Dell Cloud Solution for Web Applications User Manual

Dell Cloud Solution for Web Applications
User Guide
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December 2010 Rev. A00
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 5
Cloud Definition ................................................................................................ 5
Joyent SmartMachine ....................................................................................... 5
Cloud Management ........................................................................................... 6
Solution Components ....................................................................................... 6
Hardware Components ................................................................................................. 7
Software Components .................................................................................................. 7
Measuring Consumption ............................................................................................. 11
Cloud Provisioning ...................................................................................................... 12
SMARTMACHINES ............................................................................... 13
Accessing a New SmartMachine ................................................................... 13
Starting and Stopping SmartMachines ......................................................... 15
Running Services ............................................................................................ 15
Managing Users .............................................................................................. 16
Creating Groups ......................................................................................................... 16
Creating Users ........................................................................................................... 16
Adding Users to Groups ............................................................................................. 16
CLOUD CONTROL ............................................................................... 17
Cloud Control Interface .................................................................................. 18
Login .......................................................................................................................... 18
Side Menu .................................................................................................................. 19
General ...................................................................................................................... 19
Contents | 3
Locations .................................................................................................................... 32
Rackables .................................................................................................................. 46
Network ...................................................................................................................... 78
OpenSolaris................................................................................................................ 91
Common Tasks ............................................................................................. 118
Setting up a SmartMachine (Zone) ........................................................................... 118
Deleting a SmartMachine (Zone) .............................................................................. 123
Monitoring a SmartMachine ...................................................................................... 128
USER PORTAL ................................................................................... 130
Accessing the User Portal ............................................................................ 130
User Portal Interface ..................................................................................... 130
Login ........................................................................................................................ 130
Creating SmartMachines .......................................................................................... 131
Customizing the Appearance of the User Portal ........................................ 133
Changing the Title of the User Portal Window ........................................................... 133
Providing Customized Online Help ........................................................................... 134
Using a Custom Logo ............................................................................................... 134
Task Summary ......................................................................................................... 134
GLOSSARY ......................................................................................... 137
GETTING HELP .................................................................................. 141
Contacting Dell .............................................................................................. 141
INDEX .................................................................................................. 142
Contents | 4
The Dell Cloud Solution for Web Applicat i ons (DCSWA) is an optimized private cloud solution for running virtual i z e d we b a ppl i c ations, databases, and other compute nodes efficiently. The s ol uti on i nc ludes hardware, software, and services and is highly scalable from the lab t o massive data centers.
The solution is offered as a turnkey package containing software, hardware, and core services (i.e., installation and support).
Cloud Defini ti o n
In DCSWA, a cloud is define d as a collection of interconnected pods, racks, and nodes. A pod is a collection of up to 12 racks, with ea c h ra c k conta i ni ng up to 15 compute nodes to handle a variety of web applications.
Each pod has an administration/provisioning server (PS) that manages the compute nodes. In DCSWA, the Joyent Cloud Control (CC) softwa re component is housed in the PS of one of the pods in the c loud. Performance and redundancy are handled by scaling out the a ppl i c ation to multiple nodes in the cloud.
Joyent SmartMachine
A SmartMachine, formerly called Accelerator, is a zone running on Joyent’s SmartOS. It is a UNIX para-virtualized virtual machine (VM) that uses dedicated server virtualizati on to mana ge fluctuating loads by bursting onto additional CPUs that have available resources.
In addition to SmartMachines, the sol ut i on provide s the virtual Zeus Load Balancer to enable scaling of the web application across multiple SmartMachines. With a traditional multi-tiered web application, load balancers can be inserted between all three tiers (web, applications, and database layers) to provide performance and redundancy. An addi t i ona l MySQL optimized SmartMachine is provided to facili t a te ra pi d de pl oyme nt of da tabase components for applications. This set of Sm a rtMa chines represents the basis of the platform as a service (PaaS) environment.
Introduction | 5
Cloud Management
The cloud is managed, maintained, se c ured, and backed up through software components. The management components provide re porting, monitoring, operating, and diagnostic functions a t bot h the cloud administrator and cloud user levels. The solution defines a maintenance and backup/disaster recovery methodology for both the SmartMachines a nd the infrastructure components.
Wrapped around all of these features are securit y fe a t ure s a nd m e t hodol ogies that allow for secure multi-tenant operations.
Solution Com po nen ts
The solution comprises hardware a nd s oftware c om pone nt s , outlined below.
