Dell Chromebox For Meetings 3010
User Guide
Regulatory Model: Z01V
Regulatory Type: Z01V001

Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you
how to avoid the problem.
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
Copyright © 2014 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and
intellectual property laws. Dell™ and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other
jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
2014 - 07
Rev. A00

1 Finding More Information and Resources........................................................5
2 Features.................................................................................................................. 6
3 Requirements to Setup Your Chromebox for Meetings................................ 7
Network requirements.......................................................................................................................... 7
Table/Other mounting requirements................................................................................................... 7
Conference room requirements.....................................................................................................7
Display requirements and installation.................................................................................................. 8
4 Setting up Your Chromebox for Meetings.......................................................9
Connecting a display panel to your Chromebox for meetings...........................................................9
To connect a display panel to your Chromebox for meetings:.................................................... 9
Connecting the Speaker Phone............................................................................................................9
Connecting the camera...................................................................................................................... 10
Placing your camera......................................................................................................................10
Connecting the Remote Control Receiver........................................................................................ 10
Connecting the AC Power Adapter.....................................................................................................11
Recommendations on how to use the power adapter................................................................ 11
Connecting your cables.......................................................................................................................11
Connectors and accessories...............................................................................................................12
Mounting your Chromebox for meetings (Optional).........................................................................13
5 Using your Chromebox for meetings............................................................. 14
Enrolling Chromebox for meetings....................................................................................................14
Selecting other enrollment options....................................................................................................15
Scheduling a video call........................................................................................................................15
Leaving a video call........................................................................................................................16
Managing devices and rooms.............................................................................................................16
Check Admin and console settings for Google Video Conferencing devices............................16
Associating your Chromebox for meetings with the room's online calendar..................................16
Viewing device information.................................................................................................................17
Editing the device name......................................................................................................................18
Naming your Chromebox for meetings............................................................................................. 19
Associating your Chromebox for meetings with a different room, calendar or unassigning
the device from any room..................................................................................................................20
Editing a room name, type, or description........................................................................................ 20
Editing a room name, type, or description.........................................................................................21

6 Troubleshooting................................................................................................. 23
Fixing a problem..................................................................................................................................23
Help and support.................................................................................................................................23
7 Contacting Dell...................................................................................................24

Finding More Information and Resources
See the safety and regulatory documents that shipped with your computer and the regulatory
compliance website at www.dell.com/regulatory_compliance for more information on:
• Safety best practices
• Regulatory certification
• Ergonomics
See www.dell.com for additional information on:
• Warranty
• Terms and Conditions (U.S. only)
• End User License Agreement
Additional information on your product is available at www.dell.com/support.

1. Power Connector
3. USB 3.0 connector 4. HDMI connector
5. Display port connector 6. Headset connector
7. USB 3.0 Port 8. Power Button
9. Memory-card reader 10. Recovery button
11. Secure Cable slot
2. Network connector

Requirements to Setup Your Chromebox
for Meetings
Network requirements
Your Chromebox for meeting device works with both wired and wireless networks. The network
requirements are the same as those for Hangouts. In addition, we recommend a minimum bandwidth of
1 mbps or 2mbps (up/down) for group video conferencing .
NOTE: Although you can use your Chromebox for meeting device over a wireless network
connection, we recommend using a wired network connection for best sound and video quality.
Table/Other mounting requirements
1. For the Chromebox for meetings, you must have a 50 mm x 145 mm x 145 mm or 1.97 inches x 5.71
inches x 5.71 inches. (H x W x L) space available to mount the device or place it in a table.
2. For the speakerphone, you must have at least 55 mm x 140 mm x 150 mm or 2.17 inches x 5.51
inches x 5.91 inches (H x W x L) space available to place the unit on the table or mount it on the wall.
3. The universal hook mount on the camera fits the width on the most standard monitors.
Conference room requirements
Your Chromebox for meetings is designed for a 3-6 person conference room, though it works well in
rooms of 2-10 people. We recommend a room that contains either a long table with the monitor at one
end (optimal), or a round table.
NOTE: A classroom setup is not recommended for using Chromebox for meetings.
The room must have the following:
• Network port (for wired network connections)
• AC power outlet
• Display/TV/Projector

1. Speakerphone
2. Chromebox for meetings
Display requirements and installation
Your Chromebox for meetings can be setup to work with LCD, LED, plasma and projector-type monitors
and televisions. The display must have an HDMI or DisplayPort input. The screen resolution must be at
least 1280 x 720 pixels.
NOTE: For best video quality, we recommend a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.
You can place the display on a table against one wall, or mount the display on a wall or ceiling for a
projector unit.
NOTE: If you already have an existing video conferencing system in the room, you can use the
existing setup for your Chromebox for meetings.