Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity _________________ _______________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Concepts™ Serving Systems
Self-Contained LiquiTec® Cold Pan Serving Counter
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ _____________________ ___________
DC-L 2 Self- containe d LiquiTec® cold pa n serving counter, fi ts two s tandard 12”x20” pans
DC-L 3 Self- containe d LiquiTec® cold pa n serving counter, fi ts three standard 12”x 20” pa ns
DC-L 4 Self- containe d LiquiTec® cold pa n serving counter, fi ts four stand ard 12 ”x2 0” pan s
DC-L 5 Self- containe d LiquiTec® cold pa n serving counter, fi ts five standard 12”x2 0” pan s
DC-L 6 Self- containe d LiquiTec® cold pa n serving counter, fi ts six s tandard 12”x20” pans
Concepts™ Serving Systems: Self-Contained LiquiTec® Cold Pan Serving Counter
DC-L 4
Ex terio r b ody is co nstr ucte d of 0. 75” M elam ine re infor ced
fro nt and rear p anel s wit h 22 ga uge st ainl ess st eel s kin a nd
1” po lyeth ylen e hori zont al ri b sup port s. Hor izon tal b race o n
rea r i s const ruct ed of 18 gau ge galv anize d steel . T he exte rior
end s ar e un fini shed .
Ex teri or to p is co nst ruct ed of 14 ga uge sta inl ess st eel .
Hor izon tal t op s uppor ts o n fr ont a nd re ar a re co nstr ucte d wit h
18 gaug e g alvan ized ste el.
Int erio r base bott om is co nstr ucte d of 16 ga uge g alvan ized
ste el. Ve rti cal b ase sup port bra ces ar e 14 g auge gal vani zed
ste el. To p en d su ppor ts are 12 g auge sta inle ss s teel.
The L iqui Tec® co ld pan has 2- 6 die st ampe d 19.8 7” x 11.8 7”
(50 .5cm x 3 0.2c m) o penin gs w ith dep ress ed e dges. For med
wel l be low e ach open ing is 6. 25” (1 5.9c m) d eep with 0.5” d rain
man ifol d to ga te valve . E ach well , f lush wit h t he top, for fl ush
mou nt p ans to a ccomm odat e 12 ” x 20” (3 0.5c m x 50.8 cm) pans
4” (7 .6cm ) or 6” (15 .2cm ) dee p, su ppli ed b y oth ers. Prod uct
te mper atur es of 33˚ F ( 1˚C ) to 41 ˚F ( 5˚C ) a re m ain tain ed
at 8 6˚F (3 0˚C ) am bien t ro om t empe ratu re, me etin g NS F7
Standard Features
Heavy duty stainless steel top
Reinforced stainl ess steel front and rear
removable p anels
Heavy duty base support structure
Standard on 6” legs
Flush mounted pans
Individual 0.5” stainless steel drains
Thermostat for temperature control
Hig h den sity foa med i n pla ce
environmentally friendly, Kyoto Proto col
Compliant, Non ODP (Ozone Dep letion
Potenti al), Non GWP (G lobal Warmin g
Potent ial) polyuret hane keep s en ergy
costs low
Must be hard wired in field
One year par ts an d labo r sta ndard
req uire ments . Th e co ld pan is sepa rate d fr om the exte rior to p
by a th erma l bre ak. Cop per r efri gerat ion t ubin g is att ache d
to t he si des of ever y wel l. Eut ecti c flu id is u sed a s the h eat
tra nsfe r medi um. C old p an is full y insu late d wit h foam ed in
pla ce po lyur ethan e ins ulat ion. Cold pans are eq uipp ed wi th
a 0.5” stai nles s s teel dra in plumb ed to the drai n v alve loc ated
beh ind the hing ed louve red door.
Ref rige rati on s yste m us es H FC-4 04A ref rige rant an d ha s a
sel f-co ntai ned 115 volt , 60 Her tz, sin gle pha se h erme tical ly
sea led c onden sing unit w ith ad just able cold p an the rmos tat
con trol.
Leg s: B ases mou nted on 6.12 ” adj usta ble legs.
Options &
Custom lengths available per inch
Granite, Hanstone and Solid Surface
top materials
Laminated base panels
Finished stainless steel or laminated
end panel s
Décor panels
Graphics packages
FlexiShield® foodshields
Signag e with overst ructures, li ghts
and heatlamps
Refrigerated base inserts
Heated bas e inserts
Dry sto rage base inserts
Mechanical access doors
Casters (stand alon e units only)
Kickplates (units with legs only)
Tray slides
Adapter plates and bars
Re mote refr iger ant (s peci fy
220v/50 c ycle*
Inclu sion of t his optio n wi ll a lter
electrical specifi cations of the unit
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m
DC-L2 Plan View
DC-L3 Plan View
DC-L4 Plan View
Self-Contained Liqu iTec® Col d Pan Serv ing
Counte r
DC-L2 Elevation View
DC-L5 Plan View DC-L6 Plan View
DC-L5 Elevation View DC-L6 Elevation View
DC-L3 Elevation View
DC-L4 Elevation View
All Models Right Side View
Model Length Depth Height
# of 12”x20”
Pans Held
H.P. V/Hz/Ph Amps BTU Ship Weight
DC-L2 38.00” 36.00” 36.00” 2 1/4 115/60/1 7.0 379 342lbs/155kg
DC-L3 52.00” 36.00” 36.00” 3 1/4 115/60/1 7.0 569 468lbs/212kg
DC-L4 66.00” 36.00” 36.00” 4 1/4 115/60/1 7.0 758 594lbs/269kg
DC-L5 80.00” 36.00” 36.00” 5 1/4 115/60/1 7.0 948 720lbs/327kg
DC-L6 94.00” 36.00” 36.00” 6 1/4 115/60/1 7.0 1138 846lbs/384kg
Concepts™ Serving Systems
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m
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