Figure 1. High-Level Solution Architecture
Introduction | 6
Hardware Compone nts
The hardware components include:
Administration/Provisioning Server
Compute Nodes
Network Infrastructure.
Administration/Provisioning Server
The administration/provisioning server provides the mult i pl e c l oud control, user portal, and provisioning functions for the solut i on.
Compute Nodes
The compute nodes are a collection of client services that run on each physical server except the infrastructure server. The services implement the components of the stack that provision and monitor SmartMachi nes running on the nodes.
Network Infrastructure
The network infrastructure consist s of the c ol l e ction of top-of-rack (ToR) switches and core switches that facilitate the connectivity between the administration/provisioning s e rve r and re spective compute nodes, and the networking infrastructure.
Software Components
The software components include:
Cloud Control
Cloud Management API
User Portal
Introduction | 7
Figure 2. Software Components
Cloud Control
In DCSWA, the administration portal is referred to as Cl oud Control. Cloud Control manages cloud operations , including locations (datacenters), pods, racks, rack-mountable devices (load balancers, servers, console servers, storage devices, switches, appliances and routers), the network (IPs, subnets, and virtual IPs), SmartMachines (zones), and customers.
Cloud Control also includes reporting for various objects in the cloud infrastructure. Most Cloud Control functions focus on inventory management, IP assignment, and assoc iati ons t o ot he r obj e c t s in t he dat ac ente r, that is, managing servers and zones.
Introduction | 8
Figure 3. Cloud Control
Cloud Management API
This programmatic interface enables system integrators to access Cloud Control’s functionality via a RESTful API.
Figure 4. Main Cloud Control Screen
Introduction | 9
User Portal
With the self-service user portal, you can perform certain tasks:
Create SmartMachines (up to your quota).
Reboot a SmartMachine.
Shutdown a SmartMachine.
Delete a SmartMachine.
Capacity can be added to an existing SmartMachine by an administrator using
Cloud Control, provided that there is available quota.
Figure 5. Sample Use r Portal Screen
Introduction | 10
The telemeter measures consumption. All te l emeter information is provided in graphical form for each zone in Cloud Control.
Figure 6. Sample Telemeter Graphs
Measuring Consum ption
Measuring consumption is important i n both private and public clouds. In private clouds, consumption measure ment supports departmental charge-backs. In public clouds, consumption mea sure ment supports both the pay in advance (subscriptions) and pay afterwards (invoic i ng) models.
Because consumption requirement s c an change over time, initially allocated resources may no longer match needs. The re fore , it is critical to meter resource allocations on an ongoing basis so that invoices and reports reflect actual use.
Consumption measurement is also val ua bl e for tra c ki ng t he amount of resourc e s actually consumed (subset) versus the a mount a l l oc ated. Comparing the subset to the full allocation can enable greater efficiencies. This is especially important for service providers in capacity pla nning. The system provides measures of consumption for both customers and service providers.
Introduction | 11
Cloud Provisionin g
Clouds must be created. This process, called cloud provisioning, requires several steps.
Install the software.
Provision the network.
Execute the JumpStart.
Configure the head node.
Set up the global zone.
Set up compute node(s).
Cloud Control uses the Ubuntu Linux operating syst e m be c ause it is fast and secure. Ubuntu is integrated into the software and is installed automatically.
Introduction | 12
Accessing a New SmartMachine
When you provision a SmartMachine, Cloud Control creates several accounts your client can use to access it. The client can choose to receive this login information in a welcome email or access it t hrough the user portal.
Both the user portal and Cloud Control display the us e rna me , but not t he password. If the client changes the passwords, the passwords di spl ayed in the user portal or in Cloud Control will no longer be valid.
Figure 7. Credentials Display i n Departmental Operations Portal
SmartMachi nes | 13
account, and use su to log in as root:
Figure 8. Credentials Display in Cloud Control
System/Username Descriptions
System Username Description
root Root The system root user. You cannot log in as root through
SSH. Instead, access the SmartMachine through another
shell admin The system administrator. Use this account to access the
SmartMachine through SSH:
ssh admin@<smart-machine-name>
mysql root The root MySQL user. This is not the same as the
vs jill The user that controls the default virtual server (the
SmartMachi nes | 14
system root user.
server you reach when you access http://<smart-
To do this…
Use this command…
List running services
svcs –a
List services that should
svcs -vx
Start a service
svcadm enable
Stop a service
svcadm disable <service
Restart a service
svcadm restart
Starting a nd S topp i ng S ma rtM achines
Use the user portal to start or stop SmartMachines. The
the machine. This button displays as the successful.
