Concepts™ Serving Systems
Ice Cooled Serving Counter
DC-I C2 Ice cooled ser ving counter, fits two s tan dard 1 2”x20” pans
DC-I C3 Ice cooled ser ving counter, fits thre e standard 12”x20” pans
DC-I C4 Ice cooled ser ving counter, fits four standard 12”x2 0” pans
DC-I C5 Ice cooled ser ving counter, fits five standard 12”x20” pans
DC-I C6 Ice cooled ser ving counter, fits six stan dard 1 2”x20” pans
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity _________________ _______________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ _____________________ ___________
Concepts™ Serving Systems: Ice Cooled Serving Counter
Ex terio r b ody is co nstr ucte d of 0. 75” M elam ine re infor ced
fro nt and rear p anel s wit h 22 ga uge st ainl ess st eel s kin a nd
1” po lyeth ylen e hori zont al ri b sup port s. Hor izon tal b race o n
rea r i s const ruct ed of 18 gau ge galv anize d steel . T he exte rior
end s ar e un fini shed .
Standard Features
Integral V-stam p pan rest
Heavy duty stainless steel top
Reinforced stainle ss st eel f ront and rear
removable p anels
Heavy duty base support structure
Standard on 6” legs
1” drain
Removable perforated false bottom
High density foamed in place environmentally
friendly, Kyoto Protocol Compliant, Non
ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential), Non GWP
(Global Warming Potential) polyurethane
36” work height
One year parts and labor standard warrant y
ins ulat ion. I ce pa n is eq uippe d wit h a (1” (2 .5cm ) I.P.S. d rain
plu mbed t o dra in va lve l ocat ed to ward t he op erat or si de
bot tom insi de u nit base .
Leg s: B ases mou nted on 6.12 ” adj usta ble legs.
Options &
Custom lengths available per inch
Granite, Hanstone and Solid Surface
top materials
Laminated base panels
Finished stainless steel or laminated
end panel s
Décor panels
Graphics packages
FlexiShield® foodshields
Signag e with overst ructures, li ghts
and heatlamps
Refrigerated base inserts
Heated bas e inserts
Dry sto rage base inserts
Mechanical access doors
Casters (stand alon e units only)
Kickplates (units with legs only)
Adapter plates and bars
Tray slides
34” and 30” work heights
Ex teri or to p is co nst ruct ed of 14 ga uge sta inl ess st eel .
Hor izon tal t op s uppor ts o n fr ont a nd re ar a re co nstr ucte d wit h
18 ga uge gal vani zed s teel . Top end sup port s ar e 12 gau ge
sta inle ss s teel .
Int erio r base bott om is co nstr ucte d of 16 ga uge g alvan ized
ste el. Ve rti cal b ase sup port bra ces ar e 14 g auge gal vani zed
ste el.
Ins ulat ed ic e pan is 9” (2 3cm) d eep a nd co nstru cted of 22 -
gau ge s tainl ess ste el. A remo vabl e, pe rfor ated fal se bo ttom
1” (2. 5cm) hi gh, co nstr ucted of st ainl ess st eel, is su ppli ed.
The ice pa n is s epara ted f rom th e ext erior top b y a the rmal
bre ak and fu lly in sulat ed wit h foam in p lace en viron ment ally
fri endl y, Kyo to Pr otoco l Com plia nt, N on OD P (Oz one D eple tion
Pot entia l), Non GW P (G loba l War ming Pot enti al) poly uret hane
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m

DC-IC2 Plan View DC-IC3 Plan View
DC-IC4 Plan View
Ice Coo led Ser ving Counter
DC-IC2 Elevation View DC-IC3 Elevation View
DC-IC5 Plan View DC-IC6 Plan View
DC-IC5 Elevation View DC-IC6 Elevation View
DC-IC4 Elevation View
Model Length Depth Height
DC-IC2 38.00” 36.00” 36.00” 2 209lbs/95kg
DC-IC3 52.00” 36.00” 36.00” 3 286lbs/130kg
DC-IC4 66.00” 36.00” 36.00” 4 363lbs/165kg
DC-IC5 80.00” 36.00” 36.00” 5 440lbs/200kg
Concepts™ Serving Systems
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
DC-IC6 94.00” 36.00” 36.00” 6 517lbs/235kg
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m
Printed in the U.S.A.
All Models Right Side View
# of 12”x20”
Pans Held
Ship Weight