dbx DriveRack 4800, DriveRack 4820 Specifications

DriveRack® 4800 & 4820 Specifications
Analog Inputs: (4) Connectors: Female XLR Type: Electronically balanced, RF filtered Impedance: >50k ohms Maximum Software selectable for: +28, +26, +24, Input Level +22, +20, +18, +16, +14 dBu CMRR: >40 dB typical, >55 dB at 1 kHz
Digital Inputs: (4) AES/EBU Channels Connectors: Female XLR Type: Transformer Isolated, RF filtered Impedance: 110 ohms
RTA Input: (1) Analog Connectors: Female XLR Gain range: 20 dB to 50 dB in 10 dB increments
Analog Outputs: (8) Connectors: Male XLR Type: Electronically balanced, RF filtered Impedance: 30 ohms Max Output Level: Software selectable for: +24, +22, +20, +12, +8, +4 dBu
Digital Outputs: (8) AES/EBU Channels Connectors: Male XLR Type: Transformer Isolated, RF filtered Impedance: 110 ohms
Type: dbx Type IV
Conversion System Dynamic Range: 113 dB unweighted, 116 dB A-weighted Type IV™: 126 dB with transient material, dynamic range A-weighted, 22 kHz BW 123 dB with transient material, unweighted, 22 kHz BW 118 dB typical with program material, A-weighted, 22 kHz BW Sample Rate: 96 kHz or 48 kHz A/D Wordlength: 24 bits
Dynamic Range: 112 dB unweighted, 115 dB A-weighted Sample Rate: 96 kHz or 48 kHz D/A Wordlength: 24 bits
Dynamic Range: 110 dB unweighted, 113 dB A-weighted Internal Processing: 32 bit floating point THD + Noise: 0.004% typical at +4 dBu, 1 kHz,
0 dB input gain
Frequency 20 Hz- 20 kHz,
±0.25 dB, <10
Response: Hz- 50 kHz +0/
3dB @ 96kHz
Interchannel Crosstalk: <-85 dB at 1 kHz, 0 dB input gain
Pre EQ Type: (1) 31-band Graphic EQ on each input;
(1) graphic EQ switchable between 31-band and 9-band Parametric on each input
±15 dB
Input Insert (2) selectable Insert Processing
Processing: Blocks per input Type: Noise Gate, Compressor, Auto Gain Control, De-Esser, Sub-Harmonic Synth, Notch filters and Advanced Feedback Suppression Input Delay: Up to 680 mSec available Routing/Mixing: 4-input mixer available at each input and output allowing any input to be sent or mixed to any output Output Insert (2) selectable Insert Processing blocks per Processing: output Type: Noise Gate, AutoWarmth
, Compressor, Auto
Gain Control, Peak Limiter, Sub-Harmonic Synth X-Over Filter 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6, 1x7, 1x8, 2x2, Configurations 2x3, 2x4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x7, 2x8, 3x3, 3x4, 3x6, 3x7, 4x4, 4x8 Types: Bessel 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 dB/Octave Butterworth 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 & 48 dB/Octave Linkwitz-Riley 12, 24, 36, and 48 dB/Octave Polarity: Positive and Negative Phase Control: 0˚ to
180˚ in 5˚ increments Output EQ Type: (1) 6-band Parametric on each output Output Delay: 1365 mSec shared between the outputs
I/O Transformers: Optional Jensen
JT-11 & JT-123-dbx CobraNet® I/O: Optional Control: Ethernet, RS-232, Optional dbx ZC Wall Panels Power: 100V to 240V 50/60Hz, 35 Watts Dimensions: 3.5” x 19” x 12.15” Weight: 11 lbs. (14 lbs. w/audio transformers) Shipping Weight: 12.5 lbs. (15.5 lbs. w/audio transformers)
dbx Professional Products • 8760 South Sandy Parkway • Sandy UT 84070 • Phone 801.568.7660 Fax 801.568.7662 • Int’l Fax 801.568.7583 • email: customer@dbxpro.com • www.dbxpro.com
DriveRack 4800 front panel
DriveRack 4820 front panel
DriveRack 4800 and 4820 rear panel
©2005 dbx Professional, All Rights Reserved. All specifications are subject to change. dbx and HiQNet are trademarks of Harman International. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective holders.
Hardwa re Arc hitecture Employing industr y standard networking
technologies, HiQnet™ hardware is ready to be integrated into any system. By using Ethernet as its main interface, HiQnet™ assures that products will operate within existing and new infrastructures and provides all the remote access, connectivity, and control required.
Software Architecture Far more
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4800/4820 DriveRack
Complete Equalization and Loudspeaker Management System
System Architecture
As the centerpiece of this system, the DriveRack 4800 provides all the Signal Routing and Processing needed. With Speaker Processing elements including: Bandpass and Crossover Filters with up to 48 dB/Octave slopes, Output Parametric EQ, Delay and Limiting, DriveRack provides everything necessary to make the speakers per­form their best. e 4800 also offers system-wide EQ with both an Input Parametric EQ for the House or System while also providing an Input Graphic EQ for the Front of House Engineer. Additional processing is also available including Noise Gating, Notch Filtering, or classic dbx Compression that can be linked across all the input chan­nels or Feedback Suppression. e DriveRack 4800 is a complete solution for this high-powered system.
e DriveRack 4800 is perfect for this very common application where a single console is feeding both the ste­reo Front of House system as well as a couple of Monitor mixes. With the enormous amount of processing power that the DriveRack offers there is plenty of EQ for both systems; the System Technician or Contractor can have a House Parametric EQ that is set then locked away while the Engineer uses the Input Graphic EQs for the Stereo FOH and the Monitors. e Monitors would also benefit from the use of our Feedback Suppression algorithm that can pinpoint feedback frequencies down to 1/100th of a Hertz.
e flexibility of the DriveRack 4820 is showcased in this system that uses three inputs from the console to create an LCR plus Sub system. e send to the subwoofer could be an additional input from the console, or it could just be an output that is receiving a signal summed from the combination of the LCR inputs. e Extension Room likewise uses an internal sub-mix to create quasi-stereo or mono with a Delay. e Auxiliary Zones are mono sends created using the Mid-Mixer in the 4820. Each of these sub-systems benefits from the DriveRack’s wealth of processing. Wall panel control adds simple elegance; in the main system this ZC-3 wall panel is recalling presets, while the panels in the other areas are providing local volume control.
e DriveRack 4800 can save off Device and Preset files to a computer for later use in system duplication or off-line editing.