Figure 9. Available Actions
button reboots a SmartMachine. The
button when shutdown is
button shuts down
Running Services
SmartMachines use Solaris Service Management Facility (SMF) to run services such as the Apache web server and the MySQL server.
Common SMF commands:
be running but are not
SmartMachi nes | 15
Managing Users
Every SmartMachine user needs a unique name and must belong to at least one
group. To use the To manage users and groups, log into your SmartMachi ne as admin or use su to
become the root user. If you log in as admin, run the comm a nds desc ribed in this section with
Creating Groups
Solaris users are always members of one or more groups . Cre a t e groups so t hat a set of users can share the same permissions across different files. For example, create a web group for all files relating to a website.
To create a new group:
sudo groupadd <groupname>
You are asked for the password to the admin account. Once the password is accepted, the group is created and there is no output to the console.
Verify that the group has been created by l ooki ng a t
grep <groupname> /etc/group
Creating Users
To add new users:
sudo useradd -d /home/<username> -m -g <group> -s /usr/bin/bash <username>
Set the password for the new user with the following command:
sudo passwd <username>
command, the user must be a member of the staff group.
is the name you used in the initial
Adding Users to Groups
To change a user’s primary group:
sudo usermod -g <
To add a user to a supplemental group:
sudo usermod -G <groupname> <username>
SmartMachi nes | 16
> <
Cloud Control
Cloud Control manages all resources relat i ng t o a cloud. These i nc l ude :
Data centers (locations)
Pods (sets of racks)
Rack-mountable devices (load balancers, servers, console servers, storage devices, switches, appliances and routers)
Network (IPs, subnets, and virtual IPs)
SmartMachines (ZFS dataset s and zone configurations)
Customers (users).
Select Cloud Control Function s
Feature Description
User Access Control Define user access
Account Administration Manage user access
Resource Management Manage disk and system allocation
Virtual Appliance Management
Automated Resource Deployment and Reclamation
Reporting Capacity, utilization and health monitoring
Capability to allocate system resources to mission-critical workloads
Cloud Control | 17
their associated zones.
containers are created.
for Web Applications Administrator Guide.
Feature Description
RESTful API Joyent Cloud Control includes a RESTful private
API that connects private clouds with third party services.
The private API provides access to the following:
Containers: Zones Templates: Predefined templates used to
All API calls must use HTTP basic authentication over SSL. All requests must include a shared username and password. For information a bout Cloud Control API, refer to the Dell Cloud Solution
Telemeter Telemeter provides static graphs at the server level.
For information about granular data at the zone level, refer to the Collector Agent information in the
Dell Cloud Solution for Web Applications Administrators Guide.
Company or department and
create a new container . Physical servers where the
Cloud Contro l Interface
To access Cloud Control, navigate to
Field Description Format
Username The login name assigned to a
Cloud Control | 18
Field Description Format
Password The login password associated
with the username.
Text Minimum length=6 characters
The administrator username is admin, and the default password is joyadmin. The
ports are assigned as follows: Port 8080 = Clou d C ontrol Port 8081 = Clou d C ontrol AP I Port 8082 = Customer 's API Port 8083 = User Portal.
Side Menu
Use the Side Menu to access the different ele me nt s of Cl oud C ontrol . Menu options are discussed in t he foll owing pa ges.
Cloud Control | 19
Excel or save the file to disk.
the customer
Listing Custome rs
Customers will likely have multiple entries — one for each department within their company. Using a common company name enables Cloud Control to logically group information on repor ts.
Button Action
Search Enter a customer or company name in the field and
page provides a list of all cus tom e rs.
click to display a subset of names matching the searc h
New Customer Open the
Download as CSV
Field Description Link Delivers
Customer Name Customer’s name Detailed information about the
Email Customer’s email address An email client addressed to
Zone Count/Active
Cloud Control | 20
New Customer
Initiate a file download of the customers listed. Open the file by browsing to an application s uc h a s Microsoft
Total and active counts of customer’s
Detailed information about the customer’s SmartMachines
Field Description Link Delivers
Edit customer data
Delete the customer
Customer details page in edit mode
Delete confirmation dialogue box
Cloud Control | 21
CustomersNew Customer
Use the required input.
