB devices are supported; check with Dell or your Dell representative to find out if a particular device is supported on your product. 并非支持所有的 USB 设备请与 Dell 或您的 Dell 业务代表联系核实您的产品是否支持某款特定设备。 並非所有 USB 裝置都支援;請洽 Dell Dell 代表,了解特定裝置是否為您的產品支援。
USB デバ イ スにはサ ポー ト されな いものが あ り ます。 お使い の製品で特定 のデバイ スがサポー ト され てい るかど うかに つい ては、 デ ルま たはデル担当者 にお問い 合わせ く ださ い。
일부 USB 장치는 지원되지 않습니다 . 해당 제품에서 특정 장치가 지원되는지 확인하려면 Dell 또는 Dell 담당자에게 문의하십시오 .
Warning: Listening to audio at high volume levels for extended durations can damage your hearing.
警告: 長時間以高音量收聽音效,可能使聽力受損。
警告:音声を 長時間大音量で 聞き 続け る と、 聴力を 損な う おそれがあ りま す。
경고 : 볼륨을 높게 설정하여 오랜 시간 동안 오디오를 청취하면 청력이 손상될 수 있습니다 .
Wireless option not available in all localities.
一部の地域では ワイ ヤレ スオ プシ ョ ンを使用 でき ません。
일부 지역에서는 무선 옵션을 사용할 수 없습니다 .
For details on supported monitor combinations, go to the Dell Knowledge Base at and search for solution 22991. 有关支持的显示器组合的详细信息,请访问 Dell 知识库 (网址为并搜索解决方案 22991 相關的支援螢幕組合細節,請造訪 Dell 知識庫,尋求解決方案 22991,網址是 :
サポー ト され るモ ニタ の組み合わせについ ての詳細は、 にある Dell Knowledge Base に移動し て、 ソ リ ューシ ョン 22991 を検索し て く だ さい。
지원되는 모니터 조합의 상세정보를 보려면 에서 Dell Knowledge Base 로 가서 솔루션 22991 을 검색합니다 .
Setting Up Your Cloud Client
Be sure you have read Safety Guidelines before setting up and operating this product. Refer to the figures and proceed as follows:
Make sure that the monitor and the cloud client are turned off and disconnected from AC power. Place the cloud client on a desk, or use a Dell-approved mounting accessory kit.
Make all desired connections (video display and keyboard with mouse are required). Connection to a 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet network is required unless an optional WiFi network adapter is used for wireless connection to a network. For connection to Fiber SFP, make sure the SFP module (ordered/shipped separately) is unlocked. Plug it into the SFP/Mini-GBIC slot, and then rotate the latch to lock the module in place. Additional connections of peripheral devices may be made to the other ports.
Connect the power adapter to the cloud client power input before connecting to a 100-240V AC, 50-60 Hz electrical outlet, and then press the power button to apply power. When the initialization sequence is complete, the amber activity light changes to green.
Safety Guidelines
Improper connection, mounting, or use of this product could result in component failure or undesired interference. Read the following guidelines before setting up and operating the device.
Do not connect to AC power until all other connections
(including the power adapter) are made. Connecting or disconnecting components or equipment on the back panel when the device is receiving AC power can cause power surges and damage the device.
Do not force a connector into its socket. If any undue
resistance is encountered, ensure that the connector is correctly oriented to the receptacle.
For wireless usage and requirements, refer to the regulatory
notices in the device’s documentation.
Venting and Care
Mount the device only as shown or in accordance with the
instructions provided with Dell-approved mounting accessory kits. Improper orientation could restrict airflow of heat from the device and damage it.
Allow sufficient space around the device for ventilation; do
not place the device in any enclosure that restricts airflow around the device; do not place any objects on the device or block the vent outlets. For environmental operating specifications, visit:
Power Sources
For regulatory compliance use only the power adapter that
comes with your device or a Dell-approved equivalent. For proper replacement compare the labels on both device and power adapter to ensure that their voltages match.
WARNING: Use of any other power adapter may damage
your device or the power adapter. The damage caused by an improper power adapter is not covered by warranty.
Accidental loss of power can damage device. Avoid
connecting it to any power outlet which can be accidentally switched off. Do not hard reset the device by holding down the power button during normal operation.
When turning off the device, be sure to perform a complete
shutdown (via the user interface or a light press on the power button). Do not disconnect the AC power cord, DC power cord, or shut off power at a circuit breaker (including power strips), etc., to turn off the device.
Surge protectors for electrical devices are recommended in
areas of lightning. However, when lightning is occurring, your equipment should be properly shut down and unplugged from AC power until the storm has passed.
Be very careful to not interrupt power while the device is
downloading a software update.
The device contains an internal button cell battery replaceable by Dell or one of our Authorized Service Centers. For support, visit
WARNING: There is a risk of explosion if the battery is
replaced by an incorrect type. Always dispose of used batteries according to the instructions accompanying the battery.
WARNING: Perchlorate Materials - Special Handling May
Be Required under California Code of Regulations, title 22. (Only required within the USA.)
Need more information?
Dell Reference Guides - User, Administrator, and related
documentation is available at:
Dell-Approved Mounting Accessory Kits - Information about approved mounting accessory kit options is available at:
Dell Service and Support - Latest software images are available at:
Dell Device Manager - Information about Dell remote management software is available at:
Dell WSM - Information about Dell WSM software is available at:
Dell and the Environment - Information about Dell compliance with RoHS and with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is available at:
Dell and Recycling - Information about recycling and reuse of Dell products is available at:
Dell Warranty - The standard warranty is three years from the date of purchase.
Copyright © 2014 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.
This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. Dell and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Sept 2014 Dell P/N: 04F1H Rev: A00
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