Presets are snapshots of the pro­cessing and signal path through the unit. e DriveRack can store up to 50 presets internally; each of which can be viewed, stored and recalled from the Preset Tool.
e Input and Output Mixer/ Router modules allow selection of or mixing between the sources. e input allows mixing between the analog, AES/EBU digital and optional CobraNet inputs, while the output allows selection of/or mixing between the input channels.
Each input provides two EQs, a full-time Graphic EQ and a second EQ that can be switched between Graphic and Parametric. is allows a system “House” EQ that can be either Graphic or Parametric while still maintaining a Graphic EQ for the “Show” or event engineer. Each Output also provides a 6-band Parametric EQ.
Two DSP Inserts are available on each input providing the selection of additional in-line processing like Compression, Automatic Gain Control, Notch Filtering, Gating, De-Essing or Feedback Suppression. Like the other processing functions these inserts can be linked across channels to created stereo, tri or even quad processing functions.
Each input channel in the DriveRack 4800 offers up to 680mSec (766 ft. or 233 m) of Delay for long delay lines. In addition, the outputs provide up to
1.3Sec of configurable Delay so it can be put where it is needed.
Copying and Pasting of DSP processing modules is easy either through the Edit menu functions or by right-clicking on the module itself.
e DriveRack 4800 provides immediate control of the output level with front panel Mute/Trim knobs; the software also provides an additional Solo function allow­ing independent output soloing for setup purposes.
With a front panel XLR jack for a mic, the Real Time Analyzer offers the ability to “view” the frequency reponse of input signals. e RTA is also used as part of the Auto-EQ Wizard function.
e Help menu provides an interactive file that outlines the functionality of the DriveRack 4800 device and how various functions are done.
Each output channel provides two more inserts offering selections such as Peak Limiting, Compression, AutoWarmth®, SubHarmonic Synthesis and Automatic Gain Control to customize the signal path to the application.
Bandpass and Crossover filters are pro­vided on each output with Bessel, Butter­worth and Linkwitz-Riley topologies and filter slopes up to 48 dB/Octave. is section is also where the output Gain, Polarity, and Phase control are found.
e DriveRack 4800/4820 provides the ability to reroute signals to the Analog and Digital Outputs. Clicking on the Output Icon will also show a composite screen of the various filtering that is being done in the output processing functions.
e Tools menu contains the powerful Configuration Wizard and the Zone Controller Wizard that simplify the setup procedure. It also offers access to the device attributes like Sample Rate and Analog Gain Structure in the Utilities menu. Access Control provides multiple levels of security so that portions of the system can be locked away.
ZC-series zone controllers can be used with the DriveRack 4800 and 4820 together, making them the perfect system for contractor-based permanent installations.
ZC-1 ZC-2
e DriveRack® 4800 and 4820 are the next generation products in the famous DriveRack Family, and like their prede­cessors, they are engineered to provide “Everything you need between the mixer and the power amps.” In keeping with this philosophy the 4800 and 4820 include four inputs and eight out­puts with both analog and AES/EBU XLRs; a CobraNet option rounds out the connectivity options for an amaz­ing amount of flexibility. e 96 kHz processing engine is capable of offering DSP insert options in addition to the wealth of standard system processing functions all with extremely low latency and extended frequency response. From Signal Routing, EQ, and Bandpass Filters, to classic dbx® Dynamics and Feedback Suppression all the process­ing is available with the sonic excel­lence that you would expect from the world’s leader in system processing. With all this processing power, control is of paramount importance. e dbx DriveRack 4800 provides a full color display to speed manual operations, this combined with intuitive front panel controls, an easy to use GUI and op­tional wall panel controllers means that
whether your application
is an installation or tour sound, the 4800 or 4820 has what it takes. For
more informa-
tion please visit
dbxpro.com or
The Complete Speaker Management Solution DriveRack 4800/4820 Family ApplicationsDriveRack 4800/4820 Family Features
7 48 and 96 kHz operation
7 Color ¼ VGA Display (4800)
7 4 Analog and AES/EBU inputs
7 8 Analog and AES/EBU outputs
7 31-Band Graphic and 9-band
Parametric EQ on every input
7 Full Bandpass Filter, Crossover and
Routing Configurations with Bessel, Butterworth, and Linkwitz-Riley filters
7 6-band Ouput Parametric EQ
7 Loudspeaker Cluster and Driver
Alignment Delays
7 Selectable DSP inserts on all inputs
and outputs including Classic dbx® Compression, Limiting and Advanced Feedback Suppression among others
7 Ethernet HiQnet networking
and control
7 Optional CobraNet® I/O
7 Optional Jensen® I/O Transformers
7 Optional dbx® ZC wall panel controls
Tablet Mode provides large buttons and icons for easy sys
tem tuning via a Tablet PC and
802.11B&G wireless. e 4800 front panel provides access to all processing functions in two but­ton presses or less. For example, press a channel button …then press a function button and use the analog-style knobs.