New Customer
You cannot create a customer with the same e-mail address or username as
an existing or deleted customer.
page to create customers.
field labels indicate
Field Description Format
First Name Customer’s first name Text
Last Name Customer’s last name Text
Email Address Customer’s email address Text
Alt. Email Address
Cloud Control | 22
Customer’s alternate email address
Control do not observe quotas.
second line
Customer’s city
Customer’s state
Field Description Format
Automatic Provisioning
RAM Quota in MB
Street 1 Customer’s street address—
Street 2
Enables automatic provisioning of the new customer
Quota of RAM allocated for all of a customer’s provisioned SmartMachines
The customer can portion the quota as needed, e.g., a 512MB quota can be allocated to one 512MB SmartMachine or two 256MB SmartMachines.
A quota of zero indicates unlimited quota.
Quotas apply only to zones created through the User Portal. Zones created through Cloud
Customer’s company name Text
first line Customer’s street address—
Checkbox (recommended)
Postal Code Customer’s postal code Text Country Customer’s country Text Phone Number Customer’s phone number Text Comments Notes about the customer Text Login Customer’s login use rna me Text
Cloud Control | 23
field entry.
can configure.
Field Description Format
Password Customer’s password Text
Minimum length is 6
Password Confirmation
Customer’s password confirmation
Text Minimum length is 6 characters, and must match the
Role Customer’s role on the system Drop-down list
Only Admin account
When there is a problem with customer data, a red box displays at the top of the page.
When a customer is successfully created, a green box displays at the top of the page.
Button Action
Create Create a customer record.
Cancel Cancel the creation of a customer record.
Cloud Control | 24
zones for the customer.
be made.
If the update fails, a red message displays.
CustomersNew Customer: Cloud Control Record
After a customer is successfully created, the
Button Action
Search Enter a customer or company name in the field and
click to display a subset of names matching the searc h string.
page displays.
Active Zones as CSV Download a comma -separated value file of all active
Extended Active Zones as CSV
Map Address
Edit Display the customer details page so that changes can
Update Commit the updates. If the update is succe ssful , a
Download a comma-separated value file of all extended active zones for the customer.
Display a Google map of the customer’s physica l location based on the input derived from the address
green success message displays.
Cloud Control | 25
Customer name
Customer details page.
assigned, etc.)
= Zone is not reserved
Button Action
Cancel Cancel the changes to the customer record.
CustomersNew CustomerZone Information
Zone Information
detailed zone information.
Column Description Link Delivers
Name Zone name Zone details page
section of the
New Customer
page provides
IP Zone IP address NA
Configuration Template associated with the
Setup At Date stamp when zone was
Size Size in MB NA Server Hostname Hostname
Cloud Control | 26
zone Zone status (deactivated,
= Zone is reserved
set up
details page.
Column Description Link Delivers
Comments Comments relating to the
Edit zone information
Send Welcome email
to zone owner
Delete zone
Zone details page in edit mode
Confirmation message
Removes zone from display without prompting for confirmation
Button Action
Assign Zone Remove the zone from the current customer and
transfer it to the customer listed in the
Assign Zone by
Create Create a new zone for the customer using the template
selected in the list.
Create New Zone by Type
CustomersNew Customer: Zone Usage
Zone Usage
section of the
New Customer
page provides detailed
information about zone usage.
Cloud Control | 27
Public IP
Public IP address
Column Description Link Delivers
Period Usage time period NA
Average Active Zones
Average Inactive Zones
Average Active RAM in MB
Average Inactive RAM
Average number of active zones during the time period
Average number of inactive zones during the time period
Average amount of active RAM (in MB) during the time period
Average amount of inactive RAM (in MB) during the time period
in MB
CustomersNew Customer: Virtual IP’s
Column Description Link Delivers
Created At Date and time the virtual IP was
Updated At Date and time the virtual IP was last
Setup At Date and time the virtual IP wa s set up. NA
Cloud Control | 28
address field.
Button Action
Create Create a virtual IP with the address entered in the
Cloud Control | 29
to display a subset of names matching the s earc h st ring.
Customer’s company name
Total RAM
Total RAM for the customer
in the side menu to display the
Button Action
Search Enter a customer or company name in the field and click
Column Description Link Delivers
Customer Customer’s first and la st na me Customer details
Sales Report for Al l Customers
Active Zones Number o f active zones for the
Small Protemplate
Cloud Control | 30
Number of this type of template in use by the customer
+ 114 hidden pages